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Show HAPPENINGS AT LEWISTON FORTHEWEEK Lewlston, Sept. 18. Messrs. WIU lard Hendricks, Georgo Pope, Riley Lewis, Sr.-, and Ulley Lewis, Jr., left Monday morning for a week's trip In Star valley. MIbs Mary Herbert, third grades teacher In tho Lewlston public schools, received word, Sunday evening, ev-ening, of tho death of her father at Sallna, Sevier county. Sho left for her homo Monday morning. Tho Hyrum orchestra will furnish music for tho dance, Saturday evening. even-ing. This orchestra has mado qulto a reputation. An Invitation Is extended ex-tended to all neighboring towns. Misses Oretta and Edith Coley aro spending several days at Logan. Mr. J. M. Anderson and wlfo mado a business trip to Ogdon on Tuesday. Thoy will stop over at Brlgham City for Peach day. Mrs. Eva Parkinson and Mrs. Millie Van Orden wero at Logan, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Brlgham Hendricks and daughter, Odessa, wero In Lo gan Monday on huslncw. MIsa Lucllla Coley and Mr. Jay Van Orden, two of Lowtjion's popular popu-lar young poo'plo, wero united In marriage at Logan.Wcdnesday. Mrs. Carrie Coley and Mr. and Mrs. Mel-vln Mel-vln Coley nccompanlcd tho youns people to Logan. Mr. O. A. Hogan was at Logan on business, Monday. Mrs. Leora Lewis Worley, who was operated on a couplo of weeks ago at tho Utah-Idaho hospital, la getting along nicely. Mrs. Eva Parkinson entertained Tuesday In honor of her llttlo daughter, daugh-ter, Ileth, tho occasion being her sixth birthday. Twenty llttlo guests wero present. Refreshments wero served. Miss Odessa Hendricks and Mr. Robert Roman wero united In marriage marri-age Wednesday at tho Logan temple. Mr. and Mrs. Uoman havo a host of friends who wish them congratulations. congratu-lations. Uorn to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sca-mons, Sca-mons, a fine baby girl, Saturday. All concerned aro doing nicely. Miss Clara Kremer, Supt. R. V. Larsen, and Mr. SardonI visited at the Lewlston schools, Tuesday. Miss Vivian Rawlins, daughter of I Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Uawlins, is got-" got-" .Continued on pago six) B v LEWISTON NOTES. Bj (Continued on pago three) Bj AiK better. Mr. Win. Itlgby, Jr., Is suffering j S a sevcro attack of pnoumonla. Dr. J. C. Stocks of Bountiful cn- itafncd with a melon bust at tho aome of Mrs. Sarah Stocks, Saturday evening Tho ontlro Stocks family wero present, also Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Illl Mr Fn Ilcrnhlsel and Mrs. Hjhla I'avldflon. Mrs. Sylvia Davidson of Pocatello Is visiting with her brother, Mr. M. O. Dell. Tho Janet H. Lenvltt camp of tho Daughters of Pioneers will glvo a melon festival next Wednesday nl T o'clock. Mrs. Hva Parkinson entertained tho Ladles' Art nnd Literary club members rrldny nfternoon. Pooms by Keats, "To a Skylark,, and "Odo to a Grecian Urn," were- read by Mrs. Ada Van Ordcn. Officers for the coming I months were elected as follows: President, Mrs. Gertrude Hawllnsj vlco president, Mrs. Oalo Lewis; secretary, Mrs. Eva Parkinson. Parkin-son. Mr. John Poulsen and family motored mo-tored to Mlllvlllo Sunday. Horn to Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarenco Stocks, a fine 1 0 Vi -pound baby girl, last Wednesday. Mrs. Kato Pond Is visiting with her sons at Pencil, Idaho. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Stocks of Bountiful Boun-tiful spent a few days at Lewlston visiting with friends and relatives. Mrs. Gcrtrudo Rawlins Is spending the week at Lava Hot Springs. Miss Lucllla Coloy was entertained at her homo with a bundle shower, Tuesday. About thirty guests were present Sho received many useful and beautiful gifts. Tho rooms wero tastefully decorated with sunflowers. Dainty refreshments wero served. Mrs. Nelson, who Is teaching school In tho Wheeler district, was called homo to Missouri on account of tho death of her mother. Mrs. 0. W. Saunders Is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. V. M. Van Orden. A workman nt tho West Cache sugar factory had tho misffortuno to hao a thumb and finger cut off last Friday. Ho was taken to Logan by Dr. W. B. Parkinson. Mr. John Poulsen spent Friday at McCammon on business. Mr. J. M. Leo, freight conductor on the 0. L. & I., was killed nt Sugar-ton Sugar-ton on September 13. He was climbing climb-ing on tho top of tho car and became electrocuted by a misplaced trolley. His remains were sent to Ogden for burial. Mrs. Sylvia Cox and children of Mantl aro visiting with her sister, Mrs. Frank Hougard. Mrs. Franta (iNIel returned noma to Los Angeles, Friday, after a two months' visit with relatives. Mr. Earl Leavltt of Fort Douglas visited with his parents, Saturday. Miss Veda Cardon, chief telephone operator of Logan, visited at Lowls-ton Lowls-ton on Tuesday. Mr. Austin Ilainey of Richmond, who leaves for Washington Wednesday Wednes-day to servo for Undo Sam, Was bidding bid-ding good-bye to Lowlston friends, Tuesday. Tho Second ward Beehive girls gavo a danco Thursday evening Watermelon was served. I Mrs. Allco Barnett and Besslo Merrill Mer-rill of the stake board visited tho Second ward Belief Society, Tuesday. Miss Lillian Austin of Salt Lake City is visiting with Miss Sadlo Kent. Mrs. Horace Cutler spent Tuesday at Richmond. Mrs. Cutler, who has been suffering suffer-ing from stomach trouble for several months, is taking treatment at Preston Pres-ton with Dr. Cutler. |