Show New Library To ToBe ToBe ToBe Be Open During Duping Commencement To visitors and alumni alum alum- ni during Commencement week the George Thomas Library will be reopened reopened reopened re re- opened for inspection on Sunday June 2 from 5 to 9 p p. p m m. and on Monday and Tuesday June 3 and 4 from 1 to 5 p. p m. m according to Miss Esther Nelson librarian Designed by Ashton and Evans architects the new library is one of the most up to date in the country Consisting of a basement and three floors the building has hasa a seating capacity of 1200 persons and a stack capacity of books with provisions for expansion I sion if necessary The engineering library the re receiving receiving receiving re- re room one stack room and the university press occupy the basement floor On the first floor are two stack levels two reserve book rooms the medical library the treasure room and one lecture lecture lecture lec lec- ture room for library classes The main reference room the cicula- cicula tion desk the periodical room the administration offices es and one stack room are situated on the second second second sec sec- ond floor The TIle third story consists of a graduate reading room the I IEdward Edward Rosenbaum Memorial li library library library li- li five seminars and twelve 1 studies The latter will be mainly J for temporary assignment to faculty faculty faculty fac fac- members engaged in research 4 problems The library in the Park will undergo extensive remodeling during the summer and will be occupied occupied occupied oc oc- oc- oc thereafter b by the School of Law Plans for the formal opening to take place next fall nIl are not yet complete However the building I 1 will be used during the summer I school session |