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Show I (local news) H A COLUMN OF WHICH EVERY READER 18 A8KEO H TO CON8IDER HIMSELF OR HER8ELF AN EDITOR B Tho Drlghani Young en nip of the Daughters of Pioneers will postpone B their meeting until October ID. BBBBBBB H roil HUNT A now bungalow. B Apply Dahle & Kccles, Commerclnl Pll Illoclt, phono G3. adv. 9-22. HB W. D. Ilecrs, engineer for the PlB Oneida Irrigation district, was in Lo- HB gan on Tuesday on business. BBBBBBSl PlB WANTED I'lrst class man to run pil milk ranch. Apply to N. 1". Uullcn. BlB Itlchmonil. adv. tf. BBBBBBBm. HBB' Authon Neuburgcr, tho handy dls- iiensor of sodas at Shamhart-Chris- PlB Hansen's store, Is bnck home after n HBh pleasant outing In Salt Lake. BBBBBBBr ! Wo fix anything. Key and lock ! work, saw filing, lawn mower sharp- HBH Ing. DeSandors Ulcyclo and Novelty PlB Works. Adv. 9-20 HBh Kirs. Clarence Ashton of Bancroft, HBB Idaho, was In Logan yesterday on n HHH If you want tho very latest and HH the best In the range market, get a B Colo's Hot Dlast Uange. adv. 9-22. BBBBBBBM m HH A primary entertainment will bo HBBj given by the First ward in the Nlblcy H hall at 7:30 Friday evening, Sept. 21. HHH Everyono Is cordially Invited. Ad- HH mission, adults lGc; children, 10c; HBBj reserved seats, 25c. adv. 9-20. BBBBBBBh PlH FOR SALE Four mares. Phone J 91C-W. adv. 9-20. BBBBBBBH HllJ Tho First ward Primary assocla- ! tlon is arranging an entertainment ! for Friday evening In the Nibley hall, HHHj to which tho general public Is lnvlt- HBBJ cd to attend. HhHJ Delia, daughter of the late William HBj l.owo or Franklin, died on Tuesday ! nt Hurley, Idaho, of typhoid fever. ! She was a young girl about 1 1 years HBBl bbbbbbbbbI PlH' FOR KENT Fine 11-room mod- HBBl cm home. Alfred G. Picot. adv. tf. ! Miss Druo Smith, who Is known as HHHB ono of tho best sales Indies In north- ! cm Utah, Is back with the Shamhart- ! Christiansen company. Her many ! friends will rind her In tho silk and ! dress goods department, where they HHHb will bo mado at homo when ever they ! choose to call on her. HBBb R. W. Palmer and G. G. Graves, HBBB representatives of tho licet Growers' ! Sugar company, arc still nt Hotel HHHB Eccles and will be glad to answer any ! inquiries about the new Hlgby sugar ! factory, which will bo erected the ! coming season. adv. 9-20. ! In tho intermountalu country beet ! Migar factories from the first have paid large returns, and since tho pro- IB ductlon has been greatly curtailed by HBBH' tho war, profits should be still groat- HHHHl er for many years to ciiiip Dcstruc- HBBBJ' tlon of the sugar industry In Europ" HBBBJ' tho past three jears has been appal- HhHH ling and it behooes America to pre- pare to make up ror the shortage. It Is not only profitable, but patriotic to Join hands with those who are building up an Industiy that will bo enduring and of untold benefit to the whole nation. For every beet sugar factory that Is put into operation, several thousands ncri's of land nro taken out of competition with the other crops, a great number or people peo-ple are given employment and thousands thous-ands of dollars aro distributed among the fortunato holders or sugar stock. Montpeller, Idaho, Examiner. Mitrrlngo licenses have boon Issued to Paul W. Wilson or Salt Lako and Miss Elva Allen or Cove; Robert W Roman and Odessle L. Hendricks of I.ewlston; A. E. Sorenson nnd Margaret Mar-garet Peterson or Richmond; Harlow Campbell or Rldgcdale and Mao Norman Nor-man or Paradise. Dr. and Mrs. D. K. Allen or Salt Lake have returned home arter having hav-ing spent a pleasant visit In tha valley. They were In attendance nt tho Allen reunion at Cove, Sundaj, at tho residence or Mr. nnd Mrs. Andrew An-drew Allen. On their wny home they visited with Mr. nnd Mrs. George W. Curtis or this city. Director John T. Calno III, or the extension division or the Utah Agricultural Agri-cultural callege, has Just returned from Calirornla where ho went to Judgo tho shorthorn beef cattle nt tho Calirornla stato Talr, held nt Sacramento. Sac-ramento. Director Calno reports that California breeders are awako to tho seriousness or the meat shortago throughout tho world and that they are making every orrort to Increase the beer production or their stnte. Beginning September 25, a special course In military French at tho Utah Agricultural collego will be given by Proressor Frank II, Arnold, head or tho department or modern languages, j This course will bo particularly adapted to the needs or thoso expecting expect-ing to go to Frnnco as part or tha army of tho United States. Thoso i drafted, but who do not hnvo to leavo! for their cantonments for a rew weeks, nnd thoso likely to bo drawn on the second draft, will rind tho course especially valuable. Miss Elva Allen and Taul Willing-ton Willing-ton Wilson were united In marrlago yesterday, tho ceremony being per-formed per-formed in the Logan temple. Miss Allen Is tho youngest daughter or Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Allen or Cove, and Mr. Wilson Is the son or Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Wilson, Sr or Salt Lake City. Arter a brier honeymoon In Salt Lake, they will go direct to Bancroft, Ban-croft, whero Mr. Wilson is foreman lor Contractor Joseph E, Wilson, Jr., In tho laying or concrote sidewalk i at that place. ' With tho campaign ror a 1,000,000 bushel Increaso In Utah's wheat crop well launched, a big campaign rorl Increased ment production In tho stato Is getting under way. This Is a part or a national move for greater meat production and Is under tho direct di-rect supervision, In this stnte, of tho extension division of tho Utah AgrK cultural college. Director of Extension Ex-tension Calno Is busily organising nil of the forces or tho division to make this drive ror more meat a big success. suc-cess. .That tho situation is serious Is I admitted by all. , Reports havo it that a good many peoplo aro letting considerable fruit go to waste on account of not knowing know-ing wUcro to market it, or not having hav-ing friends to glvo it to. Mrs. Lillian Woolstonholm of Salt Lake, a national nation-al organizer of women for food conservation con-servation purposes, haB organized a number of units throughout tho stnte nnd has a local unit hero, which would bo glad to mako proper use of these fruits If the unit wero notified noti-fied of fruits that cannot bo cared for. There should bo every precaution precau-tion taken to soe that there Is no waste this year. There will be many a young soldier that will go hungry this winter for lack of food, which could be prevented If tho food produced pro-duced Is taken care of. A number of tho friends of Mrs. L. T. Ralph planned and carried out a delightful shower last evening at the home of her mother, Mrs. John II. Thorpe. During the evening she was presented with a beautiful set or silverware, compliment of her girl friends. I A prlvnto party was held at Mur-dock's Mur-dock's last evening for tho draft boys who aro to leavo soon for Camp Lewis, Wash. I " Lieut, S. R. Thatcher of Fort Douglas Doug-las was in Logan yesterday, having .come up to attend the funeral of bis brother, John 11. Thatcher. ! F. J. Marshall of Tho Logan Journal is on his annual vacation for a week. Ho Is spending his time fishing nnd gathering In his fruit and vegetables which ho has been success-full success-full In producing In flno quality as well ns good quantity tho past season. 9 Tho annual meeting of tho Thomas Tarbet camp oT tho Daughters or Pioneers Pio-neers will be held at tho home or Mrs. Jos. E. Cowley, Friday at 3 p. m. New orricers will bo Installed. All members will plenso como prepared to 1 pay their annual Tee. I i A new Dodgo car, badly smashed, was brought to tho Blair garage yesterday yes-terday artcrnoon for repairs. Upon , investigation It was found that tho car belonged to Peter Nielsen or College Col-lege ward. Mr. Nielsen was on hfs j wny to participate In the Brlgham ! City Peach day restlvltles when ho , ran oTf a bridge. I ' Mrs. Rebecca Hardmnn died at Smlthfleld Tuesday and will bo burled bur-led at Mendon today at 2 p. m., funeral services to bo held In tho Mendon meeting houso. Deceased reached her 90th birthday anniversary annivers-ary last January. |