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Show THE TIME5 .EW5r NEPHI, UTAH SHERIFF'S SALE I CLASSIFIED PRE - HOL DAY SALE I complete line or eleotrir: m for any electrical materinl. C. J. Pyper work you may have. 3C) West Center Street. have 1 a S-- REDUCTIONS RANGING FR06 CENT TO HALF PRICE 25 PER . at All Ladies Sweaters Let Frank fix it. All kinds of Novelty Work. Give me a trial. Frank Sparks, Phone 158J. th leave" your ordPIANO TUNING ers at the Dixon. .Taylor. .Russell Co. E. P. Mayhew. for piano tuning. HALF PRICE ONE FOURTH OFF All Felt Slippers, Men's, Women's and ONE FOURTH OFF Children's 1 Lot Men's Overcoats .... ONE HALF PRICE $18.75 1 Lot Men's $25.00 Overcoats $30.00 Suits All Men's $40.00 ... $2675Suits All Men's $35.00 .'20 PER CENT OFF All other Men's Suits 15 PER CENT OFF All Boys' Suits All Men's and Hoys' Dress Shirts 15 per cent off , . 15 per cent off All Men's Hats and Caps 10 JHT cent off All Shoes Let John A. Orme design you a Radio to fit your pocket book. Satisfaction or your money hack. More than 12 years experience in Radio. Call Orme Shop or Phona 14 5J, - complete line of Mutual Co. Creamery Free facial demonstrations with preparations. Make app. ointments with Mrs. J. W. Excelsis first to send pictures Sold Radio. by to Judd Garage, 35c Raisins 3 for Small Milk - We carry a Poultry Feed and Corn R. A. C. Europe by GROCERIES ' e Use Excelsis Extracts and Spices, they are th best. Mrs. J. W. An opportunity for you to make your Gift Select ions at immense Money Saving Reductions. All Toys, Dolls, Wagons, Try cycles, IJaby' Off Carriages All Ladies and Misses Coats and Dresses One-Four- AOS S 5c 25c 20c 30c 30c 25c Walnuts Pea Nuts Almonds Brazils Mixed Nuts 25c to 50c Pound Fresh Christmas Candies 3 Pounds First Quality Chocolates $1.50 5 Pounds First Quality Chocolates $2.25 1 Pound First 60c Quality Chocolates Vac 10 Pound Bag Sugar Silver ware cleaned by magic. No no polishing. Do not wear your plate off and scratch the surface by rubbing. Cheap and inexpensive. Nephi Implement and Hardware Store. rubbing, c(x sell this ANvronv ?f rftitif If r a P flitlit w il F2) 4--- J .A o, JW) West of Salt Lake Meridian. of Also, the North half Section Two (2); the Northeast Quarter (NE) the South half (S-Northwest Quarter (NW't), and the Northeast Quarter (NE14) of the Southeast Quarter (SEVi) pf Section (3) in Township Sixteen (16) South, Range One (1) West of Salt Lake Meridian, containing Seventeen hundred Sixty .( 1,76Q ) acres of land, more or less. Together with a water right cond (1-of all t"h sisting of waters of Little Salt Creejf and all ditches and water rights of every nature, however evidenced. DAN MARTIN, Sheriff of Juab County, Utah Dy P. P. Christison, Deputy. First publication Nov. 21st, 1924. Last publication Pes, I9ti, 1934. (N) People who are suffering from Pyor rhea, sore, bleeding and inflamed gums, to use Tpwnsend's Guaranteed Cure. At your Drug Store, .571 DEPARTMENT STORES The Southeast Quarter (S.EJU) of Southeast Quarter (SSlA) of Section Twenty-on- e (21); the South Half (S1) of the Southwest Quarter (SWy4) and the Southwest Quarter (SWVi) of the Southeast Quarter (SEJ4) of Section twenty-tw(22) the Southeast Quarter (SBJU) of the Southeast Quarter (SE',4) of Section Twanty-thre- e (23); the Southwest! Quarter (SW14); of the Southwest Quarter (PWr4); the East half at the Southwest Quarter, (SW'i) and the West Half (WV4) of the Southeast Quarter (SEU the Southeast Quarter (SE',4) of the Northwest Quarter .(NW) and the Southwest Quarter (SWV4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE ) of Seotjoij Twenty-fou- r (24) ttie EasJ half (E- ) uf Northeaht Quarter (NEi) ef Section Twenty-si- x (26); North half (NMs) of Southwest Quarter (Swyt) the Southwest Quarter (SW4) of Southwest Quarter (SWi.) the West half of the Northwest Quarter (NW ), the Northest Quarter (NE) of the Northwest Quar-e- r 4 58 P 1 r Only Four More Shopping Days Before Christmas i with morning the best time for With inaking your selections. our Toy Department rearranged and separate from our other lines we can give better and quicker service and we hope make your Christmas Shopping a real pleasure at the x WANTED! , t:- (NW',4); the Northwest Quarter (NWU) of the Northeast Quarter ( NE 14 ) and Lots Two (2) and Four (4) of Section Twepty-fiy- e (25); the Northwest Quarter (NWH ) pf the Northwest Quarter (NW!4) of Section Thirty-siNew Year. ORME SHOP. (36); the Southeast Quarter (SE1!) and the South east Quarter (SB4) of the SouthR. A. C. first to talk across Atlantic Oeean by Radio. Product sold by west Quarter (SW14), of Sectiqn Thirty-fiv- e Judd Garage. (35), all in Township Fiffeep (15) South, Range One (1) We wish to thank our patrons for the success they have made possible in the past year and hope to be able to serve you better in the coming year. Yours for a real Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous Chas. Foote & Sons 1-1L- IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF JUAB COUNTY, STATE OP UTAH. The Union Central Life Insurance Plaintiff Company, a corporation. vs. Joseph F. Wright. Mercy C John F. Wright, Lillj Wright, A. Sorensen Wright, Ephraim Junius M. SorEmily Sorensen, ensen, Mary G. Sorensen, Melville Irrigation Company, Deseret Savings Bank of Salt Lake City, Utah, Trus tee, Franklin Motor Car Company, Defendants. To be sold at sheriff's sale on December 20th, 1924, at one o'clock P. M. at the front door of the county court house in Nephi, Juab County, Utah, the following described proper ly, situated in Juab County, Utah, Spare or Whole Time and women gladly pay $1 per month for our monthly income ac cident and sickness policy, paying big profits, paying big benefits. Big Big opportunity: Gig Commissions; Men Company. Act quick. North American Accident Insurance m Company 40 3 Walker Bank Bldg Utah Salt Lake City one-thjr- Nephi Merc. Co. WHEHK GOOD M KUCHA N DISK IS OIKAPKK NOTICE TO CREDITORS G. Quarnberg, QUALITY CHICKS for Spring 1925, Creditors will present claims delivery from CERTIFIED HX)CKS with vouchers to the undersigned at of selected, heavy-layinfree. .range his residence at Juab County, hfns mated to double pedigree cock- State of Utah, onWills, or before the 23rd No erels from famous specialists. of February, A. D. 1925. no in- day lights or forcing' methods JOHN WILLIAMS, 100 breeding. per cent delivery Administrator of the Estate of Chick Illustrated Book, guaranteed. Deceased. Lewis G. attractive prices and othtr informat- W. A. C. Bryan,Quarnberg. for AdminAttorney ion gladly sent on, request. Establishistrator. ed 1398, Date of first publication. Dec. 19, MUST HATCH IXCl'HATOR CO. Inc 1924. Date of last publication Jan. 9th. 478 H'vrnrh 8trf t IVtlunia, Calif. ACCREDITED WHITE LEGHORN Estate of Lewis g, 19 25. ACCREDITED CHICKS FOR SALE Write for our prices first. Now is the lime to get your order in for future delivery. White Hatchery sell only S C. White Legrom A A accredited chicks at single A price Full count and safe delivery guaranteed. Price List No. 50. Write fr VViiHE HATCHERY Petal ama.California Suitable Gifts He'll Gladly Welcome i:!li';:;iii!!i,i:i;;ii!:;i;!:ii!i.i.iiiiiiniii!ii: 'Sure' 1,11 Call on LADIES I SILK BLOUSES made from Crepe Do Chine and Canton Crepe, trimmed in Buttons, Beads and Embroidery. All colors Prices $2.98--$5.S- You 9 GO ANYWHERE TO SELL INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Life BLANKET BATH ROBE 0 in many colors Ever so many things you can choose for a man's Christmas here. The gift that pleases him best of all is one that is practical. Mans E. Jennings BEAUTIFUL Insurance Levan, Utah ii i u Hosiery and other Furnishings will surely delight him and remind him of your thought fulness and the interest you take in his personal appearance. i,i;i!!lllilll!ill!!;illlllllll $4.98 to $9.50 Something j Nice 1 '4.; I 1 MEN'S FELT AND VELOUR HATS Many shapes and colors $1.98 to $4.93 LADIES SHOES in fancy cut out patterns. Patent, Kid and Satin. $2.98 to $5.90 ! j t There something here in this store he would be elated in receiving and proud to wear. is I See Our Windows FOR YOUR CAR THIS IS THE PLACE SILVER MAPLE 1 I For Gift Suggestions THE TOGGEIU T SERVICE .0. : : VMxmaamxmmmmmm A- - |