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Show J ft CORINNE DAILY JOURNAL. Friday Horning, June 2, 1871. EEBUBLICANIgM IN UTAH. Republican institutions bare been established in Utah from the time when the Pioneers unfurled the -- stars and stripes to the mountain winds, so far as a niggardly Government would permit ; and if any true Republican institutions are lacking here, it is in consequence of the repressive policy pursued towards a people, who, more than any other in America, venerate the Constitution as framed by the fathers. Junction. Yet your leader, Brigham Young,- - no longer ago than at the last Conference, held the following language, namely : You ask the kingdoms of the world if they have such an organization as the Kingdom of God, and they will tell you they have not. They have no organization amongst them so perfect and complete. Well, is it right for the people of the world to elect their presidents and rulers? Yes, if they wish to. For four years 7 Yes, or for one year, or for six months, or one month, if they wish to; but when the Lord appoints presidents, He does not change them every month Should or year, or every four years. ? should not. No. they they be changed Should they be changed in human governments ? No, they should not; and the nation that would delight in a good government, the best possible for its preservation and strength, should its organization, after the Kingdom of God on the earth. Here are our tribunals and courts ; and our courts are courts of error, to judge every matter and cause according to its merits. and demerits. But here in Utah that is such a terrible thinsr.- - I wouid ask : Who is that man, and where is the power and what is the power ? It is the power of Him who brought us into existence', -- and He is the Max who wields it, and is He the Eather of us all, and the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Maker aud Possessor of this earth that we inhabit, and is the producer of all things upon it. Is He one ? Yes. Is His trinity one ? Yes. Is His organization one ? Yes. Are the Heavens one? Yes, although we have a short account in what are called the scriptures of truth, that on a certain occasion there was a little confusion in Heaven. The Lord has revealed something of this in these latter days. What was the result ? One-thirpart of the hosts of Heaven walked out. I do not think the election lasted a great while, if they had two candidates, and it appearsthey had ; and I do not think they stopped very long at the polls, or were very long counting the votes to find out who would be President or who would not, for they turned them Was there any reason for this? out. -- pat-tcrn7- in one-man-pow- er d Would iKbe democratic to get up an election in Heaven and have opposition? Why yes, according to the feelings and understandings of the political world it would be very democratic ; but I would say to the political world, if they were before me, that the opposition they are to promote contains the seeds of the destruction of the government that we live in. This is the plant or tree from which schism springs ; and every government lays the foundation of its own dowufall when it permits what are called democratic elections. If a party is formation the of one developed, spirit will followed be speedily by anoparty ther ; and furthermore, the very moment that we admit this, we admit the existence of error and corruptionsomewhere. Where is it ? Right points out its hiding place, and says that truth, and truth only, will endure, and that falsehood and corruption and error of every description are from beneath are of the enemy; and the Lord Almighty suffered this schism in Heaven to see what His subjects would do preparatory to their coming to this earth, which we need not talk about But the division did not take place in those who were redeemed from the earth and exalted and brought up into the presence of the Father and the Son, to live in their presence and in their glory, and be partakers of their power. But it was among auother class, and we are now in the midst of them. Your institutions are framed in accordance with this idea. They are theocratic, not republican, authority with you, is derived from any other source than the people. Your ideal government is through apostles, prophets and priests ; blasphem ously laying claim to infallibility, and treasonably to absolute and universal jurisdiction in things spiritual and temporal ; holding its decrees to be of greater force and validity than those of Congress. It is true you have the form and semblance of an American State in Utah, but that is only because you cannot avoid it If you were stron- g- enough the power that sa-anxi- ous to-da- . y. forces you to keep up the farce would he defied without a moments hesitation, and the play would cease. You have done the next best thing, however, filled the high places of what you call The State with priests, andlised the entire institution as au inquisitorial machine for the enforcement of conThe law of the Church is de formity.facto the supreme law of Utah, and the dignitaries of the Church are the administrators of the government of Utah. Yet you talk about republican institutions existing in Utah ! 9 MM 9 The Chicago Journal, remarking upon the case of Rev. Mr. Chenev, savs : We have achieved here in Chicago wbat England, with all her wisdom, influence and wealth, has failed to establish a church without a Bishop. Rev. Mr. Cheney has cut the gordian knot, and his church is alike free, henceforth, from the visitations of the Bi&hop, the benefits of Episcopacy und the penalties of its canon-. EVANSTON. Charley Crocker, of the C. P. road, is expected at Evanston on the 5th or 6th, when and where there is to be a meeting of the Directors of the Rocky Mountain Coal and Iron Company. Owing to the excellent quality of the Evanston coal, and to the enterprise and energy of its owners, it is rapidly coming into general use on the Pacific Coast. A gentleman living in Sacramento informs us that last winter he could get Evanston coal delivered in his cellar for $14 a ton. At the same time oak wood was worth $13 a cord, and he regarded one ton of the coal, from actual experiments, as being equal to three cords of. said wood. The mine is now managed immediately by Charles S. Deuel. Among the improvements lately made are the extending of the track down the river, so as to allow of loading cars from new headings, putting in a steam pump, building stone engine house, etc. The vein in both the old headings is thirty-tw- o feet in thickness. Chinamen have lately been put into the mine instead of the white labor heretofore employed. We gather a part of this from Evanston correspondence of the Laramie Sentinel, which notes further the expectation of the people of Evanston that the California Pacific will make its junction with the Union at Evanston instead of in this Bakin, and the gradual resumption of turn-tablwork on the round-housside tracks, etc. e, e, - 1 CUN DURAN GO. We announced a few days ago the discovery of a cure for cancer, in the juice of a South American wood called cundurango. Our Minister at Quito, E. Rumsey Wing, Esq., writes : A certain Indian woman near Quito, desirous to relieve her husband forever from the agony of a terrible internal cancer, which was killing him by inches, determined to poison him at once with the juice extracted from the wood of a plant well known among them as a poison, and called cundurango. Instead of dying, he felt relief. Still unsuspicious of its curative properties, she dosed him thoroughly, in hopes to kill him, when it unexpectedly became apparent that he was recovering. His complete cure led to the immediate trial of the plant by many others, and with the best results, apparently, in all cases. Fifty pounds of the cundurango root, leaves and bark, have been forwarded for analysis to the physicians of New York, Paris and London, by whom 'further experiments and tests will soon be made. From some or all of these sources we cannot fail to get some satisfactory information very soon. The mere fact that the substance is a virulent poison when administered to persons in health, predisposes physicians to believe that it possesses the strong powers claimed for it as a neutralizer of these virulently poisonous diseases. Speaking of the advocacy of free love the Salt Lake Herald says : It is not liberty ; it is license, and leads to the most ignoble slavery that of the appetites and lusts. It is a proposition to sanctify by approbation a looseness of morality which would require a keen casuist to show a distinction between that and prostitution. It would render the marital relationship a farce, destroy the holy ties binding father and offspring, and open a door for a flood of fearful evils to overflow the earth. It is a wonder that it never occurs to the Herald to apply this kind of denunciation to polygamy, which in the judgment of the civilized world is precisely ( for men what free love is for women, and has the same effect on the marital vitiates it. But Burns relatiou, would never have needed to say that bright thing of his had some power given us the gift to see ourselves as others see us. In the same article the Herald says : Apart from the social bearing of the subject it has assumed a political aspect, and must be treated as any other Ah indeed Thats political question. whats the matter with polygamy, preto-wi- t, 1 cisely. 1 The parties who had a cargo of hogs in Zion, recently, for sale, found a mar- ket for them at Truckee, whence they immediately returned for another lot. They contracted with a gentleman to deliver them twenty tons of corn at Truckee from Ogden, it being cheaper to do so than to get it in California. How long will California, Nevada, and Utah, continue to import hogs and corn, butter and cheese, nearly all the products of agriculture in fact? When this question can be answered No Longer, No Money will cease the complaint o in oar towns and business marts. TELEGRAPHIC! mOhiocoum daily joiaxal fob xxpoetxd specially WXSTXXJC BT IU OOMPAJIY. London, June 1. The Standard ?s special s&ys Favre has resigned. Frankel and Fontain, members of the Commune, have been arrested. Marquis Gabriac goes to Berlin on the third as French Ambassador. Interdictions against egress and ingress in Paris have been removed. Ottawa,. June 1. Government pa pers seem to foreshadow the intended policy of Sir John A. MacDonald and Cabinet with reference to the Washington Treaty. The Times says neither the Government of Ottawa as a whole, nor Sir John A. MacDonald as First Minister, are committed to the treaty. They have taken care to reserve to themselves the most complete freedom of action in the matter. Citizens say that Sir John A. Macdonald displayed sound judgment in avoiding extreme and taking a moderate course, as understood by his signing the treaty with reluctance and reservation. Washington, June 1. Baron Gerolt has not yet obtained leave of his Government to return to Germany. Sir Edward Thornton has obtained leave of Her Majestys Government, and will take passage with bis family for Europe on the 24th inst. The appeal of the New York Central Railroad Company against the recent decision of Commissioner Pleasanton, has been referred by Secretary Boutwell to the Solicitor of the Treasury, in order to obtain his opinion as to whether such appeal can be made, as preliminary to final action on the subject. Public debt decrease the past month was $4,439,358. St. Louis, June Jim Mace, with 1. his trainer, Jim Cusick, Dick Hollywood, the referee, and several bruisers, left this city last night for Kansas City. It is said a fight has been arranged to take place there between Jack Madden and Yankee Sullivan, a novice from the West. . An excursion party from the East, embracing several gentlemen largely interested in the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad, will arrive at Omaha on Monday, en route to San Francisco, where a conference will be held with prominent Californians, when the location of the Atlantic and Pacific road will be determined. Columbus, Ohio, June 1. The Democratic State Convention met here The attendance is very large. Vallan-dighais on the Committee on Resolutions. Memphis, June 1. The Little Rock Gazelle has gloomy accounts of the crop prospects, owing to incessant rains and lute frosts. Many plantations have been plowed up and planted in corn. to-da- y. m ports of the Committee on taxes were laid on the table, and resolutions adopted that the matter cf special deposits be left to the States themselves, with only the recommendation from the Committee that when & deposit of not less than $100,000 is required by the laws of one State for the benefit of all policy holders, it is unwise and unnecessary to require additional deposits in any other State. Resolutions condemning attempts to dictate to State insurance officers on the part of persons represent special interests or individual companies, excited a long discussion, and were finally laid on the table. Christopher Baltimore, June 1. was Trantfellow, a detective, fatally shot y opposite Barnums Hotel, by Thos. Goodrich, who had drawn a pistol intending to shoot his brother. London, June 1. Prince Napoleon has written a letter to Favre, censuring the men wbo proclaimed the decheance of the Emperor, and formed the Government of the fourth of September last, to-da- and demanding of existing authorities a plebiscite for determining the future of France. It is now positively announced that Gen. Leflo will go to St. Petersburg in the capacity of French Ambassador. Washington. June 1. The sub-Comittee of the Kuklux Congressional m Committee will commence the examination of witnesses Among those summoned is Judge Orr, of South Carolina. It is the intention to obtain only the general view of the condition of the South, particularly since the passage of the Kuklux law, and to make a report to the full Committee, to meet here on the 20th of September, which will then w. 1. sub-Committ- ee cnrsncwA u, y ceedingly well. Wells, Fargo & Co., shipped on May 27th, and 28th, through their Agent, B. F. Sides, by the way of Salt Lake, bullion amounting to $28,538 77. The jumping match for $500 a side, between Major OKeefe and Jeff Walker takes place between the hours of 2 and 4 oclock, at McClures Four Mile House. There ii no foolishness about this match the best jumper wins. The Major has a reputation at stake and will do his prettiest to maintain it. to-da- y i coriTArm otoeet, - CORINNE, UTAH. Trtiyelero will And this Houoo Equal to any in the Territory. ' t All Kail and Cxpreee CmcIn atari firms Cits Hoi The Ely Record of the 14th nit. gives the returns of the Assessor of Lincoln county for the quarJTJEtJSm BUSH ter ending March 31st, from which it is tO AND seen that the mines of Ely district produced 6,204 tons of ole during that peFROH Tins CAES, riod, which yielded the sum of $697,550, giving au average value per ton for the ! ore worked of $96.82. The Record claims Ely district as second only to The But is Stocked eeitk the Best Virginia City as a bullion producing section of the State, and outsiae of Vir- WINES, and LIQUORSCIGARS. ginia as second to none in the State. It estimates that over $500,000 were lost last quarter by the present process of ta IT The table is always suppKed with the bat the market. working, and thinks that with the Stete-felAS Neatly burnished rooms aad food, clea, furnaces, which are now in course of beds. my2dtf erection, that additional amount per uarter can be saved hereafter. It WALLACE & CO, tliinks that with three of those furnaces, Ely district would crowd a million dollars very close every quarter with the Utah. Corinne, - four mills now in operation. The Santa Fe Post remarks s The JOBBERS IN prospects for this Territory for the comthan ever before. ing year are brighter because of the inMining promises, creased supply of water and the increase of onr mining population, to be more reductive than it ever has been in the E istory of New Mexico. The season FRO ViEIOlfSr thus far has also been unusually favorable for a splendid agricultural yield. LIQUORS, The Indians, we think, will either be induced to come in and occupy reservaTOBACCO, tions or be conquered into peace Lincoln County. dt Sisson, - GROCERIES, Chinese Goods. CHINA i to-da- y. to-morr- NEW MIDNIGHT REPORTS. Montana Dcaleri L. Demers, Kirkendell's block. II. A. Gunn, Manufactory, Montana street. TO OUR J. Strauss k CoJ, Montana Street. Butcher Shops. Market, D. J. Ileyfron, Kirkendall's block, North Front strsjt. R. Martin k Son, Montana street. C. P. Builders Material. D. W. Farkhurst, west of depot. Commission. I Largo Btoclt J Iluntoon, San Francisco. Ellsworth k Southern, Kelton. 1. D. Dentist. Druggists. Orders promptly filled. llurlbut Bros., Montans street. PRINCIPAL OFFICES I Doctors. J. W. Graham M. D. Montana street. Mrs. H. K. Painter, B. II. Depot. R. R. Roberts, M. D., Salt Lake City. Dry Goods. k Bro., Montana street. P. J. Farwell, Montana street. Sisson, Wallace k Co., Montana street. Ad. Kuhn 226 California Street, Sam Fraud 3T Beeomd Street, - - Sacramed 4 irtchlgam Avenne, - - Chlcsf L. Demers,' Kirkendall's block. Farming Implements. Geo. A. Lowe, near depot. Gerrish A Miles, Montana street. O. D. w. je2-3- fr Montane coming to Corinna, are requeued to call and examine Stock and Prices. Goods. Gilmer & Salisbury8 STAGE & EXPRESS LINE FROM Richmond, Montana street. J. Strauss k Co., Montana street. Hotels A. N. TOWNE, GenT Supt. T. II. GOODMAN, GenT Passenger Agent. Purchaser J. W. McNutt k CoM Montans street, Furnishing Fairs case. i any Harket Clothing. Montana street. k Co., Dr. H. Hadley, Montana street. Point! as can he laid dowm here tram M. Barrett, Montana street. D. Conway, Montana street. Sisson, Wallace k Co., Montana street, llansohoff k Co., Montana street. Sisson, Wallace This ' Oftr them our Goods at as low Agur Crockery and Glassware. I. at AND Sisson, Wallace k Co., Montana street. House furnishing D. Conway. Brown and Prior, Chicago. Philip Wadsworth k Co., Chicago. San Francisco, June 1. The Fifteenth District Court has been engaged all day in hearing affidavits in support of the motion for defense for a new trial will commence Carter's Drssatic Corip-ngave in Piocha n to good perlbnsanee on Saturday night Tfca perfbrcczca gave general satisfaction, and all tgxse that with the facilities at hand to put a play on the stage, the company did exi Hotel, Business Directory. m Determined efforts, with some show of success, are being made to impeach Beach, one of the jurors. Arguments on motion for new trial tki otrppolitan 1 m in Mrs. oche, Nev., speaks very encouragingly district. of the crinea in determine whether. the shall be sent to particular localities to take testimony. New York, June 1. Frederick A. Lane, one of the directors of the Erie CLOTHING, Railroad, has resigned for the purpose of accepting the direction of operations HARDWARE, People visiting this city to trade, or sending for upon the new road to be constructed find from Rio Janeiro to the Pacific, by a goods, or desiring anything from here, will AND the following list valuable for reference, and can A of corps party of English capitalists. rely upon being honorably and fairly dealt with of been have by going to or sending to any of these parties. organized part engineers Academy. which are already on their way to Brazil, Mountain Female Academy, Rev. E. E. Bay Rocky the rest will soon follow. Lane intends lias, Principal. ( HAVING RESIDENT PARTNERS I- Xroute. Assayers. the entire surveying Salt Lake City. k Steamer Hansa, from Bremen, had a Ticrnan Williamson, Attorneys. Chicago and San Francisco, collision at 2.30 yesterday morning with E. P. Johnson, Corinne. D. J. Toohy, Corinne. barque Rhea, from Rotterdam for New Fitch k Mann. Salt Lake City. -I-MPORTING DIRECT FRO- MA. Salt Lake City. and sunk was Rhea lluggan, the York, Capt. Books and Stationery. Anderson and seven sailors were lost ; 0. H. Elliott, Montana street. AND JAPAN both mates and five seamen were saved. G. L. Holt, Post Office llnilding. Bankers. Pcnnsylvauia Central, New York Ccn Hussey, Dahler k Co., Corinne. Our fhcllftiee in Trade are mot eqaallrd tral and Erie Railroads have advanced Bank of Corinne, Billiard Hall. their rates on first class freight west, to by any other House Im the country. C. Kuney, Corinne. J. take effect O imp: Stone. A mass incetiug of citizens under the Utah Granite, Build street Fourth P. E. Wlnscheli, We Respectfully call the attentm Corinne. auspices of the Democratic Union, will Brewers. be held at the Cooper Institute City Brewery, Campbell k Stowell, Colorado street. OF evening, to protect against ratifica Montana Brewery, E. P. iusebell. Fourth street. Bath House. tion of Treaty of Washington. Senator Saint Lonts Bath House, H. W. P. Spencer, Montana street. Casserly and Mayor Hall are invited to Boots and Skoes. speak. The trial of E. M. Yerger, for the killing of Col. Crane, No more Mr.s. Woodiiull says: is now progressing at Jackson, Miss. babies, or at least a poor article this Defendants counsel moved to dismiss or the ballot. the case on the ground of former jeopardy in the trial by Military Commission. Special Notices. said trial Overruled on the ground that A WORD with the Traveler, SiKrtsinen, the was unconstitutional. Mnn of BiiMneMS, the Miner, the Immigrant and President Tourist, will find it to their advantage to renftin Washington, June 1. Grant and family, accompanied by Gen. over at Ogden, at the Ogden House, so as to be fresh to take trains for the East or Bait Lake Porter, left Washington this morning for U'e offer as good accommodations as any houseCity. in bis before Just Branch. departfrom to the and Utah Free hacks Long Territory. JOHN MAHON, ure, he made the appointment of Hon. depot. my20-3Proprietor. George Bancroft, to be Envoy ExtraorROBERTS, M. D., Physician and Surdinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to DR. R.Dr.R.Roberts treats successfully all Curable geon. the German Empire. Chronic Diseases, by Animal Magnetism and the This disposes of the report that Ban- Swedish Movement Cure giving medici nes only when croft was about to return to this country. absolutely necessary. Dr. Roberts has established his office on Second South street, opposite the Re The President also appointed Wm. H. vere House, Fslt Like City, permanently, until my20-3Clagett and Henry L. Warner, of Mon- further notice. to of Wm. H. and Texas, Parsons, tana, be Commissioners for celebrating the TO-DA- Y. Centennial Anniversary of American Central Pacific Railroad. Independence, at Philadelphia. THE VERT LATEST DISPATCHES. Vicksburg, June Piochs Items. The Record, t Pi Metropolitan Malsh k Greenewald, Proprietors, Montana street. Bear River House, E. A. Stahn, Proprietor, opposite the Depot. Masonic House, George Cbaplow, Proprietor, North Front street. 8ilver Star Hotel, Lewis Silvers, Proprietor, Mon-- ' tana street. 8alt Lake House, Tilden k Lawrence, Belt Lake City. Ogden TO A VIRGINIA CITY, HELENA, AND FORT BEITOL MONTANA Ho W hat Cheer House, Washington, Junel. The public Front street. ' Carrying the since decrease shows a statement debt Dakerli Horace Greeley made a speech in City Bakery, P. W. Schulte, Proprietor, Front! Galveston, Texas, on political topics on March 1, 1871, of $2,215,746 62 ; since street. STBA TILE & CO.S AND Unton Bakery, George Hanf, Proprietor, Montana Saturday night to a large and attentive March 1, 1869, $22,263,290 75. street. exaudience in front of the hotel. He Halifax, June 1. The Washington for the sentiments of Wells, Fargo CooExprefl pressed friendship to be discussed by the continues WITH Treaty South, and a strong belief in the growth AaILC0J! & of the prosperity of Texas. He said he newspapers here. Patent Wire Cushions. Dslaacyi Various opinions are expressed re could and would testify that life and SILENT VJ FA2HLY mas .ooAcnra eowsjJJ! Patented November 23, 1869, in the United States safe here. the He tor Helena and Fort Beaton, Monjw are A fisheries. the of , the urged property and France In Belgium question oonnect with passenger trains, both cultivation of friendly feelings with the garding in March, 1870. Central Ifecilc Eallroat. crew are undergoing dai Halifax The ' The Champion of 13S first premiums la two Nonh, and declared himself in favor of in to Dll-Hurd Stock of competing the hand Largest SFWe keep on general amnesty as one means of bring- ly training preparatory Good Stocky Goodus on the Coast, and sell LOWER for It mm is stronger and less liable to rip thaa bethe about u better a race, arrangements coming yacht ing nderstanding than any Eastern House. Report of the Trial." tween the two sections. Orders solicited from the country for Tables, which are taking definite shape. d ,8?k New Coaches , samples of work eon- 1 .fopyt Cushions or Material kinds of stitches oa tk samo pitce National 1. The New York, June tdutojjboth . The Nevada State Journal contradicts JACOB STRAnLB tb CO. the reported drying up of the Steamboat Insurance Convention concluded its 563 Market street, csd QUICK AGEaTTOWANTICD. SAN FRANCISCO. Ocuntil and, adjourned Springs, saying it was a hoax started by business TIM. HENDEBSON,' s , CORNELL, WARD A COMINGS, the Enterprise to injure the proprietors tober next. ' S9-- California Veneers and Fancy 1S3 Lake CL, Chicago. Both the majority and minority re Wood of all kinds. business. mySdtm-wl- y myHtf BUY THE BEST BILLIARD TABLES United States a , piBBS i SEWING MACHINE. - Jg to-da- y, . . t i T0 . |