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Show TIIE MORX1XG F.XAMIXER: OOP EX, I'TAH. SUNDAY JiOBNIXG. KWWWHOWtOKH:- 'SJpERANCE - FOR NEWS m LAfu RENT FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS, ATRIL 2, 190a. 15 MONEY TO LOAN. i Furnished front room. e'-- Washington Ave. MONEY TO LOAN- -J. FRATERNAL FRATERNAL J. BRUMM1TT MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA FORESTERS OF AMERICA. MONET 70 LOAN on real estate Utah Camp. N.i 9980, meets every Court Wasatch No. 2, Foresters of security. Jas. E. Ballantyne, 31 t7Q a4UM04KWHHT-50h!0-:-QTHTuesday night at S oclock la K. of F, America. Meets J. FOR RENT Beautiful housekeeping 12-F. hail. 2 tut Eccles Bldg. of violated law by swallowing nos 0OiOS,KMTrX.l. ADVERTISEMENTS ON THIS SL first and third Wednesday evenings rooms; furnished; modern. 5i3 25ih .which no cootaiu trums one . kuuwa J. J. BRUMMITT, V. C. COST ONE CENT PER gins PAGE of each month nt 7:30. . MONEY TO LOAN On farms and city Sirett. uj Hate how many things which uiay operate J. U. SHAFER, Clerk. INSERTION. WORD FOR EACH G. W. HALSEY, C. R. .iH, estate. Hunter A Kennedy, jenl JfS'S.St-U-JS.'- S againsti the health and strength of iue LESS NO FIRST INSERTION F. A. GARNER, Secretary. FOR RENT Pleasant Room 6, First .Natl Bank Bldg. front room, body, All these and other degrading, THAN 25 CENTS. ALL ADVERMASONIC. modern convenience, gentlemen debauching habits and practice are TISEMENTS MUST BE PAID IN KNIGHTS OP THE MACCABEES. kiow preferred. 50 23rd street. TELEGRAPHY. the sins body, which against also Masonic are Command-toBUSItjje yen ADVANCE: EXCEPTING hall, ever 2418 Washington portly ' the aoul, and againat sins tin Av.. Ogden, Utah. Silver Teat N& 1 meats first and agaial NESS HOUSES RUNNING OPEN FOR RENT Large. nieel furnished TELEGRAPH SCHOOL, rJSsrat physic" rccentChristian Advocate. evening, third Friday evenings at 8 oclock ln BOOK ACCOUNTS WITH US. front rooms; very desirable; 553. j from 7 to fi r 2474 Reg-vtac m. . M. Weber p. A. m. of p. haU. Apply Lodge No. 8. F. ft an alarming-' 25ib SL, Cor. wnrt?i ! W visiting Kalghu ashlngton avenue. Boys and Cigarettes. communications first sad third dlnlly invited. of the people. OfThe fact that rethousands bovs Thursday of each month. Qualified of F. M. COCHRANE, Commander, it targe propottw" FOR RENT Room for light house meQ who Masons cordially invited. ' WANTED, MISCELLANEOUS. going straight to the sa- T. HARRIS, Record Keeper. FEMALE HELP WANTED, 613 iv1' Jnhatefran lhe city ot MB" are today keeping et the Lawrence H- - R. loon via the cigarette and cigarete MacMlLLAN, W. SL nvecuc. Etalrtanft lor mllitarr service Washington WANTED Fox E. Full male blooded NICHOLS. chums, proves the intimate LADIES $7 to 1) weekly earned finBeey. Ogden Tut No. 24, meets the eeo-?Bo"1..'hEAfri nine thonannd were smoking Terrier for breeding purposes. Adrelation of these two evils in our m1 and fourth Wednesday evaalnga for of ing plain sewing at home. Material FOR RENT Fumlkhed room dress 41 2t. life. ortal ir MThe Cleveland wreLn Ogden Chapter No. 2. R. A. Reg- f Press, tidied men in America ef,,ed one single furent free everywhere prepaid 'o housekeeping. harp. It 1. ft Ff halL ,oc,ork 14, udder ular wash tue of above caption, convocation first Tuesday "drT.n in England. If addressed envelope brings tWinished zoom. STi Lincoln. invltad to Knights Stamped cordially EMPLOYMENT BUREAU tuuoth. U a01 !?Iihousaud young men are says: Visiting -companions cordially- attend. i'nion t'ompani, X3" particular invited. The effect of Lr. service, tliey are cigarette using thass RENT Furnished looms with Ileed Building, Philadelphia, Pa ' ?ALSEY, Commander. : 23 A. V. McINTOSH. B. H. P. Room Bureau, boy would be a startling of w S1 P. BOND Record Keeper. table board, (trici'.y modern. 614 S4lh. Employment Lnfo awum ue" duile. r. E. Block. Boyle to If NICHOLS, Secretary, many of their mother tf j. "ASSroh nOocW Aaothcr they understood the alarming propor- LADIES Earn 20 LADIES OF THE MACCABEES. writhundred per WANTED do Lace to to up, Curtain El Monte Commandery No. 2, K. T. which It has grown In this proirtlon tions ing short letter. KucIoko i sniped FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms 367 mo. West SL 20th Stated conclave aecoud Weduesdaye of country. Hive Na 1, meets ths second cnveloiie. American Belt Work. by the day, wreck or month. Ineach month. Sojourning Sir Kalghu knd?1!,r "The cigarette is to young boy very fourth Tuesdays at room 6. Boyle Block. 2408 WANTED-Vio- lin 111. et Batavia. quire notch like whiskey is m grown men. 1 K. P. halL pupIls.PnAtoneJlU courteously Invited. Avn. Wash. sisters Visiting F. avenue. W. i VOU EC.' If it does not directly cause crime it WANTED Girl for general houseInvited. V. B. NICHOLE, 1 least accompanies it in nino cases f AGNES HIU.URD L, C. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for 25cta PER HUNDRED 433 27th street. and alcknrsa work. neweold for out of ten. EMMA L. TOWNft .i housekeeping. No. 2220 Lincoln Ave. ft ft aiss5b papers at Standard Office. It must ne universally admitted Queen Esther Chapter No. 4. O. K. FEMALE. SITUATIONS WANTED, FRATERNAL S. Regular worl.HwIf that the majority of young boys adORDER OF EAGLES. held at Maaonio death. dicted to cigarettes aw generally re- WANTED hall the first maeiinge fur- FOR RENT Two room of each and third psatry H aickncs and premature Fridays house Work PROFESSIONAL the by day as bad boya. It la an addicFraternal Order of Eagle Ogdsa month. Sojourning members cordially SlL nithed for housekeeping. 2333 jeffer most terrible of these sins garded Aerta No. 11 F. O. cleaning or tabbing. 740 Lbiu. 4 SU-tinvited to attend. Sntemuerance, s most withering, tion that does not ally Itself with E, meats every virtues of manly youth. It Sunday evening In Eagle hall east of EUNICE C. GORDON, W. M. ' S.rttiBPcurse. Attorneys-dt-Lspoisons the blood. the high P. WANTED Work by the day. Read hotel, at 8:00. Visiting Brother LILLIE HALSTEAD Secretary, theves.' debauches the leads to bad associations and bad enFOR RENT Rooming Louie and ths C. Ecclea Bldg. RICHARDS, of Standard. Eagles are luvitad to attend ths " furniture for aale. Call at 132 W. I MAG1NN1B. Stotabelug. end damn the soul. An-X-r vironment. lie muat be a strange boy Aerie meet Inga. indeed who can " A. K. FRATT, Sdth etreeL ODD FELLOWS. .in almost equally destructive sical good from derive moral and phy- WANTED Work by tbs day by exE. R. GEIGER, W. P. rigarettes. GEO. HALVERSON. S health and life the rapidly D. T. TRACY, W. perienced dressmaker. Can give good FOR RENT Two rooms, "Opium la like whiskey It creates aaJ CHARLES STOUl', Secy. " OrOgden No. habit. The number of pantry Lodge I Independent references. 3339 Adams. Independent H. ft FORBES, Aerie Physician. and kindred drug fiends an iucroasing appetite that grows First Nat Bank Bldg der of Odd Follow Meets in I. O. O. F. closet, furnished for housekeeping, 60S. No. Phone a with hat it Even these feeds hall every Tuesday evening. Visiting upon. pure 2530 Jrffersoa. JOSEPH CHEZ. emous- - The victims of BROTHERHOOD OF RAILWAY tobacco has the same effect. brothers cordially Invited to be pros-(BVALENTINE GIDEON, " Mdatire. aoothtng but deadly drags 1 TRAINMEN. The WANTED. tobacMALE HELP who aocie-,lets growing boy FOR RENT Large storage rooms, J. found among all classe of MURPHY, - " D ELMAR DUNCAN, Noble Grand. other ator-ag- e A. G. HORN, or suitable furniture have known lawyers, doctors, co, and opium get a hold upon his for Ogdea Idge Na 6ft Brotherhood of HENRY K1S8E1 Secretary. to be addicted to arnica is never long in coming under W ANTED Energetic, HENDERSON ft McMILLAN trustworthy In rear of Boyle Blk. W. ud even ministers Rallwsy Trainmen, meets every Wsft man or women to work In l'ih, repdomination of whiskey, too. rtc morphine habit. Nothing, not even the"Tobacco nasday svenlng at 7:30 p. m. la the boy's easiest and resenting Jairge Manufacturing comtrim and whiskey, is as demoralizing Junction City Lodge No. 3ft IndeDentists D E. STAINS, Master. most direct road to whiskey. 0. to 00 per month, FOR SENT divine 137 When habit. pany. The Salary room morphine the Housekeeping is pendent Order of Odd Follow aeoU A. U HOWE, Bee' 619 Maryland weekly; expenses advanced. "Whaineier a man soweth. opium is added, the young man's 26th 8L In I. )ld O. O. F. hall every Thursday Avenue. DR D N. SMITH, 1st Nat, Bnk. Bldg. chince of resisting unerr1L Moore, the as is Address with combined J. he obeli a'0 stamp, reap." tbit E. A. MUN8EY. Collector, 241 25th evening. Visiting brothers cordially Drug Store, 2451 Wash. Av as la the law forces and e Shaping physical, incut a Ogden, Vtah. FOR RENT Two furnished room Invited to bo present ing In ita operation Street. anfl moral harm in slim indeed. 13-i182 Wash. B. P. T75a of gravitation. C. P. UTTER N. "It Is a deadly combination In must WANTED Men to distribute samples, PIANO TEACHING. The use of tobacco is another sin WALTER RICHEY, Secretary. taek sign. ' fj.fot dally. No ranvas. FURNISHED rooms for light the body, which has under- case. There are few, if- any, caeca TEACHINO-r-MlsPIANO Rerih ing. Continental Distributing Ser427 34tk SL lined the health and strength of tens in which it Is nut more or less harmQueea City Rebekah 'Lodge No. 4, L. and nerves and will rayne, 2350 Wall avenue. vice, Chicago. d thousands of even our strongest ful. Stomach - O. O. F, meets first and third Saturdweakened for life is the comFOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms n. But the mot terrible result has power ay- eveqings nt Odd Fellows halt mon result, even though the habits be WANTED A good canvaaner who can IMIowed the introduction of its uae la TICKET BROKERS. for light housekeeping ; rent reasonTwenty-fourtSL Visiting members Ohio Messenger. 315-lmfurnish good reference can find work the form of the cigarette by our boys finally mattered." Gth able. 159 street Invited. The Office SllAKMANS Ticket Cut Rate offlre. Standard nt during the present generation. the by applying MRS. KATE HOWE, Noble Grand. ervous system of the young is pecul-tart- y Swallowing Dirt street, Hesly Houae. FOR RENT, UNFURNiSH. ROOMS. 102 Twenty-fift- h MR8. E. HEIR Sea y, 719 13rd SL This is Bob Burdette, the Phone, susceptible to the Influence of 161a; Telephone, Independent humorist: ANY INTELLIGENT peraon may earn FOR RENT One nice, this deadly poison; yet several billion aulto 106. Only member American TickFRATERNAL BROTHERHOOD c "My homeless friend with the rigaretes were consumed last year. In the Grand Opera House. Modern, et Brokers Association ln Ogden, good Income corresponding for newwhich nose, while you are stirring up mean Om company alone manufactured over to tbe traveling public unnecessary, spaper. Experience elevator, hoaL ga range, electric low ratee and poifeot safety. 8pecial 1stOgden Lodge No. 171. T. F. B meets m glass of gin, let send for particulars. Press Syndicate oh million a day last year. The boy the sugar in a light. end 8rd Fridays it I p la L with Is me wash to rate who smokes a down to fart you and from give rigaretes habitually Europe via all line Lockport, N. Y. O. O. F. hell. Visiting members cor his li. You may say you have longed for destroying his brain, consuming RENT Taro unfurnished rooms, Highest price paid (or unused ticket FOR dially invited. itrvous forces, and thus weakening year for the free, independent life of WANTED Young men to learn the mileage, ete. 2137 GranL ' HENRY R MORE, President tbs hearts action. Public school supa farmer, but you have never been barber trade; positions guaranteed. (X)RAL J. TYLER Secretary. erintendent! and teachers are doing able to get enough money to buy a INSURANCE. FIRE Write 1. N. LANN1NG, AND ROOMS BOARD BARBER MOLERS today. Treasurer. btrotc and missionary farm. But there la where you are Balt Lake COLLEGE, City. walk when they point out the dread-h- i For some years you have been H. Goddard, laiurance. Real Ea-- I board 3. BOARD AND ROOM Private KNIGHT8 OF FYThfAB. ravages of the cigarette, and positdrinking a good improved farm at the and rooms, bath and all modern con- tata aad Loan tReoma 411 FOR BALE, REAL ESTATE. ively forbid the pupils In their schools rate of one hundred square feet, at a Utah Loan ft Trust Building. 449 26th street. venience. ton wing tobacco in any form. Ogdea lodge No. 3, Knights of Pygulp. If you doubt thla statement, figAnother sin of which we may speak ure It out for yourself. thias meets at Castle hail. Utah NaAn acre of FOR BALE A six room modern cot- ROOM service at excellent tabic aad ASSAYED on tional k gormandizing, eating and drinking, land contain 4.1.501) square feet. Es25th Bank building, every Monday street. Mrs. W. H. tage 436 22nd &L Bell phone G14Z. w- not for strength, but simply to gratifAll K. of P.'o requested to Bennett, 835 25U atreeL timating for convenience, the land at J. Me Vlcker, Assayer. 160 Main St. evening. meet tute. an' then 43.56 with u y swilling down patent acre, you will see that it Bos 1018. 80ARD ft ROOM First class board Salt Lake City, Uub. P. nvdlrines as if io atone for the ein brings the land Just one mill C. ft DELMORE. C. D per FOR SALE A house, lot 42x and room, 371 (2nd 8L Samples by mall or express will ha A. T. WOOD M. Of F, id ghtUony. The Invalids of this countsquare foot. Now pour down the fiery 7t0. 160, on Washington avenue, carefully assayed. H L. Is N. last said, purchased ry, ME1D, K. of R gad S. Berlin, April 1. The Berlin aids of year due and Imagine you are swallowing Chauncey Parry, Cor. 23rd and ROOMS ft BOARD 865 28th StreeL I2BBM00 worth of patent medicines m' strawberry patch. Call in five of Morncran controversy L founded Wash. the. ARCHITECTS. sat qnck remedies, with the false your friendn and have them help you RATHBONE EIBTERB. on a treaty of which' HOUSED article one FOR RENT, foes that they could thereby he gulp down. that five hundred foot gar- FOR SALE 30 acres good land, ITS F.C. Woods ft Cvh Architect rooms reads: "Continuing and unchanging from the results of their wrongden; Get on a prolonged spree some share of water, crops all In, 82,000. FOR RENT 2338 Meet every Saturday arternoo 88 aad 67, First National Bank hull eottag Call at doer without the need of. physical day and see how long it will take to shall exist between hjs 2:30 lu Pythian halt Utah National friendship Chauncey Parry, 23rd and' Wash. WalL j lug. repentance. We need teachers Telephone, SliiK. and swallow, a pasture land io feed a cow. the German emperor, and hi majesty, Bank corsisters Building. Sojourning preachers everywhere who will show Put down that glass of gin; there is TO RENT Four room house on Monmajesty, ths sultan of Morocco, also dially Invltod to attend. ELOCUTION. suflerlng humanity that they cannot dirt In it three hundred feet of good, FOR BALE A and bath brick MRS. ELLA BROWN, M. E. C. roe avenue; 96 per month with wa-between their empires and their sub Juggle and conjure away the results rich dirt, worth 913-6per acre." barn and residence, good MRS. ISABEL WYANT, of R and shade, er, C. F. Grout, 363 24th St. Teacher of wile experience on stage Jrcts. Between both empires shall ths $1,450. Chauncey Parry 23rd and aad platform will take a few pupils present freedom of trade continue Wash. FOR . RENT Furnished or elaa ORDER OF RAILWAY CONDUCTORS and, for this purpose, each of the high Terms reasonable. WATSON, house, comer 25thi and Jefferson; Apply evening' A. V. contracting parties binds Itself to give 4 2819 Washington Av FOR SALE Several fine farms aad 925. W ahsatch Division No. 124, O. R and to secure to the subjects of ths fruit orchards. Kelly ft Herrick. C, meets second and fourth Friday at other all right advantages and privFOR RENT house, doee PIANO TUNING. 2:30 p. m. in K. of P. halt ileges now or In ths future held by 1 WedeU. tha most favored nation. Washington avenue and 24th BL Mr. TUNINO-PIANO Wood, list Nice Tempest of residence This in the treaty of 1891 which, brothers are cordially Invited to atFOR BALE 7 A0. 87 brick Modern RENT the FOR bouse, )3.5d; year by lugle sulL tuulug under Ita term might have been retend. Kelly ft Herrica. Terms to care Ftad Masaa, 2466 Number 679 24th SL $30 per room Address, vised In 1896, but was not revised ana F. W. HERRINGTON. C. C. month. runs without limitation and without Washington Ave, D L. BOYLE, R and T. cfoee In, covered any provision for ita denunciation. FOR BALE Lots AND SURGEONS. PHYSICIANS RENT Frame OR SALE boose, FOR Such n contract with Morocco cannot WOODMEN OF TKE WORLD with the choicest of hearing fruit 11 room I closets, 3 bam extern of right be dissolved or Impaired, it la Chauncey Parry, Cm. 23rd and BurA. and Dr. Mr C. KernlunJ, and Physician lawn elve yard. Weber Camp No. 74. Meets in K. of asserted, by the German government, Wash. m 360 18tn atreeL geon. Office hours, 10 to II P. hall In Utah National Bank build- by tbe agreement between Francs and .w6ih 329. 4 SL m. 40 Phone to p. Great Britain, to which Germany ln hy 121 feet on Mad' FO R 8 ALB 18 ing every Thursday evening at 24lh aad 26th FOR RENT, FURNISHED HOUSES. o'clock. Visiting Woodmen y In- not a signatory. lon Ave., between SANITARY JOBBER. to recognize vited to attend. Germany declines streets. Apply to Wm. Glaaraann, Francs as having any more dominant WM. DOYLE, FOR RENT Furnished end un& Standard Office. 2634 flat Orant. SANITARY JO... moved, E. AUTH, Clerk, lot NnL Bnk. Bldg. position in Morocco than Germany. furnished cleaned and rubbish hauled. Man As to whether Francs Informed Gercesspools WANTED, TO BUY. RENT Rates res son able. John Van Zweden, furnished FOR many of the agreement with Great WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT. lad. 3601m. Phone Re 603 Sad 8L Britain haa fully been discussed In house, 622 27th St. Neck be VIOLINS bought, sold and exchanged. ths French and British press. ; Ths 174 No. Circle masts 2163 offer. Sego to Adame Uly arwry Rare bargains German foreign office regarded, forFOR RENT Nicely furnished cottage. 2nd and 4th Friday mlghta at 7:30 . Ave. Drlnassea conversation DRESSMAKING. Je E. Ballintyne, 319 Eccles Bldg. K. of F. halL , Flatting neigh bora cor- eign MinisterVon with Prince 820-t- f Hadolin, tha German Invltod. dially ambassador, as being no mors than Furs Dresses made, latest style STRAYED MRS. MARY HARRISON,' O. N. "tea table talk," very interesting, but Chilremodeled, cleaned, FOR RENT, STORES. ELLEN EASTMAN. Chicago, April 1. At the Clark. 3234 New York, April 1. The Central s not supplying the place of an official third an-wdren's dresses, pmla sawing and mafour Avn. Washington meeting of the central branch of bank haa started business with a cap- STRAYED On Sorrell mare, communication which would hare callchine stitching, nr go out by the day. and Store eleven 2109 loom. old, RENT yean feet, weights white FOR ed for an official reply. 8or,' of Naturalists, ital of 98,000,000 gold fully subscribDressmaker, 2615 Lincoln avonu Reward at Madison. pounds; No brand Women of Woodcraft, Ogdea Circle, ",,on has announced the ed and guaranteed, says a New York 975 Prince Von Radolins passive add reF. B. Cannon. 2277 Washington. f the existence of Herald dispatch from Bogota, Colomr?1 681, meats every Monday night nt ceptive attitude towards M. Delrase HAIR GOODS. Madison near forte buds is he feet 16 school; if larynx, in add!-2- L bia. Subscriptions were raised in nil p. m.. Odd Fellows , hsli. Visiting cannot. It ta said at the foreign office will erect store lor proper partis which are found on the of tha eight departments of the reinvited. LOST. here, be accepted as the German govC. B. Lee, dealer in hair goods, Neighbors Mrs. Glasmann. Win. Apply Dues can be paid at ths office of Ed. ernments assent to the Franco-Germa,ln,"Ml"Ped cells they are, public so enthusiastically that the urn!! etc., at low prices. frizzes, switches, Auth ths afternoon of ths 28th of sssi agreement. Germany doea not XL0!en,.,reter lbillty than shares could have been subscribed LOST Yellow leather hand bag on or Masquerade costume wig etc. Mall month. First National Bsak Bldg. FOR BALE, MISCELLANEOUS. trout to France to protect German npUl orBn- - U vu 6e- - five times over. The bank's principal near Lincoln avenue, between 24th attended to. Hair CtarwMh orders promptly LILLY LIGHT, G. N, 245 W. Pat- trade. She prefers rather to deal with ma,a long neck geta object Is the conversion of paper cup end 2Gth streets . Reward nt A. a specialty. P. O. Box 436. terson. almost chains over ,rom th KOOd rency Into coin. About 85,000.000 of tbe sultan. Kuhn and Bro. 2366. Wash. Ave. FOR SALE Large old 321 poatofflee building; Rooms 2634 GranL MARIE CRITES, Clerk, 2731 Monros 1 Aihngs.th rough hls possession tbe principal reserved is destined for The German ambassador to the new, cheap. Twenty-fourtstjroL bUd United Slates. Baron Speck von Stern,h,t re brouht Into that purpose, which will lower intertterdEl. est rates and prevent ruinous foreign JX)ST Silver watch; engine on beck. FOR SALE Handsome parlor rug. berg, under Instructions from the for ft P. O. ELKS. TONSOR'AL ARTIST. thiJkf?P!riUWtM wh a man, a loans. 14 by 16, 2248 Washington aveelgn office, has explained to the state Return to Tribe end Jones Reward at. Washington that GerThe Nalionnl Assembly Is working nue. ,do .tnd monkey and In ro h Ogden lodge, Na 719, meets svery department Grornwel! for Go to Mr many stand for the open door in Moand club room Lfo,,nd the buds in the effectively io eliminate the lodge evening k Tuesday room furniture, the best shampooing, singeing of hair second floor Masonic not asked tbe of tbe republic, fixing the presipossessed a function, and that LOST Book written full of memos FOR SALE Dining 2G1 building; 2416 rocco. Germany haa 27th street, In and massage that will make you feel Wash. Av United States to do anything, nor Reward five dollar cheap; enquire at nature," said dential term at ten years. All parties Prof. and price 2423 Monroe. have negotiations of any sort been fresh and good. c, the morning A. G. HORN, E. R. throat up the represented in the assembly hare InReed Hotel. begun or proposed. period and ex W. C. CRANDALL, Secretary. ro ni!ilvi,,c introduced which dorsed the proposed SALE One Germany Is disinclined to aee France PAINTING AND PAPER HANGIND FOR re ctutlvely favor General Reyes. mraJrllSlw Jersey They really BUSINESS CHANGED The next congress will not meet spread further ln northern Africa and cow, gives 3 gallons rich milk; 7ft9 RAILWAY tkte buflTm! the0 0 BCnstlon than the before CARMEN BROTHERHOOD would check and delay Indefinitely If 1908, but meantime the assemWall paper, paper hanging and 12th SL tongue." can bn convoked, if necessary, ns FOR SALE Arcade rooming house nt See J. R Drane. 2464 Wash. possible that policy of "peaceful pene--t bly, 37ft satch Na Wah Lodge J' MorGAN Ogdea rat ion" which would add atrength to 115 25th Street. extraordinary congress. The presiFOR SALE Cheep; ladys bicycle, smith in count.' an Carmen Amof Brotherhood Railway VE1 fcRINARIAN. France. Probably also Germany la dent of the republic in empowered to 311 almost new. Apply upstair erica meets 1st and 3rd Friday of willing to embarrass France and gain FOR RENT PIANOS. perform his duties In any part of tha SL w 24th JW. U. A. O. Aprl1 halL at Mor month Wif?" each tbe time a diplomatic victory at JOHN ERNST, D V. S., office at afrested and held here country. W. E-- HARDY, C. C., 222 23rd SL Frances ally is fully engaged OS 'Phone 29. 2C& Per bushel. RENT Plano; 2634 Grant Av Lhery. SALE Lime; Corey's FOR FOR 2627 R. MONEGAN, B. PirCTd w tTnw Ua. Av C. wi,h S, These motives are. however, 1 m 3 COLTON WILL BE NAMED. Wheelwright Bro uNaa Patterson, the One obvious thing Is that obscure. mur4trT,r;KJvChredtwlth the doea not consent to have her DEGREE OF HONOR. Germany bushels Go PERSONAL. Banto Dr. Gould SALE to of to Declines Hebrew Sixty FOR he bookmaker. Ofn. formal? old relations with Morocco modified y TralPeti ln the police Domingo.' Beauty potato AvVery ronrt every Wednesday evening at by an agreement to which she is not Meets Wash. 2344 and Wealth marMARRY seed. beauty; Vw ,waUelecUv oNaught. of a party, and, alter remaining passive 7:30 o'clock at A. O. U. W. halL ROYAL ARCANUM. riage directory FREE. Pay when Washington, April 1. It Is quite for a year, chooses this moment to f,,ra1iiion J?" ye,terdasr aeoured the MISS LILY LEAUAN, C. of E. for new Em no reSALE send t entirely married; Prize plan; FOR arBetting. probable that when Secretary Taft dirob,??0 MRS. BUSIB SIMS, Recorder. by diplomatic activity at Fc object A. Mend Red H. men Insures Address best. Rhode setmono. $1 for and Horton, strain Dept. turns he will designate G. R. ,B In ,nd " Safest tS wr LOIS PEIRCE, Financier. l?t KISS , Brown Mich. thousand throe r or 195r Thoroughbred Tekoushn, dollars. tTm habeas cor- as chief of the Dominican collection Leghorn i on two SENATORS EXONERATED ting MISS LILLIAN HANSEN, Becolver. 663 20th atreeL Three Million "t rv..;!:,;,:.:0?. setting 75 cent Kmersency fund ktsrly tcrlay are system and that three or more assistmembers cordially invited. s Visiting of thirty-o&thous-aiiIn fJeUars; upwards bl'.,,n,il Monday. ants, who have had some experience Lincoln, Neb.. April 1. The commitform PEASANTS ARE RIOTING. death claims paid, amounting to ?km c111 w tee nf the state senate, appointed to mpiy a the insular possessions, will be sp O. U. A. W. ml 2 million member-fer dollars; STORE CIGAR Mn Mfmirnl's at pointed to perform the work of collectninety Investigate nonthe alleged attempt to nn MP,ring !' APJ11 4,:' ! or-J- l ing the Dominican revenues. 373 24th St. er Three Hundred Thousand. boodle fund, with which o aw.,, raise a 15, Get Drunk 2. A. O. No. end Y. Secure Liquor. Lodge, Na C37. touncii, Destroy LvJhi, Mountain afof Fidelity the common f,l0n Dr. Wm. E. Gould of Baltimore, to secure the passage of the biennial W. hall U " ,he U. O. A. every Satur Property, fourth and ln second hand Meets Monday ri,s of habeas ter discussing the matter with official FOR SALE-- A Callgraph meets second rpus election bill, extending the tenure of hall, over HowellS day avealng. VUltlng brothers Invft-cbeip. Inquire nt tha nings at county and stale officials one year, tohere, announced that he believed betinbrothers 1 cordially The latest Standard office. Ft. Petersburg. April ter remits would he obtained by the store. Visiting dR T. VALLEREUX. M. W. day made a report, finding that no wINELE8 messages selection nf n man like Colton for chief outbreak of peasant disorders Is in tbe member of the senate bed been directRICHEY. Recorder. Tltf'c. WALTER EMERSON. Regent or indirectly connected with tbs of the service owing to the experience Worm district ot Lithnnia. Mobs of Row ly Financier. PEIRCE, Collector. N. W. SEVERN. i are marching through the Commercially Recognized In Colton hen had In the Philippines and pcs -- an JOS. attempt at bribery. alleged ROBERTS, Secretary. Girmany. . G B. his familiarity with the people who country, pillaging estates and demol and ORDER OF WASHINGTON. DECLINES THE PLACE. buggy and are similar to (hose In San Domingo. Ishlng the houses of the land owners, tsfp. SALE Horse KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS. wk Arfmi VThe Pcrament Dr. Gould's position was that the se- One proprietor wa ahot.'. The peascheap-- 3151 Grant Ave. Vapii Order ot V r(vDtBd n,l',r,,lon announce Baltimore. April 1. William B. lection of the man should be made ants entered Werra.- wrecked the vodOgden Union. No. 172, nedeu Council No. 777, meets at any office In Ger with regard to the Interests of the ka ahopo, became drunk and terrorizFOR RENT, farms. Washington meets every Tuesday ev- Gould, of this city, who was appointed nynf fr?" Mon-aad third first w. ball, ,or Itaamisslon by government end for that reason he ed the Inhabitant!. Tbe police were at 3 oclock ln A. O. U. W. hail. by the Presides as deputy collector ot i0 UU W. hall, every Monday at 8 p. m. ening comrades Invited to attend. riiatoms ln San Domingo, formally anh,P ao equip- - wifi not accept the position. Dr. powerle. and troop were called for. FOR RENT 5f acre form, near city H Visiting invited to brothers attend. PM word wm nounced today that he has declined H A. SIMS. President. Gould could have had one of the subor- Tbe telegraph and telephone wire limits; well improved.or lO scre farm viieitinz BROWN. F. small grain E C. WALTER RICHEY, Secretary, near city limits the place. dinate positions, but he did not rare to are cut and communication with the r rnt for G R HICKY Internal messages. outside world is go to Ban Domingo In that capacity. Kelly ft Herrick. x - Ihoue Silk, Tsrs T a 2 ... God.-Pitts- burg 2 Jeffi-ikon- well-propo- a i nR n JJWKr swgiSsSLBf'f: two-thirt- p-- cor-dlsl- one-hal- a w 1 i U a 1 a ialt - houre-keepin- g. s I 9-- h well-know- n chp-mati- lu-ce- - Not Disposed to See France Prosper in . Morocco. a ab-SJr- ef 1 a five-roo- ME B13DSECOLOMBIA TO IS Three-roome- d HAVE GOLD Inge-bretae- -tf 1-- a JH-Clo- sets With a Long Paper Money Has a Big Advantage. is to Converted by a Six-roo- Big Bank. I kry ' n go-car- - d 8lurt 1- else-wher- e. 3-- fraternal W P" W d r 1 . |