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Show . a fa 4 THE SUNDAY MORNING EXAMINER, fv-- APRIL 1905. ; ' list took. ThT,'X,UCh Una moon ft' ia;tss-U.Xv- w f Cloth 'and tafftta ijht shades prcftrr or hand embroidery V - yi 0 $sll ;1i h if-jr- f :-- k . V. s. a laWU ,in",r.r i' r .t? buS I K W s.2 mST i- - v j f hava no warmth in themselves "V1. with a lining of possible for summer days and a?SeU, intended only for roQUlra to bo of very hsavC Com undr 'his ordcaLt! capes, tat tight flittaTLl!? !" ineuncea In tha heavier qualities of Saeeare fociilS although , there of Ohantllly whloh are exquUi"? when combined with hMvIer 0IW or ,wo models of pi... ulpur " Ohentuiy , point that ara simply superb, aud ' Olden dare would have been only suitable for opera wraps. aee now worn with these iln truth. It la rather aalWnoon d.ffl-u- it nowadays to know for whet siT ent garments are euHable, for ImJ s take after all to wear bell qluka casually in tha afternoon.!?? tolala and trimmings may be ti,. but conserratlva taste would muked differenca ba made. JfttaTi would not look as though one wem wLI! Vlnr tow ,or drtvs." Hi ii trimmed with lace i smart'wivp! ' wT?rl", , o it hae. what it I I umm wraps and gowtw m W jf v a- 1 w pelTine, ncha, rape, trimmed win rjchies, itself and with of velvet or of taffeta. It jshapelem. an)l r,t t, i". M.- C R !. -- L3 It MERE MAN AND HIS FASHION. ABLE FRILLS. fl mere man dares to be oriste.t h flU'cUy discernM in That have recently returned fron, L.! don, the West End set end s OtSb . neaa to the King s presence. V tint surprise may not be evinced. that!ta hrt simpler souls may be prepared for thi to! est fashions of tha fartton.ble, it to know, among other ww2 glove, are the qulTTnew champs r for bands those spring re the glove, worn at aftoriL.,' parties, no matter how formal; fo?Tn!? canton of calling and even The akin of which they sre madT heavy, and should Invariably be ctnam cwcKSa of the very best quality, since the g Ninycp subjected to a Etm'- CDCSttTOMMCO .3o$ivme Nothing look, in worse form.'nTS than to wear these gloves after ticmmep they kav. GAI?NITUKE and!LhI?W- - Fo1r inraneequent dmssls. and comfort iVfc! be desired they must be gained by pleats VERT week, and. In I ruth, every them, on style bring appropriate tor one ' must skirt and foot of the while the tucks, aa season the advances spring sort of gown and another for the other. day, always have the wido Hire. fashions aeera more and more at-- i For a rouan or rat.ier a herd wear gown " To obtain this a good plan la ta pul an rPt 7 tractive. Tha dainty eolorlnga and j the long coat la beet. It lnoke beat made additional bias flounew on the drop skirt VS?t hrough to supmwed In mohair. In pongee or In lightweight 'LJ. charming trimmings, and the piet-''u- p maentlr. ep or Inside the eklrt Itself, so that the season. uresque mndele ih.it Hiul favor 'doth or cheviot. In tha majority of rases, terlal of the gown will stand out. Many . tnia year are inora than ordinarily 'la ellk, in veiling and other materlale tha ivn mnr than in his hand coverts,Uhl end women close fitted Ilka tha linings mart and becoming, and this In face f short jacket le rather smarter end nnkm Jurl originality the for to taffeta body eatln surah prefer handkerchiefs which at present men mi the fact that many of the new atyk-- ore; the gown seem more eluborale. Fascln.it-e- x of the drop eklrt, but there must always lng- - For sporting occasions iremety trying to the niujortty of. lug i:um bulrrua and itlied Eton. and tm. of a flounces ruffles or be. even on this, dally a colored silk handkerchief, spamr. women. There In a very wide Tange of 'jackete that are half runea and flrhua, stlffer material to get the desired flare that-lfirst like an glance line old, Bouhirn choice in eoliara and mater Lila, aa wall aa.wlth elbow sleeves, look inoat attmctlva jngat now absolutely necessary. Bandanna, le deemed Os In faaliinna, eo that after all, aa haa soever tha lingerie walali or are made all The fashionable sleeve Is a wonderful elnrr iiupertisB the design la seen te be often been Bald, Individuality eounta for I In cne with the walet, giving the jacket more elbow Persian The than of length of that piece workmanship. bathe trim more than anything elae, and a woman effect and yet having tha whlta lace la for the moment preferred to any other, ndanna. while the coloring In plares Is ewn who haa tha ellKhteat taata for dreea and sleeves and fronts. but the upper part of the sleeve Is shirred more brilliant and the quality of ths silk the slightest knowhidge of what .la AMJ WAISTS TO MATCH. or puffed, or in ruffles of the material and remarkable for its fineness. It Is mmsmi coming to hefaelf penemally haa no lace, combined with roeettea and knots of to see the Englishmen In the shops at cuee for being badly draaaed thla year, uf ltnqUrationably tha newest gown ere satin or velvet ribbon, and If the arnt he moadllly testing tho quality of thm, 'made with aklrta and walata to match, and all othera. handkerchiefs. First they an nlM ugly a deep ruff of the lace is allowed, The abort eklrt problem haa been a hard the lingerie blouses, charming and attrac-on- a tightly and pressed Into tha palm of ths which entirely covers the lower arm. to aolvc, for theira la a veritable crags tlva la they are. are relegated to the iklrt In the taffeta ellk waists the full Hfeot hnd. which closes over them. Tha TV) for atmrt skirts. not only far gennwl hardan cant eextuine. After all, the majority the fingers are suddenly opened ths of the sleeves ta still gained. In many wenr for which they ere agpralally welljof women do nnt look well In a eklrt and If of first quality silk, rapidly hy the introduction of tha narrow unfolds Itself ulted and for tha morning, but also torjwatat gf diRermt colors. Blout women raand springs from the band. but out hold puff, the to deep featherbiine most the and the afternoon, expenslv ofipenwiy whla walita and bluck iklrta drenamakera aim nnt in favor o( this As much as IS or H apiece la paid for this, many colon arlook budly. The walet ehould be the tame texture art employed, andweca v and prefer to have the sleeves stand nut although they are also to he had at a former. lor tniule up for street wear that smaller tha irt, even If U be of anothei of such hanby being well cut and by having just the dkerchief figure. The larger y thought only aultable for the house mlWuirlal that le, with a cloth aown the are used aa well to tie about ths of crinoan in Interlining least stiffening rsnr for a ballroom. walet need not of necessity bo doth, when Indithroat and nans an much golf, how playing line. It le extraordinary Take, for Inetanre, Hie changeable as alt Ipeclally If It la to be worn under a heavy vidual taste can bo exhibited In sleeves even twisted around ths waft feta alike of very light ehadee. In other coat. of belts. course, never uvra They are, and how much variety can be gained. In with days lbcM were worn far bull gowns nod Hut the new spring gown that are the dress. of the evening truth, the sleeve and tha shape of difWere considered most attractive for that ninet attractive are llioe that lire made The plain, white linen handksrddet fnr. waist ara the most marked points with a with waist amt skirt to match, and from purpose, rieeally when trimmedflounces. mo- formal. occasions still holds It own, an4 the of present dress tho of ference grant deal or hundiwork-ina- ny which, if n wrap la necessary, that g.ir- should be (narked in the corner with ths ment from that of last year. and Ineorthma, dr no-- nwnj a entirely separate. The new weave tucking, ehlrrtnge crest of its owner, having underneath Ms afternoon elaborate these very With of lace. are oa railed, tifs, they 'jnf mohair and of veiling are charming for In the natura of a tailor Initials,. done tn Mack lettera. Mooofnnl gowns to now anything ol dress name tha n alyle held i Knalaely of gown. They admit of many ,ha,tyle ahaalea made coat wohld be quite Impossible and Ht present seem to hare lost thrlr aeen for tha afternoon and made "Mt" different of eoloring and a much most Inappropriate, but, fortunately, fash- TJame Fashion. Englishmen, heridaq M ahort skirts. It is Incongruous and to a variety of trimming that aven If a woman rather penuocktlea red ion baa proved herself equal to the met wearing bright certain extent bad style, or only aultable hould wish to hava all tha gowns In her tot of new ally, while among New York fashlonsbks a out has nnd given gency own in their who women travel to to hava Iks wsrdroba made of one material she coulu lUln veiling, or Aoile, aa It really should for wraps, any one of which ie fas- It is regarded aa good form and yet it an nftemoun reception hava endleaa variety, and tha uninitiated be called; chiffon, crflpe de Chine and ehlt-fo- n styles snatch as closely aa possIMs ths cravat of to make the possession enough nr at a church wedding in tha spring would And It hard to realise that they carried out or tha ' tiiffcta ace. all favorite materials em- cinating shade of the cost, and necessarily, ttaw It a delight. flgure will look too large audit a gown moat needs pass muster, and. were all inada of the same fabric, TKntSfcX ployed In' the' construction 'bf tho long The tong loose doth coot must now be for, sombre In tone, and ' ungraceful. how smart. Just Is In truth. thought very ft oats" this sc soon hava as wsi has 'skirted afternoon gowns, while there must-oTha line check vrtunge are especially Hands at velvet, graduated in width, arc tha nlnat elaborate design to be tuf- long this fashion, which la really Incor- mart. Tha red and pink, combined In a used as trimming. 'also new fashions favor, altheufh be these 'rebound ths be anmng a IppJudad lines The simple may ribbon t h Narmw atln a(ya ma. be rather on the sack neither blackto nor . rect, will remain In favor cannot bo stated, very sms 11 cheek, two shades of lilau and Is also tan ones ara eredlwd tho eklrte are long they ere When feta. has Is fashion a that used, is. to butaghls me but for the moment it ie fashionable 'most elaborately trimmed. There ere very must ha large! with smartness. Gray In this tnultar b-fmora sleeves the order-b- ut two the to It! lie most blue, shades of latter otherwise t treated, carefully la aufllrlent a and such that havo gown, 'few pluln long aklrta. Even with thcT. ldB muat be ruffles of lace or footgear Is the color i par excellence, In than the others, art all very smart. will look what the French call banal, or1 for thoaa indivlditala who do not tiava to ailK trlmmlfiRa . ko look wellvlthii, thla la equally true of many the light colored' hHndPomT Quality must be not the old faadi there count tha coat or look forward to wearing, Thera ara bands of taffeta ellk that are really rathrr poor. Thi MvuirtMt gowns taffeta are hotter made iih trim- velvet, made with It. Plain tsfMa silk. In irowns .tt'loned lace oUarf but two or three espes and rravala bearing the Imprint of betel gown mom than tha one season of the tucked horliontally and are embroidered are not for - sums be must tinlacs and 2 material wltk In french knots. These are used to trim black, on which are appllqudd designs above criticism Instance, looks well with velvet mlnga of klrt stand out. and wlillo long nues may !or a hood In many cases have more or satin ribbon, and tha mohair gowns Insertion or ippllqud. the which skirts, SILKS AND PONGEES. than a suspldtn of tha double skirt, with In tho dork colored silks, pongees and the overskirt effect in long points coining aver no matter many ruffles or flounces. Everything how veilings, elaborately they may be made up, this short eklrt stylo Is la dime to keep the flare around tlie foot of tha aklrt that Is absolutely necessary not bad; In fact. It ta rather to be and if the skirt be properly with the fnshlune of thla spring. out and U full enough and the newi The wiilsts no longer blouse, and yet one aklrta measure an enormous width around they are not made so tight titling MONO all tho fresh, new belongings tha hem the effect in almost that of a might reasonably Imagine from the Illuswhich the Easter girl will don on Kast- long eklrt, and at tha same time (tor eily trations that are sot forth. The lines of r ninrulng there I not a single ur-- p wear, at all. events) It la a great comfort tho figure are more strongly accentuated, In which she will rejoice inure to hava tha abort skirt. but there must be fulness of fulirlc over than tlele In tlie dainty, fetching bit of mtpurrl All materials are in fhahlon for thla tha bust and In a line .from the throat to presented to her by her dearest girl friend, style of gown, and, besides thoaa already the belt. The draped wnlst Is the golden, yellow garter, "to be pul one at the moment, ami there urr aonbright, mentioned, may ba Included rrfpa de oh Easier morning and worn a whole Chine, tha new grenadines, all the now a great variety of waya In which the fronts tor lurk and lovr." and they are countleM'In number mo- ran be draped. The cross surplice ef- year a Veliev saner mi Ksaier mom. hairs and novelty goods, among which fect, showing Inst a little chemisette un.l 1km Ami never 'll yes lie Invelwnt ihen may ba recognised old favorites under yoke of lac nr embroidery, ta tho simplest Insieel o' iliat lore 'll ,hine uu ye.i. new names, I of alt Tho style where the fronts are Ami r.ni'll Ini ensjsasl ere me yrsr thm'igh. Tha war goes on merrily between tha drawn up toward the bust and fliiished fin runs the quaint old rhyme, sail It wll; long eoat and tho short jacket, but there with a row of shirring la tier haps the must be the rule rather than the exception that boidd not ba any discussion betweea fashionable of all. but H nnrnt Ik correctly llr jws Brt numbers at least one yellow garter among her small belongings of dress on unit after Easter morning. Heretofore romaffli'ally Inclined dim-acl- s have been content with simple bands I of silken elastic, with possibly a knot of bow of ribbon fastened tn them, but not so this year, nnu all In line with the frills and furbelows of the new frocks and underwear there In all the most pronounced eliigv uf ehilioraiinn. They ca-or t3.Mlf ins lej may t scvcniy-flr- e at home hy clever ftngen, or they may! come at fie and IS If purchased at any of tlie exclusive shot). There are some stun nlng examples of tho hitter sort to be found among the Imported ones, and, ltj 1. THL PSOPCB jeer fBOf- must ba roufesecd. many equally fetching JMESO VBXCTJB&BCf TJNf VOiOPtEB. 9 AKOAB6M7Z Gtttzk models arc noticed In those which the: GP t L fJZMBPCStfrON. clerk frankly tell you are domestic. Either, cmn-j however, may be reproduced with Ipnratlvely little expen-ie- . a lilt of Ingenuity und a proporttonutr sense of the urns; Ic. !'iSe! i liich IS; dirlctly speaking, the garter, emimonly miptHised to he I'npld's sgeit. Is' a round affjir. but frequently the long j ones liro offereil ant worn, with tlie ul"a. I ths! the effe.n e'ltl be unite as puirnt Ln-vriwhleh tnubnihlidly I n d In the least m1 to the shop- -' lle,iding. Anvhow, of ns h.ive be.n about tunny keepers there j the one sort as of the otner sold, "and." . "ull the yuang! j.lded one of the siloam-nwomen In New York must lie anxious to e mrt the little love god with a yellow gar- Iter, fur we cannot keep a supply "n h.ind.: and the pinks and blues ur.d luvriJers and tuaBPzmBOBrvrmmsK'- jM8CNtoUPBCOMriar.t they piurciETOB mth BaisarjrMByszBBar BoseS t violets are left An our lisnds. Arent ' dream heautles'.'" co.l he held up pair In rvse pli,k. with sold burklcs. Ot course I believe In yellow prlJ Didn't Jane Bannders put on that The os n Door Knocker. gave her last Easier, and jenint our Ifiti to marry ths richest man nneieat times the horseshoe was nude ill one's nlln.l, however, tha h Goodness knows. Jane to hlrty-eifIN (!(! m nil und on4y on the horwn ihin ir nm ana nrK much fur "ori'cl of utility a r rr ...e ffh '"""'-n'..i',iW . of the lila 'kvnilth the .1 .or knocker. whi-- h are. sensible looking '' the yard, und sari-r- s mule aiiytning p ri.cul.irly girl of her companion viiud. - with an rccasi muli c.low days a Bni.mcm Mini miupi tuiicti Hv - ..f:ei i.ilie us 1''-- .' - "lie of the garters ;f a und t. of Lillian' herewith whK "I've10 typeehosn Is and with enariu.ng rlatenrato ,a w !l oinain. l rally so.'l.-tMrird jabols "airy, will the bon. shoe from 1mm.-'"h'- ph nm, :i nuke up. For vim- - cerdion pled r il c.ilflon. lace and ribbon. worn one S rti-year, and nary a ii li tirmic in.idv, .r,ni,r-- m j heH luorinl time. A vwy oil fi inot re Mena, for ter her: of a tne reii p:.'. plain Tlirse, must of them, have niching 01 proposal have I hed. Ixtok! and aha, iiug l.ittlv ileairiptlmi of !!., w.i It u m.i.i-- . yhat BUJ P vv.ile :i m ru: il it: url'ts. a'r:ms t the a u Un 0 : Ien on.i .n. ur. mu 'em. t m ril.n in in .dvred with e and Alien r, i tlie e'.iiier !i rdainty, lacy lingerie, :,.f:.vi 011 displayed, along garters, lge of eli'u. t qii I'iully when fnmul in the Is nefeesc.ry, us the quite pliu.lv n.,..-.i.namcntid with a bring at e,alto J22!1, or made of tiie shrmlded. f.idod sfrings wliieh might poo- a.v I'i.'i 1. g'.'.il p,iii ney sgiinvt tm eipnrviite;ei xer befors' ' eliom It. The Ihi In of the lower mo.., , di.iugs' my ewalns 1.. ' v. I f leHT"i f Til. rbirre.l r:'o'.,oM. th sibly have formed a garter once, but enamouied ut wiii'ii". The nur- -. ehi,e wit r.irru J afier having In li.' furgi'. of vimri.l : .1 ,'e .. ru'tll d S".J 111,' Vl'lol,. a St li nun. t, Easter, are the nothing with gar- - which resembled Jewel h in:e url Hi'li-ill.- iliNir i the por- - i'"e liuinoi' l Ti.il. u wiir Ilk1 i.uiiila chiffon. I I .VcI.,mdtUV;h-rtJlbbo-.nd coratej with tiny ribbon "Weli, for goodness sake (.lie Iise of keeping nut them' unwri '(line v - hJ-- uf the .., of ' Uu-- , r..i:i,;i'" ,1 garter t.iere a:e J. an m.irgueri-.a- . pa.rhaving colored jew is net In other gtrl. 'Ta that th way you've been ilors. Me uf m.jd( rn tlnus also entertain li knouker iisel f. Tiic, were vunn.-civ- j Il Gu wv WJJ n .wn in me liienuon. One mueh hntimvni cmtni; o'. bars have the Jewel set in wesring it? Don't yeu know tne hoixeshoe. by means of the pivot A. me result euis -.' ;, .,1 r.Mr 0: -tn the centre of a that iW day s for nothing. Put It on prop- - ftU 1", .n II:,. t, !.ve Ur.Kra j!, - ' r...: of " ' 1 tr.e iut t 11. n? A j..rt r,v ' ' i" ' w knot. ... m- both?.. if m.ra nr -- rlv .1 see If Jack doesn't prcoose u'.s prouition rgainst til fln.i,,,.. li ' ' ' ' murruw. ure 4niorn. ly i mao rm VELVETS or vim ivarsow . r wr cr tmitia or Sitkkins s i 'wmrswel shkt cs ITIHMW- I 4i 7. d-d 11 r ,w Of tv$u82SIKr mim-dal- ' j anJ!5 . Making Yellow Easter Garters an Interesting Lenten Diversion. a fush-kmab- . Good Luck on theiThreshold. s "j 4 ; . ! i j j 11 Horshe hn '' s- 1 ,vsru.. th-w- el.-e- e- i this-whal- 1 e ' 1 . j 11 - fr li-i- ;. vAX.' ,Vvh,r I. m: - ' ' g -'- '' c- nj d , to-.- - dt) |