Show 4 SIMS SAYS s YS Walking the golf links Is la bet bet- ter better than walking the tha floor Its It's hard to tell what In a aman aman man In New York they found U 14 pins and a few tew needles In one And In Charleston Charle ton S C they the found booze In tho the which It was bootleg was as hero It ft belonged Thirty youngsters with whoop whoop- whooping whoop InK ing cough iv ere given Iven a party parly In 1 Fairmount W V Va none eligible unless they gave a whoop South America Is showing aho Ing rees roo Chile has baa just juet Ju t deported five IIvo former TOY gO government eminent officials In Italy they had a metal Work work- workers ers strike providing they do something in Italy ly belde besides be make mike spaghetti i e I They are aro discussing another cut cutIn cutin cuin In tho the Income tax x which It passed will probably be bo accepted without a word I While very few tow women make I their WRY way there are art very few who do not have their way a I IOne One of these optimists optimist tells tella us u I we must mut be up and nd doing or we ware aro liable to b be down n and anu an l done JonI I weI Tare Why dont don't some of these chronic get got jobs job as a ele- ele elevator ele elevator vator ator boys boa bo s and be quiet for tor a aw awhile w hula Modern gIrls ciria lOa may not get red when they Ihy kiss but the men doA do doA A woman tells us her husband hu ban wont won't buy a n machine be- be because because cause he ho thinks he h married one Isn't It too bad the road hop hogs are protected during killing hog hog time Oysters are famed tamed for silence And you ou 01 seldom see fo one on onla In la the soup If H an I fashion lay Bays ay shoo tops are r lower then bottoms are high high- higher f er I Our income tax argument ar nl 1 I ae we are TB glai 1 I they hey don t tax ua us on what whit we think we w on nn worth You Tou cant can't tell If money makes fools or It if fools make mako money Actors Actor do aa as well as they do In Inthe inthe Ithe i the mo moles les because they cm can cant t thear hear the tho music A poor man marries and settles settle i down A rich man marries and settles up upOn One On of o these thrifty thrift men tells tellus i us steady men are kept that nay wa ay by bank balances I Time for th the neighbor to bring home your coal and bor- bor borrow bor borrow row sour our In lawnmower or 1926 1925 NEA Service Inc |