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Show BEAT. RIVER VALLEY I LEADER THtJRS&AY. FEBRUARY 23. 1937 Society and;? i phone J GUESTS jFLE SUPPER . Md Mrs. M. P Christensen had waffle supper rteir guests at a Mrs. Tom and Mr. evening. SanJn Mr and Mrs. Reginald Sum- and Mrs. Oral Bennett and ftnd Mrs Harold Sandall. stands for The tasty flEi I Oii-.-e- ' jGUE Your quests vilWhen dini en - SLEIGH RIDE Members of Tonight, or any other night, the is . anticipated by dinner guests. Globes of green, and crisp celery on chopped ice should greet the guests as they sit down. This is expected. Few shelves in the grocery are as attractive as those containing rows of small and large glass bottles clearly Bhowing the size and type of olive they contain. The glass bottle Is traditional for olives because, appetizing as they are, they must be kept in condition until they reach your table. Some modern jars are accompanied by a small wooden fork which assists the serving of the olive HONORED BIRTHDAY 1 ir and Mrs Frank Tallman, Mr. ni'ra. J C. Vance Mrs W S Flewel 41111 . Mrs: D. W. Jenkins ad Paul and Capwell were sons Evening held in honor of Mrs. C. Tall- - tip-to- p BRIDGE CLUB jSTBRTAINS Winzeler entertained the Club at her home SaturdThe special invited guests were, ay. Cummings, Mrs. Edith Alice jirfc Mrs. Ha-jCannon, Mrs. Ann Simonsen, Mrs. Mrs. Edna Fronk, Johnson, flberta Stevensen and Mrs. Phyllis Mrs Lola g B Bridge olives. But don't be content with that plain dish of olives and celery. Here are two recipes that will increase your olive appreciation: t ei Caldron. The prizes were awarded to Mrs. Edna Fronk, Mrs. Alice Persson, Mrs! Lula Taylor and Mrs. Phebe Spanish Sandwiches Butter lightly thin slices of bread and remove crusts. Spread half the slices with finely chopped stuffed green olives moistened with mayonnaise, the other half with cream cheese mixed to a paste with a little cream and two tablespoons of finely chopped walnut meats. Place the bread slices together In pairs, an olive spread slice on a walnut Bpread slice. Press lightly and cut in fingers. Green Olive Squares Butter thin squares of browii bread and sprinkle very lightly with salt and pepper. Stone eight olives and chop them with two stalks celery, one small cucumber pickle, of catsup, a small spoonful of salt, a pinch of pepper and a very little mustard. Mix well, spread on the brown bread, cover with another slice of buttered bread and pile to a sauare. a teaspoonful EAST TREMONTON FIELDING By Enid - - n. ts SNOWVILLE - tertained a group of 12 girl friends at the Geo. O. Nye home Monday afternoon. Games were played and delicious refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Sweeten of Salt Lake City, were guests on of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. O Nye. Friday The Misses Melba and Fav Nve of Salt Lake City, came up to attend the high school opera and to visit with their parens, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, O. Nye Thursday night Fay returned to Salt Lake City Friday and Melba left for Portland, Ore., for a visit with friends. r R. J. Stayner was a Salt Lake City visitors Monday. Theral Bishop visited with friends in Logan Sunday. Miss Venna Kirkham and Malcoln Gaddie attended the ski tournament in Salt Lake City Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shumway were Salt Lake City visitors Monday. The Misses Marion and Helen Johnson visited during the weekend at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oluf Johnson. June Stayner, Sara Shumway, Fay Michaelis, Douglas and E. J. Holmgren and Max Beal, students of the U. S. A. C, visited at their respective homes over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bott and son, Wayne, and daughter, Margaret, and Mr and Mrs. C. L. Frye of Brigham City, and Misses Alissa and Helen Manning of Salt Lake City, were dinner guests at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Manning on - "I Welling Miss Leah Bennett of Bountiful is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wood and Duane Jones, local LITERARY CLUB ENTERTAINED A. N. Bennett. boys who have spent the past several A number of people from here at- weeks in California, returned to their The Garland - Tremonton Literary tended the Open House held Wednes- homes in Fielding, last Tuesday. Mrs. Rosa entertained tiub was by Iver-soJay Bourne and Theo Richards at Hunsaker Thursday of last week. Mrs. day at the home of Mrs Agusta the A. C. at Logan, Miss Jan tending Hortence Wise reviewed the book ice Earl Delattending business college in was Bureau Farm held Brande. and Live" "Wake up by Wednesday were served to at Mrs. Ira Fridal's. Mrs. Fridal and Salt Lake City, and Harold Smith of icious refreshments the U. of U., spent the weekend visitsixteen members and three guests. Mrs. Ada Garfield were hostesses. The ing with their parents. The special guests were, Mrs. Mabel time was spent in sewing and rerrcsh-menMr. and Mrs. Wallace Bourne en served to thirteen membeis. Chambers, Mrs. Viva Munk and Mrs a group at a pinochle party tertained Jfaude 0. Cook. Plans were made for a party for all last Wednesday evening. Dinner was members and their husbands to be served at 8 after which the o'clock, held Friday at Mrs. John Garfield's. was spent in playing pinochle. evening Refreshment, games and entertain- High score was won by Mr. and Mrs. ment committees were appointed. Ea Jess and consolation rl by Mr. and Miss Annie Hurd By Several people from here attended Mrs. Halverson of Garland. a shower held at Mrs. Anna Brown's Mr. and Mrs. George Coombs left Jos. J. Larkin and daughter, Harrafternoon. Wednesday for California, where they Saturday iet, went to Salt Lake City last week Mrs. K. H. Fridal and Mrs. Walter will visit for the next two or three to see Coe Larkin, who left for Engl- Fridal of Elwood, were Salt Lake City weeks with their daughter and famand on Thursday to do missionary visitors Friday. ily, Mr. and Mrs. Verl Wood, who reMrs. Rose Peterson accompanied by side in Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Dan McCoombs of Mr. and Mrs. Horace L. Richards are spending ten days at Port- spent several days last week in Salt land, Oregon, visiting friends and rel- Lake City and vicinity on business, atives there. They will return by way and visiting with relatives. of San Francisco and Los Angeles, Lorin Wilcox and LaCone Earl went to Salt Lake City, Monday taorning visiting friends at both places. Miss LaVern Garfield spent the to attend the finals in the. ski conweekend at Salt Lake City. test at Eckers Hill. TREMONTON, UTAH Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Welling enterMrs. O. A. Seager is spending the friends at a pinweek at Logan with Mr. and Mrs. tained twenty-fou- r ochle party Monday evening. Supper Austin Seager. Friday and Saturday Elwin "and Irvine Garfield attended was at 8 o'clock, the remainder af the the Ski Tournament at Ecker Hill in evening being spent playing pinochle. February 26th and 27th Mr. and Mrs. Than Garn won high Salt Lake City Monday. Mrs. Rose Peterson accompanied by score, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Hansen low. Mr. and Mrs. Dan McCoombs of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Earl attended has left to spend the week with DANGEROUS" her brother at Portland, Oregon. the ski contest Monday in Salt Lake They will return home by way of San City. 4 MARX Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Richards left Francisco and Los Angeles visiting BROTHERS in friends and relatives there. Wednesday morning for Los Angeles, J. W. Ault and Wesley Ault of Lo- Calif., where they will visit for the next two or three weeks. They have gan and T. R. Ault of Deweyville were P. Mrs. and of Mr. three sons in California, two in Los guests Sunday E. Ault. FEATHERS" Angeles, and one attending the Naval Donna Brough of Salt Lake City Medical Academy at San Diego, with Accompanying spent the weekend with her parents, whom they will visit. "Vigilanties them to California also is Mrs. L. R. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Brough. Los R. G. Brough was a Salt Lake City Cannon, who has a daughter in visit. will she whom with Angeles, visitor Saturday. Miss LaFae Hess was a visitor to John Fridal left Saturday for the . Sunday Monday Pacific coast where he leaves for a Logan last Saturday. Tuesday Mrs. Mark J. Udy was hostess to Feb. 28th to Australia. mission March 1st, 2nd are Cleo club at her home last FriScoffield the Mrs. George Mr. and CURK GABLE and at day. Luncheon was served by ,the spending the week with relatives The remainder of the afterhostess. JOAN Layton. CRAWFORD, in noon was spent in playing bridge. Tuesday night after mutual the work. Harriet remained there to visit Gleaners entertained at a sleighing relatives. a candy pull at the followed party, Arnold Hurd is spending a few days home of Mr. andbyMrs. Mervin Holt. THE in Salt Lake City. Mrs. Ezra Richards was hostess to Mr. and Mrs. John Neal, Mr. and the Social Development club Thursday Mrs. Archie Neal and Lavon Neal afternoon of last week at her home. Musical -went to Salt Lake City to see Gerald About 20 members were present. A Neal, who left Thursday for a mission paper on Social Security was given by to Texas. Clara Garn. Readings were furnished Miss Mary Hurd came home from Miss Bourne and Miss Hess. Lunchby March 3rd and 4th Ogden Sunday for a few days. eon was served by the hostess, during Donald Pack came home from Lo- the social hour. Club will meet next gan to spend the weekend.Nelson Mrs. Horace L. RichJr., at the home of Bishop and Mrs. D. G. first the Thursday in March. were called to Ogden Sunday on ac- ards, Mrs. A .and Mr Dwight Hansen had as QUEEN" count of the serious illness of his their guests Monday, Mrs. Hansen's father. parents of Logan, Utah. Mrs. Erma Garn, who several weeks I I I I I II l I I H I in I I I I I ' I I I M ago underwent a major operation Salt Lake City, returned to Salt Lake Monday morning for further medical treatment. Thursday night in the Fielding ball, a dance will be held, under the direcAn tion of ten girls from Fielding and Amazing Grout) of Smart. Fluff v Dresses with a Rainbow a surrounding vicinity. They promise fColors to Choose furbe will Music to all. time good from J nished by the Hall orchestra. Designei to ulness ! And yet Haight I . Sunday. . A birthday party in honor of Miss Alissa Manning was given on Monday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Manning. 17 guests were present and a very enjoyable time was had. Mrs. Geo. O. Nye was hostess to the Ladies Self Culture club at her home Friday afternoon. Pres. Mrs. J. D. Gunderson, was in charge of the meet lng. Miss Margaret Davis and Mr. tV. A. Wallace of Salt Lake City, who THE X t . A very interesting Relief Society was held Tuesday, February 23rtk SPOT LIGHT Ford has es'u'.tiished a new as lembly pini in Vancouver . . . the A. M. A. (mire, ass'n) firmly believes the new campaign to advertise delivered prices will be successful . . . Des Moines recently junked 900 csrs as unfit . . . 1938 N. Y. show will open on Oct. VI. a WEDNESDAY again . A . only Studebaker has rotary door locks in San Fernando valley roads you'll find wavy lines painted down the middle, to warn you of forthcoming turn . . . Arlington & Fairfax railroad ever hear of it?) is first to adopt car trailers for the rails . . . Cadillac presented 221 employees with gold watches for 10 years of continuous service . . . Hotel Manner Walter L. Gregory believes "we must face the trailer situation," indicating inroads or "homemobilcs" D. C, decrees $300 Washington, fines for hanging lemons on cars . . . Studebaker's r steering is popular with the women ... rjear Seattle inspection lanes found 40 of all cars unfit . . . does that make you think? . . . Don Blanchard. famed technical writer, becomes secretary of S. A. E. . . . best New Year's resolution was "I'll be alert at the wheel." Are you keeping it? ... .... twin-leve- -- Coming" -- TMEON RUN" Traveltalk . and News : 1NEDAYS Ill 1 I 1 Prom Dresses accentuate your very youthf Expensive Ohk mtV. VaA tn Snrinc Cure Your Flu or Pneumonia . LaGra Shop Tremonton. Utah CALL Dr. Win. Eli Hawkins ' Hhhhi 1 1 1 1 1 m HI 7.3-- 5 CHIROPRACTOR IMIIMt Rhead. Class work was conducted by Ivy N. Seager. The subject, "Adult Education." Mrs. Seager also gave a very interesting review of the book, "The School House in the footh- ills." Next Tuesday will be teachers meet at 1 :30 p. m. Theology and testimony meeting will commence atz p. m. lng, beginning "It has recently been discovered that the ant, too, like his ppptyc Judgment Day The following song was composed and put to music by Herman R. of Elwood: There's a judgment day acomin' As sure as you're born. ' So why not start a hummln' And make your life a song. You can'e get by by with lying, Stealingkilling and come out. Nor can you pull that kidnap stunt, ' And make a bank account. , e, : : ; : .. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE LEADER 3 arsains J . SALMON There's a judgment day acomiri" Tall Can Whereever you roam. 3 for Don't try to steal your neighbor's wife The" cell might be your home. MIXED And though you seem a lucky guy, No Peanuts Don't kid yourself along, ! 2 Pounds For the judgment day will get you As sure as you are born. each visited in Russia the past summer and fall, gave very interesting talks on the conditions there. Miss Cleo Nye sang "Calvary," with Mrs. Millan Peck at the piano. Miss Lois Persson played a piano solo. Delicious refreshments were served to 40 members and six guests. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Persson and children visited over the weekend with relatives in Payson. 29 c NUTS 29c ... Pound 18c .. MACARONI 2 15c Pounds ...... ........... CORNED BEEF 1 VLm 12-o- z. Can IDC 1. COFFEE Schillings - Drip or Regular - Pound IPsay 'fit 3 ,, 25c Cans ROLLED OATS 9-l- b. NO Bag LEADERS Pail HONEY 69c FANCY CAKES Pay'n Takit has introduced a new plan The of doing business in food stuffs 19c Pound COCOA most important item bought by all fam- Hershey's Mb. Can ... ilies. CABBAGE lie New, Solid 3 This plan has discorded the trick of offering a few popular items at cost or less (known as leaders) that are boldly displayed to get the customer into the store and then recover this loss by selling other merchandise at more than reasonable profit. time-wor- n 10c Pounds GRAPEFRUIT Large Size 4 1 1 for FRESH RADISHES' ONIONS - TURNIPS BEETS - TOMATOES Lge, Solid LETTUCE Quality Meats In our store everything is sold at small profits, all merchandise conveniently displayed and price tags are in full view. If you do not now shop the Pay 'n Takit way we invite you to come here after you have made up your list and make your FRANKS C f1 OQ Per Pound GROUND BEEF 25c Pounds PORK SAUSAGE Pounds .... You will be pleas- .. 35c i BACON Sliced Pound antly surprised at the consistent savings you can make every day of the week. COM - COMPARE on- - ...OVV 10-l- b. own comparisons 27c PEAS Mkiitt OClgi Li sJS BEEF ROASTS Per Pound -- Ktf Ivv Q.RSKfeCGS - BUY AND DON'T FORGET WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD 1 Surety 2d : human cousin, has acquired thf-- art , of domesticating the lower anin.ale. ' He, too herds his cows that is, the insects called aphlds which exciete ' a milk-likfluid; he milks them by stroking their backs; and he drives them for shelter into stables which ; he has built for them out of blades-- ' of grass and tiny threads of eilkVlust as the herdsman of the new :iton age, about twelve thousand years '? go, '; drove his cattle into the primitive; stables which his crude hands had built for them." Henry Thomas, In ' The Story of the Human Race. ((Win- - ' . Og-de- n, Are After the preliminary exercises the scripture lesson on the "Parable of The Ten Virgins," was given by Ohve Chell-Thoma- Og-de- n, Orpheisiii FTYTE Relief Society News 7 Seal Monday. Miss Barbara Gale Gaddie spent the weekend in Brigham City with her aunt, Mrs. W. H. Barnard. Miss Bobbie Innes and Cleo Nye en- 7 the Epworth League party Thursday riding Si sleiga the meeting of the preceding Ming Weekly Fellowship Hour. A- - Dean Hall made a business trip to Salt Lake City Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Anderson of Malad, Idaho, were guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Anderson on Sunday. Bishop and Mrs. Mark Nichols and daughters spent the weekend in Bountiful and Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Caddie visited with relatives in Logan Sunday and f 60A-- 2 Geo. By Club News I LOiS COOK, Correspondent GARLAND airs. I PAGE 0 Purity 4 . |