Show JOEL PARRISH P DEAD D AD Well Wol Known Aged led Resident of Davis Davia County Passes Away A Y The Thie death deith of at Joel foal Parrish of Center Centerville ville vI occurred at his hil residence shortly after lter eight Ight last night The Tho ho de do deceased I teased ceased II has hi been an on Invalid for tor more than then two arid and an a 1 half years tT suffering from troubles at first diet lut but let lat later leter er other complications sot ret In and n which whit finally wore loro his hla strong physique ph on Oi out Mr bir Ir ParrIsh wad isa Wil among amon the first rt set settlers t tiers tera of ward having come here with lh his father In the spring of nf 1818 ms and hoc has held many mn public positions In the community Ho lie has hns been prod d nt of or the High Priests quorum Da Va Davis Vavie vie vis for or a number of or years yearn and waa we such nt at his hll death deth He lie le leaves heaves I A S a wife rife and U t grown chit chil children I Ito dren 10 hO eons i and live five daughters also two to sisters Ho Ito Jo was 77 T years of or age The funeral will trill wi probably occur on Friday next Nov No IS at nt |