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Show PAGE SEVEN T ' S .""'CIV ) V I r II tr ma - Grade Crossing Removal Program THROUGH BROAD AND BEAUTIFUL ENTRYWAYS VISITORS WILL PASS TO THE NEW YORK FAIR Five types of railroad grade crossing elimination and protection ar eligible for financing under the Federal program for the next fiscal year, according to an official summary received by the Utah Motorist Associa- Adventurers' - !. i fl 7 I Club tion. A fund of $50,000,000 wiU becomu available July 1 for continuing on a 7 "Mark of the Beast" 7- v .... i.' -; By FLOYD GIBBONS Famous Headline Hunter cijRY GILMAN of North Wilmington once had an adven- himself. He s had fun reading other fellows' adven- llUS now he thinllS he'd be nothing hilt n mnnnhar it nis on unvara Keeping tne ball rolling. ,;J't rnntribute . Sisfliau""in, . 1922 Hank and his brothers, John and Joe, were in business J" . ' fVio . . hiiilHincr in Hfnfnr Mart i: Dbil automobile sheet the in Son metal business, which, Hank They were on bodies of gas buggies that had been j, involves making repairs enough space to accommodate six cars, but small out of bent or dented fenders, were L flicb as theofstraightening while the car was parked at the curb. care I guess uaon iuusi uaic occu a uv ui cars parKea in ironi that Place for repairs, but one in particular he'll never forget he lives. is long as permanent basis the program for eliminating hazards at grade crossings. The fund was authorized by Congress last June and has been apportioned among the various states, the District of Columbia, Hawaii, and Porto Rico. The Bureau of Public Roads will administer the expenditures in cooperation with state highway departments. The funds can be used to pa; icft of construction, exclusive of coVf of rights of way and property damage, and can be spent either on rural liigh- ways or city streets. The five types of grade crossing treatment specified in the prc;,-aare separation of grades at crossings; installation of protective devices at grade crossings; reconstruction of existing grade separation structures; relocation of highways to eliminate grade crossings; and relocation of railways to eliminate crossings. v'ji'i m "ka chon had r'S4.'Jt' teJS usu-Ctak- en 1 NEW YORK, (Special). Forty thousand persons an hour visitors from every state and every nation must be accommodated In comfort at but one of the entryways to the New York World's Fair of 1939. according to arrangements the Fair Corporation is completing to handle a maximum daily attendance of 800.0C0. The artist's drawing, as reproduced above, calls for a magnificent double-decke- d entry-wa- y with underpasses, overpasses, pedestrian walks, bus terminals, comfort stations and bridge connections assuring comfort while providing an area of architectural splendor. j He Wanted a uented render Fixed I it was late afternoon of a brisk November day. The hour must .t. aa ucgiumug t KC, uam. a pany oi W been arouna uvc, tuicar drew up in the dusk outside, and a man in a large touring ' the shop. fTve just had my right lNw York tonight and I Cm - into me right away?" ' ; rear fender dented," he said. "I'm driving Shown is a ramp leading from the exposition grounds t ward the I.R.T.-B.M.subway terminal, at a ptint where is necessary to cross over the Long Island railroad trad and to avoid undue congestion of pedestrian traffic. Show-ithe left foreground is a domed restaurant within a fot tain basin and a concourse bordered by grown p!ane-tr- c and, nearer, an open-a- ir cafe and an information kio Along the flanking walls the artist has delineated the F world concept which looks to the building of a pea happier World of Tomorrow. T. nurses training school at the Holy Cross hospital in Salt Lake City, spent don't want to be delayed. Can you fix it up - Income Tax Deduc tions Outlined By A. A. A. Official T ir and John had cleaned up and changed into their good clothes. As walked toward it he saw a young woman sitting in the front seat, but far as ha noticed there were no other occupants. i us ucwcu ICUUCIi 11 was U1UJ small one. He turned to the owner of the car. "I can have that fixed In about 30 minutes," Hank told him. The man said he had to make a phone call. Hank s?id he'd get some loll from tha shop and go to work right away. He remembers that, as Cleft, he noticed a black robe lying in a bunch on the rear seat but, of BO DCM ttUWU AUU vijKKUuuvu When making out Federal income tax returns Utah motorists cannot deduct money paid out in state gaso- line taxes, Dr. Styles Wherry, Presi rear fender dent of the Utah Motorist association, declared today. Reporting on income tax deductions allowed motorists by Swung the Hammer And It Happened 3 reason of car operation, he continued: H0nv hfld a bunch of tools in his Hand-- ra larga and a ifrtall HiEDRBRN "Every penny paid to the State In itrrov driver and a file, ue put tnem aown on tne euro ana picsec FSB the form or registration and other large hammer. special fees may be deducted by Utah leaning over the fender and holding up the tail end of it with Ida motorists. Also they may deduct .u ha swim? the bis hammer at the dent. amounts paid out in gasoline taxes i "My eyes," he says, "were focused on that dent. At the m when went traveling in on through most of the fmm't conscious of anything else that my range ofj as states Bureau of Internal the other down for And it as once I twice. hammer the BIj brought mmg Revenue now allows such deductions for all but thirteen states, namely, What happened? Hank didn't Know: ah oi a suaaen someuanf obscured his vision. He felt a sharp pain on the bottom ot Ids Alabama, California, Colorado, Florithin and another one somewhere along the bridge of his nose. da, Georgia, Mississippi, Nebraska, 1 Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Ten Then EVERYTHING WENT BLACK before his eyes. still standing bent over Strangely enough, he was still conscious dented fender still holding his hammer in his hand. But the blftcS shock the pain beneath his chin and on top of his nose I the wse, thought nothing of it. i When he came out with the tools he went straight to the Qldn i SgaUl iuua. tti uic va.a scat ui mc vbi jt -- e (F&i-- i nessee, Utah, Wyoming, and Ohio where 3 cents of the 4 cents tax is deductible. "However, it is important to re ' member that amounts paid out in Fed eral gasoline and other excise taxes' are strictly deductible. "Other deductible items include interest on money borrowed for purchase of a car and loss sustained from damage when not covered by insurance. Fines or forfeited collateral are not deductible. "A. A. A. national headquarters has prepared a booklet listing all deductions that can be made by motorists when making out income tax returns. The Utah Motorist association has this information on hand to aid car owners when the time comes for them to wrestle with Uncle Sam's annual questionnaire." j Leader Ads Get Results I BEAR RIVER CITY By Mrs. I C. V. Brailsford . and Mrs. Arnold Dallin are the proud parents of a baby, born Feb. 14. Roy Elwell, Ernest Andersen and Mr. Ellis Arbon spent Monday in Ogden. Sunday evening Mrs. Albert Holmgren and Mrs. J. L. Weidmann entertained the Entre Non club at the Holmgren home. A delicious hot sup- per was served to twenty-tw- o guests after which bridge was played Miss Hope Christensen who is attending school at the U. of U. In Salt Lake City, spent the weekend visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ras mus Christensen. Miss Gayle Holmgren who is attend ing school at the U. A. C. in Logan, visited over the weekend with, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Holmgren. Miss Helen Elwell, who is attending Dog Had a Grip on His Face Hank couldn't figure that out at all. It was the strangest, mosti to him in his life. ever had fsquieting thing that happened I Then, abruptly, the darkness began to clear away before his eyes. He taed them shut them. And when he opened them again he was look-- k at the most terrifying sight he had ever beheld In his life. j was staring straight into the flashing eyes of a large, snar- - m U J l.ipi LH I 111 HUIWUL Ml II II U Ml II. Ml II I Itiy H1U P SHOP THRU THE LEADER ADS M ! EJUK ' ; IHe dog! had Hank in a his chin while his The teeth of his lower aw were were sinking deep into Hank s teeth upper lose. I As Hank's eyes opened the dog growled deep down in his throat M sank his teeth deeper. ..: i It was trying to chew his whole face off! HANK LET OUT A tripping death-gri- p. Scream. I The woman in the front seat was climbing out of traard him, shrieking at the dog. Hank hasn't any ?hat happened after that. I He was I the f conscious of the dog's growls I . dog's teeth tearing at his face. saw the woman grab hold of the dog and that she was trying to pull the brute off him. Then, suddenly he ever-increasi- '' felt that the dog had released his hold. At "j .' om malcin nVor,.. r.r,u Viio To more than 1 - t TTo tooth-marke- f jr - r m m mm r. ra deliveryl ma at- Chevrolet production is rapidly increasing, and delivery of your car will he made soon, if you have placed your order in past weeks, or ' fw" 17 get it fixed. As near v as Hank coul4 figure things out afterward, the dog had car all the time hidden under that blanket on the bach ftat. And when he'd seen Hank swing at his master's car with a hanv he'd decided that something ought to be done about it. 1 Hank, on the other hand, thinks something ought to be done aboul W in the back seats of automobiles. I He s never touched a car since without first looking to see it then any CaniriPS hirlina in th nrihfilsterv. J en in the if you place it today f, Moreover, we can assure you will be amply repaid for on getting a new Chevinsisting because it's the only complete rolet, car priced so low. . . and because it will bring you more value than you can possibly get anywhere else at such low prices. Thank you again for your loyal friendship and you will thank us when you take the wheel of these better, more modern cars and trucks. For quick place your order now! CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION that you te Hj!RYONE READS THE CLASSIFIED ADS fcis n ; ;LkUw" jr Paper For One Year and f sues of i,. f or6 than PATHFINDER t mUltNn- IS re, tirrtinrVrsiit Ihfi - $ ONLY low-price- 225 ni.-nrl- d de-live- read PATHFINDER regularly for a timely and unvarnished digest of tha icnrnJr e yu overlooking something? Today, ana Political affairs are at their tum of-- events is apt to affect your pocket-cooi- i. 8 ioK6 asing, "What's it all about, and how much is it Ifi L l051 m1" Beforo you can answer that question uo aD1 to " tne news; anu oeioi interpret Itprv ire,pretyon mnot Titr oii tiia fo? topsy-xur-tvf2ft- loyal 100,000 buyers who havepaticntly awaited delivery of new Cnevrolets ordered weeks ago and to scores of thousands of other people who are placing their orders now our thanks and our assurance of quick that . The driver oi me tai iUpfi Wank un and rushed him to face and sent him I doctor. The doctor treated Hank's d tot ill bundled Hank's customer And up in about 20 yards of bandage. tent off to New York without getting his fender fixed after all. But for pt matter, Hank would have been satisfied if he'd never even TRIKD 1 numbers. ng Chevrolet plants is increasing with each passing day. . sensed, rather than iiank fell to the ground. ter that came more excitement. In Production In the great of the woman's screams He w, are now being made . Saved At Last by the Woman j Deliveries of new Chevrolet s the car running clear picture jjjt I M - ' .'.. .. t , 1. J ,,: ry Centra! Motors Sales Corporation ey " ,. J. ,a DETROIT, MICHIGAN if v i fJiHf, J CENTEK of the VWttu finclcr Pntt " cs to easy-to-rea- i : - '2t2Mjl t J'?vr. W 'is"! , ' V: I .i'vC'V V 7 - y , '7 - ard easyd you with its reliahle, it:nucrEtanu news icviuo i' form presents Hires and charls. Its condensed n lively and intelligible survey of current events throushout the world; its impartial explanation or interpretation, analysis and think find tolk the rews enaLles you to THE ONLY COMPLETE ,.Mr. Pathfinder sells for 11 a you venr. bni for i limited time we canonoffer a com- in ttrtaiW reduced bargain price " . I id ui sit.--, ?n PER FICTID a d see mri?tfwj ' V"I"",U t, ,Vr hv assuring all airs. current of your complete grasp VAtVI-IN-HIA- NIW HYDRAULIC NO DRAFT VINntATION L D MAK.S-.MP.OSUPIK-SA- FI VID INO.NI-NI- W OUD.NO SHOCKPtOOP IOD.IS-NI- W FIATI .DI--SA- KN1I-ACTIO- N STIMINO. SO LOW CAR-PRI- CED AIH.UNT, AlUITIIl Ki..-A- tln .nrf DIAMOND OlASS ShkPro.f t..rln, AU n " the weekend visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Elwell. Mrs. Andrea Huggina entertained her club members at her home Wednesday afternoon. A delicious hot dinner was served to the eight members after which pinochle was played. Mr. and Mrs. Victor N. Hansen and two children spent Sunday in Salt Lake City where they visited with their son, Kermit and family, also with Mrs. Hansen's sister, Hrs. Hat-ti- e J. Hansen and her family. Miss Maxine Hansen of Salt Lake City, spent three days of last week Visiting In this city with her brother, Dewey Hansen and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Jensen had aa their dinner guests on Sunday, Mr., and Mrs. Peter S. Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Frilda Andersen and son of this city and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Udy and) family of Fielding. Mrs. Emery Huggins and daughter left Monday for Berkeley, Cat, wnere she will visit with her sisters, Mrs. S. A. Fergus and Miss Mary Fishburn. Mrs. Elreta Andersen is visiting in Salt Lake City at the home of hex brother, Arthur Jensen and family. ss-- j1 " ClOWN SNIDUNI AlOUND-CINU- .Nl STYUNO riSHIt M...f D;U-- . m..h |