Show Heal th III Department Now T Housed In Handsome I Structure Kaysville City Offices Move 0 To South Wing Of New Kaysville Building timi ii of o Davis S 'S SIl new Il lii il I Ii renter at Kay ille N ii i estimated l' l to cost ro t between I O mid i i id Va n a mm nil i-fd III by Dr lr 1 1 Keith deputy stile health lire dire Ini tor HIHI ammil of the tIme county health In t it I II C Ii t l intended for Ion exclusive use I by liv the Kaysville I city offices I offices I f ices les personnel ii 1 and ant an ml city lIt C I t y library Ii I ira r y the lIIl ti it building 1 ti ml ml I mm g was vas started start sti rt cl in iii October 0 n er I 1041 1941 and 11 HI nt ut till the outset of the time war mit priorities ri ni-i ni t its it's oried form e d postponement l 0 t C Ii of ml If construction One year ago a o the time granted grantell for time the completion of uI the I he lie structure to be tiC used cl as a i health Ii center since In- In health I needs in ill Ihl he lit military area ana of ur north Davis lavis county made malic It necessary for an au enlarged health department m I epa r t The government grant r will wil amount 1 to tn between het ellI l aunt and an 1 all equipment has hasI jaNo I ahn installed been installed providing cON certain tain can be had hail lary for the time dental clinic At j U of the tIme war var the time building will become the time home of city offices mid and library lil although the time city offices arc now lIo v occupying a n small part lart of the south section of the building Miss Irene Swan Swami city recorder and others of or orthe the time personnel er moved Into their dc de department dc t last week weekend ns as mud did personnel of umi the time health department Annie walls wails and birchwood I Paneling pl n throughout the time structure arc urn further enhanced by gumwood doors and board ceilings A large auditorium for health lee Ice lectures times tures will scat about persons The center Is fully rully equipped for or oratory mn el elt cl t e n c r. n. V r. r atory and treatment rooms consul consul- consultation tation tat Ion waiting and office rooms as aswell as aswell aswell well There are about 14 rooms in inthe inthe Inthe the entire building and the health department will wilt occupy all except the time large room occupied by the city office The Time first clinic will be held April 20 at the time building Dr Barnes Darnes an an- pounced Jounced Clinics to be held at var var- varIous louis Ious times are cardiac baby and amid venereal disease clinics Home nurs nura nursing ing classes are also Jo lo be scheduled ed at other times Dr Barnes reported rC that his staff is low at present there being only five fire fi re and that two more Snore public health nurses are ur ur- urgently tin tin- gently needed The following com corn compose pose flORe the time staff Miss Mary Millard supervisor of nurses Miss Helen Stevens Mrs May McClellan and Mrs Winona Rich nurses and Mrs Lucille Strong clerical and vital statistics Mrs Ellen Ryan a former member of the recently was transferred to the time Ogden health department A. A A. A Barr Harr was construction en en- Ruder of the time project which was fi financed fi fi- under cinder the F W A. A The Time floor of the time building is laid with rubber er tile in large larRe squares of or neutral and tan ta tones Indirect lighting and f heating equipment recessed in iii the walls create a n harmonious interior which is well ventilated I and amid insulated for the time utmost in com coils comfort fort furt Mr fr Barr said Kaysville city will ill finance the I landscaping program of 2500 and i will start as soon as bids have ha ve been called in according to toMi Mi Swan This amount includes a 1 number cr of oE other improvements on the premises The library will remain in the time present small build build- building big ing on the grounds until the time war waris waris wars is i s over The Time following statement was issued by bv Dr Barnes Darnes this week It has always been the hope and dream of health units to be housed in their- their own quarters This week the dream of your department is as we move into our new lIew health center at Kaysville Kaysville-a a building erected and principally equipped by the federal works agency a All thinking people of oE the county should Levi feel a debt of gratitude to the county commissioners commissioner for their foresight in sponsoring such a apr project pr to Kaysville city and its citizens for a much need need- needed needed needed ed civic improvement as a contrib contrib- contribution contribution ution to the war effort in an area L where such health assistance is fa I sorely needed both Loth by physicians I and ld the time public also a vote of ol F thanks to tD our senators in Washing Washing- Washington ton in straightening out bureau en en- entanglements entanglements in which it seems I projects sooner or later become en en- enmeshed enmeshed enmeshed meshed and to the th F FV W V A representatives for Ear their untiring efforts in our j behalf Your department wishes to express express ex cx- press its thanks and appreciation to who contributed to this venture whether it was actual or moral |