Show c m f I WEBER H J Canvassing Cnn l C in i OF COURT OASES CASES I ri More to 10 Par mI 91 Frt Brought Hone onIc Slit lorb o for Cd It ICe f V I l At CI of f th ty r F C I n ii rofu rd 1 t to 10 Ilow the Iha claim caim 1 n of ROY Hoy OY for Cor WW J V live Mr no Io I I Ii reminder fm of ot the duties dutte duto dutot r The rho claim I t r t i i u I W is for service cerviceS rendered of ot the claim Mother brother ce I Ito I 1 1 wh t l infill ted nith diphtheria L the I 0 Pi im d m 11 Ii by 4 health Ila or I The board boar not also M u I 1 o I p y th thi bill bil but ut hf hI clerk reri to tl Inform the claimant M Ih h wimp mr et i had b ben nn TOil remu brother to 10 an anbi 1 C duo tue u from Irol one w bi MM Meek reek It la w aa awarded the contract 1 fil a j lifting plant In 11 the V iU Ii I lil ie 18 Vt 1 h b 11 II of oft i t Wt er w i to that PO Pu 5 that h hi till ill out the term lerm t 1 i 1 in Lafayette 1 hH tee p IIII AI l V II ilm if usual routine i s th ra V v I V mi ULO 11 Li of or m the th ole tc Ml act 11 ut ot limO 1110 recent There v Irr tO nry IHY few tew changes I suIts us re d dI I i iri irl gui gul gu through with sixteen Ix een 1 e I 11 in T i ri mal that standa landu I C tin thi I Jl high vote Iota coSt cast I V rib r the 1 got out their full tull fullI t r u it hin half halt a n doz dozen 11 jn III ih Ihl t he to I IL Ogden Ogen district l I out of f a of Ii V t rut hut UI Mi i cast 1 i n II I leI kt V hi r T D Johnson 11 1 Mini lIeLi a II challenge i L A tt 1 w r most of at them tIem I t I A M fp torn m til th Central hotel II 1 lillY ily twenty swore lIVore I t I I nn NIt s C ID fl who presented presente l i t i p iio it no KI The Tue board boord jf t 1 ani L CS s 1 the vote until V i are fl nn i ly gone over oer I the fer er tit to 10 the results as no noly 1 11 h ly the th tally illy h r In or of 1 wt it s in III this thle county S J teo I l n ILC in Ill rely a p 1 itIn hi h thi jo ti fj not change chango I I as I dr published except r C II on fin diM rid i Judge In Da Do DoI I I tn the tho vote voto on onI onH I I I ft C H canvassed r I s im ii received a arf rf 01 f on nh r 9 in III of or 83 as aa asI aaI I I TI lt in Morgan county I V d i M 9 int m l in n Weber WaLer county O I r no In tn the 16 11 dIe I 1 h w tre an lS ed d I i Provided the th other 3 U 33 district show ph ow no 10 chunK Howell will have a II It Ity It of 8 S In lii this county count rind And will wilt be elected on the face ace of nt tho the returns re lh by n It plurality of oC Jea BOY DOY CANNOT The condition of P 1 the boy who trim was vai Accidentally shot hot Sun Hun day won was very critical at lit 1 this thin morning and his hili family ami na as w velt ll an as the Ihl attending phyl climB clans have abandoned a hope pro oro simply Illy awaiting the tho end enl An operation wan Wall attempted yesterday morning the thinking that t tho the un tin UnCOnscious COnscious c condition of ot tho the lad tad yOK as due to pressure on the train brain It ft was wan wanI thought that there hero was one ona chanca In a I thousand that this thU might be relieved mid uld time the buys life lite I saved v d dAfler After Afler tho the operation won commenced It waLl Wad discovered that th the bullet passed through the he brain ottil the attempt wan abandoned ONE l MORIS TO PAY TAXES TAX 8 After Afler today tOd Yb under the tho law I w all tin un mid taxes become delinquent but County Treasurer Chambers Chambor hon has oil Ot to hold the tho book open another week Taxpayers may therefore therdore pUy nuy any time up to Tuesday Nov No n 22 S The collections this month nave have been un unusually unusually usually light running about loss lose than tot for tha tho ho period last year vaar This Thin computation however does doe not Include the tho totals tole Is of ot when It Is l known that between and HO 10 POO was received TilE ThU SCHOOL ELECTION tho he election of ot five members member of ot thu lit of education for tor Ogden ll will l be hold Die naCo 7 next It appears probable that the th election will vili bo Lu made mada partisan The board Joud members nt at present are nil all Democrats and over ever ovel one of ot them Is lb being persistently urged to stand tot fot reelection SETTING OP Ol COUItT CASES H n II If reset tho the hearing of or tho the following oA MUll n to be tried duro dur his term t rm of ot Nov e M Hunt vs s M 1 t heaver Boover ot ni RI Drown Brown Co K t Bearer r et Ot al alNo Nov No M r Smith va vs 8 Herman Voss Nov 21 E T Woolley vs v Ogdon Mills Mum Co CoNov CoNo CoNot Nov Not No Wallace v vs 11 Southern Bouthern Pacific Nov 2 vs Goddard Nov Not A Puller Fuller v vs va Milo Mild Sharp et st al Nelson el on vs ve Smith vs Mlle Miles Jones Dee Deo O vs 8 Keller Dec Del 7 Eastman vs VII D Dee Dec c lH vs S Hutton divorce Dec Deo 0 State vi vs J II H Inlo tov Jr Dec Doc 13 Weaver ver vs s Waver UN dl cit vorce oree Dec De H vs VII Burnett OF OP JosEph FIU W The of or Joseph Krev an another another another other ot of the unfortunate victims of the collision on tho the Union Pacific near Oranger Or which occurred Friday arrived ort ed In Ogden yesterday afternoon and will VIII be bo taken to Hooper looper for tor burial The deceased wait vUR the Ihl son eon of Sir Mr Ir nod Mrs John Frew was ivas 35 36 years year of or age end leaves leaven lea n a wife willi and four tour young children n to tD mourn his sad demise demille also aleo several veral brothers and sisters His brother Wit WIN lIam hoot Prow Frew went to and brought tho remains remaIn II to 10 Ogden tWO COUPLES WED were granted to the tho following couples Impey 21 fl and Miss Denio Jy Ir T Jansen 19 both ot of Ogden Ouden City William A Douglass I 35 36 3 and RII Honor Honoro Agnes Fisher 3 34 31 both of ot San Francisco AND Joseph Josoph Evans Evana stenographer In itt tho the of ot o tho Iho ho county clerk will leave to day cIa for Germany where wh he be trOd ton as no t It II missionary The of or the lb CoOls coun county ty tp clerks clerk utIle pres presented him with a lit lait night ot of tU tIL County made the speech Floyd the time boy of ot Mr and amid Mr Mrs dle died yesterday Afternoon at Rt the family faintly home horne 2611 2619 Monroe avenue Funeral service will be I In held Id nt at U it a in no from coin tha the residence Sheriff Sherler Dillie yesterday went to 0 Pro Iro Provo vo 0 taking an nn aged widow woman Mm Mrs Clement to th the state mental hospital There Ther was no iio session of ot the city oem coun council cil cli held taut luit night three Ihre members appearing Jamea II JJ was wa arrested list last night by the Ih polio pollot poll l anti ami charged with cruelty to animals was seen In Inon on All Saturday by b a number of or employee of Prod Fred J led J mel Co to knock A Il horse hors down with whit ft q rock yock On their rom corn to the tha chief of Ie he was wu at II attested tested rested Steers came down from Idaho yesterday to take IRk Qua OUI want tn n on Oil n a chare chr charp of ot raising money on worthless check Inch bock to John Orant Irant was Wit arrested last night anti charged with petit larceny Orant It In Is claimed entered A K store nt at time the corner comer of ot Lincoln and street and amid lId purloined a n pair lair of ot trouser rOUters He lie II was Wit followed allowed by bythe b bUle the Ule proprietor and caught with the goods goode under his hi coat COlli der Jam Jams leaves 11 this morning for tOI a mission miNIon to Germany |