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Show UINTAH BASIN RECORD, DUCHESNE, UTAH ERMIE and 1 HUS JUST TO REMIND YOU M NOTICE Contract Club, Saturday, July Notice to W. P. A. workers as11th with Mrs. George Kohl signed to Ffi 'creation project: B. P. W. business All workers assigned to the VV. meeting, Monday, July 6th at the Duchesne P. A. recreation project in Duhotel. chesne County please report as soon a3 placement cards are reWEATHER REPORT ceived to one of the following places or peopl For week beginning June 25. Roosevelt: Board Jaafly 4th SERVICE FROM Utah State Press SILK HOSIERY Assn. Hold Parley In Southern Utah "Within each ssi' 7 brand of hosiery there may be many weights, deContinued From Page 1 termined by the number ot of interest. Arriving at joints threads in the yarn, says Ellen Cedar Breaks, the caravan made at in Agren, specialist clothing the Utah State Agricultural col- the trip around to Brian Head, "These highest point in Southern Utah. service. lege extension are divided Saturday evening, the annual into often weights three major elapses: ChifYon, banquet was held at Cedar Breaks fine yarns made into sheer fab- Lodge. Stanley J. Stephenson, rics; semiservice, yarns of me- executive secretary of the Utah outassociation dium size; and service, large Manufactuiers lined his of and substantial pohci':3 obpects yarns that produce In some stores "semi- group undr what is known as fabrics. plan. is the term applied to the manufacturers service ser J. H. McGibbeny of the Utah state five and hone; vice to seven-- , eight-- , and nine recovery beard spoke on activibread hose; and heavy service, ties of the recovery administra-tiomeet with the farmers of Du fo ten-- , eleven-- , and twelve in Utah. Precipitation. .05. E. S. WINSLOW, chesne and vicinity. He urges all thread. Declaring that a rich opportunifarmers to be present. Cooperative Observer. Wliat really Is fun, is to be folhosiery is knit ty for state and community ser to the leg, and vice in Utah wa3 now open to lowing a serial In the newspaper fit flat, shaped vt named together down the back members of the Utah State Press, an' every time you get to a of the leg and along the bottom of Roy D. Simmonc of th'e Tribune' pari the thing continues and the foot. In most stockings, the Telegram advertising department you jes wait at window for the leg knit on one machine, called spoke on the subject "Fishing for next Installment to see what Sales With Live Bait, illustratthe Kgger, and the foot on machine called the footer. ing his remarks with charts. musical proAn (entertaining in transfering the Sometimes stocking Kg to the footer, lines gram had been arranged by MorLOCALS gan Rollo, editor of the Iron are formed across the instep. W. Warner Record should and wear County To well, hosiery Paro-wa- n be elastic. Poorly made hose are Mitchell, publisher of the Times, who were in charge not elastic enough to keep their Mrs. Bill Dickerson underwent outan operation at the Vernal hosoriginal shape. The stocking of the arrangements for the to ing. 1 should- be at least inch pital Tuesday morning. Latest re3 C. C. C. Entertains longer three fourths of an ports indicate that she is getting Sunday morning, following along nicely. than the foot when bearing caraattomies attending weight. Toe and sole reinforce- breakfast at the lodge, the van proceeded to Navajo lake for Court in Duchesne this week are ments should be durable. fishing and boating and then on M. B. Pope, A. B. Watkins, Ray to Duck Creek CCC camp, to E. Dillman and Judge Martin M. INFANT MUIR which the men fiom the Moon Larson and Court Clerk Bigler. The nine day old son of Ralph Lake CCC camp were transferJudge Abe Turner and F. M. one and Lucile Muir of Fruitland died red in May. There, luncheon, were in Duchesne last week Alder of the most enjoyable meals ot for the school board case in the suddenly Tuesday. the served was by The baby was bom in Fruit-lan- d the entire trip district court. on June 23rd and had been Mes3 Sargent, Charles Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Burdick of as ill for only a few hours. Inter- familiarly known in Duchesne Bulebell and James Summers of GASOLINE AND ELECTRIC "The Mayor, and his helpers. ment was in the Fruitland Arcadia were in Duchesne MonForest Supervisor Arnold R. day. Standing addressed the group, Mis3 Rae Donna Cole is visiting Traffic violators of Huntington explaining the soil erosion, road her grandparents in Salt Lake eradication insect and Ind., have a "scarlet letter past- building City this week. ed on their windshield to remain work the boys are doing. Captain Ed Carman's mother and broththere 30 adys and to remove it Moore, Educational Adviser Lloyd Whitlock and Dr. Wallingsford er, Fred came in last Friday from means a jail sentence. Were given due credit for the Addison, Ohio. They and Mr. and splendid care the boys are get- Mrs. Ed Carman left Monday for a trip to Idaho and Yellowstone ting. The return trip was made by Park. R. H. C. Marchant of Ioka was way of Parowan canyon to Paro-wa- n where the gtoup Separated. a Duchesne visitor Tuesday. Bud Wingo of Roosevelt was Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Schonian By Mrs. James Dalglelsh to business with the were treated Record the of transacting Mr3. A. M. Todd who has been and fishing on Panguitch school board at the budget meetboating her with visiting granddaughter, Mrs. Alan Sims in Salt Lake City lake by an enthusiastic host, Alex ing in Duchesne Tuesday. Miss Gwenth Pierson arrived in Timberline Smith, who had returned home Friday evening. Mr. E. W. Crocker of Duchesne charge of the stub camp, eighteen Duchesne last Saturday, She has was a Myton business visitor on miles from the Duck Creek camp been attending business college in Salt Lake City. Monday. Axel Birch and Phil Horsley of Mi. Lawrence Pack of Du- President Roosevelt Roosevelt were Duchesne business business chesne was transacting EASY PAYMENT PLAN Receives Nomination visitors Monday. in Myton Monday. To Again Lead Party Fred Johnson who is stationed Mr. Lawrence Odekirk left on at the Manila CCC camp spent Monday for Salt Lake City for a the week end with his family in (Continued from Page 1) short business trip. Mr. and Mrs. R. J, Adams spent to be made before hand, to shat- Duchesne. Mrs. R. M. Pope spent the week Sunday fishing in Uintah Can- ter all precedent. end in Salt Lake City, returning Dick Praises Platform yon. reported good fishing Never before has a major poli- Monday. but 'too much rain. DUCHESNE, UTAH Mrs. Ed Wilkins underwent an Mrs. Homer Robinson and Mrs. tical party chosen its two leadat the L. D. S. hospital operation to Floyd Lamb entertained at bridge ers, notified them and listened morning. A report on Thursday east of Robinson home Myt of at the their acceptance peeches kSSafcji ton Thursday afternoon. The fol- within a space of little more than her condition had not been received before going to press, but we lowing guest3 enjoyed an after- twenty hours. noon at bridge, followed by a deUnreserved praise of the demo- join her many friends in wishing licious luncheon: Mesdames Geo. cratic platform was given by the her a speedy recovery. Highest Prices Miss Evelyn Nobel, who has in his acceptance Tingley Sr., Klen Draper, R. C. President been visiting her sister, Mrs. W. William Walker, James Dalgleish, speech when he said, The brave D. Bishop for several weeks, reQuickest Returns Koehler, R. E. Miller, R. E. and clear platform adopted by to her home in Salt Lake turned Bliss Lee I heartiLott, this convention, to which Cooper, Waugh, Don Hatton, F. C. Dauwalder, ly subscribe, sets forth that gov- City Monday. More Efficient Service Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Selch Wm. Preece, John Zirker Jr. and ernment in a modern civilization two sons spent the week end and Miss Mary Tingley. The prize for has certain inescapable obligaMoon Lake. at Mrs. to awarded which score was to its tions citizens, among high Mrs. Fern T. Moffitt went to SHIP YOUR CREAM TO Waugh, travel prize went to Mrs. are protection of the family and Provo Friday for a tonsil operDraper, while low score was won the home, the establishment of ation. She returned Monday. and Hatton. a democracy of opportunity, by Mrs. County Clerk Arthur Goodrichn Mrs. Anna Lamb who has been aid to those overtaken by disasand County Assessor Levi Ander-toa guest at the home of her son,, ter. went to Vernal to meet with Mr. Floyd Lamb for the past High lights of the democratic three weeks left Tuesday for her platform adopted at the conven- the Uintah County commissioners home in Upland, California. Mrs. tion included: An affirmation of Tuesday. The Sheriffs office in the court Lamb had spent the winter in the Roosevelt new deal, "without is undergoing an extensive house on at off Myton Iowa and stopped Is apology or retreat. It advocates Difference-- job. her return trip. federal action to solve national repairing and redecorating left Orr Arthur Mrs. and Mr. Marchant spent Mr. Adolph between actually directing a funeral and problems; it calls for constitufew a for morning several days visiting at the home tional change if such problems Wednesday California. of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Wells, leavcannot be effectively solved by weeks vacation in was in Duthe mere selling of a casket or other funeral Mrs. Pope Lloyd ing Monday for Salt Lake City. legislation within the constituchesne this week visiting relatives Mrs. Wm. Seaton of Juanita tion. merchandise. and friends. Wells S. A. was a visitor at the Attacks Economic Tyranny" Mrs. Ed Wilkins went to Salt home own words In the Tuesday. its platform Lake Years of experience, a thorough study City Tuesday for medical Boston, of Hunt Miss Anna issue of stated the! attention. to the campaign: The issue in this Mass, arrived Tuesday evening of the many details to be attended to in the Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Schonian visit with her mother, Mrs. Lee election is plain. it said, "The returned Tuesday from Southern American people are called upon Cooper and family. time of bereavement and the necessary attended the Mr. Tom Keel of Las Vegas, to choos between a Rpublican Utah wheys they summer Association Press State evenNevada arrived Wednesday administration that has and would accomequipment and accommodations are imSteele H. Donald for ing and will visit friends again rer ent them in the ser- outing. them to to visit panied Panguitch a s weral days. vice of privileged groups and portant factors in the completeness of Roy wife. his met a Imisistration dediThe Ladies Literary Club Democratic Miss Chloe Broadhead returned at the home of Mrs. Wm. Stewart cat d to th establishment of A. Schonian directed funerals. It is often from Yellowstone park folTuesday The on Wednesday afternoon. equal opportunity for all our where she has been visiting for members prevnt: lowing pie. said that it is the little things that count, Miss two weeks with friends. Mrs. R. C. Walker, Mrs. Don HatIn enlarging on the issue PresiBroadhead has just finished the Mrs. Wm. dent KoosevJt directd his a Mr3. Stone, ton, Lynn and there is neier any detail too little to school year at the B. Y. U. Morrison and Mrs. F. W. Walker. k on economic tyranny." He Mrs. Mae Roebuck of New York R. C. Walker reviewed The said, Mrs. The economic .oyalisUs is deserve every attention in our service. visiting her father, Mr. George Gibbs Sir World overLast Phillip by complain that we seek to Robbins. seveand Mi 3. Stewart reviewed throw the institutions of Ameriral chapters of More Zest For ca. What they really complain ot the flag and the constitution is that we seek to take away stand for a democracy, not tyranLiving. Mr. A. M. Todd who has been their power. Our all 'glance to ny; for freedom, not subjection; medical attention in American institutions irequirdi and against dictatorship by mob receiving Roosevelt for the past week was the overthrow of this kind of rule and the over privileged able to return home Thursday power. alike. In vain they s k to hide beevening. The President ended his address Mr. and Mrs. Don Dauwalder of hind the flag and the constituI accept the with the words, I) l 'CIIES.NE ROOSEVELT Los Angeles arrived Sunday and tion. In their blnuln, ss they for- commission you have tendered 27 lhoncs 2i and Phones 88 and 9J will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. get what the flag and the consti- me. I join with you. I am enlistFrancis Dauwalder for some tune. tution stand for. Now as always ed for the duration of the war. 10-ye- six-thne- Full-fashion- hair-raisin- y ANNOUNCING! an-cli- .r NORGE one-ha- lf Refrigerators Out-of-to- WASHERS IRONERS HOOVER Vacuum Sweep ers Duchesne and Uintah Counties L. L4 Pack F 0 R MUTUAL CREAMERY CO. There A Vast w-- re at-t- Iov A, Sell onion Mori no rv School Board Adopts Budget For 1936-3At Special Meeting g By Tracy Defa (Continued Mr. and Mrs. Alfonzo Defa are : From Page i. the oroud parents of a six pound For Auxiliary Agencies $30,435.0,1 This includes bsby boy, bora June 29th. The mother and baby me doing fine. purchase of school operation and busses. Mr. Jesse and Woodrow Wood For Operation of School PJaat left Wednesday, for Lyman, $11,050.0(1 Wayne County for a couple of This includes days. principally jam. MiS3 Ann, Sovereen and Phyllis tors salaries and cost of fUei Juhlin were over night visitors waterf light and power. Tuesday. They returned to Salt For Maintenance of Plant 1,000.0? Lake ' City Wednesday. Repairs to buildings and Mr. Lloyd Roberts motored to , Heber Wednesday. For Fixes Charges $3,100.0,1 Mr. Frank Defa made a busiInsurance on property and emness trip to Duchesne and Rooseployee3. velt Monday. He was accompanied For Capital OuUay.;....?llo,oW by Vem Wagstaff. On Mr. Winslow Rhoades returned PWhi3hnfrd63 $97,250.00 for the home from Heber Monday where Pgram on "Web he underwent a tonsil operation. $7,750.00 has already teen He was under the care of Dr. T. pended; $4,000 for furniture and A. Dannenberg. equipment; $3,000 for new adAlfonzo Defa and Mrs. Nettie ministrative offices at Roosevelt' Defa returned home lYom Salt and smaller amounts for various shop, gymnasium and toilet proLake City Tuesday. Mrs. Iona Humphry spent Mon- jects. day afternoon visiting Tracy For Debt Service $23,475.00 Defa. This includes interest on bonds, Mr. John Barbari spent Sunday $4,575 and redemption of bonds afternoon visiting Mr. and Mrs. $18,900.00. j Frank Defa. The which had budget Fiank Lazenby and Laverl already been revised at a meetTerguson were Hana visitors on ing in January of thi3 year wai Tuesday. again revised at the Tuesday meeting, to balance expenditures THE RELIEF PLAN with receipts. Receipt of $20,000 OF THE MORMONS was added to the column of esti-- l mated receipts, and an increase of a similar amount adds to the vari- 11 (Continued from page ous items in expenditures. Actu-- t will exemplify the principles of the founders of the Church. The ally $46,000 was received from j more affluent among them will the county on redemptions, but the 20,000 was added to the do the administrative personnel only 1935-3- 6 budget, the balance being, work without pay, conducting the over and shown in the carried enterprise as a social and reli- $29,000 cash on hand in the 1936-gious duty, it is stated. They will 1937 budget. also subject themselves to heavier f Transportation Problems taxation in their plan to provide Much 'time was spent at the' useful work for their needy members. meeting in discussion of transport It is thought that the urge be- tation problems. A special meet- - j hind this movement of the Church ing will be held July 8th at which is the fear of a breakdown in the definite decision will be made on j moral fibre of its members and routes, busses etc. In the mean iii their dependence on federal time Superintendent Leroy Bishop j funds. and the board members are mak- - j In commenting on the new plan, ing a detailed survey of each ot j Mr. J. Reuben Clark, one of the the bus routes. Each member will I Church leaders, stated, that they accompany the superintendent "found that idleness kills every- through his district, 'taking tent-- j thing fine in a man, and that ative enrollments, possible chang-I the Church had observed a spirit- es in schools etc. ual decline among its idle memMrs. Lettie Brown, womens bers. He added in support of the project supervisor requested the Church movement, that men who use of school buildings for can-- j had no compunction in taking ning center accommodations. This aid from the Government will be request was granted with certain j less likely to loaf when useful restrictions. She also asked that work is afforded them as an al- better facilities be furnished next, ternative to charity. year for the soup kitchens. The ; Some criticize the Mormon board promised cooperation in this Church for its activities in busi- as far as possible. ness. They claim that it is as de Mayor Roland Krebbs of Myton j structive to the general welfare met with the board, requesting of society for a Church to assume funds for 'the purchase of drain control of business as it is for the tile for the schools share of the j Government to do so. drainage project now in progress - J Scottish Rite Bureau. in Myton. The funds were author- j equin-men- t. -' ; ex-- 1 1 s 1935-193- 6 Mr teU distil I ceive Wag' Lake -' , f 25, . offici A Cove searc with child from resul S of hono and ram, of F tytaf Ml ter Rsp monl Ot are: M,' Mrs. nlle ray, er o 1 Emu dys Woo 1 , J Er sigm Bloo Dire will ely, men theh T1 t f Mr. and Mrs. Chester H. Hartman of Mt. Emmons passed through Duchesne enroute home from a trip to Detroit where they purchased a new car. They stopped in Nebraska to visit relatives. Mrs. Ed Hart accompanied E. H. Peterson to Salt Lake City Monday to tra'nsact business. They returned Monday evening. S of . mor cupj nse I pion the and Our TOBACCOS SOFT DRINKS Are the Best! THEATRE, Sat. and Sun. July 4 - 5 Richard Dix and Leila Hyams in Yellow Dust in perfi ized. CANDIES COZY ' Men i the) viev pari tent also tea Tho Stai SI Our Service c Is Always Courteous VLSI Du. Ro Wed. and Thurs. July 9 James Gleason and Helen Broderick in Murder On The Bridle Path 8-- SMITH Pool Hall DARYL and DOUG Mr ma ed lisl sal me coi ht ch be ANNOUNCING! ELECTROLUX co 1st th Ei m th Pi THE KEROSENE OPERATED REFRIGERATOR FOR FARM HOME Easy Payment Plan DUCHESNE AND UINTAH COUNTIES L. L. Pack Duchesne,, Utah ni fu |