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Show Pago Four The WmutnmwmMWtfiilnwminmMfH i...1l.t.,ii...mi.,,.ii.ti,..,.i; iiiHiiimMtatMtiiii.ntiiiiiiii.iiHMMiii ,T, NEWS 1 DID YOU KNOW- -? j THAT we carry a complete line of advertised merchandise without a "Just as Good" substitute. -- -- THAT a Ten Tube, long and short wave we sell "KADETTE" Radio for $19.95. we have a new shipment of Ladies Hand Bags to sell at $1,23. I I 3 h f Major Part of Fruit Consumed in Ten Leading American Cities Is LEVAN SOCIAL .1,J;ii.tmi,tifa,i.,1fiirli.j 1 --THAT Mrs. Eliza Morgan entertained a number of her lady friends at her home Wednesday afternoon, the time being spent in quilting. Luncheon was seved. Mr. and Mrs. William Engle announce the birth of a daughter on November 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Monte Bean and Fred Stephensen motored to Ogden last Thursday to visit with THAT oar Soda Fountain is operated the year 63 and Mrs. Lorenzo Mangelson. Mrs. Donna Norton of Burley, around with the same delicious flavors available Idaho came down last week to visin winter as in summer. it with her parents, Mr. and Mrs -- THAT you can purchase a Christmas Card now to send to friends or relatives in foreign countries. THAT we appreciate your patronage ALWAYS, NEPHI DRUG mmmmmmmmaammmM LOCAL NEWS SOCIAL -- jj and daughter and Mrs. Dora Christiansen of Salt Lake City spent the week end here with relatives. They were guests of Mrs. Eliza Mangelson. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Christensen and Vinnie Chlstensen spent Sun day in Centerfield at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Darral Childs. Miss Lois Mangelson was hostess at a Hallowe'en BLACK HEELED HOSE Hose for Regular Regular $1.00 Hose for Regular 79c Hose for lull I , A - j- , Mr. and Mrs. Roger Lunt and daughter Wynema visited In Salt Lake City last week. Mr. and Mrs G. W. Lunt returned with them and are now visiting here with relatives and friends. Week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jenkins were Miss Arta Jenkins, who is attending the B. Y. U. at Provo, Loskiel Jenkins, who is employed in Salt Lake City, and Morton Wright of California. ssMseasSsSwswsVflfL if If .89 . .69 K V t -.- ... ! f ' . SPECIAL LOT OF $9.95, $7.95 and $5.95 LADIES DRESSES $2.98 and $3.98 Going at YOU SHOULD GET 2 AT THIS PRICE I A recent survey made by the American Fruit and Produce Auction Association reveals that practically 85 per cent of the citrus, and 54 per cent of the deciduous fruits consumed in New York City. Bald-morBoston, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago, Detroit and St. Louis are marketed through auctions. To facilitate the delivery of the immense volume of fresh fruits daily, the association's ten member companies have large terminals in their respective cities. Some idea of the size of these terminals is gained from the interior view of the Fruit Auction Sales terminal in Chicago (above) and an exterior view of the Detroit Fruit Auction terminal (below). Center photo shows street scene along New York Fruit Auction's terminal. s SPECIAL LOT OF LADIES SWEATERS Regular $1.95 Values for Regular $2.95 Values for FOR SATURDAY ONLY JUL I e, ill "!ii.M 7 $1.00 . $1.95 HATS I Regular $3.95 and 2.95 Hats going at $1.95 Others as Low a .89c You Should Have One to Match Each Dress A.. T V TINY FOLKS "DRESS UP" FROCKS party Saturday evening. Refreshments were served. $1:95 Darhng little Taffeta Swing Time Frocks that will make your child lovelier than ever. Mrs. Olga Peterson spent the week end visiting relatives at Salt Mr. and Mrs. Leland Belliston Lake City and Clearfield. announce the birth of a son on Mr) and Mrs. Edgar Aagard and Monday, November 1. family of Burlington, Wyoming, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Smith visited have been spending a few days in in Logan last week at the home- Levan with relatives. coming celebration. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wankier are E. S. Blackett of Craig, Colorado visiting relatives at Preston, Nevhas been a visitor for the past ada. They are guests of Mr. and week at the home of Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Eugene Jackman. W. H. Sperry. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hobbs visit- Lee Taylor of Provo spent Sunday ed in Salt Lake City Sunday with at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. their daughter Beth, who is attend- Taylor. ing the L. D. S. School of Nursing. Mrs. Juul Sampson of Salt Lake A farewell party was held at City motored to Levan last week, her mother, Mrs. A. C. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas bringinghome with her. Mrs. Dal-b- y Bailey for Mrs. Rose Boyer who re- Dalby, has been visiting In Salt Lake turned to her home in Glendale, City for the past week. California Thursday. SPECIAL SAMPLE LOT OF HOUSE DRESSES Regular $1.95 for $1.49 ONLY 20 LEFT GET YOURS NOW Mr. and Mrs. Erin Poulsen on Saturday evening and with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley at Sclpio. Siisisslaj rWfer UiM"ikM . YOU SHOULD STOCK UP NOW! NEWS Mrs. Carlyle Wall and baby of Santaquin are visiting this week at the home of Mrs. Wall's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Parkin. $1.00 Miss Cora Jackman of Provo spent the week end at the home of Reuben Mangelson, as a guest of Miss Lois Mangelson. m LOCAL - SOCIAL Mr. and Mrs. WUford Pratt and family visited in Hinckley last o n I CO. Francom. M. W. Mangelson I Mrs. Patrick Dowty O FOR SATURDAY ONLY who is attending school in Provo spent the week end with her parents, Mr. . $1.15 Mrs. H. R, GLORIA SHOP j geU. Miss Codeal Mangelson fil L Marketed Daily Through Auctions Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Robinson and famly of Sclplo spent Wednes day of last week here with Mrs. Robinson's mother, Mrs. Lizzy An' relatives there. 3 Thursday, Nov. 7, 1938 Nephi. Utah Times-New- s, ENJOY MORE HEAT FROM LESS COAL II I I With a new Pacific g r, your coal bills will be less 1 . because this unique H home heating appliance extracts more S heat from western I bituminous coaL It's extra large combus tion chamber and its 1 EE hot blast superheat- - jj er assure complete If burning of the fueL It consumes smoke . . . saves heat that is 1 1 usually wasted up 1 the chimney. 1 The Kola Nat The Kola nut is the brown bitter nut of an African tree cultivated in the West Indies and Brazil. It contains a large proportion of caffeine The nut is and some about the size of a chestnut and is chewed as a condiment and stimulant, and the extract is used as a tonic Crlnk. llAL.:.- ARE YQU GOING TO GET YOU A NEW Let Pictures Tell the Story that pictures reviewing Importint events or providinj-- glimpse DELIEVING are playing a leading part In todsy's of people who affairs ire an essential part ol the modern newspaper, we print In every Issue a select group covering Incidents and scenes of national Interest. These pictures sre selected from thousands that are snapped every day by news photographers In every corner of the globe. Turn to them and the scenes will LIVE Winter Coat I - Invention of Cellophane) According to accounts, credit for the invention or discovery of cello, phane belongs to Dr. J. E. Branden-berge-r, a Swiss chemist. Dr. was born In 1872 and graduated from the University of Bern. About 1900, while employed as a chemist in a textile factory in the Vosges district of France, he made thin sheets of viscose to combine with cotton fabria in an attempt to produce a tablecloth impervious to dirt Thus by accident he stumbled on cellophane. Other chemists have made a similar product, but Dr. Brandenberger was the first to commercialize it FUR TRIMMED OR SPORT We will have For Saturday Only 60 Beautiful Coats Especially Priced from $7.95 to $19.95 20 off for Saturday Special Sale HAVE YOURS LAID AWAY NOW Bran-denberg- er Paint Tells Age The prehistoric Hopi Indians ot Arizona were compelled by a religious ceremony to paint the walls of their pueblos every four years. By counting the layers of paint scientists are able to estimate the ages of these earliest American houses. SAVE 20 GLORIA SHOP "Darby and Joan" The names "Darby and Joan" belong to a balled called "The Happy Old Couple," probably written by Henry Woodfall. and the characters are said to be John Darby of Bartholomew Close, who died 1730, and his wife. Woodfall served his apprenticeship as a printer to John Darby. Republic of Cnba Cuba was never considered a part of the United States. The treaty of Paris, signed on December 10, provided for the temporary occupation of Cuba by the United States. This occupation lasted from July 18, 1898, to 20 of May, 1902. On the latter date at 12 noon, the Republic of Cuba was established. 1898, Super-Heate- ji :: :" : , 53JT- ' - .lit . f I m ; ' PINTS jj in m 1 M ; r .' iii ii l -- A i wiiJf - CODE NO. MILLIONS OF PEOPLE CAME, SAW AND AGREED QUARTS 313 CODE NO. "You'll be 312 terms StySng at dlffera h bsautrtirf, for Millions of enthusiastic visitors in the first t wentj-fou- r hours I Scores of thousands of buying orders I Thousands upon thousands of requests for demonstrations! That's tae way people are greeting the new 1938 Chevrolet the car that is complete the car that says to you, the minute you see and drive it, "You'll be ahead with a ChevroletP' See this beautiful, efficient heater at your dealer's now. g 1 Asy about easy ntllTtf f fit It rmtm t mmim ahead with a Chevrolet!" j ; ' Jl ! : j p'SOw-looltln- kwUie Smooth i ft BowtrM ... otvtng maximum protection. TKJtoHng (WITH SHOCK PR OOF STCESINO) '"'a comfortable to airroront . , world't fbmt ricta.1 (WITH IAFFTY OlASS AU AROUND) lorgor Interlari lighter, brlghtor colort ond Unlitool construction, making ooch body a forh-o- c of tafoty. HYourCrec GWng if,, no,) offidMrt combination of powor, conomy and dtpond- abllity. m 1 A BLCNO Of'STBAlOHTlwMJSKIIS III 81INDE0 8Y FRANKFORT Ol.TltURIfS I jv i , SJBJI mm . ' ' " ' GETTER Exclusive Agents SEE LESTER H. BELLISTON NEPHI -- :::W Ollng protection agamtt drafti, tmobo. wdihteld clouding, and aiiOring oadl paMngar Individually canHollod nntllatton. ON MASTER DI IUXI MUDIU UNIT MORE PEAT FROM LESS FUEL WITH LESS SMOKR DIXON - TAYLOR - RUSELL ! Frankfort Distilleries, Inc., Louisville and Baltimore t . Hw taf KHvofor. nodtm trawl 1 n rim iti ti it h d at better. car. Broadbent Moter Sal es NEPHI, UTAH . |