Show HE 01 DEVILit CA111 hCV111 A Co Vehicle AbO for VI be A oppirs Tbe copper ore depcalci of the Hoists Davis district In western Idab have atmenu some attention from lime t to limp but very little work has non dOL uon them me far principally 00 account of tbelr lltuallo I says Ibe Engineering and Mining Journal the Jifilculiy ot reaching them and Ibe Impossibility at present of carrying heavy machinery Into the region A number or claims I ave been taken up In Ibo district but on most of them only enough walk has been done 10 indicate the existence of deposits of copper quite rich enough and extensive enough 10 Warrant further ezploralloo 00 B Istrhgvr scale Tbere Is I a prospect that the region may be opanol up before long Wo undcrstauu that ueiiolli sinus are flow 10 progress for the buildIng build-Ing cl a railroad Into The dllllci With a otroP7 pluboolllly that work will be begun thA Season The company 01 which ix Mayor Franklin B Kdaiu of New York Is I bead proposes to start from the Oregon Short Line at Walter or Payer t let with the luuutlun of continuing con-tinuing the line ultimately northward to Btokant though tile road beyouu Ihe Ssven Devil la I a matter for future consideration The region has an abundant supply of watoi there are several consluerable alreama and high falls which otuld readily be utll zed I for tile pnduclbn ol power lor trio mine Ine main consideration Is the possibility of obtaining machinery and Itt and lit le or no new work can le expected until the railroad quettlon I 5 tellled |