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Show i wm AMERICANS DO NOT 7 IN The Nov. 7, 1938 Thursday, BATH SAYS LECTURER iaff Dun rir. iHr Americans do not know how to really take a bath (according to KMtMkllkatihttMTkMKkUitTdtrrW rigorous Japanese standards) and because of the resulting "b. o" extremely thorough and painstak- IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF ing Japanese bathers are often un- THE FIFTH JUDICIAL. DISTRICT comfortable In Americana pres- IN AND FOR JUAB COUNTY, ence. So declared Dr. Victor G. STATE OF UTAH Helser In a recent appearance on the Master Minds and Artists aeries of the Extension Division of FEDERAL SAVINGS the University of Utah. Dr. Helser DESERET coras a traveling representative of AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, a the Rockefeller Foundation, has poration, lit t, been In all corners of the earth VS as "Private Physician to the of as administrator CARLOS PAY, World". Estates of Alma Pay. Deceased, Ilia lecture, based on his own the Ann Eliza Pay, Deceased, experiences in checking the ravag and Mary as Mary E. A. es of disease, emphasized the bet- otherwise known known as fcilza otherwise terment of health brought by the Pav. HORACE NEPHI OSTLER; Pay; application of modern knowledge NATIONAL BANK OF NEPRL a and methods. national banking corporation or ganized and existing under the laws of the United stales oi Airier Bead Adult Average European lea and ARCH R. JACK, as receivThe average adult European head er of the Nephi National Bank of 22V4 Inches Nephi. a Corporation as aforesaid; li approximately around, so If your head Is mora than W. C USILtKI UIMMtllUUU. this, says a writer In Pearson's BANK OF NEPHI, a banking cor London Weekly, it means that you poration, organized and existing have more brains than the average, existing under the laws of the state RETTA MAY PAY while If it is less than 22V4 Inches, of Utah; known as Retta you haven't quite so much as the FIELDS, otherwiseCARLOS ALMA next man. However, a brain may May Pay Field; VARIETIES ALL 20 alcohol by volum Lead in Pencil Is Graphite The black substance which mokes the mark when we write is graphite, a form of carbon. There are vari. ous kinds of graphite, with varyinf degrees of hardness. Another wrong idea about pencils Is the belief that they are made of a single piece ffc of wood with a hole in the center. Pencils are made of two pieces of wood glued together. far PAY AND LOLA B. PAY, his wife, be quite small and still be extremeDEFENDANTS. ly good, and so we Judge the quality NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE of it by the texture of the hair TO BE SOLD AT SHERIFF'S and skin which surround It SALE ON THE 5th day of Novenv ber, A D. 1937, at 11 o'clock A. M. of said day at the Front Door of the Juab County Court House, in Nephi, Utah the following desribed property situated In said county, to wit: All of lot 4, Block 26, Plat "A", Nephi Survey of Townsite Lota. DATED this 14th day of October. 1337. mwMRj FIFTHS PINTS CODE ho. 253 II! $m CODE NO. 252-f- l Ii K. MELLOR. Sheriff of Juab County, Utah, By R. E. WINN, Deputy Date of first publication, October 14, 1937. Date of last publication, November PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES Consult County Clerk or Respect ive Signers for further Information i I v- t- -i - s V..VVA ,1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Catherine Henroid. deceased. Creditors will present ciaims with vouchers to the undersigned at corner of Main Street and Exchange Place, Salt Lake City, Utah on or before the 16th day of Decem ber A .D. 1937. FIRST SECURITY TRUST COM EsPANY, Administrator of the tate of Catherine Henroid, Deceased, by (signed J. L. WILSON, Trust Officer. C Gordon Douglas, Attorney for Administrator Dates of publication Oct 14, 21, 28, November 4, 1937. m &mam , 2 : . .l.KAXKFORT I rroKPoitviFi Frankfort Distilleries, Inc., Louisville and Baltimore NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, October 6, 1937. NOTICE is hereby given that Spencer E. Forrest, of Nephi, Utah, who, on August 26, 1932, made homestead entry No. 049772, for Lot 35, Section 18, Lots 1, 2, 16, 17, 18, 21, and 34, Section 19, Township 14 South, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before A B. Gibson, Notary Public, at Nephi, Utah on the 23rd day of November, 1937. Claimant names as witnesses: . Bent R. Bryan, Roy McPherson, R. S. Golden and Rolfson Bryan, all of Nephi, Utah. THOMAS F. THOMAS, Register. Dates of publication, October 14, 21, 28, November 4, 11, 1937. Hospitality IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DIST Good Fellowship TY OF JUAB, STATE OF UTAH AND ARE TRADITIONAL AT THE HOTEL: NEWHOUSE Salt Lake City, Utah mi PLAN TO BE OUR GUEST THIS DELIGHTFUL SUMMERTIME The Very Center of Summer Attractions SEE The Beautiful Cool The National Parka The The Gorgeous Mountains Canyons Historical Mormon The Lake Salt Great Temple and Tabernacle. THBXLUNO RODEOS WEEK OF JULY Mth. Finest Food in the West At Reasonable Prices RATES $2 to $4 400 Rooms 400 Baths DINING ROOM CAFETERIA BUFFET : NO EXTRA CHARGB FOR ftTHAXA SERVED IN YOCB ROOM Hl NEWHOUSE Mrs. 1 J. H. Waters Presidont Chauncey W. West Manager. Nephi, Utah January Floods Reveal Strength of Red Cross 3 KNOW HOW TO WINE Times-New- s, Aid Given Farmers Are Advised To Secure Seed 1,062,000 Persons Through Set-U- p By Agency 5 Supply May Be Short In 1938 Is Warning From College Man The elasticity and scope of Red Croat dtaaster work is tliowa la a recent report on Red Croae relief measures during the unparalleled Valley flood of this fear. At the height of the emergency Red Cross relief offices were established In 182 inundated counties and la H8 counties where refugees were cared (or, the report stated. Eight regional headquarters offices controlled the (28 county offices, and were In turn supervised by the National Red Cross la Washington, a D. Insert statistical summary of persona aided by the organization Indicates that the floods constituted the great peace-tim- e emergency ever faced the nation. The Red Cross gave some form of assistance to 1,062,000 men, women and children. From January to August hundreds of trained workers helped by thousands of Tolunteers administered to the sufferers. A Red Cross rescue fleet of 6400 boats was organized, according to the report. Emergency hospitals established totaled 800 and S600 nurses were assigned to flood duty. In more than 1,000 refugee centers the victims of the flood were sheltered, clothed and fed. Through the Red Cross medical earth program and the work of public health agencies sickness was kept to normal for the time of year In all Inundated areas. Because of Us disaster experience the Red Cross was directed by the President of the United States, who is also president of the Red Cross, to coordinate the effort of all federal flood relief groups. Government and Red Cross officials met dally at the Red Cross headquarters building in Washington to plan relief measures and prevent duplication of effort. "We were fortunate In having 66 years of disaster relief experience to call upon in meeting the emergency,' Admiral Gary T. Grayson, chairman of the Red Cross, said. It was found that 97,000 families composed of 436,000 persons had to have their resources supplemented or an entirely new start provided by the Red Cross, the report stated. Red Cross emergency and rehabilitation assistance was as follows: rescue, transportation and shelter for 62,000 families; food, clothing and other maintenance for 193,000 families; building and repair for 27,000 families; household goods for 90,000 families; medical, nursing and sanitation help for 15,000 families; agricultural rehabilitation for 10,000 families; other occupational aid for 8,000 families and other types of relief for 4.000 families. "Credit for this largest peace-timrelief operation In the history of the nation must go to the American people who contributed a Red Cross relief fund of more than $25,000,000," Admiral Grayson said. During the year the Red Cross gave aid to the victims of 105 other disasters dn 86 states, Alaska and the District of Columbia. The Red Cross financed the majority of these relief operations from money contributed through memberships during the annual Roll Call last November, since it is only in case of large-scadisasters that a national drive for relief funds is made. This year the Roll Call is from November 11th to the 25th. The Red Cross seeks a greater membership to meet Its disaster relief and other service obligations during 1938. Last year Red Cross Chapters gave vital help to 120,000 needy families. est fay Because provisions of the government soil conservation program are creating an unprecedented demand for hardy alfalfa seed, farmers in Utah should obtain supplies of this seed Immediately, Director William Peterson of the Utah State Agricultural College extension service advises. The program provides payments to all farmers planting crops designated as "soil conserving" under the program. Since hardy alfalfa seed meets the specifications, an unusual demand Is occasioned. "It la my advice to farmers to analyze their 1938 seed demands, and to obtain sufficient seed to meet their retirements," Director Peterson suggests. "Seed can be purchased at lower prices now than next year, and there Is the possibility that seed supplies will be exhausted next spring. Farmers seeding hardy alfalfa are unquestionably meeting requirements of the federal farm program. Director Peterson estimates that the 1938 alfalfa yield will be 10,000 tons less than this year. There is no need to let your property become run down, unattractive or unsaleable Just see us about what you need to put your home in good condition. Farmers each year surrender one dollar out of every nine they receive to pay the costs of preventable farm accidents a report Issued by the United States Department of Commerce shows. The farm accident cost reaches nine and a half million dollars annually The report, made by A. Harry Moore, head of the department's accident Prevt.ition Conference indicates that through manufacturing concerns, through regular and careful inspections, have reduced their accident expenses con siderably, farmers, with no estab lished checking system, are an easy prey to accident losses. The biggest hazard to farmers is highway accidents, in which the farm population suffers far more than its share of loss. The department advises strict enforcement of law to reduce this hazard. Fires are another big source of farm loss. Spontaneous combustion of feeds, alone, costs $20,000 annually and the costs of other farm fires are propotionately high. A study of drownings, in which 7500 persons lost their lives last year, caused the conference to outline a campaign to teach farm children to swim.' The conferences chief recommendation was that farmers have regular, established checks of farm equipment and buildings, to reduce tne accident toll. rainfall OOP YOUR met FARM ACCIDENTS REDUCE INCOME Winter, Summer Rainfall In winter often equals two inches in summer, because of no ground absorption. Perhaps your house needs a new roof insulation a spare cupboards bedroom whatever It Is we would gladly give you an estimate on the cost of the work and assist you In arranging to finance the materials and labor. JOHN RICHARDSON, Mgr. Nil! attend the annual homecoming in their honor during the week including November 1 to 6. The cam- ALUMNI TO RETURN TO UNIVERSITY FOR ANNUAL EVENT pus reunion be celebrated of old graduates will the entire week with dancing, fraternities and sororities holding open house for alumni, a University with parade and a football game new fledged graduates and alumni the Colorado University. ' are planning to grandfathers of Utah Alumni le ces in your enqine RICT IN AND FOR THE COUN HOME OWNERS' LOAN PORATION, a corporation, COR Plaintiff, V8 HOSMER L. GRACE and SALOME GRACE, his wife; P. N. ANDER' SON, Administrator de bonis non of the Estate of Alice Ashworth, u. LOWE, deceased; and Defendants NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE To be sold at Sheriff's sale at the front door of the County Court House in the city of Nephi. Coun ty of Juab, State of Utah on the 20th day of November, 1937, at the hour of 11 o'clock A M. of said day the following described real property, situate in the County of ouaD, state oi Utah, to wit: Lots 1, 2, 3. and 4. of block 64. Plat A, Nephi Survey of Building tots, JuaD county, Utah. Together with Certificate Num ber 2821 for three (3) shares of stock in the Nephi Irrigaton Com pany, a corporation.. Together also with all water rights, rights of way, easements hereditaments, rents, privileges, and appurtenances thereunto be longing, however evidenced, used or enjoyed, with said land or belonging to the same. Purchase price payable in lawful money of the United States. Dated at Nephi Utah, this 28 day of October, 1937. H. K. MELLOR, Sheriff of Juab County, Utah. By R. E. WINN t. Deputy. Dates of publlcat' .a, October 28, November 4, 11 aid 18, 1937. Nine Wo will arrange to finance a new roof on the PREVENTABLE An Inch of Page Red Cross Replaces Farm Family Losses The Red Cross gave agricultural rehabilitation to 10,116 farm families following the severe eastern floods of last winter. Types of aid included feed, seed, livestock, farm tools and machinery and other Items essential to agricultural productivity. More than $599,000 was expended by the organization to meet these requirements. In addition to occupational assistance, rural families hard hit by the flood waters were rescued, clothed, fed and sheltered by the Red Cross. Where It was necessary the Red Cross repaired and rebuilt barns and other structures. Medical and nursing care were provided and homes refurnished. Red Cross agricultural rehabilitation benefited nearly three times as many families as received all other types of Red Cross occupational rehabilitation combined. Last year the Red Cross Intro an accident check list to 1- 000,000 American homes. The list told how hazards in the heme might be eliminated and the work of inspection was done by householders themselves A like program of home accident prevention is being conducted this year. No gangway for mere WINTER fast-flowin- OIL-PLAT- E Write for "The Story of GERM 7 Instant safety with 'OIL-PLATA- NS Long, skinny oil passages. Pinhole filter screens. Almost invisible spaces between the parts even in worn engines. There's what any oils are up against trying to flow all through your cold engine "instantly." Even if some lay claim to flowing as fast as your correct Winter grade of Conoco Germ Processed oil, what of it? ...They absolutely cannot your engine. is actually ready And to lubricate' long before any known oils duced oils. q f faintly hope to circulate! Before you even approac' is i car, top of your engine, lr. Process action. This slippy PLi f OIL-PLATIN- G J job for starter ruinous Win V Conoco your gradV' f r r ! |