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Show Iha Homs Sentinel luhCshcd at Manti, San Pete Co.U. T .1 ir.f k hj Xc tcsp a per, Devoted to the general interest of the people of Sau Pete and EDWIN M. STANTON. Had Mr. Lincoln not been E3I7STAII Mr. Stamen woull have to change front on Lav- of reconstruction, the Cabinet. Refusil - o o -- vrL RAILWAY xr.irmiE'ARp. Juiv 'Jth. 7 the Senate to find President Johnson guilty when impe iclie Passenger Trains leVe Nephi daily as follow.; for having endeavored to oust Mr. Stanton from the War g'CT'Goiifg North at 2t5 p m South 111 ?5 a. m! Department, was a severe bio a VT Arrive atSaltLakd at 0 ?o p.m to him, and he never recovered Leave 7 from it. His appointment as a associate justfee of the Supiem Passenger Trains leave alt Court, made when his physician Lane daily, for Rie North to had faint hopes of his recovery connect with the U. P. Rv. ;nd failed to placate him, and many the U. AN. By, atSa. m; believed that his sudden deaf and irfive in SaltLake at 7 ;5) was caused by his own hand r.Ul. This his friends positively denied but they failed to con vine JSTTreight trains leave Nephi fuf the north at 7 :40 a. n. and General Cushing, Judge IJ!a k for the south at G:15 p. m. and others who had examinee the question. He was burie a Francis Cope Gen. F. C I Ayt. Oak Hill Cemetery on George Hen. Sapt. John Sharp, town Heights. Den Pe le Icncral 0 as Main tenet S nt Pome in Boston lludyet Lake City. notice for publication. A t. 205i. A (b' l--T. -- Eilwin M. Stanton was called by his sycophantic adnvrers the Carnot of the war for the suppression of the rebellion, hut if it was necessary to find diis protitype among the French revolutionists, he should have been called B.irrere, him of tvhom it was said that he approached nearer than any person mentioned in history or fiction to the idea of consummate depravity. The Democrat with s. uth-erReproclivities became publican abolitionist. He was Oil ami niter .1 ttgul 17, 1885, not oiiginally of a savagj dis- train will leave daily, Sunday blond seemed his ;o yet Gsiny lurth urn to gall, and bitter words and ettttded, as fallows: harsh actions became as naurtl a as snarling and bidng to ' s and feroeiou- - dog. cruelty become with him, first a habit, then apassi n, and at last fii a madness. Taken up by the t Democratic parly just before the an on sent war, lie was import ant legal mission to Californi i, and on his return was bitter in his denunciations of that id ape, Lincoln, who had just beeti elected President of the Unite! States. But a few months had fclapscd before he had accepted a Ma nuiaeturc-rof portfolio in Lincolns Cabinet to direct the and Undertaken Stage x coaaict at Chester for all aAnini-tratioMONUMENTS President Lincoln for a while la iU of San Poe and Sector. Hi ett leftist ami Dinner at hluco-ni- . Humored him, and when 1m would brusquely d cline to comHeadstones, Tablets Xat bat Car load lot wtl ply with smile request seiu to be :ec iliny Watertahles, Sills, Caps, v red, at Chester ui.iil him in wridng for an appointArche-Corners, Hearthop lotion hoax'. ment or a discharge wou.d realso dealers etc., stones, DA.MIihnGl.rt, Manager mark with a mile, You see, I H. S. S. in the celebrated San Fr KL1.R, Agt. li ive no iniluence with ibis Pete White Oolite Stone. At last, h adminis. ration. THE P. O. Box 8. Li at 0, he do rid! the President and the Smn - UTAH. MANTI, Secretary locked horns on the & DENVER RIO GRANDE - executive order fot cretliting to WESTERN RAILWAY. counties the Confederate prison(J on ti'i.i! ly lo be the er enlisted in regiments raised U to keep the Indians in subjection. e n g e r This Secretary Stanton refused BMW FEN THE EAST AND WEST. to have done, and When Mr. The only line between Salt Lake Ha me si! Ila, mess! Hi rncs Lincoln called to ask wtiy, and Denver without Provost Marshal Fry was sent OF -- A R S. for and asked to state the lact. maker, Is sell When he had concluded Mr, The only line between Salt Lake Quinn, the harness in his line at bed ing everything but with and Stanton said, Now Mr President Chicago rock prices. Second ,hand harness 0N-- Ethese are facts and you must see in exchange for new. High taken op est paid for produce price be exeorder not Hides, can that your pelts, furs, and casn warned. Re The Only Line Bet weed cuted Call and be pairing a specialty. Mr. Lincoln looked up and West and the East on vi need that you can get good Lake Salt City. work, cheaper than cheap and teplied: Mr. Secretary, I reckon Through square deal at Quinn's Harness youll Have to execute the order. PULLMAN BUFFET and SLEEVING CARS shopj directly east- of the Meeting Stanton answered, petulantly : House, Ephraim, Utah. Mr President, I caii not do it. Onall riiroughPassenger Trains. T. S. I will not be undersold ly The order is an improper .one. iJST, The Only Line from Salt other harness making scrub in and I can riot execute it. Mr. XLake City Running Sleep-?in- any Utah. Q. Try me and see. Cars FVt for the use of Secretary, said Lincoln, in a firm tone of voice, it will have iSJIPassenger-- holding Second to be done ! And it was done, fflfclass ai d Emigrant tickets. nor did Mr. Stanton ever again The At, ..otic Express. Leaves to an Ogdk-order daily at P:30a. m. repudiate attempt Mt. PLEASANT 10:50 SallLabeCity from the President. is made Pueblo Direct at connection When General Grant assumed and Deuvor PLANING MILLS, for Omaha, Ka'.sas City the direction of the Army of the and all peints East. Potomac he soon found that his The Pacific Express I am prepared to do all kinds of at Salt Lake City from the Arrives were .orders .taken telegraphic work in the line of Planing, custom m. East 5:05 for and at leaves p. from the wires at the War 5:10 p. m. making connec- Moulding and Bawing on the shoit at Ogden Department as they passed tion with the Central paei tie for the est possible notice, aud on reasonable terms. .Also all kinds of Lumber, through Washington, and often West. . countermanded or changed by Picketsj Mouldings, and everythin Lo9Al Trains. used for house finishing. when : Mr. Stanton. Lake Leave follows Salt as Finally, City dltE ME A TRIAL. For Bingham and Alta at 7 :d0 Grant, had one day ordered a r a. m. on, Prop, Bent II portion of the troops kept to Main St., Mt. Pleasmt, Bail Lete For Ogden at 5 : 10 p. m. cover .Washington against an County, U, T. assult to join him, and Stanton Arrive at Salt Lake City : countermanded the order, the From Bingham and Alta at 4 :50 GeBprijl came up to Washington, Ogden at 10 :50 a. m. went to the White House and STickets for all , points East requested Mr., Lincoln 9 go with and .West can be purchased at him to the War Department. the Depot office and City Ticket Arriving there, General Grant office, White House Corner, Salt F. R. STROM, Stated tbq case, and when he had Lake Manufacturer of and Dealer in City. concluded a$ked Mr., Stanton if S. W. RCULES, all kinds of Lis statement had not been Cop. & t. Agt. q. I3. rrect.' The Secretary, said that it W. H. Receiver. in Bancroft, Frames constantly picture jvas, 'but that, he had thought stock and made to order in all that it was. unsafe to expose HARNESS AND SADDLES. sizes and styles. Prices to defy Washington. to 'a rebel raid by competition. sending away, so many troops. and all kinds of Store 2 doors west of Well Mr. Presidene, deliberate. Pleasant, Utah. ly remarked General Grant, all Shoemakers and Harness Makers I have to say is that there can not be two comnianders to the Supplies. PEOPLES DRUG STORE, Army. If Mr. Stanton is to exercisecommaud, I must resign PAUL VON NORDECK, PROPRIETOR at once. I wish to eall the attention of the Dealer in Mr. Lincoln sat ror a moment public of Manti and Ban Pete coun. Chemicals, Toilet Pure Drugs, generally to the fact that I keep and Liquors nursing his knee, and then, look- ty Wines Articles, constantly on hand a full line of ing up, said, in a firm tone of Leather, Harness and Saddles. for medicinal purposes. voce : Mr. Secretary, I guess Prices as low as the lowest. Prescriptions accurately comwed better let Grant run the pounded. Give me a rail. tnachine. From that hour Mr. EPHRAIM, San Pete Co., UTAH. Stanton was General Grants L. C. K.JAR. Orders Ly email solicited, and atmost obedient, humble servant. MANTI, UTAH. tended to promptly- rraj 'Gif spy Company. - f Riyitir and nr in r at the n't Lake City, Ltuh, on Saturday sYp' e other 20, lS$o,viz: Lateral B mum. D. S. S4U for the S. IE 1 4 X. ti'. 1 4, Lot 4 x. 11 4 .SMC. 4 Sir..5, Tp.12 1., S.1E. He nnnu the foHnainy witness's to prove hts eontinuotarc-'idettca pan, and cultivation of, said land, 1 l-- 1-- a:: Richard J.larraton,Richard Utah, and Bliat 11. Pardons, Clark II. Par-on- s if Salt Lake City, Utah. O, Stvazty, of Mona, T. C. oQ H. McMaster, Register. Jd Bailey. Att'y. Pete.h To the People of San LHOTOGRAPh GALLERyT I Pivture b Copiid and EuUirj ed. All my enlarging is done g ah by-Lt- Artists. Keep ? ney at Home by patronizing Hpme Talent, and get bet- I. ter woik for less money VJ than can he had by send 'T ing East or West. I will visit the principal J. settlements of San lete with my portable Gallery L. M during the fall of 1885. have photos of the Manti, q Temple, picture framesj A1 bums, aud views for Sale. mo- - I - Har-Iine-- 1 ufl' a ti ntnfi fa Utah fin n til fUppmt at his cf aim, a ttd par will be made before 1 i that th giro nr tins rir, by hilii t'iity aainul G. E. Anderson, 7 W HEADQUARTERS, MANTlj I Y 3- - kAN PETK COUNTY 1 ) t )o ( s L n. C. Uckcrmann, . .' I . . II , ICO-O.P.E- . . It . .A . . I . . M . . Dealers In lj cant-phii- A.T.I.V.E .R. -- cars , O.C.I.A.T.I.O.N S Main St., E phi aim. Cheapest place out. Best to Customers. Goods, sold on smallest profits. A good force of clerks to wait bn patrons. bir-gain- line comprises , . -- . iiTOHilBE I it : -T- . - II II i J H 1 DWYERS FIONEEIl BOOK STORE, 76 Main. Street, j J TLake Qity, Cftalj, COME TO STAY UST M ha a ftull oar load of Ratmuosen , ! , A R M E R S ImPlemeats a.n.d F- - TARDWARE Balt , Is complete. JuM m rived. Have you seen llit Carpenters, Harness and Shoes .R.a k.e.s. S ,'t.a n.d.a.rmd makers requisites in large varieAlso a and obtain bargain.Age lit for the If not.call ami ty, such as Hinges, Butts, Screws, . , planes, Bits, Carriage Bolts, Ladies Snaffles. Port and Ring Bits, Will raise cream in six houra Dont give your butter away. co oe and examine the renowned, Leather, Rivets, Hames, etc., etc, iTACHINE . M.o-w.e.- r - - CO-O-L-- E-Y t WILSON QEWINO IVAaehine h Oewing A call will convince you thdt the highest award of merit at all exhibitions represented, when the Sentinel gives the That received with all otlier kinds of farming implements and requisites. alarm it is time to be up and together Geoeral airenf for the above line of goods for southern Ltab. doing. M. L. M. 9 OLSON, Supt, RASMUSSEN. Ephraim, - Utah. , SSOCIATION Harness FE 2tu-r-N-I-T-U-R-2- , 8 IHU Desks, the best and cheapest in the country. Send for not wholesale price list. Also keeps bn hand a full stock of Blank Books and Stationer. Family Bibles. Webster's Dictionaries, etd., etc Finest line of Shirtings. Full line of Calicoes, 7 to 8 cents Best Ginghams, 12 cents. B. T. Cashriiere, only 12$ cents OUR--: E U t Goods Dry fj headquarters for The very lowest rates given to school officers throughout southern Utah on Maps, Appletons Primary Reading Charts. Globes, all sizes and prices, Blackboard Cloth, Slating, be-- ana Numeral our g q s and see for yourselves. all jjf-C- - , Salt Lake City, is still af-ab- le , - Gall Jk. Merchandise eoni-t-eile- ' GIVES Mo ' E.R.C.A.N.T.I.L.E - Propriety, half blocks east bf Main Ht, Ephrm..,, Utah P lining and Sawing done to order. A fall line of Pickets aup Lath in store. Horn Made Coffins in every stile conAantly hand. I tit so have facilities for chopping all kinds of gr tin. Pend Rtrley One and a and Oatmeal alwiye on hand. General t i- gMHSICI TjjpHSMM iii Jj Binding (J Twines. Carpenters fpor i u m.j V LJ Headquarters Mercantile Association, Ephraim, Have mt found their Equal for Ephraim and Attentiveness to the Best Interests of their Numerous patrons . Row prices', Square dealing The J 4m v- am 4vw m t Else Should now consult Our Price List of Lubricating Oils and Binding 1 wines before buying where and thus Save Money. .J 'VU'TST'" Will find our Stock HARN ESS Maker s 33m- 'complete and always Bottom prices. SHOE and In fact the porium. JOINERS and CARIEMTERS Headquarters. never Ploc,yere you get what you want and at Figures, 'TT"00 above its.valuo,"7Vheat, always taken at highe-- t Market. Irii. ttT rLPON. SSuperitepdfr- - |