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Show , ., , , . . . , . , - - ---- . - - ' . - 16 Page . .. Tli.e Deseret' New's,; Salt Lake City, UtaG '' , , ' ' :t, 4 -- , , 44,,,,,,,,, For Convention Juno 17-2- . . . a , ---.- r, , i ' VI teL ' Guest speakers will be T. A. , New York. national sec- . Rymer, retary of the Army and Navy. Y. Nt. C. ; Shep Baugh, secre tary of the Army and Navy Y. M. C. A., Sehttie; ; LicutConi. T. D. Wilson of the Navy and Capt. Con D. Sinard of the Marine -- .! ..'! - .......(...i.....s.r., ,...,- -- ' , 1 4 , ' t g : ' corn-mend- -- Blind Favor Expansion Of Educational Setup I I ' ohs McGhle. , , - 16 S pe Ck 119. Salt I 20. Epoch , , , I 21.1"Arform 23. Me line of .letter 25. Soft 26 Music note - 27. ii mo i 111 New Officers To Be 4 ,... 40. Collection . of sayings 4 .41- - Snares Five new members of the Salt of Commerce Lake Chamber board of governors will be installed June 17 following their election Staturday night. Gus Po executive secretary, Backman, said today. The new members are Harold H. Bennett, assistant general manager and secretary-treasure- r of Z. Co M. I.; Dr. Adam S. Bennion, assistant to the president, Utah Power and Light Company; William H. Guild, general manager of the south central district of the Union Pacific Railroad Company; Dilworth S, Woolley, vice president and general manager of Redman Van and 'Storgae Company, and Franklin S. Cundiff, Utah manager of the Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company., Retiring members of the board are W. T. Denn of Hubbard-Dea- n Company; Norman Sims, proprietor of Norman Sims Hat Shop: J. A. Hale, vice president of the Utah Power and Light Blair Richardson, Company; manager of the Hogle Investment Company and J. 'J. Neville. manager of the Husler Flour Mills. '1. 43. carriage " 44. Baby Coarse grain :4 46. Orcumstancet 67. Break , --, 411. suddenly --Pain- s: 49. Old mesenire Lively t t DOWN :so. .1. hz ' ' t south Amee- -lean hero - f2. Medley A ?Zany ' ; Isossossu ' ' . - . WeArninister College will present diplomas to 40 members of the graduating class this evening at 8 o'clock at exercises to be held in the First Presbyterian Church, East South Temple and C Streets. Ai the same program 12 litidents will receive high school liplomas. The Hon. Norris C. Bakke, Justice of the Colorado Supreme Court, will deliver the commence-- Helen ment address and Miss Cone. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. William L. Cone of 1416 Lincoln Street. will deliver the valedictorian address. exercises Meanwhile - senior were conducted this morning at 10 o'clock in Converse Hall on the school campus. Robert Hansen of Murray delivered the salutatory address. The Rev. Robert D, Steele, president of the college. received graduates and members ot their families at his residence, 1733 Thirteenth East Street, this afternoon. Yesterday the Rev. Steele addressed the graduating class at services at St. baccalaureate Paul's Episcopal Church, 261 Ninth East Street. The Rev. A. E. Butcher, rector of St. Paul's was In charge of the services. r021 emus mummyD 0E00 MB 1111k 00E0 cheeses II 00001132 100011I .. E031M Yesterday's dairiei 36. Therefore 42. Asterisk . 43. A rodent 45. Watch - ill litr 11(11 secretly 4 5 6 tct A NIP AAe VA II A A ,, . , 12 . . r 25 -'-- ' -- - - ice.. "Children must have a quart Dr. of milk each day," said Howells in his report. "Milk is Salt the best food investment-i- n Lake today. One cup of milk has the same energy value as four two and one-haeggs, ounces of lean beef, of eight and one-hal- f -- IIIIR all' maim RETAN1111111 No 34 iir 111111111111111r 1111111111111 4111111111111111T411111111111r arz 64 Pisteibuie4 by Kincreattires Syndicate. , string 1 liecrj.:001011;00J D. S. - Fuaeral arrangements for John Samuel Second North Shaw, 62. of 146 West Street, who died yesterday in a local hospital of pneumonia. were being made today at 265 Second East Street. Mr. Shaw was storekeeper for the Itie Grande Railroad here. He had worked for that company for 22 Years. Be wall a charter member of the Brotherhood of Railway Clerks in Salt Lake. Mr. Shaw was a son of Luke and Mrs. Nancy West. wood Shaw. Survivors are his widow, Mrs. Marl Shaw: a daughter. Mrs.. Myrtle Lees of Salt Lake: a son, Roy: I. Shaw of Salt Lake: two brother,, Thomas M. and James T. Shaw, both of Salt Lake: a sister, Mrs. Martin Hansen of Cokeville. Wyo., and four. grandchildren. Olt low A.' Mrs. Lydia Alvin& Dillow, 55. of 1514 Fifth East Street, died yesterday at the family residence of a heart attack. She was horn in Chamois, Mo., June 2, 1585. to Mr. and Mn. Theopolis Berry, and had lived in Salt Lake since 1917. She was a member of the Order of Eastern Star. Survivors are ber husband, Ira B. Bit low: a daughter, Mrs. Lucille Warner of Salt Lake and two grandchildren. - Mrs. Theodore P. Jorgensen, noble grand, succeedIngiMiss Elizabeth M. Moore; Mrs. Jennie Pederson. recording.- - Salt Lake City showed a net decrease of $275,559 of long-ter- indebtedness during 1939, according to a special audit of city accounts given to Finance Commissioner William Murdoch today by Lincoln G. Kelly and Company, auditors. During the year the city reintired $471,46S in long-terdebtedness while Incurring only notes and $197,909 In long-terbonds, .the report showed. The audit included an examination of financial transactions affecting revenues and expenditures in all funds and accounts. Cash receipts during the year totaled $4,054,190, wflile warrants issued totaled only $3,934,- 088. The net income of $120,102 boosted the city's available cash balance on Dec. 31, 1939, to $1,- 955,5'45, according to the audit. "Internal controls maintained over cash transactions In the various departments of the municipality appear to be effective," the report said. -- Oil Firm Faces on , - Thom-War- d, - Marna and : Mrs.- - David Archibald of Granite: a sister, Mrs. Alphea Silver of Huntinirton Park Calif.; 25 arandchildrea, 55 and ons Julia Achia P. Nickelson, 85, Ailed late Saturday at The home of a daughter.- Mrs. Et W. Hick-- . man of Benjamin. Mrs. Mickesell wee born Dee. 24 111541. at Lehi. daughter of Charles and Achia Copley Packett. She was an active Church worker and was a counselor in the Lake Shore Relief Society for 10 yenta and a teacher for 30 years. Her David U. Miekeeell. died Dee. In addition to bet, own chil.7,, 1930. 'dren the reared three others who were left motherless. two Surviving are three sons and daughter: - Albert and Frank Mickesell of Los Angeles: Mn. C. W. Hickman of Benjamin: Mrs. O. H. Andreason of Atolls. Calif.: Joseph B. Mickesell of son, A, Chattanooga. Tenn.: a foster D. Dudley of Spanish Fork: 30 grandchildren and 43 Funeral will be conducted Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. in Benjamin Ward and in. terment will be in Spanish Fork Cemehome tery. Friends may call at the of mrs. Hickman prior to the services. Infant Harbertson OGDENThe infant son of Don Le. Ray and Elsie Iris Cope Harbertson of 1831 Riese' Avenue Eked late Saturdsg in an Ogden Hospital a few hours after birth. the Surviving are the parents and following grandparents: Mr. and Mrs. Jame' LeRoy Harbertson and Mr. and Mrs. Anhton Cope. all of Ogden. Services were conducted Sunday at 5 p.m. in Aultorest Memorial Chapel by Cyrus Penrod, counselor in the Ogden Tenth Ward bishopric. Entombment waa ii Aultorest Mausoleum. Allen Anderson Joseph GRANTSVILLEServices for Joseph Allen Anderson, who died at the home of his grandparents Sunday morning after a short illness of whooping cough ..and complications, will he conducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday in Grantsville Second Ward Chapel by Bishop Clyde Williams. d son Joseph was the of John Ronald and Melba Ence Ander. son of Halleck. Nev. Besides the parents, be is survived by a brother. John Ronald Anderson Jr.. and the following grandparents: of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Anderson Grantsville. and Mrs. Amelia Enc. of Richfield. Annie R. Sorenson LYMANServiees were conducted Sun. day in Lyman Ward for Mrs. Annie R. home Sorenson, 89. who died at her here Friday of pneumonia. Mrs. Sorenson, widow of Erasing !tor. ensoer. was born in Jordan, Utah. Jan. Yount of Ephraim: two half brothers. Lester Coons of Odell, Ore., and LeRoy Coons of Joseph. Utah. and the following sons and daughters: Mrs. Nora De G. Leeuw Beaver. Mrs. Laura Spracher of Burley, Idado: Mrs. Celia AckOldroyd of Glenwod, Mrs. Dinatha Lucy erman of Pleasant Grove. Mrs. Toregerson of Bicknell. Mrs. Ethel Taylor of Lyman. Mrs. Tilda Taylor of Fremont. Voyie Sorenson of Loa and Freeman J. Sorenson of Lyman. Fifty irrand- else children and 519 survive. Mrs.- Frances "The Speaking on Act 7:48, High does not dwell in buildings erected by man:!. the Rev. W. E. Blackstock yesterday recommended rededication services of the Liberty Park Method. 1st Church. 875 East Eighth Street. that inan's eyes be turn- ed to God rather than .to His , t temples. , The pulpit at the LII3ertay Park Church will be assumed Sunday. the Rev.-- - Frank June 16. br hasbeon- - doing evangelistic work in Iowa. Yesterday's service was the last in the church attended by the Rev. IV. S. J. BleakleSf,-who--Lssr- e-: the Liberty Park pulpit and wilt vacation fornia, before assuming a new assignment. ll-- . - .. . ., , , 0 Ne- - the 0 and breaks, rest of the trip to Salt Lake by ox- - ' team, with Daniel as D. McArthur :. itthiteseaetPtiteda7lnOINethpahilr. A for Mrs. Frances Rooker Smith, 42, injured fatally in an automobile accident south of Bountiful Friday, will be conducted Tuesday at 2 p.m. in the Ogden Sixth Ward by Bishop Lawrence H. Evans. Burial will be in Aultorest Memorial Park in Ogden. Mrs. Smith, wife of Jesse A. Smith of 2254 Madison Avenue, was born in England and came to the United States 12 years ago with her husband. She was active as avisiting Belief Society teachCr, and was- a genealogical worker in the Ogden Second and Sixth Wards. Friends may call at the Smith home Monday afternoon and evening and Tuesday prior to services. Lois Priscilla Hixson WA NSHIP.--Funerfor Mrs. Loll Priscilla Hisao 81, who (lied FridaY of a heart attack, will be cohducted today at 2 p.m. in Wanship Ward by Bishop Eugene Pace. Burial will be in Wan-shi- p Cemetery. Mrs. Hisson. widow of Frank D. Mason, died while visiting her tater. Nos Mettle M. Bates of 348 Douglas Street. She had been residing with a daughter in Omaha, Neb., the past few one .. - .:- '' years., Utah.Joseph Hamblin 64, died suddenly hers Thursday. Funeral services were-- - - - held Saturday afternoon. Mr. Alger was born in Beaver. Sept. 24. 1885, soli of John W. and Martha Young Alger. He married Levine, Warner of Junction. Dec. 30, 1906. Five chitciren and Mrs. Alger survive: Warren B.. Jay Don Alger and Mn. Merrill Mitchell of Parowan, Mrs. Max Heybourn and Mrs. Willard Bess of Cedar City. His mother who resides in Yuma. Ariz, and the following brothers and sisters also survive: J: S. Alger, Emmett, Ida.: Charles W. Alger. Los Vegas, Nev.: An-- drew Alger, California: Frank Alger Wyoming; Earl Alger, Mrs. Mettle Harris, Mrs. Ione Beebe, Arizona and Mrs. M. A. Bush. Midvale, Utah. MeGhie. BC re. & Light -- tired employe of the Utah Power a resident of Murray for Company and more than 111 years, died Sunday at 12:30 p.m. at the home of a daughter. Mrs. S. 4143 Box Elder Avenue. Mr.- - MeGhie wasborn in Scotland, Nov.I. 1853. SurviNiing are three cons, William lie .McGbieof....CallentNer-,James MeGhie of Los Angeles, and O. C. Mc. Ghle of Murray: three daughters. Mrs. both of Salt Lake City'. McHenry: a brother, John McGhie of Salt- Lake- - City!, five idelers Colebrook of Union, Mrs. O. Blair of Salt Lake City. Mrs. Charles Buehler of Pleasant Grove, Mrs Betts Sonson of Pocatello. Ida., and Mrs. Joseph Staker of Lewiston. Ida: 23 grandchildren and 24 great grandchildren.. - Dr. Lloyd E. Oaks PROVODr. Lloyd r. Oaks, A, pracIda., ticing physician at Twin Falls, Denfor the past jive years, died in a this early Colo.. ver, hoaptal morning, following an illness since last December. Dr. Oaks was born in Vernal. Utah, 25, 1902. He attended the BrigSept. graduated ham Young University and Medical College, from the Jefferson his in1930. in Following Philadelphia at the Geisinger Memorial terneship ' Danville, Pa., he came to Provo with to practice medicine. associated Dr. Horace G. Merrill and his brother. to Twin went He Dr. L. Weston Oaks. Yells to establish himself in 1934. Dr. Oaks was an energetic Church worker and was a member of the high council of the Twin Falls Stake, HarStella Surviving are the widow, ris' Oaks; two sons, Dallin and Merrill and a daughter. Evelyn; his father. Witham H. Oaks of Vernal and 13 brothers Charles S. Glen Oaks, and sisters: L.. Oaks, V. Le Roy Oaks, and Dr. Allen Weston Oaks, and Mrs. Wilford Portland, E. Martin Oaks, all of Provo; Ore.: Wilbur T. Oaks, Mrs. ,Nettie O. Markley. all of Remington. Mrs. DavisSalt Lake City: Vernal: Lynn Oaks, Mrs. Springville. Mrs, Bird Beardall, Mrs. Ralph Munk. New Mexico, and BlaMe Nielsen, Hyrum. 1 pm. Funeral will be held Friday at Interment in the Provo Fourth Ward. Park. will be in the Provo Burial '' in held Funeral services will be Twin Falls, Wednesday at 2 P.m. of Dr. Friends may call at the home University L. Weston Oaks, 671 North 11:30 p.m. Avenue, Friday, from 10 to Horace E. Hammond - PROVIDENCEHome. E. Hammond. Providenee farmer. died Sunday at a Logan hospital after a long Wilma Mr. Hammond wars member of Prov tdence First Ward and Logan Stake high priests quorum.. He had lived in Providence his entire life. Actively en. eared in genealogical .research for many of the yearo, he had-hw- en ward genealogical committee. Be had also worked exteneivelyle Logan Tem.. Mr. 'Hammond was born April 22. 1818, inProvidence. son of 240ton. and Lovisa 84. well.known Isadore Farrell othy and Joanna Park City 41 years, and He resided in. 15 retired from mining in 1936. after Coalition Mines King Silver years with Company. Mrs.-Pearl Surviving' are his widow; Marguerite Martin O'Keefe; a daughter, all O'Keefe, M. William O'Keefe: a son, Mamie of Park City, and a sister. Mrs. take City. Salt MeSorley of Wednes- Funeral will be conducted Church at day at 10 a.m. in St. Marys recited Park City. Holy Rosary will be M. George the at 9 at p.m. Tuesday may Archer Mortuary, where friends call until Wednesday morning:CemeBurial will be in Park City tery. Miller, Hammond. On Dee. 19. 1900.- he married Salina Tibbets in Logan Temple. Surviving are his widow; five sons and Owen daughters.-- - Horace..-- L, -- Hammond ITKVM4 Loganlars. E. B Maughan of of Providence. and Darrell Amarillo, Tex..; eight grandchildren. and 18 brothers and sister: Mrs, , Thomas , . - - May May - - - 1 It , . ' 23. Pickering. May 25. , D street. son. May 25. Reed and Helen Arlene 52 Cornaby lit SADLEB,--Wallac- e Ford and Dorothy Taylor. Magna. son. May 25. MAJORWilliam and Ma May Mao( nine. Layton. (laughter, May 26. SARRISJames and Angelina Gallegos. Layton. daughter. May 26. TAYLORAlvin Winberg and Phyllis afternoon dauchter. Mai 23. Rock Springs, Wyo. was Mallt-tio- - - nt June Jonas Ira Nielsen BO, RUDOLPIIMr. and Mn. Anton, son. June 7. Poentello, Ida. and liars. Arshall, 451 MOOREMr. North Main Street. son, June 7. died Weber, Oct. 3. 1859, and came to Hyrum with bit parents in 1860. His was SMOnt the first 15 families to.settle in Hyrum. Be marDec. ried Allglist. Charlotte Swenson. 19, 1884. in Logan Temple. He WWI Hy- ANNULMENT rum city marshal at one time. Surviving, are hie widow, eight sone end daughterv: J. Vern, Floyd. Gordon. IISTUM, .Chase and Weldon Nielsen of Marriner Nieleen of Providence: Mrs-- Floyd S. Bailey of Drummond. Mont.; Mrs. EdwardZones of Naiad, Idaho: 41 itrandchildeen, 13 Funeral will he conducted Wednesday DIVORCES Merlin Harold Reardon CountyFuneral for on Roy! and Marjorie lanes Reardon of Wileon,wilkb41con einem Ardela Olereeez indignities, - - , ASKED Snit Lake County Maxine L. Stevens from S. Smith Sire. eno., cruelty. a Ivie Ballard frbm Intuit F. Ballard, drwrtion, Florence D. Swenson from Andrew 2. 'Swen.on. 4114.011 River, Wyo. Friends Tuesday ASKED Salt Lake County Alton Myron Pratt from Margaret GOITIell Pratt, plaintiff's prior. existing Marriage. ---- - DIVORCES- GRANTED salt Lake Connty - - from Wow. Bertha G. Ceheit,..Shrieves ard Eleteber Shrieves. nonsupport. Alollso Cantrell from ells Aeron Cantrell, cruelty, Green River, Wye. Velma ;laymen from Charles Jaymen. charges desertion. , - - I , , ,. ....... . - 12. 6 Merlin Harold Reardon, 1 DOOLEYJahn Eugene and Rozalla Etta Pator,al, 122 Dooley Court, daugh. ter, May 23. ALLENEdward Clingman and Afton for Mrs. Martha Ann Mecham, 19, will be von ducted Wednesday at I p.m. in BrighamOrval E. Sackett. City Third Ward by Burial will be in biehop's couneelor. by Des-er- n Brigham City Cemetery. directed Mortuary ot,Gulitn. ! Morin- call Friend" may cry in Orden Monthly and Tuesday 'end See-en- d sit She Mechanihomet 445 JNorth Wept Street, in Brigham City, sere- timidity from 10 cm. until time for Ityrest 1 MORRIS-4am- es Luke an Nary bor. ma Kelley. Murray, son, May 15. THAMERTThcophil Philip , August and Enola Schoeder, 407 Williams Ave.. flue. eon, May 13. , Leslik and Diana TURNERJames Smoot, Farmington. daughter, May 19. and Elaine Marie BROILESIfiram 1029 McClelland Street. daugh. Bennett. ter, --May 23 LLOYDEzra Thomat and Irene Can., non. Holladay. son.-Ma23. Melton and Eva DIETRICHBenjamin Bernice Paulsen. 666 Wall Street, eon, CITYFuneral Monday eveningand until time for servfece. 4 RAYJoseph Rawlins and Isabel Me. Cea critchlow, 587 Second Avenue, daugh. ter, Mai 7. SUTTONWilliam Roes and Edna Max. Pulham, -- 777 Twelfth- - East Street, daughter, May 10. KROGUEKarl K. and Barbara nor. ewe Hilma Johlin, 65 Merrimac Avenue, daughter, May 12. WARNERVictor Eugene Jr., and Her. riette Dwight; 3550 Highland Drive, son. Salt Lake boipitaL sons Mrs. Hensley is survived by '10 of Goldend daughtent, Ray Di Hensley L. Reynolds Revs endale. Wash.: Mrs. and Hrs. Martha Bobe, Salt Lake City; Mrs.! Ivy Hansen, Elmer W. and John Leona Bens Hensley Of Bingham; Mrs. of Gray. Idaho: Kr,'. ATIllie May Lund of Ogden, and Leland and O. P. Densley of San ,Francisco: two brothers, Joseph War-di- e Wardle of Boise. Ida.: and a Junise Mrs. sister, of St. Anthony. Ida.: and 38 May Palmer, of St. Anthony, and 10 grandchilidren dren. Funeral will be eonducted WednesWard day at 1:30 p.m. in the Riverton eltaPel Friends may call- at- 4760 South State 10 GOO Emit, Street Wednesday from a.m. to 12:30 p.m, and at the chapel will Burial services. 30 .minutes prior to be in the Riverton Cemetery. burial in Hyrum City Cemetery. t .il - Salt Lake City - maycell A I BIRTHS y Dens-RIVERTONMrs. ATIllint Wardle of 12, widow of Daniel 7 Densley in a a.m. at Riverton, died Sunday Hs was 'born in East ; - Peter. Icy, ..! - I 25, Salt Lake; Joseph Limo Gar Kathryn Geddes, 21, Denver. John Seymour 1311 Inn, 21 Rièhfield; Jean Christie, 25, La Plata, Ido. t;haries Frederick Johnson, 26, Spanish Fork; Gram Lenore York, 21. Spanish York. Hyrum Reed Hintze, 21, Holladay; Carol Fisher, 30, Salt Lake. a Stuart Walker, 26, Pocatello. George Ida.; Estella Pauline Luslumiky, 24, Po. eateilo, Ida. Joon Itobert Mills, 19, Magna; Ruby stock'', 18, vveston, Ida. Raymond Irwin Johnson, 22, salt Lake; Elizabeth Hope Armstrong, 22, Salt Lake. Box Elder County Lee Wilson Goodsell, 25, Weston, Ellen ,LaCore Ward, 24, Mated, Ida. JILL Ile LaMont INelson,"23, Drigh'im City; Winiired Phillips, 34, Brigham City. Earl Jerry Morgan, 25, Tremonton; Op bells E. Tomlinson, 24, Brigham City. County Dan, Der Mont Chamberlain, 22, Cedani UtahLBeloa Kitchen, 20, Tilden. Utah. Elwood James Mathis, 36, Price; Re. rea. Eaton, 20, Vernti 24, Maybell. Colo.: Casey. Frances Marie Sweeney, le,. Craig, Colo. Keno, Nev. Herbert L. Farmer, 22, Salt Lake; Evelyn Gilltart, 30, Salt Lake. Pocutello, Ida. William Lloyd Baker Jr., 25, Rexburg; Aimee Johnson, 26, Pocatello. Idaho lane, Ida. Percy G. Sorenson, 23, Richmond. Utah; Rae Reynolds, 20, Wellsville, Russell Riches, 24, Idaho Falls; Bonita Fritze, 21, Idaho Fain. Dr. John C. Rushton Jr., 32, St. An. thony; Ruth Tribbett, 25, Idaho George F. areelano, 40. Ashton; liar. jorie A. Vogt, 33, Caldwell. John BYRUMJonas Ira Mellen, at his home Saturday. - MARRIAGE LICENSES lSalt Lake County PARK Silver 55, retired shift boss for the died King Coalition Mines Company. in a Salt Lake hospital Sunday morning was weeks. six for ill He of uremia. Mr. O'Keefe was born in Independon of Timence, Ran.. April 6, 1885, a O'Keefe. its- z Statistics William John O'Keefe O'Keefe, J. - UNIONJohn Meth'. 58. a farmer of Union. died Saturday at 11:20 1).111. in a Salt Lake hospital after a Ione innem Mr. Matta 'was born in Italy. Aug. 24, United 1881. and had resided in the States about 43 years. one Ambrose He is survived by son, Motta: a daughter. Mrs. Frances Mash of a brother. Steve Mona. Berkeley: Calif.; and sister, Kris: Florence Leva. of Murray. and four other brothers and sisters living in Italy and five grandchildren. Holy rosary will be recited Tuesday at 8 p.m. at 4760 South State (100 East) E. Street. Murray, with the Rev. W. Mass will be celeKennedy officiating. brated at the Cathedral of the Madeline In Salt Lake City Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. Burial will be in Mt. Calvary OGDENFuneral for Mrs. Marguerite Elizabeth Waldren Smith, 74. who died at Saturday. will be conducted Tuesday 3 p.m. at Deseret Mortuary by Bishop Tenth of Ogden G. Pledger Arthur Burial will be in Ogden City Ward. Cemetery. mortuary Friends may call at the for and Tuesday, until time Monday services. died Saturday - 11 John 3Io tta Marguerite E. W. Smith E.- .'. PAYSONWillbur Heel's. 20, died at the family home in Santaquin Sunday at 1:16 a.m. of a heart attack. He was born April 26, 1920, in Santa-(Mi- n. son of Thomas and Anna Johnson Heels. Be attended the elemental'', and In Santaquin and secondary schools was graduated from Payson high school In 1939. He was an active Church work Cr and had been serving as secretary of the elders' quorum and Young Men's M. L A. Surviving are his p a rent. and the fol. lowing brothers and sisters: Mrs. Mildred Greenhalgh of Nephi. Gordon. Theron. Lola, Betty and June Menlo of Santanuin. and his grandparents. Mr. and . Mrs. Thomas B. Heelis of Sat:tannin. Funeral will be conducted Wednesday at 2 p.m. in Santaquin by Bishop Nets. Butler. Friends may call at the Claudin funerid home in Payson until Tueadae at the home in noon. and afterward Santaquin until time for the service. ---- at her home She wife. of ul :.- Willbur Ilerlis Is su. rvived by, three daughters Mn. Michael M. O'Gara of Nephi. Mrs. A. L. Crandall and Miss ,Edna HapiPs .of Lou Angeles; two sons. Albert . R. Haynes of Montebello. Calif., and ClYde Haynes of Compton. Calif. Ten grandchildren and three two eisters, Mrs. George Adams .and Mrs. Heber Fields of Eureka, Utah. Funeral will ...be conducted Tuesday at 3 p.m. in the Jualt Stake Tabernacle. -BRIGHAM ' There are also 11 grandchildren and eight Funeral will be held in the Second Ward Chapel at 3 p.m., on Tuesday, June 11, with Bishop C. R. Clark in charge. Burial will be in Pleasant Grove. - Martha Ann Meacham Alexander MeGhle -- Out Grove. 193111; Wardle-Densle- - el ::;00.1 :,' Charles Haynes ball made his home Charley Hansel ver in Nephi to since. Be was a pioneer freighter and Pioche, New.. was a brick-layePlasterer. having built a great many of the homes and public buildings in , Neplu. the John S.! Havikina Re belonged-t- o Band and to the Amateur Dramatic He was a faithful Latter-da- y Company. Saint, and served ait choir leader for Re belonged to more than 30 years the lint Utah National Guard organized ounty at Nephi. He served as Juab .assessor for two terms. He was married to Chelnisla Morris Feb. 16. 1079, who preceded ,him in married death. Dec. 13, 1915. He later 17ec. 29, Emma Connell Quinn who died Arminta ' I 4 C1TYWilliam 1 , ,.,. - .. .., the ..solilttliatellog iljnilited188k '''' 1 - ......... .. le in plelassos,ant Grove where in lived ,,:: has he .. s:.,:. :::,,, , since. He has been 4 ,::: a successful fruit ,1:::i '.., and for :,.:i,..:r!.7 17,;: grower '1,', , , several years he .: e.,,., served aa sexton of the cemetery. ; t..,0400 It was in 1884 : that Mr. Peterson :'!;i.p,: k": , ; married L n a '.s. o cjnarea till et eUr.er , born this A union, Mr. Peterstm dying in infaney. Mrs. Peterson died in 1903 and in 1904 he married Martha Larsen. Five of their six children survive. Besides his widow, MrEetereori ; these children: Mrs. Cora P. tiligia-rdAmerican Fork: Arthur M., Portland.: Ore.: Harry C.; Boise. Ida.: Raymond Ir.., Spanish Fork: Dale, Provo: Georire T.,,' Dan W. and Jesse G. Peterson of Pleas. OA .' J r. jisk ... ,..-- Al d ,,. . PLEASANT GROVE.Martin Peter. died suddenly at his , home 75, Sunday, -- 1;;;11-1 of a heart attack.15.186S., a, n Denmark, Feb. He was 1';',2! Peter ,,,,,,nd,MarY Ann Thompson 1 it:''...i.,:,..4.,,,:::::.;;.'..-. . ) , came I tiorominore - - F son, rip!, r4:71 I.; , , 19310., a Martin Peterson ' REPHICharles Haynes, al. pioneer resident of Nephl.' died at his home. June a of an apoplectic stroke. He was born in London Jan. le. 1852, son of Richard and Elsie', Brown Hayes., He cams 'with his pluvial, to Utah at .. the aye of 12. They , , read the ees voye I ass on. eight ::: thetra;seehlredikP cross the train ducted today al I p.m. in Wilson Ward by Bishop Thomas O., Smith. Burial will be in Aultorest Memorial Park. The child died Saturday at 4 ant. at the home of his parents " following Hines a seven-da- y ot bronchial poem. mania. Mt vas born in Wilson Marcia 311. - OGDEN.--Funer- Alger, Most . ... Mrs. if' ow;ek IL Alger Joseph PAHOWAN. Sirvice Chris Anderson. .Iinquishing secretarylirs, Miss Lillian financial. secretary; Olsen, teasurer, and Mrs. as C. Madron. trustee. Moe. , Charles Haynes eon.- tAke-we- se- day as follows 1936John-4ohnson;-a prom. inent Church- - worker and form- erly bishop of the Lake View Utah Co, Utah, died. - Notes m 11:mat She is survived by a sister. Metthea $275 559 Lopped Off Long-Ter- Bw.tirri .. .. , Allen of Provo, lirg. A. A. Allen of Mrs. Alain& Brown, James T. and Lorenzo E. Hammond of Sall Lake City: Clarence 91.. Andrew M..- Diantha and Levi Hammond, Mrs. Ella -H Campbell Providence: and firs. Lula Hansen of Jamb. Nathaniel and David Hammond of Canada: Morton Hammond of Nevada: Mrs. Ronald Campbell of Logan: Mrs. Thum& Nielsen of Idaho Falls. Ida.. and Lee Hammond of Poatello. Ida. Funeral arrangements are being inatis by W. Loyal Ball mortuary of Logan., Amazon, .. .: 4, 1871. Debt In 1939' 1 . ,srek; BENJAMINMrs. S. Shaw Lydia - . Julia Achia P. Mickesell Kenzon Bryan w wage -Holds Election Salt- Tabernacle , -- Los Angeles. John .:,..:.,: r: Loo, ' . y elected officers of the .NewlyNaomi Rebekah Lodge No. I of 1924Ground was broken for L.- Dill - The Trade Commission of 'Utah today filed suit in Third District Court against Russell Inc., gasoline and oil dealers, charging that the corporation uses a stamp merchandise plan that is "a lottery, or game, or scheme of chance." The complaint says that the plan was previously ordered discontinued by the commission, but that the corporation failed to heed the order. The Trade Commission alleges that "it would be In the best interests of the public to stop such unfair method of competition." deA citation ordering the fendants to appear June 27 at 10 am. to show cause why they should not be restrained from us,ing the stamp plan was Issued by Judge OscaraK,McConk ie. Ld - Idaho. :, Funeral serviesw for Kenton Bryan, 49, of 44 Third East Street, who died Fri,day at his home of a heart attack, were-helyesterday at 36 at Seventh South Street. Burial was in Provo City . . oRf., lin. wat: Idaho:, Mra. Thom- - tfersr, .4,.. .. i''''', Taken Up In Institute ' as Bishop. William Donaldson Willis, Henry .1e.- McCune, Wil- -, tiam It. 'Pratt and George H. , Booth -- left Salt Lake-Cit- yDhoti mission to India. trie new :.::, Lottery Charge Salt Lake nurses heard their professional problems discussed by Miss Evelyn Lundeen, R. N. BY ANDREW JENSON of the Michael Reese Hospital (Assistant Church Historian) Utah - in Chicago today as four conducted organizations nursing JUNE 10 an institute at 143 South Main --I844The paper and printing : Street. The Institute. which ran from material of the Nauvoo Exposit. 1:30 5 to and from 7 to 9 pm., or were destroyed, according Utah to the proclamation of the Nau- . -- was sponsored by the the State Nurses' Association, voo City Council, declaring it: Public State Organization for a nuisance. Health Nursing, the Utah State 1875The first Young Men's League for Nursing Education Associa Mutual improvernent child and the maternal and tion was organized in the Thir-health section of the State Board teenth Ward. Salt Lake City, of Health, with H. A. Woolley as president, and B. Morris Young and licher 1 J. Grant as counselorR- 7-1883The Saints who had Flag Program-Fridasettled in San Luis Valley, Colo.1 rado were organized .- as The annual Flag San Luis Stake af Zion- with St:ance and parade of the Salt Lake las S. Smith as president and Elks Lodge, No. 85, will be conRichard C. Camp and William ducted next Fiiday at 6:30 p.m. M. Christensen as counselors. instead of yesterday as was erThe settlements of Manassa and roneously reported in The Des.Richfield were organized as wards with 'John C. Dalton and' eret News. The parade will include a cereThomas N. Petersen as their remony at the Sta,le Capitol, said spective bishops. Harry S. Joseph. publicity direce Saints at Teton, tor for the organization. Snake River Valley, Idaho, were organized as a ward. with John t -- ,,:. Pro) kills Of Nurses 1884--Th- - ME ouncesof beans.," Day-obser- rar rAkallr dallir 5c) which has been the avermonths age for the past few and which is considerably less that the average required by the United States Department of Public Health. This average is for grade "A" pasteurized milk and for raw milk distributed the average is 4,000 bacteria count, which more than meets the requirements of the U. S. Public Health Serv3,000 - -- of tes 19 . consumption Elks-Làdoe-Sla- . Nil Elmr 111111111r Per capita milk in Salt Lake is considerably lower than should be the case in agricultural territory such as surrounds this city, it was declared in a report submitted today by Dr. T. J. Howells, to city health commissioner, Commissioner George D. Keyser, acting head of the public safety department The repott is in substance support of National Dairy Month. The report disclosed the milk bacteria average- - for May fdr milk distributed in Salt Lake is - - 48.111re ...-li- ' " - I ' Mrs. Lillie all el Salt Lake: one brother, George Manwering. Salt Lake. and II grandchildren. Funeral services will be bell at .11 fa '11...inv211.edn Seventh qtltoseut....12tootitab! 'Bishop Thomas Child of the First Ward Presiding. Interment will be in City Friends may call at the place Ceruetery. of funeral until time of services. of lf Atoo 32. Lawlessness 33. Bestow 34. Dutch - This Day In Church History ; Salt Lake's Milk Consumption Declared Too Lou, City Cuts 40 Are To Receive. - --of Building. Delegates will includes, Pres. E. Allen Bateman of Logan, J. W. Thornton of Provo, Norman Jeppsen of Brigham City, W. J. Bond of Roosevelt, O. D. Ballard of Jordan, 'J. R. Williams of Tooele, Marva Banks of Murray, Francis T. Wiggins of Ogden, K. E. Weight of Provo and Minnie D. Gartf of Salt Lake. Alternates to attend the convention include George A. Judah of Emory, Mildred B. Pea. cock of Salt Lake, Charles L. Walker of Alpine, D. M. Thomp. son,of Sevier. C. N. Crawford of Jordan, and Oscar Bjerregaard of Provo. B. Taylor, Milton executive secretary of the U. E. A., will al. so attend the convention. Westminster Fetes Seniors Diplomas--Tonight - Jane Howiek '1: Aug. IS,. 1133. '9H3c:,' ' daughter of Ben. t4:., .v' :. ., , card. I.? C. and line Brooks Jones. ti::: ' ,17'.,i',01., :::,,::;1 ::.'4, Ber husband. ', Ed- - ::''. ',:.;.'''7 .,' ,.... 434.At ' ''--' mund Bowick. died 1 ...' een:. ,,,,,..r IMO. in ' 'HI illrgiVillf a re ::,,,,,,),:i ono son, Edmund .440 ;,. J. Hosrictit of Idaho: Blackfoot, 't 4? Final rites will be conducted tomorrow at 11 am. at 574 East First South Street. for Mn. Frieda Wollenberg Tasem. 114. former resident, who died' yesterday in San Francisco. She was born in Germany, and bad lived in Salt Lake for many years prior to moving to California live years-ag- o. She was the widow of Bernard Tasem. Surviving Mrs. Timm are three daughters, Ifts. David B. Friedman of Salt Lake. Mrs. Louie Newman of Berkeley. Sarah Morris of New Caht.t and York; three one, I. Tuem of Tonopah, Nev., Louis and Sigmund Tasem, botif 10-1- between Third and Fourth North Streets and sodium vapor lights between Fifth and Sixth North Streets, he explained. The power company ordered and installed the lights and equipment for the demonstration without cost to the city. 1 ..,4,;.4 e :,s,i,:t.,...t: N..",.. --,- --- plans for the an nual convention of the Utah Education Association, to be held in Salt Lake Oct. and appoint. ment of delegates to attend the summer conference of the National Education Association in Milwaukee, Wis., June 30 to July 4, featured the monthly bust. TICSs meeting of the board of trustees today in the association offices in the Beneficial Life Discussion way. He also announced that as soon as equipment arrives safety lighting will be demonstrated on Second West ,Street. candescent lights will be used 0000E0 0000 33 En frame Meeting Listed- ,...,.; , i I lx,rauliebraitha r--,- i .d.s, ....' '., , - $4, ',..: , I.. , - ITEMre. Eliza Jane ,Iffswicit, died ab her residence in Granite Sunday at 3 p.m. Mrs. Hetrick was ,,7,0,K4egstil Lillie.' '' Frieda W. Tasem E. À. Ti-N- Delegites ' L.,1:ziat , ,:. Lake, and Mrs. J. McCall of Og. den' - five KM?... G. Educators Plan Session . Display-. tween Seventh and Eighth East Streets this evening, C. A. Worfrom, division manager of the Utah Power and Light Company, announced today. Mr: Wolfrom said six new incandescent lamps, each giving 6,- 000 lumens of light, will be used in the demonstration. They will be mounted on special upthrust brackets soils to spread an even distribution of light on the high- ' - imp 35 .4 Tonight The first demonstration of traffic safety lighting will take place South Street beon Twenty-firs- t , Installed July 17 .1111 1 e' il , , , , rwasaastt.77:11 i In In The State in udaughters , Lighting Presiding Elder ( abbr 3 28. Musical t-instrtunen20 111111r LI. Htber 35. Native of 15E1111111111111. Burma , 37. Bend the head 38. A wing , 39. Turf - .:,,, ,, . Power Firm To Seat Schedules Safe Five On Board 11111Eradni NI II III re' lit II la 2 13- , , ,, C. C. 2C Mohamme-- . dan priest. as '28. Old Japa00001010EMOE nese cold 0111311 01311M , 29. Sovereigns Iu OMMEIM ME - 30. A OINOMI barred 5. Troubles , ' She was active t",,. Church work in the First Ward, - f.,'' , ''' , her p. Surviving ''' ire three daughe :,.......,:' term Miss Ines Lti. L. J. and Mrs. Cariying the leads in tonight's presentation of the M. L A. summer operetta, "All's Well That Ends Weil," are Earl Donelson, lone Duncan, Lester Rigby and Zola Jac- ' COMM 6. Wealthy boat i T. Kind of , man 7. Stick cabbage 8. Manners 9. Knife case ,.. 10. Shoe ,. 10. Firm 11. Hawaiian bottoms , :' 12. Lane ' 13. greeting 16. Explain ''. A State 14. To blind 17. Farm 15. Bulgarian animal f ' , monetary 18. Enticed - unit . 22. Hints ' , 4;..:., Capitol Appearing ross Worcl 'uzzl( ' .1 r S r. . tt,'esornIctek", Lake City, Jan. 26, Lillie Mrs. IVO, warn a daughter of and Mrs. GOMM Elects Melvin& Ste. I . sheep , I ,,- Notices - Eleanor Menwaring May GanYiredann.kian'adalsiKel - 4. Cry of a ,.... - ---0.-- 1. 23-2- Flat-botto- m rcr,li I - - 1 ;ai :0;v: ; Carnegie And Borden To Direct Course In Selling , .,.... 1 The Utah Association for the Blind went on record In favor of continuation and enlargement of vocational education facill ties, so that members may be qualified to support themselves, at the annual convention of the association, held Saturday at the , , ;Utah Center for the Blind, 138 Dale Carnegie, the man who Second East Street capitalized on politeness with his The convention was attended hook, "How to Win Friends and Influence People", and Richard by 200 delegates. Loyal A. West of Ogden was elected president c. Borden. diartor of sales train. to succeed Hubert Cochran of Ing and proration, for the BorSalt Lake. Mr. Cochran. A. E. den Milk Company, will conduct-- Brooks of Ogden, Miss Mary- El.- - a course in- - "Human Relations and Salesmanship" in Salt Lake tner of Garland, and James W. ' Jacobs of Provo,, were elected Sept. delegates to the Intermountain Enrollment for the school may Convention of Blind Associations be made at the offices of the to convene at Pocatello, Idaho, Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce June 21 and 22. Naomi beginning today. Miss Goodwin, secretary to Mr. Car. Other officers of the Utah as' sociation elected are Mrs. Gladys negie, will be present to explain the program. Although open to Nichol of Murray, secretary; Fel the public the course will be 11. rie J. Ross of Ogden, treasurer, mited to 500 persons. and Mrs. Zilla Jacobs- - ofProvoDean C. Pack is chairman et and Mrs. William Hawkins of the Junior Chamber committee Log, auditing committee. on arrangements for the school, with J. L. Fahey, assisting as di. Frost Injures Hay Sessions of school will be conducted from JUNCTION, June 10.Floost 6:30 'to 10:30 p.m. in the Hotel Utah. A nominal registration fee Saturday night injured alfalfa and tender plants here. will be charged.. li. Bend 4. Mrs. - II, of 214 Fut. Sixth South,Street,.at died I:46 at that addresa t,h... ,Arldnit f , J. F. , ACROSS I S'S i , - , :::;,,,,: -- ,' May M. Lillie - s? (..:,,Lri4y onaisomuG6 arrangements for the convention, Assisting are Mrs. Urban Ander----sonMrs. J. W. Holmes, Mrs. L. ld. Kemp, Mrs. Helen Sullenger, Mrs. L. F. Kidd, Mrs. E. W. Glee-soMrs. F. W. Hoffman, - Mrs. J. C. Grubb and Mrs. George W. Whipple. The convention will begin with a meeting of the executive board Monday, June 17, at 10 a.nt'At 8 'o'clock that night there will be a reception for national officers, delegates and members. A general session will be held 'Tuesday at 9 a.m. There will be a luncheon for executives at 12 noon, a business session at 1:30 p.m. and a memorial service at p.m. Wednesday's activities will include a business session at a.m.. a tour of the' Temple Square and attendance at a Salt Lake Tabernacle organ recital at 41 a.m., a business session at 2 p.m, and a banquet at 7 p.m. At 7 a.m. Thursday, trees will be dedicated at the Capitol grounds in honor of Mrs. Emma Jones, founder of the club; Mrs. Nell E. Evans, junior past and Mrs. - Madge Constance, retiring national commander. At 9 a.m., there will be :a meeting for the election of ofIficers and selection of a 1941 con. vention city. The newly-electe- d officers will be istailled during a session at 8:30 p.m. A session Friday at 9:30 a.m. will close the business of the convention. The afternoon will be spent at Saltair. ' - i ;; Rhodes, commander ',of the local club, is chairman of' Mrs. - It' ,.., -- ' 3,1115.- 1 , oew Corps... : :L., for .ttt i ot , A-- ;; ' T, .. The Salt Lake Navy Mothers' Club will be host to the Navy Mothers' Clubs of America at the seventh national convention June Ho17 to 21 at the Newhouse e 4 ' ,' t Nst , . A ' ' , ,...,,, ,, 1, ! 4. a e , ..: z, nee,.....,' '.. ,i 0,c i ...,,, - Local Club Is Host 7 , , , 3Ionday 9 June.I0 9 1940 - . A'nd'Lóth-1.:Obitlidry- In The City , ' .. N---1.:,.- , 1 ) P4' , ' . Li I ,,,. ..,..e. ,, 1 , .., - " State ...., (41-134.4''- ...... , , ' - (,,, , - '. Mothers Plan nativnal Meet, .,.., -- , .., . , , |