Show Old 1 Reliable Abilraot company one JII I UIb Tilio IouraDoa aDd Truat company com-pany I I Wall Paper and Freico OleanUg 1 Feinting Paper Hanging Tinting j etc Wm T Knapton 183 MaiD Bt r 1 > COAL I j Clltle Gate Lump 450 Nut 14 00 I i 1 Winter Quarter Lump 4 SSNut 14 00 r r ill Anthracite all rile 9 60 Backing COc id j i per ton extra No extra haul charge j I wltbin reaionthle dlttancr I jt I P V COAL Co of U J Bharp Agent 111 f Telephone 410 73 Ho Main Bt eE J Till JLILY 1olUVTI j I Ijl 168 W Second Nortti Ball Lake City II i lor the cure of the Liquor Morphine ail l Tobacco and Nervoua dlieatei Ladles I can ricelve treatment ai included aa i l l In the privacy I ol tbelr own home t No r I i 1 reilralnt whatioever Addreii In t I atrlet confluence Lock Box 480 City pit I I or W B Arnold Manager i 1 llft TTDr Coal CemDs7 Bell Welier Lump Coal I Sf50 a Ion I hi t 1 Pine Sf25 Nut 14 U oiu Coal and i I 1 Full 411 Weight guarantied Telephone 1 j r ri0 I 111 i0 Dflerel Chemical Cleaning A Dye 1 Works Ladleiand Uenta aarumnie td I t cleaned dyed soil fepaleed Next n J 4 p I Tribune 121127 loath WII Tempi No Eisteddfod Denver Time Ball Lsko IB la I have no DlileUdfod tbli year but IB 1 to have a magulHcenl Darn ivai In Ibo celebration celebra-tion ot the oOlh annlveraaty or the leltlementor o valley by Ibo Mor mom The cordial good will of Colorado Col-orado It extendeJ to tbe Utonlan for Ibo come 01 this ocellloD Brigham had plenty ol wlvoi but he also had plenty or ides and plenty bl pluck and be accomplished marvele In the rounding or the rtient i busy and progteulve Stale ol Ulab Another 1ioneer To Ilie Tdltor oNIJl ao Uo > April lOtb 1697 Having rood many numlalnoe00 Ibo Planner 10 your Vlluobl piper 1 euppoi a liDO ur Iwo from me would hot come auilai 1 wai born In Dum baron Bootland In Ibo year 1818 and I olned tha Cburch In my native land I was rue only one out ol nil rnlly Ibat did 10 When I came to Nauvoo the Temple there wee only two or three feat abovo the ground I came among Ibo Art Baluti te Utah I have forgotten the name ol the captain ol Ibo company I tatted In I but came to Ball Lake lu IVelldent Wlllard HlcbaMi4 company My name waBKItpen IOAHHIA WATSO On a Iractice March Company F Twenty lourth itgl mol U B A al Fort Uoujlat Captain Crane sod Lieutenant Tay man In command marched down from the poet through the city tbli morDlng on It weekly orol drill Ire coulee WI oven tbn Panrnae boul yard IJug Ibo uorlo bunch end laIn the control part 01 the oily by way 01 East Temple The oom any baited at tbe NEWS corner lor a btlel ret and mom lb ohloete 10 charge IIwae arcetlainrl that aob ompohy I ro qilroil to inako a six mite jraollcr tuaroh once a week Company F made a good ebowlug aa It marched through Ibo elreets of Ibe city thin worolo nod wai Ibo recipient or not u low ojmpllmcnu First Mail in tour Days Til a lint mall from Portland l Ore goo and vicinity In lour dope arrived ID Bait Luke at 10 oclock today High water WDnouto and laudelluei have boo Ibo cue 01 bo delay SONEf111lDRq rowv ry slowly knp Non In nn ire fr tfW f ai does not do them muchrood You Growing wTtsEriha v dnrney t I I they never proirer A ilieht cold VChUdrenyasK 111 S rata th < mwa ru Scoffs Emulsion of cod 7 7 beer I O4 w th Hypophoiphitf I hrt the remedy for growing chlUren It glvu sound D rrn nikMitrongtxinei heilthy nerves tI s J Sxg 1 I FREED FURNITURE CARPET CO 1 1 ilt i m = f 1 I l I lr i I Our New Spring Stock is now completeshowing all the newest i i t designs and styles 1 l 1 l f k I IiiI I ty l Note our Leaders for this week jci II 1 ii 1 I J IRON BEDS from 475 and up I 1 I BED ROOM SUITS 3 pieces for 1250 I j 1 lyl DINING ROOM CIIAIRS oak for 90c 1I + I 1 Ig l 5 piece overstuffed PARLOR SUIT for 25 M j E ffl SIDEBOARD elegant design for 8 MI t if ll I fs i We also have a complete stock of Book CasesCombination l Cases and Ladies Desks in all fancy woods i iJ 31 i i tl I Freed FurmtMro Carpet Co I r I 30 to 40 East Third South St i fJ v = = w = = rl 1 L tt ca e d + sirs ities + = r ea S lfC as Awarded ttigileat Honors World5 Fair DR t Iefi fHiIEM I lllJi Nj tJH 1i MOST PERFECT MADE A pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder Frrt from Ammonia Alum or any other adulterant 40 Years tHe Standard Evcrybwly Come to tin illicit Shoe Sale Now on Spencer A Lyncli I 1 Co 124 I Main hew < oh ssnenente malls y Nwoomb bee bla new gallery at 24 West Second Booth all ready fur Liu no The Iht Improved k7111tbt and everything up to dale For fine tracts In lighting and poring this Is I the plsce to no SoblKz Malt Extract A food A tonlo 12 drzn ruo Kentucky Liquor Co 13 1 Hpconl Bi Agcnla Tomorrow weatberm Dort ° U rS Ihlt Walker lice ad The direct line to Kansas City Bt Lout sod Atlaollo oboard to via Ibo illteourl Pacific Hallway from Pueblo Through sleeping and chair cars and all connection made In Union depots In ton day time If you ate going Eaet and rare Ir I daylight ride through Ibo grandest iceueryof Ibo Kooky Mounlalna en tonic I tea that your ticket read via Mlnourl Faclflo Hallway iterant ebalr cars positively free to holders of regular train tickU lickH B KOOBEII C F A P A Halt Lake City load Vlatu rom Almost uothirK cud I rueiaolslncurS5000 f Jubilee Cash Diminution Dont mm the Moicot Shoe Bale kpencer S 1 lv cli O 124 Main Nawoorub will uavv iho uuly photograph photo-graph gallery In this country that has halrdreatlng parlors conntoilon wltb Ihe gallery Only first ciao work dODO In all the branches A glimpse Into hlattudlo will be safnolent guarantee guar-antee that you can get what ycu want both ID Ann photo nJ A retclhe haIr dressing No 24 W Second South A good hilr lrrM ar will di well to call Taster ecgi sell veil Oolo net croee bllD I Hut J O 9 MrlaTOs Nncgela Arc telling by tho Ion Read Laude BdvtrtUeuient InWant Column Jo llmiuiiinrlrii Ilio fuller Removed 1W Slain ht I Mnba Ant clue BuUlnn and nvirroili ISO Rfllabto 1 lrrlrl 0 W orb For dare f houo wiring and elegant line chnndellora go to the InterMountain Inter-Mountain Llectrlo Co 45 East Flrtt South Btreet Dr Theodora Mayer iopoDod omo at 1rcgtei Jllock W r Batmen elenUII Iborougb and palnltss dentltl does the belt owl cheapest dental work In the city 71 West Tint Houlh 1cJ belly Com lu the Matcut Shoe Hale Now oil Bpenovr A jrch Co 124 1 Main Kniiilj Hnnilr liunilr Tbo Moan ou earth at 6u a pound The Kolllz Karidy Kitchen CO Main Dr O B ldew tl i bailing denllit onoiii Ya Mud Malt Lnlo Nru > ginger Iviipatiy All klua of leaven r tr Ik at fair prlcis 01110 under Walker Hank Telephoun270 1 O box 209 Frank lumn a1n0ver A5IUIUCAN iom Ulan March 19 18971 have teen troubled with short neon of breath and a pain III I my stomach wlilrh was eipeclally trcuble a me after mOil I have been taking IIcoJ Idarapaills aDd It has aDO 10 the rlcht spot and tone relieved moot Ibo elm I 1m very thankful for what hoed Binaparllla hoe done lora lor-a and I heartily recommend IL I Iso ABEL I Hoods 1111 esay to buy eney 10 Ik eny In anent 250 I lloi t HIY Iho Urinl Mascot Sotto dale You cant afford to dl cute aDd got your coupon I Bpencer A Lynch Co 1S4 Main Mrs A Inveeu reildlnz at 720 Uenry 81 Alton III tmllired with sciatic rbtumitlsm for over eight monibr Blis doctored for It 1 nearly Ibo whole of thla time utlng various remedies oommoDdJ by friend and was treated by the phyilclars but received no relief Bhe then u < ed ore and a ball bollleg of Cbcmlerlaltj 1alu Balm which eT < cted eomplite cure Thin Is I published at bar rqueit oo she want others similarly illllcted to know what cured her Toe Jj and 50 cent sltm ion tale by drugijlin CASTORIA For Infanta and Children he lle Hall t e tluar tOCClrI cap II e Ttppla PIONEERS OF 1847 T AM ANTIOCS o score the per I oho J tIOR 1loncer of 1i 5 memento 01 the Jobl Ire Vu aad > > r ti itoncal porpoiet I Innta all of them I nl at the A liT ZA 11 cod hu their make lira of or e nob pmon a my et De 100 < eel bIo Jun let will ch bllo mewr undl 00 Olhr hlet ortnlt wllh ro1 name nd prtha 1m of be dale et orrl lint and their era UI login lalloe ll lltlBiltd to all 1 who lend In blO l vWey the year of lilt Take Your Wlfo onset thoia liavndionte rosaom roe Bozu Th y hI tree wltli oeb boo of powder iiflMH W i l I JK r tb1 IL x c Ir4 3ooot Nsqiys lpd n ° a 1 CAKES Y lMrl UN PASTE FOR GENERAL lY FOR A QUICK WTO DBWZH BLACKING APPLIED ADD APPUtDfJ40POU5HfAWRHAMLO ID POLISHED WITH CRUSH Imoa l me PevptCaHoeMasaUSA I Yaurr 1 Baby Is the handsomest i in i the world n V no doubt nbout It He i should e t have the Lest ol evert thin 4 sy t M M Time is new here when a baby t r > CYI carriage a necessity why not combine beauty and durability c f with low price and buy the w BABY CARRIAGE With well made and handsome body easy springs and rubber Ii ires and the I lowest prices I for their I value iJgCli 4 RELIABLE GOO r FAIR TREATMENT SATISFACTION SURE 0 e If you Buy or COOp v Furniture Coo 1113 MAIN ST REAPER THAN THE EIRE SALE See our show windows for prices W r v5 r Ttfss < < M tM A l t atL ° e y = S t 5 + nT i R fi rA i I IJi 4a at t I65O lot a floe Crst class 4 hole No 8 cooklnr stove like cut with lance oven 00 A I baker end fully guaranteed with one N68 copper boiler and 26 pieces of cooking utemps I This price ncludes i Joint pipe delivered and set up free FOR 15 DAVS ONLY Utah Stove Hardware Co CORNER COMMERCIAL AND FIRST SOUTH STREETS HEY THEREIN WHATS THE MATTER WITH OUR LINE OF J Vb Bicycles 1 Q 1 r M < TrAIIN B The Yellow lello IIUIDLtIIS betttt then uor 0 nIILING abvlli lute awateh lIIELS the belldom terv r15 ape nltTrle spared lmrI rented cyda cothing I aad cycle I undo Dr alt kIDO Lodsk Yremo aad the Ietaa stets I aad heed Uamera 1 a are aeadgHrter roc lhooting aad YIblg goon BROWNING BROS > i m Mln street siltlakoCllj Ia reel I Wulilngloa Lee Ogdnn Still CABINET at the old PHOTOS place making In Ibe Ibelinal city lor 100 Per DOZe We have some Bargains in Frames II ELLIS o111EST I SECOND SOUTH ST a a Ioo SCREEN DOORSioo 0 Nicely painted Screen Doors nil stock sizes for ft each We also carry a Urn jf fancy Front Screen Doors nt prices that exclude competition Call and see us or telephone your order orderUTAH LUMBER CO Talephono 514 255 W South Temple Wn HAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER CARLOAD Ob THE CELEBRATED Great idem Stoves and Steel Ranges Which this for market beauty PRICES workmanship from I J30 and 00 quality lo I J50 combined 00 We invite i cannot public be excelled insprcllo in n of the sam Ptumbin iAB done on short noUec Tin dcv IIDb Repairs dff p5S Galamd Iron Work to 1 ell its krone es at lowedd prices THE DAVID JAMES CO 07 lUAIN SXHKET L t = STORAGE FIdelity Storage Company Beet Clenneet 1 and Cheapest Storage the city for pianos furllllure trunketc In Money advanced on goods stored 1ncklnj shipping and moving 226 S West Temple Street Send IosUl to Box 34 11i1x ONION rnII JIOXIT AT umlc nr INlfIr Ian mm Un iOME fmRE OF UTAH a HEBEB J GRANT CO Jon1 Aarnte It PayS Any termer nltD Leo or Hand Separator mare cow to Day n A hogets Up trove bob ieree1 much 1It to gnalily ar Inomlllono NepSr tor Dr a0y dlry or treomary mneblaary write nI AI III 00 Keel rlUl enuth Agent Creamery lOCk o jute Co Kaniaa CI1 THE SEAL FlSrl OYSTER MAAW J W liISG Iro1rletor II motel 10 the large I new store 30 W esl Font nulh and nil carr the cholemt aeorlmast 01 Fish 0lattne aH 1oullry to bo found in the citjr Telephone UTAH OP11CAL CO tentt la u She prerer pine 10 get ghats I TI by abOCml hrht wlh mIrYment sdepmll wont trop aprne0ce I Iu the rorrectton or rarseui lrr site ao barge tor tasmloalloo Abut pobo 0 1 A-but ea1wrltntedud 1lllmolo opbtlan is member lee fun cical Co lilttoent Wall rol kink eowt ry EVILS 9 IK I J revlml PStETED ael rohaL r la The frpn 0 r e and y ur I rt made U n I Ito erne W 21nNS hmeg aa0s pow t 1 Cer aad penned Ineaa 4 with remorath Ile roe coete0t sr rlwq I t e mete to rtsa lrrfu neAr I neA-r lird Nnnp to YJ Iernw nntaro amp s i Ia r tor o 1 enaOR wal0 h star clelnreonnemk r tlorta tlesnleR paiab tatmr banela Kuhl f oriel and k1111R1ee1 tor ebaneer and caeca felanea for peletry < 1T 4 more ell pamnaa anal 2112 Frd co Gn 1 Aeat 1h11i P i 1 Dr H Beckslrom j I Dentist 176 State Street and 69 Second South lalroa Block Ten Ulufne Irfeste seem 01 L ud Pay 1VtihL E urn pDa can Restaurant i He p-Da u t e seed e oak tr rr4 edt LU Llty Vial Th e On iT Flrtcl Rutarat fa 1151 entrue to Isdlu I dicier morel LOCI hkklltl hasaw TheCullen RATES f2 artil 2GO per dayS day-S C EWING I Prop EVERETT HOUSE UMUS l QUillE M W lultE laToilie hole tot UUh people In Sew Yorl Under now maRement 1b0bIJ reD Toted i UO end al l I f 15 I0 ovneer hest alox b no lliopplrnt dlitrlct j Leanaeat rI f Kel of a00 e and inanity ceeenhle tram aLL p anu of th ty xaropoan yloo on t WL 1t nATx0 ter Ibo seat smprond masse et 0 r BRtisirp Callea Dr E M Keysoi Slnco the Broil Anarbach Ire bra F M W or ba located temporarily I at Hi Mitn DLr04 j one door north rat Aaerbnche Oise and 1 prepared to complete fC work oMo J i Iw proms at the of r pre Abo hoot Ippo for all breeh or proteslonal wa 5oa t nevi oaotud fU hlaln street enfcllon oreL aroNe and reoabl Yrrya r voodrmt fare inlap house This Concerns All Tbal are going to bare their rhotorrupbl taken l0 tall lad tee our wort belorl arotLAUerbeh Igo IYSt south NLLtertrut ba11a10g i scorch g p5at wu top i dcitroj ed bnre MATSON BROS fcologriphiri Royal Horse Remedies Ac 0t ri UItNAi good EeT tor BP men aLL ro iitf I al sore of limn boot Uerlaa core roc toll and addl J J u al l of col btlsee nA old ores m Iom 4 trod weliln Ismrnru our cey L tronb r ee nr TM at 111 O I 1 r0 R tNr and all teed and dntq storoe liencra APrel BoI fai 1 t 1J wi 7u < ll Da name Nnlt Lae Ulty Atf wanted b 10 coor SALT lAKE WIRE MATTRESS COMplY also faeturera cf notan Wlro H HfA en teal tpitoci 11i I m m Cola ill lv ire llatlreae re iltreebeil F KBCK1IARDT rroprnwri 110111 touth ndliit 1811 hue cur t |