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Show A cy ie rs hom, ey AAs Py re 4 BT fetys ome # BE% a7 ere 22a f :c J ; . ie og & 8 Hie 5o ; pAsaure >"“ahs wet Riva went sare Prva ein ov s AAHA i eee certificate:‘is given to. ie 4 " | The response to our call for volunteers to. supetvil on Distinguished’ Service : Tae? ‘of the American Asso-_ tation at. s for the Aging.— Fresening the award at the 8th: Association of Physical Health, Physical Education and? cooperated wholeheartedly and give us ;his ‘sapport. = University of Utah, Recreation. Departm rine 3 maa—"s convention in St. Rev... William:<—E; Eggers, reside “said it was made on be- with us, and furnishing instructors: to: fea carefully supervised physical exercises. hee Those Senior Citizens interested in léanain; ; or joining it can call 466-6043 or: —_ aman of two cchcommatiae of the _, Senate Sad Committee on Aging, mblic. official to receive nip) been remarkable. Dr. Luther Schwich, “Western: -( ; 5 : . ‘S. Standards. =— ers xe ; ac Say funding and has been contin without ye — Senior Citizens come to the. Meals oft Wheels ay fy fs el ons A — hor 9% 2) « the elderly in the Na- ‘tot only those in the 1,000 pees AAHA membership. IN THE UTAH LEGISLATURE weie> & He has the background and education to speak on your behalf. | l me Aina a SS: ae : ae and Housing ie ¢ |. Lon % ‘Tem Cac Elderly, ‘called on the Departe@< the RK Seiseme’ regulations calling for “’stricter mursing home standards. in Political ‘Science, «~~ ov Imterim. Tegulations now in effect, he was elected Vice President: . and included in Who’s Who in.» American Colleges i in 1964. . ee Wa 4 : oe eee ae ges Poe ei ie Whe E28 Sta! fom of eS 1964- 1966, Bob is also active 2.3 “clearly iment x — in © violation of © . $a taise such’ seats 7 nursing* among administrators, saying alt 3 shave» training. ‘for» their wee home 10% ~~~: Jobs,” and cooperation. by: States.in ~~ training > such officers to. meet newly. - required licensing standards. ee ‘with is time. they.swere replated_? and it ; stricter standards, ” Sen. Moss Moss (Utah! : S a 8 professionalism” © Ky of the Moss amendment. “White they purport toimplement they have lowered this amendment 5 tevbel w,theitformer level) Frank eh ae Sen. Moss also called for‘ ‘more | _ taf Health, Education and Wel- A graduate of Westminster College, Nera : H ee re eee in the aa ... ._—=.. . . home field is needed, the Senator said, pointing out there is a growing ©) need for nursing home beds and that “26% of the {older] people in mencould be released if { tal institutions a they had somewhere to go.” American way of life. lam coriciead ‘abou quality children. / feel education is the key. to a saanuebeSSTU SERVICE serious: problems. of pollution and: over: poe enjoy life without worry of starvation or sutfote Guaranteed DRAINS ! believe in responsible government,Pleat - a0 UNBLOCKED SERVICE CALL » 90 and LABOR ui One or the ‘smartest isk } moves to e Sin anew ‘suit. ooks for ith’ little short. jackets or re es ee fy ; 4 $ ol 43 a ’ {4 4 ea high feshions and , eA noricng pirate ee the middling Wi for him & her ‘By ROBERTA HERSCHFIELD _ EBONY MALL i ee ich swith foil long baongineaome: fo <= os sites=e en Jel os ae ee ee ee es aid wet | * Balt Lake City” Is tel. 355-9497 i i by Roberta Hershfield _Amateur fishermen are at scross it inter bank manage to pull carp and suckers from our lakes and streams. They re different, but don’t throw Hae away. The demand more seasoning, slower cooking, talent and silent . eating. LAST WEEKEND I had to hunt for a recipe and came up with this one. It does call for a cup of red wine, but isn’t the fish free? 2 pounds of carp (after cleaning) 1 cup of water 1 cup of red wine w eleam ed e S |) s n e r ego F| ~ E R O T S _ vi _ DISCOUNT 1 slice each lemon and orange 1 tablespoon chopped parsley Pinch each of marjoram or origano and thyme 2 medium onions — chopped or sliced 2 anchovy fillets or 1 teaspoon anchovy paste or A little extra salt PRICES | So jee ~ Me : 4270 West o415 South| KEARNS, ONLY. 1 IN DEPENDENT GROCER! as a cards Adams-Jones ¥2 teaspoon salt :: ‘ aghkey Geper U. Pi from Artis & Ruth €: Ross, prop. again. Sometimes they bless ns with many trout, bass or other succulent. varieties. But more often, they OMS? p37: TA ek eet PAGS UR oes 50 cas apn a ge ee paberincd apy “Rete. we MOREE eh SB a ro Lte Mr. ‘seh estes Tones, son of. Mer. and Mrs. Amos Jones claimed Mary © Lee A. . | Webster, Sr., as his bride ina Bahai .~ marriage on June 12. A champagne Adams, daughter of Mr. « ..reception. followed at 248 West South Temple. The couple left for Denver following the reception and will return to Salt Lake the latter TS part of J une. s, -*, Lhe new. Mrs. Jones is active in | Si) caany tommunity organizations and| . SELVES. as contributing | ae See editor . for é |