Show IPDhlK AMI ILIIlKU The comparative I strength of tbi forefeet Turley amlUreece has beet variously estimated The tubjolnei fl urn are from the New Y t Jnurna TURKISH Ansir riACE FOOTING Infantry I 220100 1 Inll Artillery Cnvnlry 1 ng I I gunnl wor fLTiiIIII I 21600 J8W 76J 1 OrdIIco find ouhIInc do partments 127GO Total standing army 310000 TURKISH AMYWAn FOOTIMI BUnJIng Hriiiy 319ron itedil J gg At utTI j 2fU40O lIamldlu cavAG tOIKO Total 1 I I 1ojKIIO a TURICISII NAvr Armored battle ships 15 Unarmored i 8 Dispatch Armored Unartnored lone Tru I ti nv iEjjH 20 27 N adoohIlU19 Torpedo Imatn ff Ni T 37 Torpedo boalaMo 2 i 5 OLlEE AnMYOEACE rOOrlG Infantry l g Artllley 212S7 > Engineers 12113 11011ro1 her ice LOT lendartneirfe 3 = War office = = 3fut Military schools E Total atandistg army 2 Job I QUEER AIIYWAn FOOTO Staiding Rtuly I I 21877 WJ IlULrvo force 101fok Territorial army 110000 Total 275377 OUEcn NAVY Arrord battle hIV m 5 Uarnae 4 Clunboats 2 Corvettes It Is I generally understood bowavr that the Turkleu lUet Is abut uiele I view confirmed by the recent order from Uonaantlnople to keep Ibe ehlt > under the protection or tile aunt of lit foils Tbo Greek navy on tbe contrary lhcujh small Is I Inline In-line trim and financed h 1 efficient crews The great dlQereuu In the numerical strength of Ihe armies la onset by the fact that Urecc can cotellutratt Almost be oollr fighting strength alllnt the enemy while the Turks nocally mue bu vast military bodies all over the em pile In order to suppress possible rr volte aid In the collection of tae and perform various other duties The chief Interest In the present war centers In tile quotation of Ibo probable allllune of the oilier powers of Ivarope The real parties are be lIeveJ 10 be EaglallJ aDd Biloa Under the Berlin treaty the fcimi country Is I under obligation to main Iain Ibo Integrity of Turkey as long as she occupies Cyprus But Kjeila tooclaims the ixoluilve right to protect pro-tect the tultsn Whatever complies lion may arise from there ooifllcilu lalms Is Ivol yet dltllcult lo foleser but I there Is a general feeling that tbe sc called eastern question Is I about lo be rerraanently settled |