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Show v ' -" IK GEKBHAL. A Stock iu the Sutro . tunnel can be bad for $10 per share, and is unassessable. -- AND m& betfeemb, Boise City went into effect on the 1st of May. The Richmond furnace at Eureka is turning out four tons of $400 bullion per day. I : ... f, White laborers on the Northern Pacific Railroad have been'dischaiged, and their places ..filled by Chinamen. , f-ll'- ? f fr T H! ! And I D. W. PARKHURST teg-- Proprietor. every da f b i. i ' U Helena SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS Will SEA-- ! 1 - : ItrATTT U GEORGE r vTio, LVJ-V et if -- I q' -- ' FENCING 7t ''. 1x6 I . ' I .1 s I Kte- -: S . my2-dt- - r s , J J Foreign 1 .7 a. m Appetiser. ... .8 a m Digester. , , i .r Proprietors and Manufacturers of Koehnes , l it ' 1 Ro; e M-N- rap, Ight ' t s vA my2-d3- i .' f HI Y ONE-IIAL- si' Madam Speawr BLOCK WE8T OF DEPOT, F . .t otaH. .v EW YOllK Witlioiit v lators. COMPANY. These combined furnished and fitted Bitters, Ci Bath House, THROUGH TICKETS at all principal Ticket Office to the Northwest and Louth went, and at tlieCouiix-nyOffice, No. 56 Clark street, Chicago. Can bo procured FARE. F. E. MOUSE, Gcnel Western IoMenger AgenLChiutgo. my2dftwtf NE17 TRUNK LINE No. 93 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. Defiance Cigar Manufactory, Chicafl0 Burlnflton & RAILROAD LINE! Falstaff, Universal Standard , Success, Power of Fashion, Big Thing, The Golden Eagle Pelican, Game Booster, Legal Tender, TupUes, The Lotte Star, TAX RECEIPTS All Work Warranted to Give Entire Satisfaction, Both to Price and manner of Execution. . , Burlington,Keohuk. j the Choicest Cigars Galesburg, Log an sport, y Detroit, . By JOHtlSr 9 Toledo, OUR ASSORTMENT OF CARDS AND INKS Washington, I 1 Pune, 23ettiS2s M!lt Dinlng Cari , UutHifh and bandied I HOSE, ROPE, &C., MILLING, TUNING Hit A iUrT Sr a, ft E CtnM, CORINNE xny2-d3- -- v , iny5-d?- t i - Oocramento m 4 'y. I tv fTf via tbe Burlington BnP(C. Is aow running frf ISatkseouth, leading rn CShsI sf th afternoou c.wj2?W tfo vfo DAILY JOURriAL, W CITIES ACID ALL EASTERN H A RDW1 RE Powder j New York, Address, MOkTAxARTaXET, Pittsbu Baltimore, Albany, 2itf Tf IMPOSTERS OF ceive Libdies desiring Baths. Jndlatmpplh,hitt(lH 1 CHICAGO purchasers Orders from abroad solicited. Layfayctle, , Huntington, Hopltino Ci Co., 0--0 ' - Mender in quantities to suit throughout the city to , Anywhere, Delivered l. every morning CHANG11 Tbe Shortest and most Desirable llotitc As Cold and Clear as can be Produced i.- , WITHOUT Ice! Ichl! Ice!!! Etc. Etc., Pwpr Is the Most Extensive Ever to the Territory. Brought r BATES re- COUNCIL BLUFFS TO CHICAGO I Gulliver, tFd6m DAILY! TWO EXPRESS TRAINS Ml And various other brands of RlVW ClieeQUri 1 -o- ? will parson ally s myd-dd- AND - - ,,rf SSSWWKMEf" 1855. BRANDS t Etc., with elaborate and clegantl; DAY AND NIGHT COACHES, W. A. PRIOR. ESTABLISHED 1855. tulb aid Millers Patrnftloupler and Plntfsrm Baker A Smith's Patent fC'ar Heater Creamers Patent Safetv Brakes, and Car-nil- s" Celebrated Sam Brown Shirt Hade a Specialty. j Olioii"-o- . Passenger train on this lino ar equipped all modem improvements for the comfort salcty of passengers, snch aa Manufacturers of Fine Furnishing Goods 1 tiOTlkb COLD OFFICE C0RIHHE, - I v t M AND IMPORTERS AND SCHOOL REPORTS m IL X7, P, SPEHCEIl, - Tr-- st p.-- m J Barber IShop , , 4 SAINT LOUIS pm-Soc- ial -- ' j . my5-d6- Cleveland, Buffalo, Rochester BROWN & PRIOR, WAER STREET, . tr RUBBER 8AM. BROWN. BALL CARDS. .i't TciHICAGO. l f J e e Drink. m 5 p. Invigorator. . i.O m 6 p. Solid Straight. r :T. p4 nCkit ctwtt S p. m Fsuacy Smile. a i '! V ft' .1 j. j b 9 p. m Bntre Acte; German - . 111 SOUTH 4 CHICAGO, GRAND RAPIDS, mj6-dG- m 0- -0 WINES, LigilOrSyl i": RUNNING THROUGH BETWEEN lor A. AND Importers and Jobbers of k lO a. m Refresher. If, a. m Sti milant. j v Hi i it ti 12 31 Ante Lnneh. 1 P. M Sftjtler. v i j Smyth. H p. m A La 3 p.' in Cooler. it. CORINNE. f Advantage to give me a Call before Purchasinf Elsewhere. SWETT LEONARD & CO., ry Neds Time Table for OF St., New Bat-cla- y BLANK NOTES Gang Plows, Warehouse, near the Depot, - great m Ho. 174 Water St. HEW YORK. Mowers, FARM MACHINERY. -- ts ' y t 11 Reapers, xnr-f- c.g Builders loitt find it to their t I Defiance, The Lion, Sulky Rakes, Grain Drills, Plows, Cofjxxe. HAYWARD -- AND- BILLS BUFFALO. & WiF All the principal Railway of the North west and Southwest connect at Chicagu with the MANUFACTURED BY THE d Self-Raki- ng I CHICAGO RUBBER BOOTS, PRICES CURRENT ALSO I a. m Big Reposer. ... i 'J1' 5 for sale R. R. BETWEEN COLCHESTER LECTURES, AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES. Mo"'r LIICHIGAtl SOUTHERN SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED and ball tickets, election SERMONS AND OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, t Utah. AND 173 Pearl St., Boston. s, . , - Omaha. f LAKE SHORE Wales, Emmons & CO., WAlRlLLo AlSD lACro, And all kinds of the best and latest improved 1 the Art , 6 PHOTOGRAPHS and VISITING CARDS Aso a Full Stock of tc-- 1 9 tv, I n and Carriage Material Wage i ' ' 1 6 A. M Rye Opener. - ' , I ALHAMBRA SALOON, .- I iny2-dt- Particular attention paid to orders by mail. 39 AND CHECK BOOKS, RECEIPT. ... . Wa8n yood I e,.4 Etc , , s " Tim-- 1 - ..!. ' WINDOWS, ,i 1 RAILROAD AND STEAMER BOOKS, Wagon Covers, all size. D6rS ' --OF- ,M A . l Scantling and Mining I ;OF.THEt lO ' 1 West ai the best and most reliable wagon made, and are WARRANTED IN EVERT RESPECT. - ,r . FRANCIS COLTON, General Ticket Agent, RUBBER BOOTS & SHOES, Bail road and Steamer Chech, IVtne and Liquor Label, Waybill and Tags, Sliuttlers Chicago Wagons T"Tprrl t- j NED LEWIS, Proprietor i- - and-Handbill- at reasonable prices. - my2-d3- Programme Billhead and Circular , Show Card and Posters, THE CELEBRATED Always on hand and for sale T. E. SICKLES, C. W. MEADE, v CIOTiOTtS the Bost Sty Omaha, LAKE SHORE LINE my2dtf I . - In J LOWE, ", - - Corinne, - better liquor than l . 1 A. A FULL 8TOCK OF CTTfxtirTT,Q txJJlliD, j V BETWEEN FOURTH AND FIFTH , ATiTi omts, General Superintendent, OumU. Breeden & Southwick, Corinne, - - Utah. feJLiJLJN (jT, J FTYHI 'REFEREE HAS DECIDED TlfAT THE X Astor House Saloon, New York City, sells no , - OF I ALL BETS OFF,! - - WAG0W DEPOT PINE AND REDWOOD -- 650 Broadway, N. X. SUCH AS . , ; LODGE. TTVT deer lodge. . . ' DEER I ON FREIGHT H. BROWN SON. MONTANA STREET, JOB PRINTING in CORINNE, HELENA AND Offices 5 i. " I f .. , GOODS. CHICAGO. 49 TO r. , , t RATE8 FOR THROUGH and Ac- to Montana, Sweetwater Mines and other apply to PROSPECT. a also-ru- HELENA I lvm. redwood finishing HER. I ! Drawing Roam Can company all Trains. OR FROM ' ' veraber, 1863, he waf appointed a Major AND LENGTHS! General of Volunteers. He remained ALL, $IZES " "" I - ' ' close the of the until in the Army war, I when he resigned and returned to civil , , 9 life in his native Ssate. rThe President I . , , . r ' ! ! r. I . 0 has the thanks of the people of Wyomfit this for appointeminently making ing, ; Cbeaip jaaTthe Ia,Ily Line . and marched with his regiment to the field. His distinguished success early attracted special attention, and in No- - . aw i i .following information in relation to our new-- Marshal:' Major General Robert H. Milroy, the newly appointed Marshal 'of Wy owning, is a native of Indiana, of which State he was a prominent citizen and active politician for many years ' ii' At convenient points on the line. FREIGHT, HUNT PINE UJUL 1 IlOUSEg Assistant General Superintendent. for tiie delivery to any point in Montana. i Rock Coun-Blufl- oiAsa EATING AND EVERYTH INO FOR A COMPLETE OUTFIT TO Warerooms, k Terms will be t General Freight Agent, J. BAUER & CO. -o- ,'Tre Tribune of Cheyenne, gives the , nasr - 49 69 Washington Street, goNED SUGAR PISE, , t ' V 11 blla'rs. i ', 'i AND TO THE TRADE. P. P. AND E. LINE. m - I region m 1870 exceeded fifteen millionsof tons, and, estimating fthe price realized for this coal' by the miners and transportation companies at $6 per ton, the total value of the anthracite coal last .year was over ninety millions Drinks , 4 Farming Implements. llnving lanre connections with the most prominent House in Europe, and facilities for the manufacturing of Goods not attainable by any other house, we are enabled to oiler made , e s Ialand and Pacific and St. Joaeuh and cil nf Railroads, and Missouri River Line Packets to and from all principal Eastern ' nd Southern Cities. Gold Pama, Gold Scales, ttwtekatlver, Catalogues of Fianos, Organs. Melodeons, or Musical Mercliandise, will be sent to any address upon repaired. application. All kinds of Instruments Pianos Pianos sold on easy terms. Second-han- d taken in exchange tor new ones. Contracts ' i 5 1 ith Chicago and Northweatern, Chicago, INSTRUMENTS ! ! HOUSE FURHISHIHG MUSICAL Cheapest. East. The production of the anthracite coal . i) ' KIND OF AND EVERY ! MARK GOODS CARR OF; JtS6' I - I J a BAUD mSTBUHENTS, STBXNQS. -o- . ui'vf u I I . O IsA Al H A. w t f Pnllmaai Palace, Sleeping of -o- I'l'' Oregon. Pine JTlooiinj rThet following r? y kjis Direct communication made' at ; ROCKER DIPPERS, PICKS, Manufacturers and Importers . Corinne to Li n feiture of all privileges. The Georgetown (Colorado) Miner iO ays'The4mibes of Georgetown never looked better than they now do. The tunnels are all bound to be a success, and 'mineral i rich iir silver and lead is tfovr as cotehlOn as sandstone in the , 0 f 5 BUILDING "MATERIAL w of the Sea. Avoiding the danger SPUING POINT SHOVELS, FROM f 1 .... '" e i IN LESS THAN FOUR DAYS! . EIGHT DAYS ALL KINDS OF 1 North Frost Street, 4 - SHEET COPPER, ROCKER IRONS, J.BAUER&CO., TRUCKEE, - I PACIFIC COAST 1 ' Is k Arctic basin. . " Tbe Nevada Legislature, in granting Rough Lumber from charters to nfew railroads, provides that no Chinese; shall in anvsway be employed upon the roads, either in constructing or operating them, under penalty of for-- SIERR a. VALLEY CLEAR I Copper HOTELS to 800 feet deep,' .moving northward, and the stratum below, of icy coldness, moving southward from the , of Tin, i water,-tO- O ' X ! 4 , Am TBl ; the Season. i ... l r The latest experiments in the Atlantic Ocean show au' under stratu in of, warm 14 r RAILROAD to Cali&inU LSOs and. Continue During t f 1 ,! , PACIFIC AU XUS ,r SHEET - IRON WARE. for B. Shoninger St Cos and the Gold Medal, Silvea Tongue, E. P. Needjdm A Son, Church and Parlor Organs and r-- a i t ' i - Impletnonfo -A- f vTT T K CKITOAL ining ' S llak 'new' 4 - v Forming In connection with the s AND BN AGENTS On and After April lO,. 1871, i K'OT , f -' Through to San Francipco mm ci HELENA AND DEER LODGE - i Xf J ' i s I DAIRY i PASRENCtER , TRAIR AND H&nnfctnrers & lift g. commit suicide. . Five Years S FOR LUMBERYARD, FOR CASH! ment ,S , ? n LOW t i t' A f t ; nil (i f, s , All Instruments sold by ns are fully warranted for OOIRIILsriTIE ' :, Southern Germany.-if'?, ?Thf richest copper mine on the Pa CONSTANTLY ON HAND Vific coast is to be found in Unionville. i i It assays 95 per cent, copper, and conworktains enough silver to pay for the AND FOR SALE, , ing of the ledge. f "The freighting business from Winne-mucc- a t , r to Silver and Boise City, says the Humboldt Register, is opening finely. During 'the last two weeks large mule and ox teams heavify laden with merchandise have departed daily from that ;r point to the northern country, Last Wednesday morning, Dr. Torbet, editor of the Kansas City News, died from the effects of morphine administered. by ,his own, hand, with- - intent to - Z 4 IRON, STOVES, NAILS, PIANO FORTES LEAVE -- - i esiat 1 $1,-000,0- 00 ' 'ja - n Other First Class Ik. Post-offic- self-sustainin- A $ PlatteXcUoy t Route . - . Wm. Knabe & Co., -- TRUCKEE & C0RINNE i iQa- -J rt r .Proprietor,, WILL X J - , v f For the Celebrated t now to be about libel that the London J'imesAa always submitted to an able t lawyer before it is issued. f The amount of water delivered daily jin.Pioche by companies and individuals, is 5,700 gallons, at an 'average price of five cents per. gallon ora total daily cost of $385. e .The Department is congratulating itself on the increased prospect of1 making' the postal service It is found that the revenue . thereof for the present fiscal year is more thanjt was last year. A three-foo- t ledge of $600 ore has 'been struck in the" shaft of the Oregon mine on Lander Hill, Austin, and the Reveille says the prospects of the several companies were never ' better than at present. Laramie city is said to be the nicest town in the Territory of Wyoming. Its daity Sentinel shows life and thrift that ' is! truly creditable.1 Sacramento is to have gasoline lamps in her streets ; $4 50 for each lamp is the monthly cost, and- ' 100 are t toI "i be v Ij .erected, i ii The German correspondent of May 6, says that the movement headed by Dr. Dollinger continues to, gain ground in Nrapfootcreitb 1 , , rjiLso, Shcl? end Heavy IlardLuro, , " r r t 'y ' ui Also Geniral Agents HUGH KIRKENDALL, I have English newspapers cakiul ;I?fc35ao EXPRESS LINE ! T 1Sb J m i t J. DOl & G3. J- i I . . J ? RETAIL D3ALER3 IN AND W1IOLOALB T j, ! f . cs FAST FREIGHT .., v " ' MONTANA LUMBER! CORttlttE DAILY JOURNAL, , kouc, n A attentlen. t 9 $ |