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Show THE By Millie Bale Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry from the inexpensive to the exclusive await your selection. The To ggery White Leghorn Chicks Selected .- - record parentage prepaid. Sate arrival guar anteed Dec. Jan. $14 Feb. Mar. $12 per 100 GRAHAM HATCHERY Hayward, Alameda County California Postage Oh, what would it be like to have What would it a real Christmas! be like?" Little Jean sank wearily down on the broad stone steps before a large building, so quiet now, that where there had been the steady tread of thousands passing ail day long. As he passed up and down the long street on his daily round of sell lng papers. He had paused more than once to look in with longing eyes at the beautiful things, and the custom beaming faces of ers. But now, it was all still and dark in there. The glimmering lamps shown on a street almost deserted save a few hurrying passersby, who seemed to have been detained against their wills, and were hurrying away from th loneliness of the street, deserted by all only little Jean. He was leaning up against the where he had large stone-pilladropped to rest, after a very long hard day, too tired to feel that he was alone and cold. But tired as he was, he must make another effort for the place that he called home was eight long blocks away, and he drag ged hlmeslf to his feet and went slowly along the dreary street, past lighted homes nd great dark shops until he reached the alley, and climbed the slippery steps that led to the wretched place In which he slept. Jean pushed open the door and stood still in the darkness. "Jim are you here? Are you home to Hlgnt7" Jim turned in bed and a gruff, but kindly voice called out sleepily, ''Hello youngster, you're late tonight. JIgd any supper?" "Never mind, i don't want any,' r his bun and throwing in the die of papers, little Jean crawled under the one old quilt that covered his straw bed In eft corner of the dark room. While his companion dozed off again on his comfortless bunk, "I'm not going to let Jim starve himself to ffive me supper any more. I sleep here tor nothing. "I'm nothing to him anyway." Just then the great hall bell tol led out twelve o'clock and Jean sob bed himself to sleep on his cold hard bed. When he awoke the bustle of the day ha dbegun in the street and sur rounding homes, but his heart was heavy and he felt feverish and weak. He was alone, for Jim had gone 'to his job, or to search for one, as the case might be, and nls going and coming were uncertain, he might not be there again for a week. uu uu Get One For Dad! toy-lade- n, A Genuine LEATHER ROCKER Won't Dad be glad when he sees a big fine leather chair waiting for him Christmas morning? Think of the hours of comfort he will get, during those long, cold winter nights. You can't find him a better Christmas present. $5.00 will hold it for you. The balance can be paid in easy monthly payments. Make your selections now! r, WILL HOYT L. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR Notary Public LICENSED ABSTKACTKJt And EXAMIN'KU OF TITLES Office at County Court House Utah Nephl GOODY KAK SHOE JtKPAIKIMG SYSTEM BKST MATERIAL, USED Prompt Mall Order Service Prices are soon forgotton but J. A. Chrlsteiuten Nephi, Utah Prop SHOE REPAIRING SERVICE Save money on shoes. Have your Old Shoes Repaired and make them do for weeks longer and look like new. Prompt mail order service. C. O. LOMAX Utah Nephl One Door South Nephi Drug Sou'""! Dividends nr annual Incora- figures. lncam of on in'ere e th in ,Mrh f vr-mak- hilf ' nt lb e "! Startling reductions on MILLINERY and all CHRISTMAS GOODS from now to Christmas. Get a chance on the beautiful beaded Moccasins with every I We have Leather Rockers for mother, brother, aunt or uncle. We are glad to show you our large display. Because of the large shipment direct from the factory, we are giving you the best values and lowest prices you can find in the state. Genuine leather covers every chair. The best springs and wood are used in construction and the upholsering is guaranteed. . Many styles, patterns and shapes can be viewed on our floor. Come in sit in one see if it suits You can get one at little cost and genuine your back. leather at that, SEWING ROCKERS $4.00 OAK ARM ROCKERS $5.80 ROCKER WITH LEATHER AUTO SEAT .... $10.60 ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY Ixon - 50 cent purchase. TO OUR PATRONS ! i Due to the present high cost f Flour we are compelled to increase the price of our Bread to 10c for a 16 Ounce Loaf, in effect January 1st, 1925. This has been made necessary due to the fact that we are now paying almost double for our Flour to what we were a year ago. HOUSE" ONE-PRIC- E - crate. How soft the pillows are! How beautiful everything Is! "What has happened? Where am I?'' At the sound of his voice a quiet, sweet faced lady comes and bends over him. "Orandmother'B own little Jean," she murmers, "You are at home, Ob heaven furtive me for allowing your mother to die In wretchedness, so near the home of her childhood, but t didn't know." Jpan could not quite understand. but he was content, and ns hp sat on Christmas Hay In Grandfather's hleh backed chair and tasted each dainty dish prepared for his Christ-ma- n dinner, little Jean knew, "What It would be like to have a real rir THE LOWEST PRICE SPRINGVILLE PROVO made and entered upon of said meeting payable to the Secretary, of the at Nenhl. TTfnh Anv stock upon which this assessment remains unpaid on the 30th day of December. 1924. at 12 o'clock noon. of Directors the minutes immediately cornoration len to the possession of Jim, who bad allowed Jean shelter there since that terrible Christmas eve. He tried to get up but could not, and fell bark on the straw. A long time he lay there unahle to rise. He was so hungry and cold. The next two or three hours seemed endless. He lay n a stupor only realizing that he was alone and maybe dying. Rut what sound is that? Sleigh-bel- ls stopping at the door. Some on Is coming up the steps. Torre are Is voices In the room, somebody ratting him up. Grandmother's own little Jean." He feels himself clasped in loving arms and carried to the sleigh. Ha hoars a soft voice praying over him as tie's being wrapped in soft warm furs. Oh what a seme of warmth, He Is too weak love nnd comfort! to wonder about It all. so be allows Jj himself to sink, away Into slumber. When he awakes It Is Christmas eve Indeed! He Is lying In n nice warm room, with a cheerful fire In the 1 Taylor - Russell Company "THE It was Christinas eve, the anniver sary of the birth of Jtans wretched ness. How well he remembered the pale patient face of his mother as he had sten it in the same dark corner of the same dark room; someway Jean didn't understand how, when his mother died the house had fal- will be closed during JANUARY for Renovation. I THE REAL CHRISTMAS GIFT! :V THE ORME SHOP ) Big Overstuffed Leather Rockers coj-nt-- long remembered quality EE i CHRISTMAS Christmas approaches the thought comes to us all to remember those near and dear, and It is a genuine pleasure to suprlse and delight them. Our As e NEPHI, UTAH S, JEAN'S REAL Gifts That Last High-Grad- TIMES-NEW- PAYSON r PIANOS, PHONOGRAPHS AND RADIOS A Small Payment Down Will Hold Any Instrument For Later JcA j ' will be delinquent and advertised for sale. sale at public auction, and unless P. N. ANDERSON, payment is made before, will be of Oraplata Mining Co, Secretary sold on the 18th day of January, Location of Office, Nephl, Utah, 1925, at 12 o'clock noon, to pay the Lunt Building delinquent assessment together with First publication,' December 6, 1924 costs of advertising and expense of Last publication December 26, 1924 MUSIC SPECIAL TERMS ON NEPHI : N O W T 1 rTT'lf if . I s T H E I M E 'Wh :: v vj..-v- j. r - i $ mmsm ' ' v 1 -- ill. Wc carry the best make Pianos, such as the Auto Player, Kimball, Story and Clark, Uallet and Davis and many others. t Come in any talk terms wc are easy to get with. si Christmas." p2 ng Player Rolls, Brunswick, Columbia, and Edison Records, any of which wil make a nice Christmas Present. We arc still making good Dread from Oft PLATA MIM local Flour. COMPANY 9 Buy the boy a Saxaphone, we carry the best, "The Bueschcr." Location and Principal IThcc- of Ilnsine, Vrplil, I'tali - X. L. Bakery and : Confectionery j Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting of the Hoard of Directors of tbe Oraplata Mining Company, a corporation, held on the 2Mh day of November, 1924, en assessment of one-hal- f rent per share; on the outstanding stork of the corporation was Ieye by oriler of Ha id Hoard Etlison, I'runswick, Sonora, Columbia Grafanola. Also the Brunswick Radii i!a, DeForest and Crosby Sets They cannot be beat. Kadio Sets From $25 up. Robert Lomax K p. Daynes-Bec-b- e Venice Buildiiiir Music C .. ait Lake Nephi i |