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Show Thursday, Nov. The 1938 7, LOCAL - SOCIAL NEWS AND THIS WAGES ON FARMS THAT IN AGRICULTURE Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Coble announce the birth jf a son on Saturday, October 30th. May Wilkey and Ruth Varren entertained their Mutual class, the 2nd year Bee Hive girls, last Tuesday at the home of Miss Warren. Mrs. R. E. Winn left last Saturday for Los Angeles to visit with her son Farrell, who was recently injured. Frank Greenhalgh says his son the law," down "laying so of course that rather Indicates that he is going- - to be a lawyer, or a politician. Frank, however thinks he should be a Future Farmer. rs. Harry Foote and daughter I'hvllis Worthinirton rertainlv Jacqueline spent the week end excited about leaving on her trip In Provo visiting with Mrs. Marvin lor cnicago, ana she doesn t even Geese and Miss Marjorie Foote. care about the "Price." One thine Miss Geraldine Bowles, who Is however, is cetain. the "Price" will waiting for her when she comes attending the B, Y. U. at I'rovo, be spent the week end at the home oacK to Litye unicago". ol her mother, Mrs. Kate Bowles. According to the latest statistical deer Miss Fay Broadhead returned to report of Juab County, 1000 remnow, Provo Sunday after visiting with have been captured emember I said captured, not kill her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel ed you see, I have reference to Broadhead during the week end. the two legged type, commonly Mr. and Mrs. Abner Stocks of spelled "Dear" Hurricane spent last Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cincinnati. Covlnrton Brldre Charles A Hall of NephL Cincinnati was first connected to In 1807. a Miss Carma Vickers spent the Covington, Ky., by bridge week end m Salt Lake City visiting at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. v--Thomas Belliston and Mr. and Mrs. la Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Fowkes and Mrs. J. R. Downs were in Provo Wednesday to attend the funeral services for William Stubbs, a rela tive of Mrs. Downs. Visitors Sunday and Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A Hall were Clarence Folger of Salt Lake City and Robert Dixon and Henry Taylor of Provo. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Ms. William Burton this week end were Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Burton and family of Price, Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Loveridge and son Glen of Salt Lake City and Robert Ross of Pro . v S -- Mr-r Vl -- Miss Dorothy Brough, who is teaching school this year at Fill more, visited in Logan last week during the home coming celebration, after which she came tor Ne phi to spend the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F, Brough. The officers of the Home Econ omics club entertained at a Hal lowe'en party Saturday night, Oct ober 30th in the high school building. Each member of the club was taken through a haunted house where screams and moans were heard everywhere. After this they went on a scavenger hunt. Re freshments were served in the din ing room at 10 P. M. and adminlstation costs; determine Insurance costs according to loss experienced in each particular area; und require a minimum amount of participation In counties or regions before Insurance Is made available in that section. it ... ht& f.ss COME! SEE! 10 WINNER 9c HOUSE tube 29C With Tubes Complete ENAMELED 45 HIGHEST Size cent value GRADE MILK Tin Regular Dairy Pan A REAL GOOD HANDLED AXE 32 pound Opening SPECIAL Tunes 9 Broadcast, Police! and Foreign Ranges A Magnificent Receiver with Selectivity Tone Everything AMERICA'S PAN 6 Fifths, Cods No. 54 Pints, Code No. 55 FASTER ONE BUY NOW 9c SAFER AND 9c BIG COASTER WAGON Body over 15 x 33. Sturdy Roller Bearing Wheels. Seven day Opening SPECIAL $2CV FLASHLIGHT Genuine 60 Largest Size Wire 'Basket with Steel-to- p Frier Pan A Big 50c 9 Am seller jC BEAUTIFUL and This Whiskey Is 21 Months 1 SPECIAL V Qlenmore DUtilled et Co., Incorporated Lrfxiuvuie uwentDoro, Kentucky Iljf hsf STURDY COAL-HODRegular 60c size Black, Now Non Rust, Galvanized 75c value, Now 49C 59C FOR FATHER AND SON REGULAR TWO BIT SCHOOL KNIFE now REGULAR SIX BIT THREE BLADER now $3.75 Waffler Special tl & DURABLE Regular First Grade No Seconds Size 9x12 Ft $4.89 Regular SPECIAL ON SALE I7C 4" Dinnerware PIECE SETS SERVICE FOR SIX 32 1C CHOPPER ON SALE aj Imported Ware LOW PRICES NEW LAY-A-WA- &4 Aft v3tf SAFE-SURE-SAVIN- G $2.49 ROLL TO SCHOOL Ball Bearing Roller COMBINATION SEE THESE BEAUTIES $5.95 TOT BIKE $1.39 OR C EACH A SET Handiest Bowls Size OF FIVE Glass Nested PER SET 59c BRASS KING DOUBLE SURFACE WASH BOARD 49c NO Skates AND SIX NO NOISE Y PLAN STOCK 299 AMERICAN MADE CHINA Gold Band and Floral Pattern BUY MIXING BOWLS OF CHARMING NEW Make your Xmas Shopping a Pleasure USE OUR AMAZINGLY OPENING SPECIAL SPECIAL BRIGHTEN YOUR TABLE WITH A SET OR TWO BEGIN NOW DOLLS AT 9c EVERY ONE WHO SEES THESE WILL LARGEST FAMILY Reg. $2.65 Value 0 39( MOUSE TRAPS THE BEST EVER The greatest 5c Seller 4 FOR OAT MEAL BOWL POPULAR FAMILY SIZE Reg $2.25 Value PAIL HAMMER HANDLE Electric WAFFLE IRON Standard Size, a real FOOD CHOPPER 19c NAIL HAMMER OPENING SPECIAL THE STURDY REGULAR SIZE DAIRY Best Grade Blue Steel Inch, per Joint 6 Sturdy Hardwood for your BEST STOCK UP 9c STOVE PIPE 1 UNIVERSAL Qflt 3VW NOW FELTONA RUGS All 90 Proof BEAUTIFUL ELECTRIC HEATER Complete with Cord .... vNw POP CORN MAKER OPENING S For Your Kitchen 39C 39c Eveready cent value 1 h A Dandy DOLLAR ALARM CLOCK CAN OPENER BETTER, TIME MOST OPENING SALE A RIGHT fSl! Strong POPULAR quart DAYS FIRE SHOVEL GREATEST RADIO VALUE EVER OFFERED sA JV t I AT THE Down Per $2 Month NO Carrying Charge ft MONTHS 7 TO PAY $19.95 29C MAN'S SIZE JUST KATETTE RADIO BROOM OPENING SPECIAL m AT NEPHI 10"" $1.95 AXE HANDLE REGULAR HICKORY 1 NOV, 6th "WHERE BARGAINS AWAIT YOU" BUT A NEW STORE AT THE OLD LOCATION PICK THIS DAINTILY DECOR ATED CHINA I aV U UTILITY PAN Now 11 IW s sU. Umdl STARTS SATURDAY SAVE! n ni oauey- QA ft criBis BARGAIN SALAD BOWL WHITE ' 41 This year the Utah State Agricultural College is observing the semi centennial anniversary of its A 1 U DAYS AT NEPHI ft average. pre-w- ar T 'I NEWLY REMODELED STORE GREETS YOU Bargains Galore on Things You Really Need 6th hs 'BIG BARGAIN Mr. and Mrs. ficorpp Christian sen entertained Saturday evening in honor of the hirthdnv nnniupr. sary and wedding anniversary of mrs. jumer Money, who was formerly Miss Lulu Monsnn nf Mnrnni Refreshments were served to 17 guests. Out! of town people attending the party were Mrs. Louise ivionson or Moroni, Mr. and Mrs C. E. Harrorks nnrl ,Tnmo Horr. ocks of Santaquin, Glen Allred vi moon iaKe, Utah, and Elmer money oi Moroni. Old three-fourt- .'Mi ago. STARTS SATURDAY nov. REACHES HIGH LEVEL centfounding. The three-quartury mark of the land grant college system and the United States ' department of agriculture are also Tables are now arranged by the being observed. U. S. D. A make it possible to esFlstboata Called "Arks" Thousands shouted and waved their hats r.s ih s slock monster slid timate the weight of beef and duIhe Catboatf used In the early down the ways at Trieste, marking a refHetter d iy in Italiun navsl al purpose cattle by taking heart-girt- h meusuemcnts. Adjustment days to transport families down the (35.000 tons), the largest history. The battleship is the Vittoiio-Venet- o tables are arranged to correct es- Ohio river were called "arks" and of Italy's and one of the largest in Mi world. timates for different grades and sold for $75. conditions of cattle. Tills means of Trunk Like Elephant's Stinger Large National forest determining weight has been used The lice which infest elephants Spain's First Stamps Lolo National forest. In Idaho and by the U. S. bureau of dairy industdevelop a long organ on their heads Montana, has the largest gross area ry and Danish dairymen for a Spain's first stamps. In 1850, bore the likeness of Queen Isabells. resembling sn elephant's trunk of any national forest number of years. for-CJtt- diwi CROP PRODUCTION Crop production in the United President Roosevelt's committee States for 1337 is the largest since on crop insurance recommends a 1928, and only six per cent leas e crop insurance that would insure than the peak reached in yields rather than prices; secure 1920, according to C. M. Curves of bureau the of agricultural econthe farmer against need of relief by helping store surpluses for sale or omics. The production per capita is use in "lean" years; assure the considerable less than in the last farmer a steadier Income through decade but S to 10 per cent higher than the downtrend of product Insuring him from half to of his average crop; pay Ion per capita since 1905. product losses out of premiums with the Ion of principal crops this year la government assuming the overhead placed at 110 percent of the 1910-1- 4 if t 1. -i. Forum Forgotten The uncovering of Rome's Imperial glory is a matter of recent history. During the Middle sges the very name of the Forum was Its sncient pavements at places more than forty feet below the level of the ground. Just an accumulation of rubbish until the Roman government started excavating on a large scale a number of n Tp OUR H A CROP INSURANCE ar UK m Ed. V. Downs. RECOMMENDS - ames X. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sorenson and children Ruth and Richard of Garfield visited during the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Page Five all-tim- October Issue of "The Agicultural Situation". years i . f October farm wages are higher than those of the corresponding month In the past seven years. 1 he day wage rate averages $1.83 for the entire country. This Is 126 per cent higher than the lev el. The increase Is attributed to the Increased demand for labor In the harvesting of crops by the bureau of agricultural economics. Although farm wages have increased about 50 per cent in the last five years, they are about 20 per cent lower than In the years In relation to farm Income, farm prices and city wage earnings, L. H. Bean reports in the pre-w- NephI, Utah S, Italy Launches Biggest Battleship ARE HIGHER Mr. Owens, Assistant Director of Agriculture tor the Extension ser vice, dropped down to see u the other morning. He was good nat- ured, and just told us about this, that and tother. Is already Times-New- Pair 99c OILING NO TROUBLE NO VIBRATION ELECTRIC ESPECIALLY EASY TO OWN BUY YOUR SPEED QUEEN DURING OUR WAFFLE IRON GRILL OPENING $6.00 Super Value A jt f Opening Special SALE ptJeQ win BWVHB'ft'.-.- I |