Show Shelves of Spools For Your Trinkets THESE THESE graceful corner shelves A arc are ten inches wide and sever seven Inches deep at the bottom Just the right size fize to hold the match holder the old old china doll head and other Interest erg uig trinkets that you have beer beet treasuring The spools and shelves now ma mn mabe mad be practically welded together RUN R AUN i BOTH TH ENDS EN S' S Of OF WIRE DOWN BACK SPOOlS SPOOLS WINO taND ND AROUND ABOUND LOOP reap RUN AUN EN UP THROUGH SIDE SPOOLS SPOOL with new use easy types of glue The wire or cord is then run through as shown here so that thai the shelves may be hung in a cor cor- corner corner ner ready to hold h ld articles of con considerable weight e NOTE NOTE Mrs Spears has designed at Dr pattern patt rn for tor these three grace grace- fully lully curved corner shelves which nr are ar I graduated In size This pattern also con COB contains contains I complete directions for cutting and raining these shelves as well as a pattern for far another larger larcer set of ot spool shelves Ask for pattern No 2 5 and enclose 15 IIi I cents cent Address MRS RUTH nUT 11 Bedford Dedford Stills Hills New York Drawer 10 Enclose U 15 cents for or Pattern No 5 Name Address to it t Iz i fir PLANT FERRYS FERRY'S SEEDS M Make k your tack Nek yard a nd for rood food o ct by b planting Perry FelTe Seed Seede Oa OB display 7 tt It your local Ferry Berrys desist detler FERRY FERRY- MORSE FERRY MORSE SEED CO 0 IAN SAN MONEY CANT CANI BUY BUT Bura aspirin a faster mote more dependable t nuin pure St. St Joseph Aspirin World rid a largest t seller aelIer at t loi 1 10 Why pay mere Mr Bi Big Bic tablet me we for only 85 DONT DON'T LET CONSTIPATION SLOW YOU UP dr Whop When bowel bowels or ere sluggish and nd you feel Irritable headachy do n as millions chew do-chew MINT FEEN-A-MINT FEEN A MINT the modem gum chewing laxative Simply chew MINT FEEN before you go 10 to bed taking only in accordance with package directions sleep directions tl sleep p without being be II ell dis turned Next Nut morning gentle thorough relief helping helping- yeu yu eu feet feel swell lwell gain again Try A PEEN Tastes good ii Is handy band and e generous family supply MINT FEEN FEEN A MINT ion ICK I 7 Mlles Miles Up and aDd Down New Yorks York's Empire State build build- buildIng lag Ing rig has seven miles of elevator shafts hafts BACKACHE out may for fast diuretic aid ji s. s WHEN KIDNEY FUNCTION LAGS from this need functional onal kidney disturbance due to 10 need of diuretic c aid may cause stabbing back ache schel May cause urinary flow liow to 10 be fre- fre coca yet ret scanty tad sad smarting You may lose sleep seep from getting up nights often may may feel dizzy oiny nervous headachy In 10 such fuch cases uses you want to co U t. t I. I dire unit ut Jt So if there is it nothing y or organically cally wrong try U Gold bold Medal Capsules They're They've been en fa fa moos US for prompt action anion for 30 years ears Tilt Tak care to co use ule them only u directed Accept no 00 substitutes 35 5 at u your JOur drug dreg store alore ETE of Jf simple pI rashes by sprinkling on ij tjI rB R FOR Fun FAMILY ncr USE i a diaper app r h. h h. h Bay Buy War ar Savings Saviors Bonds Bonds- x YOU WOMEN WHO SUFFER FROM N HOT H ri FLASHES ii ES U It you suffer from hot flashes rt R tak eak nervous cranky feelings are area a bit blue at t times due ue to the hI functional middle age period peculiar to women try inkham-a inkham Vegetable Ve table Compound to relieve such symptoms Taken helps regularly Pinkham's build up Compound helps build up resistance against such sU 1 distress It helps p nature naturel Also a fine 1 1 tonic Fol- Fol Follow Follow low Jow label labe directions LYDIA LYDis E. E PINKHAM'S I oco rou AJ a nun |