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Show reports CLUB Yi DIXIE NEWS MWWIUHIW1 AT TIIE WOODWARD For some reason, during the BUSHWAAS recent rainy our flock weather, nas developed a mania for car The Bushwa Club recently enj- i ic es. Don t know whether hike. Out novel adthe a for oyed handsome roosters are to blame venture, they journey to Temple or not. But, we gjl. Here they were visciously rave come to thenevertheless, conclusion that attacked by disreputable ban- the cars are too easy to be of dits, Roman Andrus and Glen much benefit, therefore, we are Crosby, who were out prospectito resume going hiking. The oil said men deng for oil. We are to feather planning The food. Bushwaas re- torth manded soon, and give some g fused same. Thereupon the said of examples hikexpert took Roman same by glen and ing. force, whereupon they were brutaWe mourn the loss of one our most enthusiastic and of lly assulted by Bushwaas. capThe result was a lively eveniable members; she flew south and Roman Glen have the other dav. ng. several black eyes to say nothing record-breakin- 0f a dignified limp. dixie college lib- rary RULES AMITIA GIRLS the Amitia girls are putting forth their greatest effort to study for already the dangerous signs of Spring Fever is making itself manifest among the student body and faculty. It has been stated by an eminent doctor that this disease is perhaps the most contagious of all ailments, the sight of a lone Robin or a single Daffodil proving fatal in many cases. The Amitia girls are preparing to counteract this evil with At present their annual Girls Day. Open and on school days 1. No book or other library article shall, except by special permission, be taken from the library without leaving the proper written record with the libra2 1-- 5 rian. 2. Books, magazines, etc. may be obtained for use as follows: (a) Newspapers and reference works (such as cyclopedias, dictionaries and indexes) are not to be taken from the library without special permission from SPARKLETS The latest undertaking of the Woodward school is the preparaThe man had up a sign, Eggs tion of a number of Operettas to and Magazines. be presented at different Got any back numbers? times between now and the close of asked a customer. school. The first is to be In eggs or magazines ? by the seventh and eighth grades D and is entitled Once in a Blue Jack Everything Blank Moon. This production will be followed by four others from the touches turns to gold. Dolly I I wonder if hed put two fifth grades, two fourth his hand on the braclet you gave grades, two third grades, and me. the first and second grades. Mr. D Fordham has charge of the work It is said that paper can be aiong the musical lines and with the assistance of several teach- used effectively in keeping a perers he expects the dramatic ele- son warm. y ments of the operettas to be up Yes, I remember a to the usual high standard. note once kept me in a sweat for The Woodward basket ball a month. D team added another feather to the schools cap by successfully So you went fishing with competing with the Leeds team Brown yesterday. What did in the College gymnasium last you catch? Friday. Amid the cheers of Ask Brown. Ive forgotten loyal students the Woodward the number we agreed on. boys barely succeeded in coming D out on the victorious side of a Mrs. Weldon How is the 12 to 14 score. do world you manage to keep The faculty is still celebrating cook from leavwonderful at regular intervals as usual. your dear? Just now the members are anx- ing my Mrs. Sheldon By dining out iously awaiting the one Odd four evenings each week. party ofthe season. Tit-Bit- s. : 30-da- PRE- SENTED Just as the librarian. she? Mrs. Jones Let me see; she as spring really does arrive The opera people and their came between (b) From the hour shelf at little Fido and the casual observer may see our the desk for one class period at a partners were entertained at a little Tito. Pathfinder. athletically inclined members on time, or at the close of the day social in the gym Monday night. D the soon campus training for the Day athletic meet. Those of the literary nature will be working on the poem and story contest, while the more frivolous will be busy planning the biggest and most successful dance of the season. With such a program, we feel immune against Spring Girls Fever. DER DEUTSCHE VEREIN Der Deutsche Verein is beginning to take new life. Lately the club has met every Friday at 8:30. During this period the has been devoted to social activities, which have been very time informal. Two weeks ago the chief feature consisted of games which Fraulein Bastain had prepared for our entertainment. It was rather hard to convince Herr Frei that his Koppi, f discussion, was for the night or week-en- d by Dancing was enjoyed until about leaving the proper record at the 10:30 when a splendid opera the Cocoa Soldier or Cocoa Nuts desk. (c) Magazines and periodic- was presented just to keep from als are not to be taken from the letting the opera die. This was library, except at the close of a splendid production under the the day with the permission of direction of Mabel Jarvis. The the librarian, they may be taken audience laughed until they for the night or week-en- d by showed tears of gratitude for the leaving proper record at the having seen the opera one more dest. night. The cast was as follows : Hazel Butternut.... Mrs. Paxman books be (d) Fictiqn may taken for two weeks at a time Marchia Loosenut, Melba Woodand all others not to exceed one bury week at a time by signing the Auriela Juanita card in the back of the books and Seegmiller Mr. Harrison Nutty La Nut leaving it at the desk. Ralph Whipple (e) For use in the library, A. Toughnut books and magazines may be Growler Hardnut, Victor Sullivan taken from the shelves but Old Nut Mr. Bleak not should be replaced unless you understand the system of numbering and are sure to get them Passing Smiles Around in the right places. A downcast face is lifted 3. Books, etc. should be reAnd troubled eyes grow bright, turned on the date due as fol- One smile has spread its sun: lows the object (a) Those on the hour shelf Nicht voll by 8:20 a. m. unless arrangeund nicht schon. ments have been made otherLast Friday each person pres- wise. ent was given the floor and a (b) All others by Devotional few moments to express a senti- time. ment. The most of us took up 4. When necessary, any book little time as our German speak-m- g may be recalled by the librarian. vocabulary would not permit 5. Members of the Faculty Us to remain on our feet long. may take books, etc. for indefinRay and Wes expressed their ite periods, but if kept beyond feelings in song. People claim the end of the school year, an innar it is easier to express ones ventory of all such should be eelings in music than in any turned in to the librarian. ether way. about They 6. Damages may be assessed sang Der Gluckliche Muller wer as follows : whone in der Muhle. This num(a) For violating rule No. 1, ber called for an encore and so 25 cents and when necessary ex0 Gluchlich ist der Muller was clusion from the use of the librepeated. rary. Most of our club members (b) For failure to return a Pe that the club work can be book or other article at the propcntinued every Friday from er time, 10 cents plus 2 cents nw on. It breaks the mono-on- y per day. of dry German classes and (c) For undue damage to makes this seem worth study library books or property, the while. actual value of the damages. 7. A few general suggestions: dolcissimo REMEMBER THAT (a) IS A PLACE Club LIBRARY THE meeting was held Wednesday evening at the home of FOR STUDY. rtense Snow. The time was (b) Use care in the handsPent of books and magazines. ling playing musical games, md the Dont put into the books (c) tryouts were held for Beethoven Moonlight Son-- f any pencils or other objects a cntest which will be held which might break their backs. eL Feb. 2. (d) Dont put books on the The contestants areas a Ruby Nelson, Vivian Lea-Ilt- t' shelves in the wrong place, lost. is book a out of place clesta Worthen and Effie book racken. The winner will play the contest number, in the Bee- - (Ad in the Visalia (Cal.) Times) thovi on Lost Sunday morning, black concert in March. bag containing baby and vanity articles. Support Our Advertisers. shine And filled a way with light. A heart is filled with sadness, Yea, grief is hard to bear: A passing smile has given New hope oer grim despair. Each day will bring its trials, Yet all will fade away, Pray, give a smile, and get one, And happiness will stay. Our days are short and number- ed; frowns need eer be found When joy is full abounding By passing smiles around. No G. C. K., Champaign, Swanson So your wife tender hearted, eh? Brown is Why, she always adds three drops of choloroform to the cream before she whips it. D The Bull I hear the prodi-Aiyou scar- nt gals returned, ed? The Fatted Calf Not me. The boss turned me loose and I butted the prodigal off the premises. D When the mail offers nothing but drivel And the ones you rely on dont please, It is then that you twitch in your swivel And thank heaven for fillers like these. New York Graphic. D Bessie Thurston got a job as a maid. The first morning it went like this. I think I heard the bell, said a mistress to her new parlor maid. Yes it was the bell, replied the maid. Well, hurry up and answer it. Its sure to be some friend making a call. You go, madam. You know them so much better than I do. D 111. CLASS Take home a smile it is not much to do, But much it means to them who wait for you; I wouldnt marry Gertrude : Bill if he were the last man in You can be brave for such a little while ; the world. The : If he were the last, day of doubt is done take Friend a smile. home youd be killed in the rush; Edgar Guest. dear. FIRST YEARS It has been so long since we first years reported that nearly everybody in the school thinks we havent any life in us. However you neednt fear for us be- cause we will soon go off like a Then wont there be fun? The first years have a member in nearly every school activity. One excellent basket ball player on the main team, and one substitute are first years. Laughter The majority of first years are A laugh is just like sunshine, good students in school and will It freshens all the day, It tips the peak of life with light, always be good students in school. If you dont believe it, And drives the clouds away ; ask the teachers. This is all The soul grows glad that hears it now. But all you second And feels its courage strong; just and third years years, and others A laugh is just like sunshine watch for the first years out, For cheering folks along. will give you a big surprise if you Exchange. dont. Other Class Reports fire-cracke- r. SECOND YEAR REPORT You havent heard very much from the second years for a considerable length of time, but you will remember the High school quarter marks were received about a week ago and we second years have decided that a bit of studying would result in good. Wait until you hear our devotional program, a display of our talent, and you will readily see that we rank high among those students who climb to success. Hello everybody We are still on the map even though we havent done anything lately that would be of interest to the public. We are at the present time Knee deep in lessons, and have had no time for parties or other social activities. But just you wait until we show our talent in the near future in the form of a devotional program. ! AS THE DAYS PASS Jan. Concert honoring Mrs. Mr. E. J. Haycock held. Milne addresses students. Jan. 7. Debating tryouts stag- Produces Leaders 6. ed. Jan. 8. Dixie defeats High Parowan in basketball. Jan. 10. Wilford McAllister participates in devotional exercises. Jan. 12. First rendition of the opera. Jan. 14. Dixie Flyers score over Beaver High. B. A. C. orchestra entertains in devotional and plays for dance at night. Jan. 15. Opera presented in Cedar City. Jan. 18. Lyceum presented. Jan. 20. Leadership Week begins. Jan. 24. Pres. Nicholes admonishes student body to come to earth after memorable week. Jan. 25. Opera students enjoy social. FRIDAYS PROGRAM The devotional program Friday was prepared by the College Band under the direction of Mr. Bleak. Numbers were as follows Dixie College REPORTS THIRD YEAR REPORT Tenderhearted? report - Monday Jan. 31, The band will commence preparing numbers for its annual concert. The date for this concert has not yet been set. The dance orchestras next program wil be given Feb. 18th. They are planning on giving some concerts and dances around the county, the proceeds from which wil go to help buy the new Tuxedo suits for the Orchestra members. Buying Her First Car Lady (to automobile salesman who has just demonstrated the car) I wish you would show me the mileage. Salesman The what? Lady The mileage. My husband says thats the most imD Mrs. Hopkins So this is your portant thing about a car. little daughter ! How old is . COCOA NUTS BAND AND ORCHESTRA DEPARTMENT : Band Selections Vocal Solo .... Burnell McAllister Piano Solo Thelma Bleak Saxaphone quartette, composition written by Wesley Pearce Wesley Pearce, Alfred Morris, William Lund and Mr. Bleak. Group of three band selections. Its the hard road of trying and learning, Of toiling, uncheered and alone, That wins us the prizes worth earning, And leads us to goals we would own. Edgar Guest. |