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Show ,, .. - ! ' 140 ,monclay,,Jutte It), ' - - . . '" ' 44 's . i Marie Bamberger 'Becomes Bride e ' II - ' ' ' l a -- - - , t - . e - - a - ', e - e, e,.. , , --- ' ir ' f , , , ese ee I be will e 1 ....4 1 , . .,- -,- -' - 11 t , , 1 'I I, 1 v , .. '';. t.' le ' e' e' ,:, eks-s- ', ...,''''''...;,--- - c e, ee,,,, se awe- 1 East Street, , - , s the couple will go to California for a brief visit. daughter and for Florence Elggren Rich of Honolulu, who is Class Mates Entertained - The home of Dr. Rose E. Valentine, 155 North West Temple, was the scene of a happy reunion yesterday afteenoon, when she entertained a small group of friends, who were schoolmates over 50 years ago. Mrs. Ella W. Jcppson of Willard, Mrs. Vilate S. W. Harris of Ogden, Mrs. Eliza J. Falker, Mrs. Mary M. Olsen, Mrs. Nellie N. Ewer, Mrs. Mary A. O. Anderson -and Mrs. Ella of Brig.ham City, attended. The group call themselves "The Aunt Phene School Girls," honoring.Mrs. Nephcria M. Frodsham of Brigham city, now 82 years old and ,who was., a teacher for a number Aornrieearys.. Mrs. Bowring e of Long Beach, another member cpuld not attend the party, but she sent her word of greeting in a letter. The plaee cards at the , table were written reminding - eachguest of Mrs. trodsham's favor. ite saying as a teacher. All of the ladies are daughters of Mormon pioneers. They have among them 39 living children, 82 grandchildren and 15 Dr. Valentine said the ages added up to MI . years. ' - en ' '' Los Angeles. ' -i l' ' 4 - - Is Married . - - : ' - ' Roselle Carter started her prebridal parties' off Saturday afternoon when she attended a beach party given by the mem. bets of the State Procurement Office. Yesterday:at noon Miss 'Carter- - and Miss Alice -Crockett ..wtrehostesses at, a breakfast held at the Hotel. Tonight Miss Virginia Parr will give a ,dinner party for Ftw at the Country - Outland next Sat W. Todd and AliceTodd.-14- 00 East Ninth South Streete will enter, ten for the bride-to-b- e of Guy Migs I 3 , e e ' ' - rdt ' - , . e at the , - .s'I' ' ' e , ? re ,10-- ; -- :. r ee ' e ' , , k " ,P ' . Adaene...... ... ' - - 1 te, WHITE , 0VI 1 m"They, people. arm across her shoulder His was warm and comforting. She sat very still and tense, not, daring to lean back. She tried not to see other cars driving slowly - .. lovely ' - -- , ., . , Stops ,fii New York . ' seen , Mrs. C. P. Overfield, 88 Virginia Street, is spending a few days , sese. :Tarr, er dinner-dancin- good-nigh- '", ., ' ;d , ... - - Miss Carter - - , 7- -- - ognege Sorority. Mr. Shelton is a former, resident of Preston,eThe' bride, will leave June lee , I st -- f , ip, . , . ,. V 0 j - , g I '3 ' , I0 I: ----e- octal. (7 - down--the-stree- t - 'Ur eel 0 tl - 1 '' ...: ' 0 - - - - "7 4 - ---- - 4 treulxn, - , -- - --s- , - , , - , ir ,- 1 t s 7k ,,,; , . ,., , ., . , , n u l 611114. -t ,rKea- , calk ., --- - - 6.1,. totolitelcill - , elle scenes . - 1,41 ,m, - 1 e'se 3ow l'71 -- '41' Vill -- -- - , i't L , - . - maitiotaiikoottor,- 4- ,,,et "- '. ' i i - 1 ' Iam. , , 03 row le el , 0 - 0 A - DICIWU -- - ROBERT 7I4 1 it Men" .. I - i f DAT ! STUDIOWeTh N LILLIAN - go; AMS )1 ; , Bowl -, FAYE AMECHE 'FONDA (Intl MI IIANIEN SWUM tIlittli I. a is.. t..4,41. -- - - I , , , . t ---- s - - -; - r ), P.0, 4 r -- .- - ,. 1 -- 4. PRIORYI r II, solo ' OW11014 YMCAS m" t ,- - I,; NELSON Exmi "LET FREEDOM anon" At' ,c also "THE OMR, as 8 14 KANSAS Ult."111 Wit l' V f' 9 1., INFO IP ' r, - ,20I rTIA3N2110 tilpft --- 1 tp t SITES ' .,..o.b, Makes' EDDY, Dona MASSEY kb . "BALAIAISA" . and Whi. BOYD In "RENEGADE TRAILS' ' I a - '' , I , , ., . . , , - RUSSELL, It! . , - AA' ZP CUM1194 LARAINE Am sum mut Bukfl nm,, 4rsea,14, Doomed -- -- fA flog6,- 0i - tiSt AV - OE' rloi NV - o'011' - - - ''' :I' rig. Pint ' ' I 111111101, ,.,. 1 0 AU Illt0101111MIII Mite ' e" g., - Isi, 116131c11."'"."."..60.1";1 i.':141,11,011 1 - i ".71.4 s , T-e- '.. , - i114"1( low" ,A,:it, 4 , tescue ... ,,,,... ' o , ee Plies ' - . - -- -- '..i?.0 i -:- k , -- - - EST it PEN '4 f , - - , t" a ,WR5141'11T'42-u- ;,...,4 i"-- - - I STARTING FRIDAY VIYMN LEIGHROIRST TAY01i ' e , "WATERLOO BRIDGE' ' 1 , her-posit- ion ---- , e i a9 .. 3 Ili, - Only ele 1 , - wee )4 aannea I 17 1 ,04esairriwwto , , . - It' ' 40 , .. , Fifty-Sevent- - a. , ' - aVantf-vnembeA---ofCht PE ' - i A e Glues tree Jemmies , se, the .s i .. .... . I , --,- - . 141:edra:' OUR f1.1A e -)- i. . :- - - e-- - MID Dims, ,, , - , le opal or,r 4 .. ..ilr'ib,o1 a h ere- - :47!..;.'" : 'Wk ltho , one-wo- , at - - - - - the daughter of W. G. Carter of Tremonten, e graduate of the University of 00 with MICADE ' - .8 tr.ilD olls. rtr9kr 1 to4kefweessee - tteSis , L4" MA e s wis est els bar i , ,7"1""le'1'""-0-"weeIeme,-ee.s,e'- - -- ' 11 i e - - , ., Ls ' ! , - ' - 7 k sal - --- - kept: , W. Shelton, whose Inarriage date been set.for June 23 in.Tortt has ,,- - -- ent: . 14 ' . , . 4-- . 1, , t , ,7,1)1,14 0e, sweets - ' , ) estt11."1'..7alltes,131:171111 i ' --E- 11 - ei LL rnrtiltalkl:L . ' . , eee, valet, h ;, , i t ' - vWe et Ntip oases her breath and held it tremulous- te - s ,. 1 ielkterei, hh t, 9..4tlf.t..1t 1 4,1 . , tj, ,. 'rea t11111L1 ,, qusitheeasnameutacct tvolemleenstry.yoettandgoh. 41' ---- -- . - , k 4 av -, "The Abbotts live right down. this block," he said. "Wonder if Millicent got home all right." If this .., Ellen yawned again. were rudeness, Peter deserved it. Better to yawn than to give in to the lump that was swell- i ng i n oking her t' to tears. Ninety-sixt; Street. "Yoet know, Ellen, there's no. body in the world that means ' - lati TriI - , r, Today ,r- I 1111 , - 1 at the Beekman Teeter Hotel in New :York City before going to her Wellesley College to visit ' daughter Janice. I ' .. . - ,. '..!,, - - ly. what for? he "I never told her. hate titanietere echildreeneliving i8n A falsehood, Presently appear again. orphan. nestled snugly in protecting years and more. We've grown to have While picnicking near the mph.: this night end, Ellen. just to stimulate small table talk. age. -arms. s - ' ' up, side by side. You've always ae, they take refuge from a rain storm We've entered a new world, you .is no grevious error. been the one to stand by me, "Millicent's a wonderful girl," minantrone.ies:irdelefixotre . artenemeen(e.eetoeet and I. Do you realize that? We Instead, she had fumbled, even Ellen. You've understood, when Peter informed her tactlessly. as the Yale left guard had fumhave the world at our feet ..." Jonathan Tucker to Peter. As the result You've Idoovnedt is of a tenement fire. Ptter becomes public ." Her bled the ball in New leaven that nmoebodayndelhseetpdedid., We? How can you be so blind, eyall'imdassmuraeetedsh! she Hero No. I and the papers connect him meoh, afternoon. opened her Peter? You have your world: with the Tucker House when he tells think I don't appreciate all mouth and gave vent to a wide, "I didn't buy it," she replied a reporter Jonathan Tucker was the in. mine has just tumbled about me. so that if a you've done. 1 me, deliberate- spiration of his heroic act.. Atty. John made "I without hesitation. The echoes crash still in If:, believe ears. my Abbott and his wile. Cora, who manage wawnll, should say smuch. She even felt a warm pride isin' sudden appear lindtcil' I guess Aloud she said: "Let's just sit the Tucker estate, fear their deception she e.r. ,put what ,I. feel against her many years earlier, when the: abandoned having her achievement comback a moment and hold it, then. migh,t blame words the only heir at the orphanage. will be on the yawn. eit mented upon. close' our Let's and relive eyes discovered. Abbott offers Peter, who One. Hundred and Tenth' "You made it?" "I'd like you both to know in a law student. a position in his law each moment ..." Foolish words, Street. They were out of the firm. Ellen is wounded when Peter tells needed but she some muse her Millirent Abbott, the Abbott's (laugh. park now. Five more blocks - understand the girl's expression She didn't answerellow could ter. is the most beautiful girl he has not talking. amazement. of manell normal intelle with ever the orphanage at any couldn't enter into his hears Ellen'oetphlieght and sends her to "Anyway, Ellen, I want you "You made it?" Lite repeated, ,gence be so overwhelmingly stumood: it extluded her, left-hEl- Rosalind a famous this. still as one incredulous. shall, Then,' pid? ,teveeeili,,ne as a forsaken on the !en asks for ai his h ve eNou tha.inndskt ew as- . of un- potion 's out fact a deal like doorsdtep any might 1011, Or point great nfrie Ellen"She eatotisn'tertnedneherle ereeaeseraetT Je:or eeee; e happiness. Ske new . . . sociations, usual interest, she turned to MilFine and considerate , .." herself to keep up the pretense . positions 'and is astounded by her new licent. "Look here, will you, Mil"Is she?" they'll. never make Especially, she money but El. of enjoyment any longer. glamour. They go difference between us, We'll any Look at this gorgeous cre--' lea's ti:19aPniSeTerilyeagiyedo7h;rnienmdAlluP"oint thought. that time she laughed It had been difficult enough licent! J go on, Just the same, as close as ation she made herself!" at my dress. them. Millicent monopolizes Peter's at, 'there, surrounded brother laughter by and sister ever any .Millicent looked about, loathe Peter, with some spark of suddentention. and gayety. But here, alone were . . ." .. to check her interest In Peter ly-acquired perception, sena-e, . . with him. . . , Be (To even for a moment, and favored d Continued) - -- a lack of enthusiasm in her She leaned back, tried to take CHAPTER TWELVE (The Register and Tribune scru-voic-e a bewile , Ellenwitl in Heefacedster , of condescending llett bold-herself Instead, she took-stood on the sidewalk bedered concern. Syndicate) tiny. "Made what?" she asked stock. She took inventory, of de. t side Peter and waved Ellen? "What's the matter, unenthusiastically. to the others. Her lips were part-i- n tails which had ruined this night, The ensemble, of course. This Don't you like her?". words, intercepted the same fixed smile she had - of trvial adorable golden dress and the She shrugged, 4th 1.11 tender, glances, hore Stit Wait gestures. worn all through this long, jacket to match. . . ." ly. "It's hard to form an opini She recalled the brave rible evening, and her cheeks Noon Itribut, Imes Stewart In Millicent's ion of someone so quickly, Peeyebrows lifted. which had fortified her "You mean strain ached from ter. ' She's beautiful, of course 1r )4 1. IMM1 GOES TO WASHINGTON' 11 you actually sewed in the ' . ed. upon evening. Hollttih your It together?"' a ." Lupo Vilna to "IPITtlitra , so look down - intyGos n t g i 1'" . goodThen she had laughed, and her just t In her she her lap , wound :7401.10:11' a WOrOSED6InG.07;111 . re How SithOsrellr;00-T, -night, goodnight...." laugh, careless and unintentionInto hard, tight handkerchief arroganceculous di can conquer al as "Goodnight, Peter! It's been it been, held all - knots with fingers so cold and the world with such a plan! It the it may have Don't forget tolovely party contempt and pity and toldamp that they had to be subno takes considerainto morrow!' reality erant amusement which sepdued into some form of rigidity. no leaves ' tion, defense against arated their two worlds. Peter-mus- t - Millicent and Peter. It had been wee this drive home never-- heart-break- , Pa I; goo insurthe i their night, their celebration of against have sensed it too, for his end? ' victory. Lita Savage and the- mountable truth that this other eyes darkened suddenly, and ElWasn't the evening bad person is all that I am not. len knew that he was ashamed.-.young men had been bright aoenough, without this added tor;1IP.TAKE THIS WOMAN" She had wanted glamour. What cessories. She gave him no ,benefit of l, ment? There's a limit to 'a fool she had been to think one doubt.- - Their carefree c,hatter A limit to she thought. 101 AND mat ?UP CALL She had dropped into her chair, might acquire it, in one swift apup the spirit of the party; their endurance. . . . , ON TEEE PRESIDENT" confused and humiliated, suddengay friendship bad afforded the plication, like a coat of shellac. c They passed the Seventy-seHer effort had amounted to ly stripped, like any Cinderella, approving background for Millicent and Peter. Only Ellen had just that: she had covered 'the of the glorified .habiliments . , not fitted in. She had been the surface with a clear, brittle pot. . which had sustained her through .. ese es...... sub' one brief interlude in the world ish, so transparent that the ..... s . es"- A piece of excess baggage, the un. snore stance beneath showed up of : . -"'.' ,deAsinradblheoNavliene-esmee,,.. yeranewyess, boldly for the gloss which accare? , ' "What- a wonderful night it's ' centuated ite She hadn't deceiv. Why should she feel so small bebeen!" ed a soul e s cause Millicent Abbott was rude ' t 0 AkPeter's eyes were bright and and inconsiderate? There is no They drove north on Fifth Ave. 2,,, nue-uentrance to shame- - in eager,. his .6. ., toward the . Traffic , had there can be Ito loss of dignity Park. with the hope of tomorrow. He Central could say, what - a wonderful thinned down to a bare trickle no --- --through - accomplishment. ' of late . matter how trivial the task. ' night! .'e She bit her lips until they'hurt. - were dark and uncommunicative. ' The car turned west on Fifty. e .....- --l ' A street-ligh- t for an Seventh Street, to enter Central relieving the ache in her jawgleamed '. bone. She blinked her eyes in Instant on some responsive sub..0 e'''''... Park atethe Sixth Avenue apthe cold night air. "Wonderful!" stance,. reflected Its shimmering ' Down the block Ellen proach. uld ',..p, she echoed, and no surface . Ellen's lip curled up-- , could see the wide marquee of I 1 ward.--Clat-of gold, she thought have guessed, from her - voice, Rosalind. e- .....- ....... She realized that she had not that the word was spoken in bit- Cloth of gold. , terness. She drew in a long sustaining ODE told Peter yet about her own .,,,,... I I No one would have guessed.... new venture- .- She - started - to breath, held it high in a false sup '"'"rjr, .. ,...see, 01..I For that fact alone,'- she was gettion of satisfaction, and re. .....- then thought better of it. speak, s , ' grateful. No One had guessed membered the moment when her , ' . . the misery this evening had cost own bright raiment had been . her Not Lite Savage, with all stripped from her by one careless , her shrewd, analytical curiosity.e laugh, leaving her shorn and un'aleillwl .' . ewe,, 41"sve Not Harvey Thorne,- for he had worthy It lost his guessing ability. "The outfit is stunning, my d ' litill dear!" Lite Savage had assured Not Duane Hatrison, who had sletteleila ; danced every other number wilt), her, not insincerely. It was after EA ' 1, her anii protestedilis-,---etern- al t dance with- - Milne- - Hare i ' - - ' All adoration of red hair. Most of rison. They had crossed the ens, ' WI' tiredaneefloor-oloneusr-thelr-! for ED 100 , all,notMillicent ,nnr-Pet' 1 0s ILI felt .. see, they had been too preoccupied return to the table. She had es, .,. ellite, - -: her. eeese----v, , '., etnetheense.veiree,Deey ou lieeite , really?" What 'Where's our chariot Eillin? : a fil r ,,.,k else was there to say? . See it?'" Peter was ,craning his i ' mine i el doendeede A friend of - neek-u- p Vtd11111710:1 ,,-.Afor-t- he and A '''' N,..... got one almost eactly like it last hired limousine, . 'EATH1111.11ININFRAILLIIIDES week.. .. I admired it ski much." . You , o No ... ,won't find it, Ellen -ilo ... Rosalind sold twelve on Mon. ( ' , ' 'V'44--",ow" , tAIESrftengrAil - thought. Like Cinderella's coach, I Ellen e called, , day, : r.' , it's turned back into a pumpkin. - "Where did TO you get it?" Lite ' . . , The spell is broken. 1,, -e 8), . was asking, not inquisitively but ' STERLING ;11,1, YOUNG t; 't Then it was at the curb bofore Ai with a natural interest,. ) ' end His Music ' ' : t!-I. 'them. the sleepy-eye- d driver . ,.......: 1 'r"!,, Now, too late, Ellen realized .. ''',. li'';''" 7,f1 :'..1'..!.: !: ill' 'ii'. ' 0 .., Por a , for what she should have replied. It frown x, s es,, the Stars scolding them with ' e , ' him so late. out s , es, came from Rosalind's. Rosalind's' keeping tg . eat. . - See141041efiet , "Here we are, Ellen!" tee a .0. h Peter's et on ee Street, you voice 'was jnbilant. He took her ... IMOINIMaZSI know." There was something of "'"""t6gL.- Troths 2:15 a.m., 12 soon, arm with a firm grasp, lifted her ea - 2 p.n.. thou ovary i AteUstoerated alt4toaditistalet- - pleat- - la .6001---1. truthirtthat theistea...badsome,. hour Irmo laitcds ' ' Come la lightly Over the running boa'rcl. from Rosalind's. : et moderate priceete complete, ,,,,,see0;1"cele a 101k Depot. 15lefore jumping in beside her. ' The material had come from comfort. , eessee .A ,. Wort and perfectly controlled he 0" 4;" order to Rosaliriti's, special discount to em0 No. Tolstoi .olT7 e , e I. the gchauffeur. "Back to'. One ' -' ployes The announcement would 114;eaes A"eve . e 'Hundredand Fifteenth Street. - have strengthened te- e. , , ,U ' lee But- take it slow and drive then and tiler& e -I ; see- . the through park.uocca. suited have the 'Itwould - Drive ( 1 3.l' I 0 0,m Ilona given bet onircommonbon- dthkoughthe paril'What -,, . . for? stenographer, d ' -- ' Eighty-sixth,Stree- t. ' a,lc . t itc' Il "I know. I'm a sissy. I must learn to stay,, up all ,night, by easier stages." ,,- , uton . .. t e. , td2L . t eAl 1 - - d 1, , - - , ' . ' Today r "I Take This Woman," with Spencer Tracy and Reddy LISMUT: also "Joe and Ethel Turn Call en tha "real- dent." with Ann - Sothern,(( Lewes Stone, Walter Brennan and William Gar-Sa- n. - , yet." , TakYlOro GEM--- .. ,ond Street exit of the park, continued on slowly. Forty more blocks to go. Two long miles "I'm so terribly tired, Peter. Can't we go a little faster?" "Tired? It isnt three o'clock , Mormon . Hym- n' "Come, Come, Ye Saints" , Arr. by Organist An Old Melody Arr. by Organist Findiandia Sibelius e .,, t A g, Per . , He wouldn't be interested, now.. , The car swung around the corner with .an unexpected lurch. Ellen, caught off guard, was thrown heavily against Peter's shoulder. She drew back instantly but his a closeas about her, drawing her "Don't go away," he pleaded tenderly. "It's good to have you to myself for a few moments." She caught her breath, indignantly. He was being a hypo. crite now, whether he realized it or not. But she said nothing; Not for the world would he ever let him guess her feeling. . . . "I did plan the party for the two of us," he was sayiaf. "but they were don't you think?" Mendeissohn Favorite INHL By MARION ' Ne !. A est . - , , ';' :, , 0 love laughs since, the famous Beerylitarie Dressler era of "Min and Bill," 'Wallace Beery and Marjorie Rambeau form the team Mule : sTceraemensnew' esitnanidmillopstaeednkovel s g of adventurers. who tamed Death Valley. in quest of millions in mineral treasure. Leo Carrillo, Anne Mix,. ter, and Douglas Fowley are others in the cast. lAitc... last " RLO Surarhouse ) "Balalaika," with Nelson Eddy. Ilona Massey also Win. Renegade Trail." , , Boyd in ARCADE (4th South' and lib Westt Jean Arthur, Jame. Stewart in "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington"; also Lupe Vele' In i'Snitlire." , M , 101 ,. - ., ), 4r. t tz it41 ' r) t , - console during the Tabernacle organ recital beginning at 12 o'clock, noon, tomorrow. The program Fugue in C minor ..' .. .Bach October Twilight '. ... ::: Hadley The Squirrel ........... Weaver ' the First Sonato - -- . - .. - 17'4 a Wade - t. tollrebeeaylggitivIrein.sh.tlee - Elizabeth Hardesty: : of ' Denver,formerly of Salt Lake, stopped.off for a few hours yes. terday on ber way to Hawaii to spend the summer months. Miss Hardesty is a former Mu- dent of the University of Utah. - ' Tomorrow's Recital Organ' - I Miss , , e 4 1 I ' ' RPHANS - . 1:1'tiossn 4 g. BIVI." , seetti . - . - ) - . . .",- give a Wednesday afternoon social and that same evening Mrs. J. W. lire and Mrs. Ralph hien i I with John Payne, Gloria Dickson and Stanley Fields: also And One , Was Beautiful," with Laraine Dar, Rob. ert Cummings, Jean Muir and Billie Burke. IneToRTselson Eddy in "Lot "readout Ring" also the 3 Meetulteere in "The Kansas Terror." with Alice Faye. Don Ameche, Henry Panda, War- Edward Arnold and Leo crearrn William, - i f and Kent ), 1'4'41 shop-windo- i the rites. The bride wore a redingote suit of brown and white print with ,white accessories. A wedding dinner was served after. Mr.-- - and Mrs. Mrs. Willey, Dwight A. Pomeroy, and E. B. Painter attended. After a short honyemoon Mr. and Mrs. Painter will. live in 1. Sheilbyville, ill. ', The bridegroom IR a former resident- of Springfield, Ill... and has Frnent some time living in - Sarrlrancisco-before- s his fransfer to Illinois last fall. Thi bride-0 a former resident of Sale Lake 'and San Francisco. She is a member of the Chi Omega- Fraternity and a former student of the University of Utah. , ,,, Nws. , - ,: , L CAPITOL"Kiny of the Lumberlackit. t. - - ., POD. '1,. ) honest-achievem- The ceremony , stook place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kennedy Kincaid with the Rev. Archibald K. Byrnes performing - Durbin. - ;' McKendrick , 988 Pat . Mule Team " with Wallace Beery, Leo Cardin. Marjorie Rambesu Yowiey; aloe Allwnoltlirteru onandBrI with Lana Turner. Joan BiOndell, GeOfte MarPhS IL; .. ------ - - lie -- Party Fetes Miss Carter - Vim Teresa Willey, daughter of Mrs. I., E. Willey, was married yesterday at a 4 o'clock service to Merle L. Painter in -Athens, - and .... N , - at 4 .4 , - Data' wHit Deanne layFraneis and Walter Ft& a CENTRE-- 1i', A :- - ', -- , '! Miss Willey - he- -----in- g , .. - ly Saturday at luncheon for her were honeymooning on. the West Coast .. .. Dr. and Mrs. Lyndon Daines ..,,, Snow (Glade Vincent) attended the rites and accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Best to Los Angeles, where the former were hosts at : dinner in the Ambassador Hotel. - couple - will honeymoon in San Francisco . and then go to a dude ranch at Robinson Bar in. Idaho. i e. Mrs. Best, is well known In iI - art and social circles here. For r the past year she has been work7 I on lier professional mast- ---- -era degreeeirrereig- - thenlyer- - - sty of Southern California at. -e On Way To Hawaii anrs. - 1 e- I , - Howard T. Best, 623 First Ave. flue. were married Saturday in Las Vegas, Nev.,-- - and ,today - it" D. Thurman Jr., have planned an after' noon party and Miss Barbara Le...s.o.....4, , es. ' Miss Vincent, t , -),,.. , Campbells .Airive Here From Washington For Visit tending out to the center with a tiny bride for Becky. The bride as yet has not definitely set her wedding date. The bridegroom, Lieut Charles Robert Van Cott, has applied for leave to come to Salt Lake for the marriage ceremony. If this Is not forthcoming Becky will go to Texas for the wedding. , rwenty-firs- I ke e; - Miss Smoot ,w,4,, -- , . - - Miss LaVonne Vincent, daugh-- 'er of Mrs. J.. G. Vincent, 1710 - : i i Mrs. karbes Campbell and her children, Robin anDennis Michael, in the spacious on Ball home Yale eumIf. at James thd the where will Avenue, spend garden they nier Mr. Best Wed . ,: ) r Find Relief From Washington Heat in Salt Lake Garden . Ballif, Jacobsen, rainssis,Ress NiNtrliairgsi)anr'etMBlytHe ealnend Miss Isabelle Moreton. Down the center of the table was a miniature bridal party under an arch of spring flowers. The placecards were tiny paper nosegays with pink ribbons ex- - , ,, ,, , ., ,.. ,' 1 se .'S) , 1' :...E. Miss Marsha - ' . Hotel,-She-invite- . e . - , plogiwalswoor , Sam uproarious ,01) ' 1 ,. MISS Becky Smoot attended the last of her parties as "Miss" today. Miss Barbara Davis was hostess to Becky and her many sorority sisters at a luncheon in the President's suite of the New- 2 Mrs, house Wendell M. Smoot, Mrs. J. H. Davis, Miss Effle Jensen, - Miss Grace Durkee, Miss Virginia Da- via, Miss Mary Fister and Miss Ruth Young of Ogden, Miss Ruth -- F ,e ' . . , TA ' ' , .. , - - -- ) e . 0 LT A , .. 1,' t. UTA11'10 Ninth East Street, will be hostess this evening at a "hankie" shower for Miss June Musser whose remaining days in Salt Lake are rapidly dwindling for Friday she will entrain for New York to join Robert L. Chambers and be. come his wife. The hostess has asked 14 to spend the evening embroidering gay colored handkerchiefs for the bride's trousseau. busy day Robert , , W,S " Attends Fest e - - . -- 6' t I - I I ''' Y., ' . ' ', ;....y-------N- - Afternoon Party, Is Planned Tomorrow Miss , ' roster. Their roJune bridal mance began a year or so ago in South America where Miss Bamberger was traveling and where Mr. Bernolfo was working as an oil geologist, rumor has it. He followed her to the states and then to Salt Lake Cityliked it and staved. He is a resident of the University Club. - . I ' , name , t t;'s , , ' Sturdevant, Ford Boulware, Raymond M. Smith and Arthur F. Kelly. Miss Cosgriff will entertain at her home, 505 East South Tem- pie Street, tonight for Miss BamMr. Bernolfo, and berger and later the group will dance at Starlite Gardens. Alfred Franks will give a bar- becue party at his country home on Walker's Lane Wednesday evening for members of the brid- al party and Thursday Mr. Woreley, 553 Princeton Avenue and 28 North State' MSturdeant, Street, will give a dinner party at Starlite Gardens. A similar parSaturday by Mr. ty will be given Kuryla. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wilson-an- d Wilson, 29 Miss Frances North State Street, gave a party the home of Mrs. Wilson's brother.in-laand sister. Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Friendly, 2540 East Haven Lane, Way. The wedc Mr. Bernolfo and ger S 4'' t 1 ' at Sr 4' 'It , , Mr. Forbes Campbell visiting with relatives here. The Campbells Nvent to Ogden for a - and their children, Robin and Dennis Michael, have arrived' in party there today. Salt Lake from Washington, D., C., and are the guests of Mrs. t . Campbell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Ball, 1184 Yale Avenue. I Mr. Campbell, who is associated with the Federal Deposit Insur. Cottonwood. ance Corporation, will return Mr. and Mrs. Nelson of Moscow east by plane tomorrow, but Mrs. will arrive iin Salt Lake City next ' Campbell and the children will ,t , Saturday and will be guests of remain for most of the summer. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Moffat, 1430 Mr. Campbell will rejoin. his Ellen Carlini, a Circle ; 0, .e - I I - el, Se- a b. - I - 1 . : , I ' . , , Mrs. Ned Nelson. Mrs. Nelson, by the way, will be an attending matron, as will Mrs. Richard, P. Morris. will be best Michael .Kuryla man and ushers will be F. SeaR. Worsley, ton Prince, Wood - - - , e I Society will swing into a brief and intense period of celebration this week and next in an- ticipation of the marriage June 20 of Miss Marie Bamberger and Joseph Bernallo Jr. The Clarence Bambergers' eldest daughter will recite her vows in the spacious gardemi of El 'Miramonte in Cottonwood. She will be attended by her younger sister, Gloria as maid of hOnors by Miss Mercy Bryan Tuttle, Miss Margaret E. Keyser, Miss Charlotte L. Merry and Miss Marian Cosgriff, just about the same quartet which accompanied Josephine Moffat to the altar when she became . - A, ' I Shower Wills Honor Miss Musser I I itme 20 , ., The Deseret News, Sall Lake C!.ty,Uieth ,' , , - ' , , I , ,4,644 Into ItridalFests Swings. - -, - S. L. Society : r ..- . ----- |