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Show PAGE SIX BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 21, 1935 I Two numbers were furnished by the definite period. pitch as to endanger the peace of so A of ciety. ladies number from guartette of Fielding. A solo large people Is "It has always been a source of By tin. Thoma Auit Fielding attended the funeral services by Bishop Mark Nichols of Garland, serious reflection and sincere regret to For Budget-Ridde- n held in Logan Saturday afternoon for "When You Come to the End of a me that the youth of the United States Willis Hess, formerly of Fielding. The Perfect Day;" a vocal duet by Mr. Prepare your merchandise for Pubshould be sent to foreign countries for lic Auction to be held March 2. Adv. body was brought to Fielding for and Mrs. George Clark of-- Newton. Food shortages, caused by last the purpose of education. I have srreat Mr. and Mrs. Shirl Tucker and son burial. Leo Earl, Horace Richards, M. H. uuimer'b drought, are bringing Iy wished to plan adopted by of Slaterville, and Don Stoddard of Thomas Kerr of Salt Lake, former- - Welling, Senator Griffin and Bishop i families Many rising prices. which the arts, sciences and belles- InM. A. Garn were the speakers. j ly of Fielding, has been visiting with :re faced with making wholesale Hooper, visited relatives here on Satlettres could be taught to their fullest f nends here for the past few days. terment was in the Tremonton cemei i their urday. extent here, with the means of acoulr Mrs. Joseph Heusser was pleasantly diet for economy Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Hess of Ogden tery. Ing the liberal knowledge necessarv to home on Friday even her If at visited surprised with friends over the weekend. Last Wednesday evening Fielding qualify our citizens fur the exigencies are ing in honor of her birthday anniver changes Secretary of State Milton H. Well- played basketball with Plymouth. The or public as well as private life." made, what foods ing, and son. Ward, visited in Field- victory went to the Fielding team. "The more I am acquainted with ag- sary. Luncheon was served to sever should be used al gU&3t3. ing, Sunday. ricultural alTalrs. the better pleased I Following the game the Primary gave The Gleaner Girls of the M. I. A. more' "'hich less? J am with them. I am led to reflect how funeral services were a dance. The music was furnished by Impressive will health '"jHlIow held Sunday at 1:00 p. m. for Edward A. R. Euxton orchestra. much more delightful to an unde-- entertained at a Valentine dance at be affected? bauched mind is the task of making the ward amusement hall on ThursHaskell, who passed away Tuesday Arthur Welling and family of GarHAS become a revered custom Improvements on the earth, than In day night. The hall was decorated a were in attendance at our Sunstroke. land, morning M following i paraytec pj.J.ug t o n s troubling Washington's birthday to take the vain glory which can be acquired in white and red. The meeting. Mr. Welling cawas house day evening homemakers these to filled meeting days. iany Mrs. Ellis Perry visited on Friday a moment's halt In the rushing from ravaging it by a career of con a We with very interesting discourse on are glad to announce that friends and relatives who gave pacity with Mrs. Ellen B. Hale and Misses tides of modern events and to find quests.-- ' fore-no- st testimonies. come had One of at is hand. from the of the surroundlelp many fresh Inspiration in recalling to mind "This government, the offspring of Verla and Winfred Barrus of Logan. nutrition experts of the ing communities. Services were in A wedding dance and shower was the Ideals, the warnings, the hopes and our own choice, uninfluenced and ountry, Miss Miry Spaiding, Some people are born knockers, charge of Bishop M. A. Garn. Invothe visions with which he, in the serenadopted upon full Investigation given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Hy-ruConsultant in Nutrition of the cation was offered Jarvis while Johnson. others acquire the habit by the of the purcourage, Marble Saturday evening in the sincerity ana mature deliberation, completely ity, vlassachusetts Department of pose and the unbiased Judgment that free In Its principles, in the distribu ward amusement hall. A large crowd Public Health, will write a were characteristic of his public cation of Its powers, uniting security enjoyed a dance and refreshments. ries of articles for our readers, nareer, launched the newly liberated The newly married folks received a with energy, and containing within it- how to adjust the diet to elling tion of colonial states In the troubled seir a provision for Its own amend- nice assortment of useful gifts and all an it economy budget without waters uncertain It and upon which extend to them their wishes for hap ment, has a just claim to your confiendangering health. Watch for was renturing and delivered it Into dence and your piness. support" hese articles. the custody of his successors In the "Towards the preservation of vour Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Johnson are trust Clearly beyond the confusions government and the permanency of rejoicing over the arrival of a baby of succeeding political dynasties, obOF SALT LAKE CITY born Wednesday. Is requi your ttate. present it happy girl, serves a writer in the Kansas City Mrs. Geo. Jensen and baby are vis site, not only tnut you discountenance Star, stands out the personality of oppositions to Its acknowledged au- iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pe By Enid Welling this first I'resldent and his utterances thority, but also that resist with ter Jensen. you of hope and warning seem as significare the spirit of Innovation upon its Joseph Gardner is ill at this writing cant and potent today." your merchandise for Pubprinciples, however specious the pie and relatives from Ogden and Idaho, licPrepare to be held March Auction A great, a solitary figure, a symbol Will be at the Getz Jewelry Store in Tremonton texts." were visiting him on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woods were in of the cause for which he fought, a "It is our true policy to steer clear Lewis Eberly was in Ogden in Sun 16 Salt Lake on business a few days of personification of the constitutional of permanent alliances with any porday. foundations upon which he helped to tion of the foreign world; so week. last I far, Otis Chapman of Salt Lake City, place his conceptions of an Ideal demoMrs. Frank Cannon left for St. mean, as we are at liberty to do it ; was Dr. James, recognized as one of the state's calling on friends here on Mon cratic government, he stands out at for let me not be understood as capalast to visit with George Wednesday leading optometrists, is coming to Tremonton in ble of patronizing Infidelity to existing day. Mrs. Oswal Harwood of Ogden, was relatives for an indefinite period. order that residents of this vicinity may continue engagements. I hold the maxim no Leonard Welling who has been visher parents, Mr. and Mrs. less applicable to public than to pri- visiting in to St. with his sister iting Anthony Peter Jensen here Monday. enjoy the same high standards of optometrical vate affairs, that honesty Is always the Mr. and Mrs. and Miller. Rav family, Mrs. Axel was Hassel to hostess the service as established and maintained" by the late best policy." Civic Welfare club on for the past seven weeks, returned William "Harmony and a liberal intercourse Honeyville E. Getz. home Saturday afternoon. with all nations are recommended by Thursday afternoon at her home here. Mr. Mrs. and Basil were Nish call The program consisted of papers on policy, humanity and Interest. Hut ed to Clarkston last week due to the even our commercial policy should the lives of St. Valentine, by Mrs. Leon Gardner; Washington, by Mrs. serious illness of Mr. Nish's mother, hold an impartial hand, neither seekwho passed away Wednesday ing nor granting exclusive favors or Toiman Burke; and Lincoln by Mrs. PHONE 75.0-- 1 V. D. Justensen.. Iola Gene Burbank preferences, consulting the natural Mr. Mrs. and Welline have LeRoy course of things, diffusing and diversi- sang a song and also gave a reading gone to Salt Lake where Mr. Welling fying, by gentle means, the streams of Mrs. Lorin Burbank played a harmon has secured employment for an in- ica solo. A reading by Mrs. Alma commerce, but forcing npthing. Cook concluded the program. Lunch "Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, re- eon was served to seventeen members and two guests. ligion and morality are indispensable It Is substantially true supports. that virtue or morality is a necessary He WroU to His Friend Benjamin of popular government The spring Harrison. rule, Indeed, extends with more or less the head of the long line of presided-'tia- l force to every species of free governleaders an enduring inspiration ment. Who that Is a sincere friend to look with indifference upon at,even to the present day. If he hnd it, can the temper of a man, he knew how to tempts to shake the foundation of the Many Families Do Not Yet use It and control It When plotting fabric?" "Measure Up" In These "Promote as then an object of priarmy officers ami scheming politicians mary Institutions importance for the Health, Economy Foods to his undermine influence and sought his ability as a commander, he put his general diffusion of knowledge. In proportion as the structure of a governBy Mary Spalding devotion to his cause above his perConsultant in Nutrition. sonal feelings and turned the tide ment gives force to public onlnion. it is essential that public opinion should Massachusetts State Department against them by his dignified forbearbe enlightened." of Public Health ance and forgiveness. "As a very important source of ' Families have increased their Let us recall some of his words, strength and security, cherish public fruits and vegetables by leaps and midst our world troubles and misun-- j credit One method of preserving It Is to use It as sparingly as bounds. About four times as many possible, derstandings, written to his friend, carrots and leafy vegetables were occasions of expense bv nil avoiding Harrison: Benjamin eaten in Boston in "Mv first wish Is to see war. this tivatlng peace, but remembering also that timely disbursements to prepare 1932 i as in 1922. to banished oft from mankind, ' plague ror Canners tell us they danger much frequently prevent the earth." could hardly keep up "Of all the animosities which have greater disbursements to repel It" "Observe good faith and iustice to to the demand for existed among mankind, those which tomato juice. People are caused by difference of sentiments wards all nations; cultivate peace and have its harmony with all; religion and mor. .wM.. m In religion appear to me the most In value as well as the veterate and distressing and ought to nllty enjoin this conduct; and can It be that good policy does not enuallv w value of citrus fruits Nl I was In be deprecated. hopes that for Vitamin C. Ship- .w the enlightened and liberal policy enjoin It? It will be worthy of a free, Mary Spaidmg ments of c i t r u s which has marked the present tijre enlightened and, at do distant nerln.1. Business of is a to fruits and bananas have increased to great initlon, mankind the would at least have reconciled Chris give has been a large There its tlans of every di'iiom natiori so i';ir magnanimous and too novel example or a people always guided by an ex increase in canned goods. -- that we sh::l'l l; ver :iL;:iiti see i!;ei men, men, :j religious (1 u ;. t. s :i i. alted justice and benevolence. " A DEWEYVILLE For, In Sight Help P6AC6 w Anu shifts reasons. vjL if IT m Dr. Don C. James FIELDING Optometrist SATURDAY, FEBRUARY Make Appointments Now ... Use More Fruits A nnouncmg and Vegetables THE Business Men's League s of Utah learned ; . Spinach Saqdwichet ham City, were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Berchtold, Sunday. Mrs. William Bosley of Tremonton, Prepare your merchandise for Pub- and Mrs. Fred L. Petersen of Brig-halic Auction to be held March iCty, entertained their father, Saturday Mrs. Morgan Miller and William Miller, February 12, it being Mrs. Edmun Shuman entertained his 74th birthday. their Sunday school classes at a ValMr. and Mrs. James Miller of East entine party at the ward recreation Garland, were visiting relatives here hall. The afternoon was spent In Monday. games and dancing. Candy and cakes Newell Taylor was an Ogden visitor were served to 20 guests. last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spires and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Shuman en and Mrs. James Jensen were visiting tertained a number with Mr. and Mrs J. K. of friends at their Spires and Mr. and Mrs Ned Eskelson of Ogden home Monday evening. 1 Men's League Utah an numbering among membership industrial farmers, livestock wage earners, business men of every community in the large and small State. THE , PENROSE m Saturday and Sunday Kir. and Mrs. Leo Young of Brig- - BE SURE AND READ THE ADS The homemaker has become vita min and mineral conscious as her food budget for vegetables and fruits shows. Heads of families who are reducing in weight are increasing their consumption of green, leafy vegetables and of fruits like strawberries, because these give low calories and valuable minerals and vitamins. Children in nursery schools have taken to raw spinach and parsley sandwiches and are munching crisped carrot sticks. High school girls and some boys are eating more salads. Last year one if our universities had endowed salads for the students. This last summer the drought areas lacked these foods. Only fifty to sixty per cent of the normal amount was produced in the North Central region. Dr. Mordecai l, agricultural economist, tells us that at the present time the Surplus Relief is buying green vegetables and citrus fruits and distributing them where these foods have been short. Plenty For All The country as a whole hasn't much shortage. In fact there aro more potatoes this year than last. There are also more cabbages, spinach, carrots, tomatoes, and citrus fruits than last year, although the crops of apples and onions are probably less. There are good supplies of home and commercial canned fruits and vegetables. Transportation may bring up costs in a few places, but on the whole the pries for this part of the budget are not expected to rise. It is satisfying to know that the homemaker can keep on encouraging her family to eat plenty of potatoes, cooked in skins, and mora leafy, green, yellow, and some red vegetables, cooked for a short time or served raw in salads to retain valuable minerals and vitamins. In spite of increasing consumption, most families do not "measure up yet in fruits and vegetables. Eze-kia- In Response to the Many Requests of Our Patrons, We Are Again Putting In a Stock of Harness and Leather Findings Keep Step With the Trend BUILD, REPAIR OR REMODEL YOUR HOME We Are Headquarters for All Your Needs in LUMBER, HARDWARE FARM AND HOME SUPPLIES Farmers' Cash Union 'Tour Good Will Our Dest Asset" tOM-0- We are for sound legislation. We are for legislation which is fair to every citizen of the State legislation which will encourage, and not retard, the recovery which everyone is beginning to experience. You are interested in this constructive program. Some some is bad. It legislation, now proposed, is good should be judged by its effect upon your earnings, as a r, salaried or professional man or woman, or as the head of a business and an employer of men. It must contribute to a National Plan for Social Security. wage-earne- Join this organization. Write us if you are concerned about the effect of any bill up for consideration by the legislature. Give us your views on any bill that will affect you, your family, your business or your com- munity. No Obligation. THE BUSINESSMEN'S LEAGUE OF UTAH Box 67 Salt Lake City NOT AFFILIATED WITH ANY OTHER ORGANIZATION, PAST OR PRESENT, IN THE STATE OF UTAH |