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Show VOLUNTEER TO SERVE THE BBOS_ (Many people have questioned the purpose of some social action and YO Ure revolutionary groups in our.community. Following is the first in a series to bring about knowledge and understanding of such organizations.) ORR ieeintel from the SI. Tribune) An urgent appeal for volunteer — car, talking about different workers in the Community Action problems and they rapped about Program was issued by Mrs. Karin Kk. Tuttle, director of volunteer services for the Central City Center. ALES wy Soe SN Bes ET : gee greepee aC Ree by Linda Muntu, Communications Secretary A few. brothers were sitting in a Re YES. Soe AS ws A wth ES “ : oe TER a ak 8OF Seenertn 16 aon Mrs. Tuttle said the center’s operation depends _ on volunteer workersas much asonfunds. = She said volunteers are needed to starting a club. Those present were e Victor Gordon, Steve Ellis and Richard O ’Neal. The original name was Soul Brothers Social Club. The 7. No party member | can have a weapon in_ his. possession- while DRUNK or loaded off narcotics or weed. 8. ‘No party member will commit any crimes against other party _members or BLACK people at all, _ group organized in May of 1969, and cannot steal or take. from the but in June it was renamed the people, not even a needle or a piece BBOS (Black Brothers of thread. help in summertime activities for Organizational Society). oS When | arrested. “BLACK younger children, visiting shutins, In the beginning, it was just a PANTHER MEMBERS will give _ helping shutins and invalids saith social club, but by late August it only name, address, ‘and will. sign provide - moved housework, Or. it toward culture : nothing. Legal - first aid must be transportation. to. ee or organization. In Deccnbel, 1969, understood by all Party members. activites at the Community Action . again the objectives were changed . 10. The Ten Point Program, and Center, 615 3rd East. _ to a revolutionary program to fit platform of the BLACK PANTHER Volunteae also at be needed = the needs of oppressed people. PARTY must’ be known | and this fall — when school resumes — Since then, BBOS has gone through understood by each Party member. to help. with the school breakfast: many changes. Many of the original 11. Party Communications: must _ program. | members don’t belong. A lot of be National and Local. “We need help. from. People brothers have dropped out by 12: Phe* -10-10- 10- - program 7 people who are ‘honest about | choice, some were put out because should be known by all members LETTER FROM wanting to help; people who want they had been “ half-stepping”. _and also understood. IY all VIET NAM to help keep. youngsters off the, They were not taking part as ; members. streets,’ ” Mrs. Tuttle said. | functional members. We ARE NOT 13. All Finance ace will She said many. youngsters A ONCE A MONTH MEETING Dear Editor: operate under the jurisdiction of neverhave Been on a picnic or even . ORGANIZATION. We function the Ministry of Finance... by Corporal Lyte C. Cevaal everyday — 24 hours a day. Some I think Wordpower Newspaper is visited the nearby mountains. Many 14. Each person. will ‘submit a children are uncared for and of our accomplishments are: doing a good job in it’s effort to _ report of daily work. volunteers could fill the gap. ee Implemented a F ree : i unite the people in this community. 15. Each Sub- Section Header | At. the Community ‘Action : Breakfast Program for the children Section | Leader, Lieutenant, and However, in nearly every issue, I see Center, she noted, the — senior of Central City during ‘the school Captain must submit Daily. reports mention of the NAACP. In the citizens’ room is closed much of the : year. June LOth issue, a front page article of work. covered, their Annual Banquet. | time because no one is available to | 2- Began a Liberation School to 16. All Panthers, must. i to eee %,, 2 aA et certainly ‘agree with the goals:and:,, supervise activites. And the arts and Z Peohe black ‘children. their True operate and service. “weapons _ purpose of the NAACP, butI do -erafts. room there ‘is. practically | “history and culture. _ a correctly._ Alien I was still in America (it not feel the Salt Lake Branch is useless. because: of lack of materials 3 — Opened a Free Store at 568 i AW Tee “personnel to. work, with - and lack of seems, a lifetime ago) I often doing very much to help this ‘South 2nd West. who expel a member must submit supervisory personnel. wondered if anything that was good community or the people in it. 4. — Instituted two chapters ~this information to the Editor of exists in Vietnam. The portrait | How many active members does She said volunteers. may y apply at West Side at 1348 West 4th North the. Newspaper,. sO that. it will be carry in mind of Vietnam has been this branch have? Why.doesn’t the the center. and East. Side. at SNe. East 6th published in the paper and will be forming and _ I am beginning to see President. support other. Black South. known by.., all. chante and é-ol th e details. There is beauty - organizations’ and: help “eas their We endorse the Black hc: branches. to be. found | in this war torn land projects? Why isn’t there a Youth Program and our membership rules ; elo. Political ‘Education. ‘Classes YE COT ETB and it is a special kind of beauty Branch? We must work with and are the same as theirs: oe care | mandatory | tae general that is gee enough to flourish in encourage the young if our world is. oat Ever member of the BLACK -membership.. the midst of uglyness. The flowers _. PANTHER PARTY throughout this | Loe Only office: ‘personnel ever to be peaceful and filled with of Vietnam are of an especially _ country of racist. America must — assigned to respective offices each brotherhood. The NAACP Branch endurable variety. abide by these rules as functional day should be there. All others are sponsor black — studies should Such'is the, case sen one pretty program, it. should .have a.Sstrong ; members of this party, CENTRAL to sell papers and do Political work little Vietnamese girl named Mai. COMMITTEE members, CENTRAL out in the community, ‘including Youth Branch, it should encourage Imagine yourself on the First a newspaper such as WORDPOWER | “STAFFS, and LOCAL. STAFFS, Captains, Section Leaders, etc. Marine Air Wing Compound in and use it as a strong and | including all captains ‘Subordinate au. COMMUNICATIONS - — all DaNang, Vietnam. It is 7:30 in the to either national, state, and local | chapters meaningful voice in this must submit - weekly “ALLA BLACK MEN ; lead ership of the BLACK reports in writing » morning and people are just starting community. I know the leadership | to the. National PANTHER PARTY will enforce Headquarters. . __ to-go to work. The sun is bright of the NAACP has done little to these rules. Length of suspension or enough to make you wish you had help support this paper. 21: All Branches must eer other disciplinary action necessary . First. Aid and/ or Medical Cadress. i inglasses. Most people are in their | would suggest that the officers early morning bad ‘Black Men, for violation of these rules will <e7¢ normal of this organization stop fighting 22. All C hapters,. Branches, and Some of you think you are really “disposition and some are suffering depend on national decisions by with each other and other groups — components of the BLACK from a common affliction known as together,. But. dig, 7 are youl. Think national, state..or state area, and | _. PANTHER, PARTY. must. submit a join together and make this a better a hangover. Mai walks through all ~~ Jocal committees and staffs where monthly Financial Report to the : about it, black man. place to live. oo this Slocre every morning on her ‘e Oh sure, most of ‘you think that _ said rule or rules of the BLACK _ Ministry of, Finance, and: algo the Ex — NAACP Member “Way to work and she cuts through being ee means; you ‘ve-read »/ “PANTHER PARTY Woe Central Cominitteé. the most black books, ‘you've: got; VIOLATED:it like a knife with her indomitable ; 423. Everyone. <in a ©leadership spitit. Mai has a beautiful smile and the. most dasakis, and an » Every: member of the party must 3 “position mniust read no less than two Gentlemen: she makes the people she smiles at out-of. sight bald head or a natural know these verbatum by heart. And hours per day to keep abreast of feel good inside. It takes Mai a little and you've got a white 3 in apply them daily. Each member We are most-anxious to provide the changing political situation. longer than most people to get to your bed. employment opportunities in law n these “24."No- chapter” ‘or branch shall », must report any violatioof work because she had polio hen You ain’t got s--! e all oe this rules. to their leadership or they are °° accept” ‘grants, poverty enforcement agencies for minority funds, she was younger and she has to use helping your people? Is all-of. this... counter-revolutionary and are also persons, including Blacks, Spanish money or any other aid from any crutches and a brace. helping to.feed -black-.people, to. . subjected.; to suspension by the Americans, American Indians, and government agency without Mai’s working day starts at 8:00 clothe black people. and. when. it’s. BEACH PANTHER PARTY. disadvantaged white populations. ~ contacting’? Ss eae one and ends at 4:30. During her hours cold, to keep-black people. warm?.. Many such persons have been ‘*Headquartets.:: ay, tae of work Mai does a job similar to denied employment opportunities To get black people jobs?. And how... | THE RULES ARE: : 29. All dhiap teres praisecadre to what a file clerk would do in the in the past because of their inability about your beautiful black women? 1. No party member can have the policy and the ideology laid United States. She keeps all the What are you doing for them? You _ narcotics or weed in his possession to successfully pass City, County down by the CENTRAL records straight. With all the and State merit system give them babies and never marry while doing party work. COMMITTEE... of. the BLACK medical ‘record books and case examinations. A training program them. But yet, you fools call 2. Any party member. found PANTHER PARTY. histories at First Marine Air Wing it which would assist minorities in yourself together. Man, you are shooting narcotics will be epee. 26. All. Branches: must submit is hardly necessary to say that this . passing such examinations, and really together — about as together - from this party. an loeuaatal - weekly reports in: writing to their is a difficult job for anyone. Mai having their names placed on the the white man. The: white: man’ : 3. Nop arty member can be respective Chapters. speaks [inglish very well and this merit roster, would give us an has some damn idea‘that all women ° DRUNK while doing daily party helps her at work but it also helps opportunity to offer them should stay in the home, to cook work. her relations with Americans. employment. and sew and wait on him and have 4. No party member will violate At 4:30 Mai starts her walk from We are not only anxious to have his babies. But no one can really rules relating to office work, work to the gate, just as cordial and such minorities employed, but blame you. — you've . been, general meetings of the BLACK We have no named leaders, all pleasant as BHO wis in the morning. beliefe it is imperative that they be brainwashed. It's. time... for PANTHER PARTY, and_ meetings : revoluntaries are. leaders. Like a flower that never wilts but adequately represented on _ the revolution and no man can fight for of the BLACK PANTHER PARTY Some. of our officers are: East always remains fresh. Mai is roster of law enforcement agencies, freedom by himself... AN YWHERE. : As Communications. Secretary, thankful for her job and the We can assure’ you that He needs his black 6women bh his «5, No. party member will USE, | Linda Muntu; Minister of Culture, medical assistance we have given employment opportunities exist, side. POINT, or FIRE a weapon of any Victor Gordon; Minister of her but we are thankful for Mai. and that they will be granted to Fieedom te for all peo ple, | __ kind unnecessarily or accidentally Defense, Balogun Muntu; Minister She is an example of human these minorities. Freedom is for all sexes. at anyone. of Finance, Walter Bey —. West courage. and friendliness to Very truly yours, “RIGHT ON” 6. No party member can join any “Side: Deputy Minister of Defense, everyone who has had the pleasure Delmar L. Larson Balogun Muntu, BBOS, East Side other army force other than the Ronny — ‘Woodward: _ Chairman. > of knowing her. Sheriff | Chaptes Cr. TION ARMY ~ Conrad Carter. Le a BLACK LIBERA The Mailbag & i .Ay e a 2k Fi: ab es G Pe 48 ’ A MESSAGE’ TO” . AQ LAC NEED Tone fe aay ZB Seay ikes |