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Show TIIE DIXIE NEWS WI THE DIXIE ,r AA by the Students of the Dixie College One Dollar Per Year Published Subscription Price Many Subjects Discussed - - - - - SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS ISSUE B. Glen Smith ; H. L. Reid The staff for this issue is selected from the class in newsand in assuming inwriting. It is thefirst experience in editing staff desire to make of the The members dividual responsibility. criticism Constructive this edition of the paper the best possible. received. from our readers will be cheerfully I When you wear the school letter, the symbol of your college, what does it mean to you ? When you become the proud possessor of a pin on which the letter D is engraved, what significance does it hold for you ? Is it merely a trinket that will perhaps add to your personal appearance when placed sedately on your best coat of blue ? Is it an adornment that you have acquired because of some special fete you have performed ? Or does it mean something more to you. Does it fill you with pride, and the joy of acWhen you wear the school letter, whether on a complishment? pin or placed prominently on the front of your sweater, do you realize what it means to you and to the school whose' colors and symbol you wear? Do you know that you and your school are both being judged by all who see your letter? Do you know that you represent the Dixie College wherever you are seen? What kind of an impression are you leaving ? In its real significance the D is the cherished emblem of the school. It embodies the highest, the noblest of ideals and purreflects the desire to achieve great things, and the deIt poses. termination to succeed in all endeavors. To the student it represents recognized attainments and is an inspiring element in their lives. It is an impelling force that urges them on to higher achievement and success. Every wearer of the school letter should, at all times, uphold the standards of the school and have a reasonably high scholastic standing. He should be mentally, morally and physically efficient and an example of everything that is highest and best in our school life. You who are already wearing the school letter and you who are probably anticipating receiving the privilege, do you come up to these standards? Will the school be proud to enlist you in its ranks of representatives ? Professor Morris of the B. A. lectured on several phases of Prof. Abell of the the dairy business. According treated topics relating to fruits to we are not in a great him He mentioned and vegetables. on a as types of vegetables adapted dairy country but dairying scale should be maintainsmall to this country asparagus, beets, ed. It is a helpful supplement carrots, turnips, bunch onions, to fruit growing and poultry head lettuce, cucumbers, tomaraising. Washington County He listtoes, and cantaloupes. stock rather needs improved ed the various leading varieties in an increase the number. than of each of these vegetables and We need a better cooperative spoke of their general characterbasis. Proper feeding and cleanistics. liness are essential in milk proHe treated peach culture, duction. Records should be kept grape culture, cherry culture of each cow, otherwise we cannot and pear culture. He rated the know accurately what the cow is leading varieties adapted to our Her milk should be condition and gave instructions paying. tested once a month and the as how best to cultivate the amount of milk she gives each trees. In connection with his time she is milked should be reinstructions on pruning he gave corded when We weighed. demonstrations in one of the should also acaccurate keep nearby orchards,. His message count of the rations fed her. in regards to pruning were to is a commercial venmake an open tree in the center Dairying ture and if it is not carried on in and have the branches spread such a way that it pays in doland if necessary tied to the lars and cents our methods trunk to produce the shape. In- should be modified so that it will terest was manifest both by the pay. number in attendance and the U. A. C. C. - THE SCHOOL LETTER DAIRYING HORTICULTURE AND GARDENING - - Leadership began with a musi cal program Thursday morning A group of students from the as follows: University of California will pre- Violin Solo, Clark Higgin, sent a program in devotional Piano Solo Clesta Worthen February 7. Welcome to visitors,. ...President D Nicholes The Imperial Players are Band Selections.... College Band scheduled to present Cinderella Vocal Duet from Beggar StuOReilley here Tues. Feb. 8, Lafe dent, Mrs. Haycock and Terry, a Dixie Alumnus is playSnow. ing with them. d piano selection D Mrs. Pace, Miss Thurston Mr. Harvey Stucki and Miss Gertrude Fawcett and Ezoe Hilda Wittwer, of Santa Clara Woodbury. were married in the St. George Vocal Solo .... Wendell Robinson Temple January 28. Both were School Song formerly students of the Dixie. Vocal SoI Mrs. Haycock The student body joins in exMessage to Students, President tending congratulations. Meeks D Band Selection Thursday evening, Feb. 3rd, a Professor Turpin said that party will be given in the Gymare very valuable as food eggs nasium for all members of the because of proteins, fats, and American Legion, the Womens vitamines they contain. The Auxiliary to the American Legvalue of the egg is determined ion, and all persons eligible for the food of the hen. He also membership in either organiza- by demonstrated the development tion. To become a member of and structure of the egg. the Auxiliary a woman must be Miss Odells message was on either a mother, wife, sister, or clothing and was mostly demoman. daughter of an nstrated. She gave detailed instructions for the making of THINGS TO FORGET several soft hats at a very low If you see a tall fellow ahead of cost. She said that the best method for dress from the standa crowd, A leader of men, marching fear- point of health was to have the clothing equally distributed over less and proud And you know of a tale whose the body and put the warmth in outer clothing. She also showmere telling aloud Would cause his proud head to ed several styles of aprons, gift in anquish be bowed. suggestions and slips. She left sets of patterns for all of several Its a pretty good plan to forget these articles, including the hats, it. for the women to use. If you know of a skeleton hidden Mrs. Burroughs subject was away household She management. In a closet, and guarded, and and lectured demonstrated with kept from the day In the dark ; and whose showing, charts, showing how the kitchen should be arranged to save steps. whose sudden display, As the two main functions of the Would cause grief and sorrow 1D EDITORIAL STAFF The Class in News writing Chief Editor Benson Berneice Minnie P. Macfarlane, Mary Nelson, Assistant Editors j Mervin Reber and Ida Wallis . Faculty Advisor A. K. Hafen BUSINESS STAFF Elvis B. Terry Business Manager Clark Frei Circulation Manager TYPISTS Everett and Ruth Seegmiller. Bessie Roland Stucki, CLASS REPORTERS J. Evelyn Harris, Florence McArthur Nicholes, Henry Arvilla Graff, Abia Judd and Bessie Atkin. President Nicholes anticipates leaving for the north Friday. THOUGHTS LEFT WITH US AT LEADERSHIP SESSION questions asked and discussion entered into. POULTRY Professor Turpin said poultry raising goes with vegetable gardening and fruit raising. Cooperation and organization are essential in this as in any other undertaking. For example in feeding the cost of the feed is greatly reduced if pur- AGRICULTURE Dil-wor- Eight-hande- - ce Dr. John A. Widtsoe outlined a scientific program from which an agricultural outlook could be obtained. He urged us to conserve our available water. Some day canals will be so built as to chased in carload lots. He seemretain the great amount of ed to think for us in Dixie it water now lost by seepage. He would be more profitable to raise said we do much damage to the for meat production than poultry soils by irrigating too much. for kitchen are preparing meals and and lifelong dismay. egg production. He was The future of the West will be well after she empha pleased with the poultry Its pretty good plan to forget cleaning away asized determined on how we irrigate. show. He the that refrigerator, it. stated he had seen He spoke of the cultivation of here some of the best stove, sink and cupboards tables, varieties If you know of a thing that will should be the soil as the basis for civiliza- of poultry. arranged in the order darken the joy in which they are used. She altion. No people advance who do A great market could be found Of a man or a woman, a not use a plow. There is much girl or a so discussed with the women for our poultry if we servec boy, being learned about the soil, but them at the lighting, wall and floor furnishmeals to tourists That will wipe out a smile, or the there is yet much to be learned. ings, and curtains which she A SPLENDID PROJECT least way annoy The right kind of mineral food passing through here to various demonstrated. A fellow, or cause any parts of the country. gladness With the passing of Leadership Week the people of Dixie must be had by the soil. Dixies Mrs. Hunt lectured on nutrito cloy, are convinced that it is a splendid project from the standpoint of soils are extremely rich but tion and how mothers should Its a pretty good plan to forget handle the likes and dislikes of cooperation, encouragement and enlightment of the people. Dix- some essentials may be lacking. FOR it. AND AGAINST ie has a great future ahead and her citizens are working children for the different essenearnestly If so they must be supplied. He A YEAR BOOK and more scientifically than ever before in agricultural pursuits. suggested experimentation stattial foods and answered queSoil experimentations, the large fig tree How to Forget stions asked her very definitely. project, and plans for a ing it might mean thousands of For a Yearbook greater poultry production, were weighed during Leadership Week dollars to Dixie. Mr. Harrisons subject was 1. A good book can be pub- If you were busy being kind, and a new era in Dixies history will perhaps materialize as a reOf six chief factors in colonsex education and the importsult. ization Dixie possesses four to a lished, if properly managed, Before you know it you would ance of its being taught properly find without excessive cost. Hundreds of women in Southern Utah have had household successful extent, but in home. He showed how a probably the Youd soon forget to think twas 2. The book will serve as problems solved and in finding out each others problems, have helps for the farmer and organ'could be created attitude true right received new ideas and methods to lessen labor and cost of house- ization among the farmers is memorandum of the years acti- That someone was toward it by teaching the child hold management and promote the health, unkind to you. vity. efficiency, and happi- lacking. a from biologied standpoint. He 3. Added ness of the families. Dixie is indeed looking forward more The factors determining sucappreciation, as the If you were busy being hopeshowed specimens of mosses, glad. fully than ever before. cessful agricultural go on, make the book of And pursuits are: years and other inwho butterflies cheering are people flowers, Topography, climate, water, soil, inestimable value. sad, sects as of how parexamples 4 It is in scenery, and distance from markeeping with the Although your heart ARE WE TO HAVE A YEAR BOOK? ents could from the things teach ache might ket. Dixie meets all these con- policy of other similar schools a bit of nature the child which with and we cannot afford to be beditions. Are we to have a Year Book is a question Youd soon to being asked by a was notice familiar. forget it. There are five possible indus- hind. good many students. We must realize that a year book costs tries for the 5. It will make for a sum of quite West; viz, oils and money and that without the support of the stugreater If you were busy being true love for and dent body as a whole such a mining; forestry, range indusappreciation of our To what you know you ought to project cannot even be thought of. Dixie College, thus A committee has been try, do, SEVEN MISTAKES and strengthen appointed to investigate the possibiliirrigation Youd be so busy youd forget ties, or advisability of issuing an annual this year. So far the in- farming. The latter is the basis ing the Alumni Association. There are seven mistakes of The blunders of the folks vestigation has not proven very successful, and it seems that the for civilization in Dixie. The Against a Year Book. youve 1. The life that many of us make : met. only possible way to put out a year book will be to have the un- problems pertaining to crops style of book we deare: To maintain soil divided support of the Student Body. sire too costly. 1. The delusion that individfertility 2. is We to produce would rather not have If you were busy being right, ual advancement is made by early crops; raise Youd find yourself too home crops that may be held a book if it does not measure up busy crushing others down. What about spring election? Last fall when the to over, raise quite some former constitustandards. crops that 2. The may tion was drafted the question was left tendency to worry To criticize 3. The season is too open for students to decide be manufactured ; raise livestock your neighbor long adabout things that cannot be far during the year, Because hes busy doing yhat are we going to decide? Spring elec on the farm, and raise intensive vanced to begin now. wrong. tions give students an changed or corrected. 4. Students fail to opportunity to prepare for this responsibil-- i crops. Rebecca patronize 3. Insisting that a thing is imy during the summer and also makes it in Foresman, The cow is the most Pacific the year book as they should. possible to begin school profitable Coast SCh0C Journal. possible because we ourselves n the 0ther hand sme 'students of all livestock on the PenS5. The intrincic value of the farm. be cannot accomplish it. do not Farms should be self sustain- - book doesnt fit our Particular needs. So nfh e!ec,tl0ns the man J justify Ur Students 4. Refusing to set aside trival Let are me unable lose count of all my sort0 decide in the fb!? of the family whether or they will be able to return to the institutionspring should be rows, Lord, preferences, in order that improvided by the farm It is a problem which students should solve accomAnd even my joys; for themselves and now Ve should go back in our meth- You oh, let me portant things may be is the time to begin thinking about it. aught to be fine for the sake ods to producing the number not plished. of the folks things the These, nor measures out 5. Neglecting development family needs. Who think you are fine. No Nor farmer "Here say, and refinement of the mind by should have more If others have it ,cll yearS Students have boen urged to faith in you doub-l- y Tu teamsr than bbere h it support was of not the his farm in any large or small, in the yell squad and still some acquiring the habit of readtt you're bound students would one crop. Always Here did the mercies thick or ing. have h To stick to the line. PSShly omf116 game of the farm in alfalfa or as scantly fall. 6. Attempting to compel other its not Its go as rar as to criticize those Prgress on only you that dishon- Teach me to who equivalent. Dixie is short watch doing their part. It is evident that the to believe and live as we or countless persons descends ; harping does no fruits. heavens students really are interested. instead do. You cant hurt yourself without Unnumbered. tions. 7. The failure to establish the hurting your friends. Boost For The Dixie. Who reckoneth stars ? thy habit of saving money. Edgar Guest. Laura Spencer Porter. News. . dry-farmin- g, I1 - 1!?g-need- thT LTtTtn s Lrt, one-fift- one-fift- PuH-ma- n |