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Show THE PACE TWO Events the World Over For Money, Ye Walrui and Carpenter What One Plane Could Do lriih Paternalism Toole Sam has collected between nullum dollars from gangsters that failed to pay Income tax. Finding, prosecuting and collecting has been expensive, but there bas been a considerable net profit. In our kind of civilization the national government can catch and convict men who owe the govern nnent money, and local governments cannot convict men who commit murder. It pays to catch those that owe 10 ami 40 money. The walrus and the carpenter Invited the little oysters to "a pleasant walk, a pleasant talk along the briny beach." They hHd It. and of those little oysters only the shells were left when the walk ended. President Hoover and Premier Laval have had their pleasant walk and pleasant talk. From London and Berlin comes lnformatio. that those two nationalities, observing the Hoover-Lava- l pleasant walk and pleasant talk, feel that they. Britain and Germany, have played the part of the little oysters. but Germans expect nothing trouble, they are used to It. Hut the British are hurt. They feel that their "prestige In Europe has suffered." Only a little while ago they were financing France In the war. General Pershing who protests against reducing the Army, thinks that S0O.0U0 trained men. ready for service In 1917. would have kept us out of the great war. He Is mistaken about that. Europe would have been all the more anxious to get us Id. and Europe TOOK U3 IN. General Pershing adds "our mobile force or 30.000 wouldn't half fill Yale's football stadium." This Is true, but one single airplane carrying two men and explosive bombs. WOULD EMPTY YALE'S STADIUM IN ABOUT A MINUTE If the people could get out so rapidly. And one airplane, equipped with modern poison gps. could destroy the lives of as many as could enter the Yale stadium. This country needs submarines out of sight to destroy ships of any nations attacking us and in the air a fighting fleet, greater by at least one hundred per cent, than that of any other nation, to remind the world that to attack us would mean subsequent destruction. 1 J jsJ For centuries Irish f.shermen and their families have lived on the Islands of Innls-kewild, wind-sweyf ANT of the Berlin papers off the coast of County Mayo. called the parley In WashingYou know those courageous fighters of the Atlantic If you have read ton a failure, but German statesSynge's beautiful and powerful play, men unofficially expressed their satisfaction because "Riders of the Sea." Iloovei The Irish Free State, bringing all President the Inhabitants of lonely lnniskea advised Europe I' hack to the mainland, rives to each must get together six acres of good land and one and arrive at a defl thousand dollars to Improve the nlte agreement, not only on reparations land. Here we Bhould call that pater- bnt on war debts also. He did not. nalism. The Angel Gabriel probIt was remarked ably has another name for it. a. What ia the news? The Lavals have gone home, their ship delayed twelve hours because Madamoiselle Laval, dancing with handsome young Mayor Walker, made the ship miss the tide. We may not have statesmen as able as the French, but we have handsome dancers. mmm Mac-Donal- fast-growi- congressRADICAL Republican In number, have men, served notice on the regular Re- publicans that they will not with the latter In the organization of the new house unless their demands for agricultural urn! unemployment relief are given conThese La Kollette folsideration. lowers, according to their newspaper In Madison, are to hold a meeting within a few weeks and have Invited the attendance of radical representatives from other states, namely: Philip I). Swing, California; E. 11. Campbell, Iowa: Florello La Guardla, New York ; James H. Sinclair, North Dakota: O. B. Lovette, Tennessee, and Paul J. Kvale, Minnesota. 8-- financial experts DEMOCRATIC are proposing the creation of a $2,000,000,000 pool by the government for Immediate of froz en real estate securities and other slow paper In the of bunks. hands The plan was put forward by Senator Bulkley of Ohio, who called It a of the corollary Hoover emergency economic program. He urged that it should be curried Sen. Bulkley out through an es tablished government agency rather than a new one, and suggested the federal land banks. His idea is that the government should float bonds to raise the huge sum, believing that such an issue would do a lot in drawing currency out of hoarding. Senator Glass of Virginia, who Is spokesman for the Democrats on banking matters, gave the Bulkley plan his approval. Both these senators are on the bunking subcommittee now engaged in drafting new legislation. They have declared their opposition to any tampering with the federal reserve system In the effort to get that organization to rediscount new paper to meet the emergency. over the economy Florida, California and all the Gulf Coast say "Come and spend the winter in our sunshine, and cure whatever is the matter with you." Dr. Richard Monohan, just arrived from Venice, says the Lido sunshine will cure arthritis and other things In a few days Cali- fornia, Florida or 3ulf Coast will do the same. Try it. sun-Bhi- pro- gram reached the acrimonious stage. William Howard Gardiner, many alone. It was president of the Navy league, a civsaid that German Dino Grand! ilian organization, gave out a statecoun fears that the try might be placed nt the mercy of ment attacking the President's navy France If the Washington parleys construction policies nnd accusing failed to accomplish a Joint solu- Mr. Hoover of "abysmal Ignorance" tion had proved unwarranted, and of the reasons why navies are mainthat the problems are now before tained. The President retorted with Berlin feels the announcement that he would npEurope ns a whole. that an International conference on polnt a committee to investigate the war debts and reparations must be charges made by Gardiner, declaring they were full of untruths and called quickly. the conGermany derived further satis- misstatements nnd thatheatwould exfaction from the visit to Berlin of clusion of the Inquiry Dino Grandl, foreign minister of pect a public apology from GarItaly. The Italian pledged his diner. country to help Germany In the task of overcoming Its present great SUBSCRIPTIONS to the half pool formed difficulties and the Berlin officials also believe that the forthcoming according to the President's proIn so trip of Slgnor Grand! to Washing- posals have beenall coming of the parts plentifully from ton will further clarify the situation and redound to the benefit of country that Its managers Informed the President It wns about to put Germany. the credit extension plan into operBRITAIN went to the ation by helping banks turn their GREAT and gave the National- good but frozen nssets into cash for business purposes. ist government of Hamsay MaePon-alHopeful of buoyant results from a most astonishing victory. The has Labor party was almost wiped out the plan, the administration conso far as parliamentary membership dropped for the time being Its action for strengthening goes, nnd the Conservatives are In templated railroad bonds. full control. Though nt this writing the returns are not quite complete. It Is known that every mem- SECRETARY OF WAR HURLEY, to Washington, ex ber of the cabinet Is cept Sir William Jowett. attorney reported to President Hoover what general, who lost to another Con- he learned in the Philippines, and servative candidate, and Chancellor immediately thereafter Mr. Hoover of the Exchequer Philip Snowden. announced that in his opinion Inwho wns not a candidate. The suc- dependence for the Islands at this cess of Prime Minister MncDonald time, without assurances of ecohimself at Seaham Harbor was In nomic si ability, would lead to disdoubt for a time, but he won hy a aster. He knows, however, that a Among the victors large group In congress, perhaps a good majority. were Lady Nancy Astor iiTid Vis- majority In each house, is ready count P.orodale, son of E:irl Beatty. to vote for independence, so lie Labor party leaders who went Is gifting ready to offer a new down In defeat Include Arthur Hen- policy for the islands that lie hopes derson, Ben Tlllett, Ben Turner, will head off such legislation. This John Clynesnnd Margaret Bondlleld. policy provides for American coThey nnd other prominent Lubor-lte- s operation in giving the Philippines will be provided with seats economic and governmental stabillater through the resignation of ity, the methods to be presented in message at the members representing sure constit the President's Capper's Weekly, owned by Senator Capper of Kansas, reaching several millions that lire on farms. Is always Interesting. For instance. Senator Capper sug gests that Mahstama Gandhi, afraid to come to America, less he be "laughed at," might "stick around Wall Street. Nobody laughing there these days." Senator Capper also reminds you of Nature's marvelous fertility, as Twenty-fou- r follows: years ago. the Canadian government bought a few bisons from a Montana Indian Canada's bison herd now numbers 6,000. more than the alloted pasture land will take care of. Fifteen hundred young bisons must he slaughtered and eaten this year. No better meat than the hump of a young bison. (,1931. or It"1 Featurw Syndicate, Inc.) d mi g - civilization Western may be saved by "huts" and "ifs." India could easily get rid of British power IF Mohammedans and Hindus could agree, and give up the pleasure of killing each other. BUT they can't agree and they wont give up that pleasure. China might beat Japan IF North and South China could agree BUT they can't agree. KEEPING TAB ON 8a uencies. Sir Oswald Mosley, weulthy leader of the new party, was a poor third In his district. The triumph of the Conservatives Is so tremendous that it may prove embarrassing and rewult In the downfall of Prime Minister The Tories have such a huge majority thut they probably will take over the control of the government. In that cine It Is expected they will undertake to pass protective tariff legislation, though Stanley Baldwin and other Conservative leaden have been rather noncommittal on that subject. CONTROVERSY Scorr"! Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil build nj protccti the bodici of growing youngsteri, infanu, tnd expectant mothers. Doctors nnd it gives them s wealth of Vitamin A for correct growth, as well as Vitamin D, the "sunshine vitamin" so otcmial in building strong, healthy bones and teeth. Valuable calcium salts are also in ic . . . and its pleasant flavor make Scott's Emulsion easy for children to take. Good for adult tool Scott Bowne, Bloomhcld, N. J. Sales Representatives, Ii. F. Ritchie & Co., Inc., New York. hastily brought to the Island by. AGES OF CHICKS plane from Egypt and warships were concentrated there. The unrest Good Reasons Why Matter was reported to be spreading to Mala Important. Harm tc EataltWa "Horn. 1 s - ,.-lta. The Cypriotes '"1 l:tUP. m. wrbtatumm KHJ Lorn Ana: i. KOIS r tlal, A c Ham want their island The quemloD may arise In the turned over to I . ir, in . m,,.,uv "wine u n iv Greece and the to be uble to tell the differ sary Maltese apparently enceii In ages of pullets. seek union with The answer Is that when It Is The goverItaly. time to put the pullets In the laynor of Cyprus, Sir ing houne, there are some that are! Ronald Kt orris, not worth keeping. These should whose official resia baby bear, which was found wanbe sorted out, and It Is well to keep Wild Life-- Just Outside Ronald Sir dence In Nlkosiu all of the same age and develophelplessly about after Its Storrls of Gay Capital was burned by the Italy dering ment by themselves. The earliest mother had made a wild attack on a been Rome has center situthe Although that rioters, reported later a flock of sheep. maturing nutlets are usually the of civilization for 2.500 atlon In the Islands towns was eas-years, it still ones. Shepherds are Joining enthusiastia lies Just few hours' train ride from ler except In Kyrenla. where mobs In the work of collecting fauna, au0wed of are cally agf,g ,,uetl, i irar uon inc ......... uu ,D ,. toKe,ner on raKei H w be one of the most rugged and wildest nnd now. Instead of shooting every In Impossible to tell the difference be- districts on eurth, the province of wild animal, and hoist the flag of Greece. they hastily call the disome other places the native tween the ones of AbruzzL rector of the park for help In capP.eurs be wolves custo are and still fought the troops and burned the earlier hatches and the turing It. toms buildings. The bishop of ones of the later hatches. found wandering through the forests Kyrenla was among those arrested. Naturally, such blrde are not all of this mountainous section, and Adventurers Extolled It Is not at all surprising to learn of the same value and should not shepherds are accustomed to encounThe expression, "England wai ters with them. Now It has been dethut the Third Internationale Is tie placed In the same pen. made by adventurers, not by Its govto stock of blamed for the outhreuks in Cyprus cided the national park Unless and pedigree hatching and the unrest In Malta. The breeding are done and all chicks AbruzzI with some of these animals ernment" Is attributed to Gen. colonial office In London has known handed, such pullets cannot easily before. If ever, they become com- Charles Gordon, better known ns for some time that Communists were be told apart. They can easily be pletely extinct. Within a few weeks Chinese Gordon, who was killed In working In those islands through marked by toe punching or slitting the director has had presented to the defense of Khartum. the British branch of the League the webs between the toes. By him a chamois, which wns rescued The lawyer's best friend Is the man Against Imperialism, and It was using different combinations it Is a from a river Into which It had discovered the other day that the very simple matter to know defl. Jumped to escape from a wolf, and who makes his own will. Communists had planned to blow nitely the ages of the various pul up the Immense naval and private lets. stores of oil in Cyprus. It was also loomed that Maltese organizations have called on their merchants Good Laying Hen Makes scattered throughout the MediterMoney for Her Owner ranean to join in a boycott of BritTake t pounds of grain plus one ish goods. good laying hen and you have 12 dozen eggs. With grain selling at admire the nerve and one and a half cents per pound and ONE must persistence of Japan eggs selling .'10 cents per dozen this even If her rights and motives are means a value of $.1.GO for the grain, questionable. As the Manchurian or a profit of $2.32 over the cost of affair stands now, the Japanese are the feed; or, selling grain at a ready to fight China if that Is neces price of $4.28 per hundredweight. sary to enforce their demands, Here are some more figures. The though they profess only peaceful hen which lays only 25 eggs causes Intentions ; they have defied the a loss of 61 cents over the cost of League of Nations, refusing to listen feed for one year; the hen which to the order of the league council lays 50 eggs causes a loss of one that they withdraw their troops la cent; the hen which lays 100 eggs Manchuria to the railway zone be- creates a profit of $1.25; the hen fore November 10, when the coun which lays 150 egss produces a profit Although you may be many miles away, you can cil will reassemble; they command- of $2.40; while the hen which lays rebring to the fireside of friends the pleasure of know2()0 of to ed the Chinese government $3.74. eggs brings profit ing that you have remembered them. pair at once a river bridge which Watch the danger line and get rid An appropriate selection of cards will carry a cheerwas damaged by bomhs from their of the boarders. own planes; and now they have ful message to every one of them your answer to sent, through Foreign Minister Sill Plan Now to Increase the Christmas Roll Call. deharn, a "friendly warning" to the Perform this pleasant duty today by selecting Production of Eggs Soviet Russian government urging One of the imperative needs of that Russian troop demonstrations border the poultry industry is to Increase on the Slanchurian-Siberlabe discontinued. Baron Shidehnru the consumption of eggs, said Reese told Moscow he was deeply con- Ricks of the International Baby cerned over these military move- Chick association. In nddressing the ments and that they were causing American Institute of nt Manhattan. Kan. Other foods nn unpleasant effect on both Chi YOUR LOCAL DEALERS CARRY THEM are giving eggs a battle for a place nese and Japanese soldiers. on the breakfast accordand table, When the league council meets Ing to Mr. Hicks, tills Is what can; cubic inch in a day. When there is Atoms Take Journeys Japan will lay before it, as part of be done about It. It which of treaties a list its case, atoms of nothing but lead in the lump, howeven the Atoms, heavy The first step toward Increasing contends China has failed to reProf. J. G. von ever, moving about is not nearly so Is for producers lead, are wanderers. egg of the University of Frei- easy ; in pure lead an atom can mispect. Tokyo refuses to consider to consumption Hevesy The high eggs. supply quality In Breisguu, Germany, has been grate In one day through a space of the proposal to refer these pacts second step Is In standardizing the burg of a cubic to The Hague peace court, holding their properties. Lead one to two Investigating so that the public will know inch. in even there is no difficulty in their inter- product atoms are motion, constantly what It Is buying. The third step Is In solid metal, he believes. In an pretation. for to Join hands with The Dear Girl of lead and gold, at a temperaalloy in other lndus-i the agencies poultry are in ''Could you be happy with love In they as ture as half of that high again to the eduenfe to as OVER the public to have un imporennt try boiling water, the atoms wander a cottage?" value of eggs. Nehraska Farmer. "If we have a good car." election on November 8. and it may through a space of a hundredth of a result in the curbing of the royal POULTRY HINTS power. Recently Peter Zivcovitch. lieutenant general Poultry diseases cost poultry of the royal guard growers $ 1.000.000 a year In Ohio and a popular fig- alone ure in the coun The fact that the poultry Industry try, became premier. Now he has can expand or contract rapidly with been compelled to conditions makes It a stable one. resign his commission In the army to white diarrhea of chicks the canBacillary to conform be controlled by testing breed' king's bidding that ing hens nnd eliminating the germ OLD PRICES NEW PRICES TYPES OLD PRICES NEW PRICES TYPES he place himself as carriers. Peter a civilian at the $ '2.20 Zivcovitch head of the govern- Many poultrymen find that night 1.50 ment party list In the election. lighting of baby chicks Increases the 1.40 Some political observers see in the growth since the chicks eat and 2.00 1.90 king's action a subtle move to de- drink at night. his of 1.25 great 1.40 prive Zivcovitch Culling should be a continuous strength. 1.25 1.40 process, starting at the time chicks A I. CAPt iNK, who was sentenced are received from the hatchery and to eleven years in prison nnd extended over the entire laying fined $5(i,imio by Federal Judge Wll- - period. To Classify Blood Stains not, there has been no test which kerson In Chicago for Income tnx Classification of blood stains is be- will accurately determine the blood Artificial light for poultry merely ing made by a German expert as an group of stains which have fraud. Is to remain In the county thoroughjail there until the United States makes a normal condition during an aid In crime detection He believes ly dried. The expert believes he will Court of Appeals passes on his case, abnormal time and is not a forcing that eventually the stains on the supply this deficiency. lie hoped to be released on bail, process. If used with reasonable clothing of a suspect may be classi- but this the appeals court refused, Judgment. ed so thnt It quickly will be In This Modern Day though it decreed that he should matched with that of the victim. in a restaurant? Where Is '"Dining In ImmeIncome cash not be sent to Leavenworth poultry ranked While courts have recognized blood your wife?" diately, as Judge Wilkerson pre- fourth among agricultural products stains were mnde by human blood or "Broadcasting cookery hints." In the United States In W28-2Sbeferred. exceeded ing bodyonly by dairy cattle, Philip D'Andrea, Capone's guard during the trial, was sen- beef cattle and hogs. tenced to six months In Jail by Act Promptly When Bladder The careful division of pullets Judge Wilkerson on the charge of Uisturb sleep contempt of court. He wa3 found Into laying units makes their manirregularities to be carrying a revolver Into the agement and feeding In laying flocks you bothered with bladder irregularities; burning, scanty courtroom, and the Judge consid- during the pullet year easier, more and too frequent passage and getting ered him a part of the hoodlum or- economical, and more exact. Heed promptly these at up night? intimidate to tried that ganization symptoms. They may warn A poultry man who the government's witnesses. of certain disordered kidney continuously 1 Rx IJ selects his breeding hens from the or bladder conditions. Users everywhere rely on PROMINENT men who passed late molting group in his flock, mnv' Doan's Pills. This time-testr.way during the week Included expect a higher epg production dur- diuretic has been recomRonald V. Hoyden. Amerlcnn mem- - ing the late siiiiiinor and early fall.! mended for 50 years. Sold by tier of the world court at The all druggists. Principal defects of eggs delivered Hague; John M. Bowman, prest- dent of a great hotel corporation, to candling stations which materi-- j llM.iM.sS the and Charles A. Comiskey, owner ally affect their sales value are dirt, Kit'n,. of the Chicago American Uogue yellow yolks, murky whites, shrink-- j j nge, heat, looseness mid poor shells.; baseball cluh. Give Wings to Cheerfulness j zirgoyne CARDS CHRISTMAS n - Jugo-Slavl- address himself to France and Ger STURDY IftMHXK By EDWARD W. PICKARD LAVAL has sailed back home happy In the belief that his conversations with President Hoover accomplished a great deal toward settling J world p r o b e in a J" 1 And Mr. Hoover Uv .;. 1 and his aids pre sumably are equally satisfied. Others, In V? 1 America and Ku- l t J roPe are doubtful. However, d e d u c- 3Ei V J Hn8 from 'he rath- er vague statements i Issued by the Pres-4 K.Jk:i4J Ident and the pre mier are thut the Senator Borah real achievements of the conference ore these: between the United States and France on the economic and financial remedies necessary to end the worldwide depression; recognition of the fact that Germany may find It necessary to call for of Its capacity to pay reparations, as provided by the Young plan. In lieu of extension of the Hoover moratorium ; maintenance of the gold standard and a of exchange stabilization rules through the medium of International monetary conference. If necessary; an end of the drive on the dollar, so far as French holders thereof are concerned, and nn excellent understanding of the political problems which underlie such questions as disarmament. Senator Borah's projection of himself and his opinions Into the discussions will be a subject of excited speculation for some time to come. Whether or not he tried to steal the spotlight, he almost succeeded In doing just that when he bluntly told the French correspondents that the Versailles peace treaty would linvc to be revised, especially In regard to the Polish corridor and the division of Hungary, and that the United States would not enter Into any security pact. In later conversations with M. Laval and with Tjtus Pillpowiez. the minister from Poland, Mr. Borah stuck to his pronouncements though he admitted considerable ignorunce of conditions in central Europe. M. Laval treated the chairman of the senate committee on foreign relations with politeness, but the French newspapers dismissed his suggestions as childish. 5, 1931 Make your children troubles In Cyprus E NGLAND'S continued, although troops were TremenConference Echoes of the Hoover-Lava- l dous Victory of liritisli Conservatives Japan Doesn't Weaken in Mancliurian Affair. pRKMIKR Thursday, November opening of congress In December. He wibhes to foster the establishment of efficient (elf government und to promote the development of foreign markets for the produc of the Islands. This Week News Review of Current hy ARTHUR BRISBANE NEPHI. UTAH TIMES-NEW- a ILwes? Fffiees New j RADIO TUBES' CX301A l.io .75 C335 C324 1.00 CX345 C324A C347 1.60 CX326 .80 CX371A C327 1.00 CX380 1.60 I.IO 1.55 .90 1.00 When flest Is ISrokcsi It ed . 193lj WeeUrn Newsnaiw UlKon.) |