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Show k UUr Q Vol. I- MANTI - SAX PETE BOUNTY, UTAH, FRIDAY, SEPT. 4, 18S.. CITY, o. 20. ' he picks his cudgel, and THE WILMOT PROVISO. up NOTICE. v presumes that for every blow true or false so much ground is Territory of Utah j In Probate The Wilmot ' Court. Published at gained, and that no one ventures was destined to proviso, which County of San Pete) play an impoft to face the'intruder. But, after the matter of the estate of In ant nart in politics, originated Manti, San Pete Co.U. T all, why does he assume so at the Henning P.Peel, Deceased. Notice dinner table of a political Tor ferocious an attituJe in favor of Publication of time appoint Call on us for A Weekly Newspaper, the reduction? Is he ignorant club in the city of New York eR for proving will, etc. N S- was It weekly. of the fact that in towns in this whicJ Pursuant to an order of said Devoted to the' general interest o' Democrats opposed to with much better houses I P.ose made on the first day oi ANDREW MADSOM. Superintendent. the people of San Tete sndeurround than the extension of slavery, and Cofirt, far thus had has 18$5, notice is hereby Ephraim September, OilAS. HAMPSHIRE. Salesman. ingCountfea. those on the present days given, that Monday, the 21st day to boast, the teachers are paid among more liberal wages than they are in question Were Jolmk Van of ,September,j8S3, at 11 oclock, -J UST Ci) ME TO STA YI- THAT SCHOOL QUESTION. Here? Which, accoruing to ids Buren, Sanniel J. Tiiden,.John a. of said aay, at the Court M.Ivasmu89.'n I'&s a tail car load of A. 'Kennedy, Isaac Fowler, Rooffi of said Court at tin logic, is the height of foliy, whereas in the eye of the realty Andrew H. Green and lather CoUrt House, .in the County of Free-SoL, M. Olson s Viiws on School-- , Demde.rats. San PeAe, U. T. has been iwaiijied and iuietuycnt it appointSchool Teachers) And Would-b- e Mr. a Western niembe t of ed as the the time and Howd, foi entirely tue reverse. place School Critics. Where I now sit, I amoff and Congress, was a guest, he baling proving the will of said Henning Just arrived. Have .vou seeu tlie on fairly shivering with fear at visited New' York to cotifet fc'ith P. Peel, deceased, and fothearing S .t .aH.d.a.rmd M.o.w.l.t.i a.n.d R.tt.k.e.s. relentless blows that await the Democratic Opponents', of the application of Tlahs Poulson tue Also Age nt (br the 1885 and a bargain. 31st, obtaiu and If iwhcall Aug Ephraim the slavery. Durifig . Consultame from his folr about the and issuthe Answei cuugel Editor Sentinel: Lasgn tion John Van Buferi, said that ance Laurekty gutter awfty. Dad'n--s to them of Letters testmen-tr- y a fool according to his folly', lest tune that I must be depose u of 'll raise cream in six hours. Don't give yo.',r tied tli'e the extension agidhst protest eXaotine cnnie aul the rermw. wheh and w here any person he be wise in Ids own conceit out yet I must say it, that he is IV A ACtUNE when he of slavery introduced into Con- interested may appear and con-teintensely 'ludK-rqu,was my first thought aftetf readQEWIiVa WILSON life was not worded right. the snme. lVJLac"ne ndnterly speans of tne fifteen gress Oewing ing Ephraimite's cortespoftdenc the words Dated that exact suggested a of 18S3. which number votes; would llixf At award of meritat all exhibit. 1st, the in your last issue" September what highest of Jefferson in the famous Ordin- 112 John Reid, Clerk. 'fgether with all other kinds of farming implement at does the vilifief take- people to b no. nave been present had not a ances of 1783 and 1787. should Genbfal agent for th aisv line of goods for souther. Ltao. y ousy-bod(whom, he so web be tlsed. as he makes the one unwarrantThis was agreed to. ..I. HAS MUSS EX. ed assertion after the other. nows) stirred them up for his Mr. Howe NOTICE stated OF OF REAL SALE that it tJtah. mividual jvould and oi Doas he suppose that no one Ephraiidv purpose; fifteen constitute uiose umy eignt dares challenge him to prove hit allegations, o' be- branded as ai wnat nqw is called tne people ; SUMMONS Within mat, I confess' it, is trying my unprincipled knave? ROBAtC COURT IN N THE P oumor to not smile Whenever i the last year the trustees' have AVID ami for Sau Pete Coiluty-- Utah been' requested to reduce the tniuk of it. AVID CANDLANDv Territory. Isabella Prchhle, PlainlffX tuition 20 per cent, etc. ; so runs Injustice to myself I must vs. his unbluthingly false assertion. yet ask. his indulgence, as the voice Defendant,) . JaviesPrebhle, ash As a member of the board oi uame of the has been ..nd The Personal Funeral peopleof of o conspicuously brought before trustees, I emphatically repudito DirectoH. Utah, ate the falsehood. Jt was in he people, and make this very when desired. JameS Trebble, Defeud view of this imaginary request iUmiliating hi it, greeting: lo jter cent, beluw Irovo or SaM confession, that ' You are hereby lummoned to ap and cpuld liavebeen refusal that whatever fi nai t done as a pri-- 1 I said confirmatrod by the Lake City. to til ouM to oi at the in art action again-the people depbsCd In one Court, on Monday the near by the above brought hour I can furnish a society I have firgt chaFncd and shout ML yet hbw vam member named laahella 188., at voij of reluctantly of so' .practical i stubbornly refused to lend myself s in Probate September the ?Fst coffin, day superior ker Prehble, Klaintifl, It ;a8 thought that tastily lined, whin. And as' short as'yolir Ct'U 't i i arid for the County of Sau siiperi'dr - .one of the Hi wodld bb AvM,at :y Haf HP0c!0ck mountings, recognized. knd with an extra box. Corresponded! hay wimped off the official Capacity, and on no con- to Tildeii with other member f the Court House m Manti, auswer the Tferritory complaint filed therein, BAri'Al robes for tears of regret over the retiring eideratioh for a mean purpose of the ,.ub! Weht to all the San bf Pete, right, County The lexeluMive gents and ladir. of ten within ifaya, Washington and interest trustee, he seats himself in judg- evento the people of light. I0XEL, Discolorations of service oil you of this sumto aid in drying out the plah. title, lay M. ment and . comments notfaila. Uronr the Above, 1 trust thi it At a time W. 8ed said mons, 'if served within this county, avoided by bsing iny preparatioii upon the t i ist. . and if not srVed vl ithin this county matters so infinitely above his E. uiacovenfluB guessing at the g death of his CAffiin trimmings 5 and ba.J- eachP wjth Jblcton.nt the time' kept in I 1 within he fiVst Judicial hut rvfr . . nxiiirtui nmt.i hia thb ot.l ii stock Casket he musty comprehension. Now; and in furnished of witli Utah, the Territory proviso in hand, sprang to,the hour imagines himself on the very n twenty days, bttierWi'se within tweri t floor: and in confcert shouted,, . eminence' of reasoning and exforty days, .or judge, want will Mr. Speaker ppefatioh of law or otherwise, Chester, San Pete Count?. The speaker addi- claims p'Uut' how much more or in than other against you according to the acquired was bewildered. " lie could not The said of 'complaint. prayer slioiild- the teacher be to appreciat!'ali ; , . said potion, is brought to obtain ignore the whole, .crowd. He Ulon o ed than a mason, a carpenter, Or at the is IS mie decreb in divorce from the bonds ol .selected Judge Wmot' as the Hambleton Other are Other-dacertain ml to and that lUoU'a as thw impudent and sell- and irt hereby you 0f tJje natrirvooy mogl moderae party, and death, laborers mark the enthusiasm. .made criterion manifests ; not'ified that if ybu fail to appear F. R. STROM, yfct.iso uA answer the skid cofnplaiut, as But as the SentixeL has su never havC advocated the pay lying-- and being ifi the said above i&id tlain Manufacturer . of and Dealer iu required, that the of San Pete, Ter. of Utah lucidly explaihed whv, as I pre- ment of' a teacher fbur times tliai, take judgement against you County tiqWill all linds of sume for Mr.- Es special benefit, of and' bounded, a Ad described as Hin) ap ly to, the Court fdr relfef and. teamster,- Which let me merely suggest, as' a well Mr. E.' put's fo a maihematical u ot 1 B)Ack 5 man de follows, to vviV: ' ideture Frames constantly in wisher oi his, that he files the analysis to prove. Though he V ituenutl le lion'. W m as platted in plat A Manti City 8t6tk ahd made to order in all Anderson, J udge, atifl the it to his scrap-book- mils in his .object, he succeiius Survey i being the former home of our said Court, af- sites ahd 'styles. Prices to seal studies it diligently, and admirably in disproving the old The first public bell ever swung 0f ueccased. defy fixed at Mauti City, San lends it tothe pedple. cotnpetitiun. of the this in was conditions and bn never sale, lie . that T. Terms maxim, placed Pete County, U. city ngures Store 2 doors west of of the Equally dubitfus'is liis under- lor here it is plain that the the 27th day of July, A. D 1885 Presbyterian church bn the 28th j cash. Ten per Mt. Reid. Pleasant, Utah. John chfiise mmiey to be pai i to the standing of the relation of trustee urea as well as the figurer are of Cburt Probate of the teacher. of The former- in' hir. .guilty. sale, Clerk to, p The stofe of this place! abcl'io'neer on the day nund is the commanding E. M. Olsunv is said to be doing a better busi-- j tethmee m confirm uion of sale San Pete county, Utah Territory . PEOPLES DRUG the latter the subjective. STORE, ness than fdr several years ast. j bV said Proh te Court. Deed at W. T. Reid Atty' fdr aintiff In his opinion it follows . tOneSi Vf ., finest that The Chipman firm The putchaK PAUL VON NORDECK, expense PROPKIETOK ade. when the former 'Lithk.r T Tittle, r A store in the Ter. south of Salt J lj ' commands, the rr oi Float.) Dealer in , UTAirCoTJNTY ITEMS. latter estate recoTnTctwi ufidelf the direction of Administrator Lake complies in a word the Pure 'Chemicals, Drugs, ihealtW'Jt ; Toilet. teachers are the minims of soeie-ty- , Jas. Esq., and the M. W. ,Hahjblttnn'd,cikT8cd. HU rOGRAPliy. Articles, Wines and Liquors Threshing machines" ate ndw head Chipman, who most thankfully receive Vm. T. ItE'D, Atty Salesriiefi, Messrs. Hebe for medicinal p'tteposes. in grinding 6Ut what the hand' of mdtogtoP feels busily engaged and charity Jas.Chipiiian Hafringtcn jt:, j Prescriptions accurately comtit thett "all Picdisposed' to extend. Whereas the grain The yield is notsell-so is also booming pounded. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Please remember to bfe impla large es last year. Wheat is common serfs'e would Have enlargCc EPHRAIM, San Pete tures sent to ine Grant, the iirepressible music Co:, UTAH him that the teacher lias astaught ing at 50 cts. per bushel, oats $1 attention receive careful, 2063. No. will good Orders by .nail solicited, ahd man, is still on deck, dnd sa;ys hundred and Cl. at lbs., per barley to right accept of decline an I will deliver thdfn to any San Pete still continued to to prohtpily. rableSa"11' offer extended to him as E. has 75 cts per hundred The late that Land Office at Salt Lake City, U house in San Pete County in him her of 6hare a fair patgive have ups, stoim3 seriously or injured i etc. T., Aug. 26., 1885. accept the offer of 'Our p due .tirife, for the small sum o ronage. is hereby given that $2.25 inch? difig .ex'tra nice frame MO. bupt. to freight to Thi sue, or the iruit drying business, and Mr. Ed. Robinson, jr a late NOTICE many hundred pounds have been settler all complete, , No .pay require any other place. wateted while in process. ' graduate of the B. Y. A;, starts has filed 'notice of his intentidn xhere are a nfimber of reasons until pictures ard delivered, Utah 8tak,e Conference con- - to:day for Springville Where he to make .'final Why actual improvement in our in Pic suppor-- Satisfaction guaranteed. proof Dentist. ened in the nAw Tabernacle has been engaged to teach the flchools could urou: said and that sent to be his of claim, any Special attention paid t.6 Filling tures tnlarged and justly called for, last Saturday and Sunday, 29 youngidea, how to shoot, but strange that your will be Vuade before the Probate address by mail, without frame correspon- and .'id ultimo. Quite a the natural Teeth. Teeth careThe friends of S. L. Chipman, dent not eVen broached large XAr in his absence the on of ptice. $1.50. of Judge any receipt fully extracted. False Teeth them. There is reason to' believe attendance, which!, demonstrated one 0f our young men who has County Clerk Of Effie'ry Cojmty Wm. F. Young, Ibices to suit inserted. the fact would that the building that there is not a town in Saif lately been suffimoned to Fairview City U..T.. :ftt the CAUnty Court Times. Firfet Class the a heap of people. Southern the a mission to form Houg'e at Castle Dale, U. T., on SanPete county, Utah. any reasonable size that, Of-WorkGuafantejd. There are students some fortv a hiid of late years, has had so infeiior States, gave pleasafit October 12, 1,883, viz Monday do'Ar fice to next at the B. YV" A.' Hotel prise the other evening prior to accommodations for pupils and JoUeS, Under the act o t ' ... Co-, at Provo. Everything i j ir) ap- - his starting for his field of labor Benjatnin 1880, II. E. 'Nd. 6246 teachers as this, 14th, May not he has yet TJtah. 33tephi CSity, PrImer. a word of pie pie order, throughout the for tfee W. N. E. Edi N. W, complaint nor a sug- house. .. Aug. 29th, 1885. gestion to offer on that score. FELT BROTHERS. i, Sec,. 14, Tp. 17 S., R.8 E. wi Miss Cora Sidwell, onA of the following me Henaffies the other towns in Mantis fair 2 daughters, is ply-- 1 this county pay the . teachers his continuous Has Constantly Every DepartJlZSst' Private Secretary i,Lamont nesses, (o prove and mu- her vocation ing (teaching cultivation New Arrivals, of ment Bristling salary and have ,th'e schools the Presidents nearest counselor residence .upon, arid in American Fork sic) Christensen Goods., with Bargains jraded ; but here he is as blind is described as quite diminutive of, said land, viz: t Pleasant LowPrices NotSpasur.odic Grove, as a, bate H. proppeder Cox, And let me here surin person. In weight he wuld Ottesori, , Elias, but ScRirTA. from o BX hvery all , Rerpetua and Nielsen CharlesBrown ping Mr, E. prise by' telling hiqi that not tip a quarter hundred weight o Shelf.- -U more than six months coiffity, Emery an even hundred. Ie is Huntington, ago these abpye . SjStglSgsf H. McMAsTER,tRegister, matters were considered here wiry active, cunning and sectp 24 LadTes Dusters, Lawns, Kic & Simmons, AtVy. and favorably treated, and had it Stayner tive. His, complexion , is fair, Glovep, Qhambray Ginghapi, fk pot been that such vigorous ( ? j his cranial growth sandy,' hjs Wheel 'and Catch On Cfrf, action has beentaken to reform, face sharp and inclined to by Straw Hats. 1 where reformation is not Provo News Depot. needed, angular, his eyes blue, with a : i ' Magazines, desideratum, had no doubt New Arr tv'll at HANlEli 'HARUINGYON. gvTliZ) general expression of sadness, Books, Stationery, of :yen, consummated when a He talk,s periodicals and Newspapers J n .He tea good listner,,. VuUic ' Notapj can to be allkinda., do Richer more' to benefit but ;jitlie. lie TraQ i seeips v', All south work carefulljr atten- methodical in 8. school and that w hi? conduct of j, Tbe.Bqst Supply House jth less ex- ded Notary 1 . to. .. to ertion himself and even less as agreeable cf.Salt.ake City, Office at Sentinel office, Manti. business, an1 quitereticent man i Orders by m?il soligitalt sxpeqso to the parents. as;an exceedingly Msir.StreeteLallLakeCify. Utah. CENTRE 6t. PROVO. Yet Ir. Es can be. logic is higher Ths Home Sentinel MOUNT PLEASANT 19 I corn-count- y, . well-know- n A R M ERS Implements il ks CO-O-L-- -fi- s- 1 - - HHIilll D , mi UHDEST AKER - . The h-il- r - ' , 1 i , 1 i . r? f b-- ! day-labore- Uis-trieto- - V k I y 0 , - t .article-commi- u-r-n-i-t-ur-23 . ts ;- 1 s.-ii- pur-ins- t. - - Co-o- dle-men- t, of-to- lix l . j. , co-o- c. ii. . BIRD I I per-hol- d . . . J o. . , I - 1 , m t J r r. r-- 4 Itl. 'f.', T..pSD ELS m C M |