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Show THE PAGE SIX &ZJs FINNEY OF THE FORCE OANMY ( themye-- z HUL WACKEG QAM MV - UJAS GAMG! HUCTEOv ) --TV . IaJASNT.THEGE. The End of a Perfect Da f OAhjuv rtrrc no au i aavpc tuc QUAQltl It? HANGOOTf Accordinf to Pap Xuuit) the Seven Teatht-- r Tdr CMv MM ' II v J I INTO V I ' IXJ Won-de- rt of the world. Johnny I Cou't know but one of them, nul thut wai papa when he waa a boy. GANG ON THE WCUSE Hfc" WANTED TO FOILE A N0M6ER OPP HIS JOINED THE OTHEB GAT Alt' (VAC UJAS GlVlN I (f Thursday, November 5, 1931 OELL.LAST KIOIGHT WHIN BUGS HIS GANG FOlNAL DlQECTlOWS, Ol HAD THE OTHER. THCEE GUYS' AV THE QUAOTETTE SING WAN AV OANNS FAV'RITE SONGS OOTSOIDE THE (5, VEZ RAYMlMBER. USETEtt INJOY StNGlN IN HOW THAT NEIGHBORHOOD HE NEPHI. UTAH S. miiMHiiiii!iiinir.finHiiimniii!fi FANNY OARUKJ'.' caught THE TIMES-NEW- MercolizcdVax .. I 5 -H Keeps Skin Young dird. ui Q mm4 mm mm d uani Fla Mrtfctwf M puuvU. m ii u4 ( br brtmt o itui buldtM Piwly ol your ftkla. T wrinklww tw u ouum lwdral ftaoLit 4mAv4 tm mum ,, pint mUmm, itittI. A 4ni W Secttonallf Spklnf 8o you're from the South, ht What part?" South IaUota.M Capper's Weekly. Neat's Mother Has Right Idea j Within THE FEATHERHEADS By TH1KJG. BOT REMEMBER you TELLING ME YOUR NAAAE, OL AAAM I ITS Oiborn XOMCE OOEMT U)TTH A GlftL FOR TWO YEARS .AMD IT WASN'T TILL A YEAB AFTEG THAT X LEARNED A FUNJNY doNt ) V J To Sidetracked UP U1AC ( CnAAFOMP ei THOOGHT J SHE WAS? .J I SHE UJAS SOMEONE, WHO, HAP YOO ( V ALL V V DEARl MAAAE, ALONG SHE OJASM't e Rescue X DECLARE.. PINO OUT HIS ij SEE?.... AUP HERE MQll V .p P rn !i the Concrete a few months there will be no more feverish, bilious, headachy, constipated, pale and puny children. That prophecy would surely come true If every mother coeld see for herself how quickly, easily, and harmlessly the bowels of babies and children are cleansed, regulated, given tone and strength by a product which has proved Its merit and reliability to do what Is claimed for It to millions of mothers In over fifty years of steadily Increasing use. As mothers find out from using It how children respond to the gentle influence of California Fig Syrup by growing stronger, sturdier and more active dully they simply have to tell other mothers about it. That's one of the reasons for Its overwhelming sales of over four million bottles a year. A Western mother, Mrs. Neal M. Todd, 1701 West 27th St, Oklahoma City, Okla., says: "When my son, Neal, was three years old he began having constipation. I decided to give him California Fig Syrup and In a few days he was all right and looked fine again. This pleased me so much that I have used Fig Syrup ever since for all his colds or little upset spells. It always stops his trouble quick, strengthens him, makes him eat." Always ask for California Fig Syrup by the full name and see that the carton bears the word "California." Then you'll get the genuine. The Picker "Have you and your wife selected a new car yet?" "No, she hasn't." Mothers Watch Children's colds head often "settW CJMMON and cold, chest where they nay become dangerous. Don't take a chance at the first sniffle rub on Children's Musterole once every hour hours. forfiye Children's Musterole is just good old Musterole, you have known so long, in milder form. This famous blend of oil of mustan, camphor, menthol and other ingredients brings relief naturally. Musterole gets action because it is a scientific"counrer irritant" not just a salve it penetrates and stimulates blood circulation, helps to draw out infection and pain. Keep full strength Musterole on hand, for adults and the milder Children's Musterole for little tots. All druggists, ' CHILDREN'S (Oprrietif. rii(l!uwri. w. st o.) -- - i' GUS GOBSTICK. VUV-- JEST fcT HE ?IECE VlWKE OOWT UWE DAWGOME. VJOTUWJ? &OT VCtVS ALL OAN LOV4& OWE AOtt LKE TWS AV4 Gtf "XVAEN WMJmk VAE tUM OVA VM VWEUV WOU-EBIK- AT AeeouKrr ;. . Passing the Buck, (or Rather Passing the Five Bucks) By Charles Sughroe- A WeSttm Nwfnpt Unto MCKE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL - of kan aaarriage l p1 TUS F)t, -- tVt tO -- V A. AViW AKTVC.LE AUO POLLtxR. ,L GOE FELLONJJ VJUO VJWJTE VJ Acid ,ril .Jt. GOSH'. KAN J MILD Civilization will save Itself; but It will depend on its intellect, not on Its emotions. That, we suppose, Is being hardbolled. stomach DDJLUORW. The Labor Conference Is Nothing Compared to This Incident THE CLANCY KIDS I A TRY-f0- COAL & HAO I I CCTe Seen' Kiceo aftcr. a !ou6htr )lTe.L.tcve TOUCH DOWtf JUST AS THC OACt WAS coinc ovefi the cross- - HuCe. SPLINTER. Car we'oceo itsccf in the. LPiCluC AHD htO THC -- A Bau. rAsr 7HC TeAMS-FlNON- (VOTHKVC 8AC(. IN RULt5 THCM - C TtiC FOOT- - to On VacC l, f 2ZJJ know-m- C005IN 0N5y(?ACoj( ( j S T5 Funny:717I iWirffTPf fJ -- H-l J ' cuioe E.N0eAJOR TO Cain Xneiiz points Or Lung PoweR 08ornra'i nutHTFlTl y r, I fi.CYCUftf.VYA ll 1 I i TlT (rf oqj -- . .c l$ fuoviYk&oT T, THAT-- J I SJy yjnne-- - - r- r i I TH c (,thi I I I J rVeH-eoT- kulC Vjouist bwk7s ( tt'U INDIGESTION IWNH Hervln iT5lr$iN'z I 111 For Troubles UI I due to Acid HI I NewnnnDer Svndlcate. L AinT IT? li -- y M 1131 ITSON I U caw cxaAiN whv to By PERCY L. CROSBY B. hoioVouV 1 1 1 I I ACIO STOMACH MtARTBUR" j MEADACMi V Iritir ," I 3 JlJ i: It results in pain and sourness about two hours after eating. The quick corrective is an alkali uphirh npiilraliToa otA Tho corrective is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It has remained standard witk physicians in the 50 years since its invention. One spoonful of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia neutralizes instantly many times its volume in acid. Harmless, and tasteless, and yet its action is quick. You will never rely on crude methods, once you learn how quickly this method acts. Be sure to get the genuine. The ideal dentifrice for clean leeth and healthy gums is Phillips' Dental Magnesia, a superior toothpaste that safeguards against acid mouth. of indigestion. |