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Show PAGE EK2H BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 21, 1935 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nelson of i -- fc 1cails;ma Smith-fiel- The daughters of the pionteis ! - ' k, ty-tw- Gepharts Do The Unusual Every Once In A While JUST ARRIVED! n, VV vvi I widths B and C Leather Soles Ridiculously low priced at . . . -- Of course they're Centrals Gold Standard Solid Leather- Soles. - Popular Two-wa- Stretch y GIRDLES With garters or without ONLY Small - Medium - Large SPECIAL! HATS UNTIL MARCH 15TH ONLY! The small son of Mr. and Mrs. Erie Watkins of Buhl, Idaho, had his tonsils removed Feb. 14. Vaudis Conley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Conley of Portage, had her appendix removed Tuesday. Her condition is progressing nicely. Mrs. F. F. Peterson of Bear River City, underwent a minor operation on X'. farmer-borrowe- , I I Mrs. Robert Allen was severely burned when a hot vater bottle she was using as a hot pack, suddenly bursted scalding her leg. The littie daughter of Roy Ander son of i hatcher, has been very ill with pneumonia this week. Earl Nelson of Thatcher had a severe attack of indigestion Tuesday. He was brought to the Valley hospital for immediate treatment. He remaned only a few hours. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Larsen of Park Valley report the birth of a girl on February 17. Mr . and Mrs. Hubert Sandali are the parents of a young son, born February 14. EAST TREMONTON By Blrs. p. E. Ault Tnllrc fn Prepare your merchandise for Five guests and present. 15 Pub- lic Auction to be held March dv. Mrs. O. L. Brough visited her mother. Mrs. Agusta Toone, of Salt Lake City, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. R . G. Brough return ed Saturday from their visit to Spring City. 2.-A- Harvey Ault made a business trip to Ogden Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Abbott motored to Farmington on Tuesday. Mrs. Abbott remained for a few days visit with her mother, Mrs. Woods. rs tee. At recess those present numbering: 88, enjoyed luncheon at the Garland Hotel so ably prepared and served by Chef Jim Frazer. BEAR RIVER CITY ay airs. v. . Urailstord j Wednesday afternoon the Primary officers held their meeting at the home of Mrs. Ella I. Hansen. After the lesson was given by Airs. Emma Ohman and other matters of business attended to, a social was enjoyed with refreshments served to 12 officers and teachers. Mrs. Fredrick Olsen received word early Monday morning that Jerry son of Dick Olsen, Marvin A and Delia Johnson Olsen, e had died at the family home in of pneumonia. The infant was born December 6th, 1934, and is a grandson of Mrs. Fredrick Olsen. Mrs. Joe Iverson and Mrs. Orson Iverson entertained at a valentine dinner Saturday evening at the home of Orson Iverson. The tables were set for 18 guests. After dinner the evening was spent in playing a vari ety of games. ld Cor-inn- Special for Saturday, February 23rd APRONS! APRONS! APRONS! From 10 to $1.00 each CEREAL BOWLS for TOILET TISSUE 35 3 for TOILET SOAP 6 members were Bars 190 10-o- z. 10 LIQUID WAX Can 190 to $3.45 CITY D RUG CO. I America's Three Leading Magazines American Magazine GEPHARTS DO IT AGAIN! WOMAN'S Home Companion Collier's Work Shoes THE NATIONAL WEEKLY 0X0 14 13 MONTHS OF ALL THREE For Only $4. Composition Soles SAVING $1.50 from single copy value Long Wearing! HURRY! We Haven't Many Subscription value Single copy value ' "mil iii'wuiywT J. I -- - $0.83 $8.50 II. I). THOMAS Gephart Stores Co. "Buy for Cash ' l 111111 llily n irwrragaa SFECIAL REPRESENTATIVE (Leader Office) exo Subscriptions for AU Magazines AT LOWEST PRICES WE CARRY POSTAGE STAMPS Tremonton, Utah HOSPITAL COTTON, Full Pound 75c LISTERINE, z ASPIRIN TABLETS, 5 gr. (100's) 50c IPANA TOOTH PASTE 14-o- 16-o- z. MILK OF MAGNESIA 39c 60c 59c 35c 19c 39c 39c Prescriptions Carefully and Accurately Compounded ALKA SELTZER 49C Lifebuoy SHAVING CREAM ........ 27c 60c ITALIAN BALM and HOME DESPENSER - Both for 59c BAYER ASPIRIN (loo's) sgc OVALTINE, Lar-- e Size Can 65c Priced Low fiHOTWAT 2 Dunns iiormeriy 4!) to 98f) FOUNTAIN SYRINGES (formerly 2.25) 2 HOT WATER BOTTLES ThK Wt ' 4 Prepare your merchandise for Public Auction to be held March 2.Adv. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Campbell of Afton, Wyoming, are visiting in this city with their daughter, Mrs. Austin L. Johnson and family. The chiidrens valentine dance given Friday night by the Sunday school wa3 well attended, the children having a very good time. At Tlie Variety Store 6 The Literary club met at the home of Mrs. lone Hansen Wednesday. "Ah v Uderness," a play by Eugene O' Niel, was given by Nathella Griffin. See our windows today for news on what the well dressed man ..will wear in Spring 1933 Hats! Phone 33 mm L (Adv.) We're making hat history with our new Spring line of Rothschilds $1.98 s HOSPITAL NEWS Stomach Sufferers $1.99 I r. Ludvig LarThos. E. son, King and J. Robert Allen were elected to serve as the loan committee, with T. F. Coombs as alternate member of the loan commit- mqfa Black Kid Ties the-Fedei- secretary-treasure- Wednesday. Mrs. Evan Gee left the hospital on February 19 with her son, after staying there for 10 days. Ogden. Saturday, Feb. 16 George Misrassi Mrs. T. J. Berkhart visited rela of E. Tremonton, was knocked down tives at Salt Lake City Tuesday, by a passing car, while on his way to Last night the singing town. He was brought to the Valley mothers met at the home of Mrs, hospital for treatment. No bones I'awn yuinney. me evening was were broken and he is now spent practicing. A delicious lunch- eon was served by Mrs. James Wal ton and Priscilla Christensen. Twenty members were nresent. Gloria Nichols entertained members of the Epworth League at a Valentine party Thursday night. Rook was If you are one of the numerous suf played with Bertha Landavatter win from stomach trouble, what ferers Lois Rohde and low. ning high prize you need is a treatment that will go Refreshments were served. to the source of your trouble. Begin Wednesday afternoon the South Tremonton Farm Bureau held thP.ir correcting your condition by remov. monthly meetine- - at the home of Mrs. lnS the toxic poisons from the blood Winnie Barfus. The lesson on home and important organs to help nature you well. painting was given by Aleen Hansen, keep Get rid of sluggish bowels with after which luncheon was served to 15 their germ laden wastes that poison members. Mrs. May Kent was tendered a de your entire system and cause that "heavy" and "lazy" condition so hard ugnttui snower Wednesday evening to get rid of. enof several in her friends the by Neutralize the acids in your stom tertainment room of the Bjorn home. Musical numbers were furnished by ach give the gastric juices a chance Dick Fishburn and Vernon Nielsen. to digest your food. Soothe the brokBunco was played and fortunes told. en membranes and spots which "cut into you." A delicious luncheon was served. The right Advise with your druggist. He will bride received many beautiful and tell you that an effective preparation useful gifts. to take for your stomach condition is The F. B. H. M. club met Friday Williams S. L. K. Formula. Its genat the home of Mrs. R. S. Calderwood tle and thorough action on your bowwith ten members present. The pro els together with the anti-aci- d and was taken "Clean up ject up, Paint toning-u- p effect make it most effecup and Fix up for Spring." The host tive. See the City Drug Co. about ess served dainty refreshments, as Williams S. L. K. Formula. It is sold sisted by Miss Lorella Rose. The next only on a money back guarantee. meeting will be announced later. Here's a sample of the savings you can enjoy v by a visit to GEPHARTS Today! member-stockholder- s. j A Bturdystrength of character, The will to do some useful deed. The vision that conceives a way To satisfy another's nee- dOn such as these a man's good name Is built; his leadership depends On service to his fellow-meAnd loyalty to humble friends. Mr.,1"' en's Be AMvme&l stock-iiOlde- rs The reputation that is won Alone by him of worthy name. - and daughter, LuDean, returned from Los Angeles last Wednesday evening They visited with their son, Neville, who is employed there. They also visited Dr. Fawn Hunsaker and Mrs. Ruby H. Miller ,a sister of Mr. Hun saker. They report a very enjoyable trip Mr. and Mrs. Bob Coy of LaGrande Ore., and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burgess were dinner guests Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Stander. The Tremonton Relief Society held their literary meeting Tuesday. Mrs Fawn Quinney conducted the singing practice. A missionary letter from Elder Fredrick G. Klanuma was read by Mrs. Brough. Mrs. Monk was in charge of the literary lesson. A very interesting program was given and was enjoyed by those present Following the dance last Friday night Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ransom en tertained 23 friends at their home Luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Keller of Bingham, spent the weekend visiting- at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Keller. Mrs. Phobe Haight, Hazel Ransom and Lula Taylor spent Wednesday at The annual meeting of the Garland National Farm Loan association was held at Garland, Tuesday, February 19th, with an excellent attendance of the V. II. Casdidy represented Land Bank cf Berkeley, and interested all present with his efficient explanation of the Farm C:edit Admisintration's set up for real es tate mortgages and also crop piodu:-- J tion loans. i The Garland National Farit. Loan association, has operated since 1SU8, has outstanding ioanj of approxi mately $700,000.00, and 82 applications pending for $508,000.00, only two farm properties have be'.'ii foreclosed on since its organization The association has enjoyed a splendid year's business, with delinquencu-- not more than 51 per cent of the average for the district. There has also been loaned to through the Garland N. F. L. A. agency for the Land Bank Commissioners more than $500,000.00. The following stockholders were elected directors for the ensuing year: Ludvig Larson, T. F. Coombs, Thos, E. King, J. Robert Allen and John F. Burton. Ludvig Larson was Oh. Lord of men, teach me to know Just what "a good name" signifies! Help me to understand its worth, And let me never cease to prize Above all else that life afford- sYes, better far than wealth or fame Adv Hol-broo- Q30D TlffflK f) Mr. and Mrs. Bab Coy of LoGrande Oregon, are spending the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mis. joe Burgess. held this week at the home of Mrs. Games was the diversion of the even- VV. VV. Wadswot Prepare your merchandise for th. The iesaoa, ' rio- Auction to be held March 2.-ing, prizes being won by Mr. and Mrs. was given by Mrs. Geo. H Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Keller enter D B. Green. Mrs. Leroy Bishop and j neeruig," Max Adama entertaiced BradjUaw. tained at a dinner party Friday night Clarence Brough. At the close of the with a song. Mrs. Ethel Eiadshaw in honor of their 35th wedding anni- evening's entertainment a delicious two piano solos. A delicious piayed versary. Guests from Bear River City luncheon was served. luncheon was served. were present. A birthday party was given Satur- Mrs. Phoebe Haight entertained the , Esther Stohl attended the formal day at the home oi Mrs- - L- - c- - Chris-ba- ll B. B. bridge club Saturday auernoon. sponsored by the Alpha Delta Ep- -' ten3en, in honor of Mrs. John Stohl, Prizes were won by Mrs. Lola Win-zele- r, silon fraternity at Logan Thursday 11 Dems ner oiia oinnaay anmver Viola Stander and Hazel Ransary. Many beautiful gifts were re- - som Mrs. Erie Watkins was a night. specAn interesting affair of the week feivf by Mrs- Sth!' ,A deliciou8 ial guest. A delicious luncheon was waa BClvcu w xo acaus-anwas the house warming given by served. The decorations were of Mrs- Enid Jorgensen and son of Salt Mrs. Russel Waldron Wednesday Washington's birthday design. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bennett of evening, in honor of the completion ' Lke City visited at the home of Mr. of their new home. The reception and Mrs. F. M. Christensen Saturday Idaho, Mrs. J. G. Bennett and rooms were beautifully lighted. Twen- - and Sunday. Mrs. L. A. White of Malad, Idaho, and o Mrs. Rudolph Christensen visited J. B. Bennett, Jr. or San Francisco, guests joined with them in the happiness of their big achievement, with her mother at Logan last week. visited Thursday at the home of their sister and daughter, Mrs. J. C. Thoni- aa. axsesmsjss Mayor and Mrs. Israel Hunsaker ! Garland N.F. L. A. Has Successful Year d, spent Sunday at the home of their sister, Mrs. Clara Crockett. 19(j lj 39( W M (formerly S2.0(h -- hu Bottles Have Been in the Window and Are Slightly DiscoIored M w YOU SAVE WHEN YOU TRADE WITH US ! ! |