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Show THE SAET LAKE TELEGRAM. o CMyyv? . The Evening Telegram. DAVE YOUR Easiness ofSc Editorial rooms FEED ROLLED It costs but a little and it's worth a great deal. Forecasts till 6 p. m. Sunday, mountain time: The chain gang was augmented by the Local forecast for Salt Lake City and addition of a dozen recruits this mornvicinity: Fair tonight and Sunday; slighting. The recruits were drafted from the ly cooler tonight. ranks of petty offenders that appeared DENVER, Colo., June 27. UTAH: Fair before Judge Dlehl in the morning sestonight and Sunday; tocooler slightly sion of Police court. . " night:. W. C. Williams, an employee of the Waterworks department, was found WEATHER CONDITIONS. The barometer is highest over the mld-?- u guilty of having stolen twenty-si- x feet northern plateau, and lowest over of rubber hcx?e. His penalty was firteen the southern plateau, central Ml.stnstppl vanr and British .Northwest Territories. days in Jail. He pleaded to be sent to xfrecipltatton occurred over portions of the county Jail and h!s request wa Mtfnrl,i-TeOreon and Vashmjcton. It ai raiotng at the- time .granted. II. Joyce pleaded guilty to a charge of Of tba "luornhir report Bt. Loula. at were unimportant, being drunk. His rich Irish brogue won changes Tmprattre a rule. the Judge's heart, and a aentejjee of R. J. HYATT, three days was imposed. , .Local Forecast OfflclaL Ellen Mlnnettl was found gnillty of The Man on Meighn St. x - -- mm ,7 9 10 .o'clock 6 ....G7 ....72 ,...73 ,...75 ,...78 ....81 ,...82 ,...83 8. o'clock Dadaoaw 11 13 1 New WI! son o'clock o'clock o'clock o'clock - FRED WET. -- delphia. Washington. Chicago, neapolis, St. Louis and Cincinnati, SALT LAXB CITT. Rates: $100 to $3.00 day. Popular Priced Heat auroru. 200 Rooms, with Telephony Hot verdict in favor of the defendant in thi case of John M. Reynolds vs. Mr. P. J. Ionahue. The cao was appealed from Summit county and was to rmver for an alleged breach of contract. After considering the purchase of a bliok of mining stock valued at -- ?!. 25 the defendant her rnlnd before the tock was changed delivered. degrees degrees degrees deg. ees degrees degrees degrees degrees Temperatures Elsewhere. CHICAGO, June 27. Temperature a. m.: New York. 6: Boston, 68: 68; 64: EUROPE AN HOTEIfc A. Today's Temperature. o'clock o'clock . N Superabundance of Drunks Get Salty Doses in bunal Presided Over by Judpc Dichl. WEATHER FORECASTS. Bamb ercer Located in Heart of th ...............240 223 at Likes American Methods. Jnnsjke .JiRlr.o. a mining engln"r of Toklo. Japan, and n student of the Roval 7 Phila- Min- academy. Is In Salt Ike Investigating the methods by Americans In the treatment employed of copper nn.l He has visited smelters in Colorado. ore. Arl-roand Old llmko, and i greatly impressed with what he hn will spend several days visiting the Utah smelters. 62. pr and Cold Running Water. goM-hearln- na SNAP SHOTS AT Sbrtr ruvB.it; xtLiiu. tn HOME NEWS. IN EVERY DESCRIPTION OF JEWELRY. 7 j WHERE ARE THE CHIEFS? Beturns From Boise. ARGAIN5 Mrs. C. S. Nichols returned from Bol3e today. Today, tomorrow and every day. C. E. W. BOWERS. 2So Main Street. Will Sing Sunday Morning. I. Me'lvin will sing at the First Presbyterian church Sunday morning. Mrs. A. Italian Is Now Citizsn. No Frank Tooco, an lta'an, was yestrdiy S. W. admltted to citizenship by Judge Stewart. FLIES EYES The pesky fly Is fixed when it comes to his eyes. Heright has comCity Councilman William Waterfall of pound eyes many hundred eyes Mercur was made happy yesterday by the banded together. What cares he if arrival of a daughter in his home. one or two of them "go out" he has others. Not so with you, reader. When "Wedded in the Philippines. your eyes ail you, as a true philosHarold M. Pitt, formerly a resident of opher, you will NOT delay calling this citv, was married at Krmita. P. I.. cn a competent optician. Mav 20th, to Miss Alida Van Horebeker of St. Paul, Minn. 0. D. Main Street. 2S3 Word Has Been drunkenness and wa nentncM to Cve days in Jail. She will wash dishes. Edwin Hunt was found glilty of having carried a gun and will improve City Creek canyon scenery for five days. C. L. Westman, who had not been drunk for two wek. waa sentenced to ten days' Imprlsonm nt on a of drunkenneas. Ha was severelyrharg rtbuked by Judge rHhl for pleading- for mercy and aaklng that for the ali ef hla fam-ll- y he be dlcivarrd. H h4 thought of hla family too la4. J. t)cAt crwtvad up to bavtng jnirchaM a p&cka tbaccoK him 1W. la three It iria U Mrs ten day to reday. cover from t!ie,T acta. la th meantime h b pxer43w4 on tb chain gang. J. 1. Kr.zvr aald it wa a fact that ne rAA wan fmn.. ThU fatal, a .it. wltllnmrw him a Job for five days. J.' TV FiWp. undr similar cirrurmftanca. Vfth wtw medicine. - talked William irio too freely atout "the-- anveltenat Kureka" wher hla brother wfk-1- . jrnd.waa sentenced to serve flre VlayYfer drunknesa and thirty days fonvugrancy. .He had a bad looking gun whm arrested.Frank Dotton. 'crlpple. aald had r been drunk for. twenty-aiday and asesadll0. Anthony Teramltt wm grlef-rtri- r kn because he wtnt tn ilep in a, bull Jlng. and wai dlchrgM. John Horeniw-n-a drunk, to which h pleaded jruilty. ooat Mm three daya In service, and Mark Wei! waa toM to mark well the omirfa intenre of ten days on the gaxg for vagrancy. A number of nher drunk and vagrants were discharged or lhlr sentences were suspended in order that they might get out of town. tm "The Stationer," Purses we "Stiletto Pocket Cutlery.- Not a word has been receive! In this city from New York concerning the pending final settlement of the purchase of the southern brandies of the Short Line by the San Pedro, Ias Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad company. The party of Salt Lake route officials. Will Celebrate Bishop's Confirmation. V.. A. Clark, president of the Senator St. conducted at be will services Special honor of road; It. C Kerens. vl Merit ; J. Mary's cathedral tomorrowof in the confirmthe ixteenth anniversary Ilos Clark, second mu; Senation of Bishop Scanlan. ator Kearr.s and others left Salt Lake Friday. June 10th. Word was received Tuesday that the Goldberg Funeral Tomorrow. . who party had arrived in New York, but The funeral of Charles Ooldb-rgdied at Price. Utah, yesterday of chronic since then not a word has heard underfrom any of the members so far as can rartritls. will be heldD. from thetomorrow S. Evans be learned. taking parlors3 of afternoon at o'clock. Prior to his departure Senator Clark said that all that remained to be done Short Line Wins Its Case. to close the deal was to pay to the representatives of E. II. Harriman a sum acalnat M. C. Moon, svhich was brought to of money previously agreed upon. auiet title to thirteen acres of ground in This, he said, would be done June Gourlay additions. Judge Hall 23rd. Kinney &.decision. gave the Whether this has been dono or not It is Impossible to learn. All th.it is On. Divorce Mill Grinds known at the Short Line or Salt Lako Morse yesterday granted a deroute oKke3 is that no word has betn Judge cree of divorce to Eva B. Knuckey from received. of James T. Knuckey on the ground The couple were married at Baseball Sunday, 3:30. CalWs. on January 14, 1895. See the Japan iMylight Fireworks. Balmforth Obsequies Tomorrow. 6 p. m. Calder's, Sunday, The funeral of Charles Balmforth. who died of heart failure yesterday at the age of 73 years, will be held tomorrow afterSEinrON HOTEL. noon at 4 o'clock from the Seventeenth meeting-housward European and American Plan. Lake City's new hotel. The Ken. Salt Funeral of Street Car's Victim. yon. Large, superb anl incomparably was The funeral of Anciel Roper, who crushed to death undr a st.eet car Thurs-da- v night, will b held from the residence TZ0IT3 SAVINGS BAITS AND of the parents. No. 2 Cooper court, at 2 TRUST CO., o'clock tomorrow afternoon. non-Buppo- W. W. HALL, JEWELER. I SOUVENIRS AND VIEWS. 227 SOUTH MAIN. Kber VT. ICalL 0HL 'Phon you want? Wa haw it. V Y 80S. V, LUMBER CO-- , ST. SOUTH SECOND 0) W. COAL Y) & Colored Preacher Scores Success. The Rev. D. D. Cole of Oskaloosa. Kan , who has been preaching in the MethoMst colored church on Franklin avenue, has m-- t with success In werurtng converts and the congregation has been almost doubled. Police Arrest Four Men. If Leslie M. Heaven, P. H. MurryT Annie IS. Hurry, Ladies' Dept. ' M t TRIO OF ? OSTEOPATHS I j Auerbach. Res. !03 "ir ii . i.Ti- r ..a. ' ' 222 W. 2nd So. JJ rain gf 7 4500 Families characters wera Four suFpiclous-lookin- g arrested on the streets yesterday afternoon and when searched at the police station It was found that each was armed with a revolver. The men are strangers to the local police. Church Loses Lawsuit. George A. Edson won the suit broiight Church of Jesus Christ bv him agaiL.'. Saints to quit title to a of Latter-da- y plat A. The portion of lot 5, block ofIS. the church laid Fifteenth ward branch .e claim to the property. lit aeml-annualj- ;,4n.:: an rrN jafll . 1 r.t ! 1 I-- aftr-rtivi- Arlmrh . l;!rr.rl f l V. ro ' r j 1 t i . . s-- ! )) rr tv. the s. l a j al-lsg- to have swindled, and he will be brought to this city for trial. ST e H l t :r.. cr .it i ,y r. ;f r,. lit" Fell.r.g Th Fver.lrg ls . nd-rt:lr.c- ne. r,S ar Jur.e zz- , . T!'rti:n k up V.Vm v.ii; U big sign. Ti - ae- 5 1 1 Those who apprec'.ata excuxlTeaa ef style asd Tz.& in 2nd will cmt Interest ccllertica cf S:Ud EUvtr ar.1 quality hexvy plivtrl tar legate. VTe Lav a medal coUecilcn ef dainty r?eea cf BrJry to mark favcra. W will aleo rr.aka asy dwirr.i ycu cn ahcrlett actic. I'rJ t a always tha Iswea. xcrr.' -- . tt J.i-.r- . i-- vfitn r S t v I !.erti'-.- rrt'-- t . De rrsers'h rrJr jit!r.. f.. 4 V :r:f r frr joTf.M mr. r e j!-ti.r- tt ll-pe- The e! buy a I yrjwrxt'i tice. yt'4 rrrbaKy a i:tt rf tea. ty- - r.r.vh r.i mar.RJ:'? m yt pa.y fcr. Fb-rj- pf-w.- j t Office S8 '..'. t i- tr A l! tiri.-r- . I I f i f the in I ef lnt f.tt I 'jii. - Hre.-i- 1 " r j - if. ta r !r!n;b.r.t fcr t r. r. t;.i. - i.- ;f, A; lr S r : iht. , SCKWARZ -- - toMiiui v i..-- t".vt,. K. 4 Te1er-he.- r gr a "ti'h " ' .. witti ? c r Sons D. 0. (Ealder's (Ho. (IKCORrORATED.) nt'tll W. First South St. ..A Gentle Regulator.. - ;f ' rry. a" It t r.;'. U r t r rt. ? ) s.t lr.it..ry (l a t i r-- r : t y- l - -- 1 it ,! fi-vi!?- t a !v,e tT'r r r COS. w:;j do thfie w 1 rr e www- Living Expenses Reduced . tiarTt.'oI Dr."" Lor en a, cast which Dr. famou. Vienna orthopedist, placed cn the .. limb of little Muriel Bausch vhom he treateI for congenital IiOrcnx, the hip disease oh the. occasion of hla visit to Salt Lake last 'autumn, will be removed In the near future. The limb U In good condition ani the st child Is able to wlk upm It. When be will Is removed the slightly straightened and a nctc cast will be placed u ron. it. This- will be repeated until th Hrnb assumes a r.orrr.nl posl-t'oIn TJ work will he ccinpl-tethe fall ard th chill will tl.n be able o walk anl run as well as & Store. Co. H Ma'n P?r't. Ta'.rHasa TU r1'r tM IJ-- Van 1Xar.; G 4 -- w Th Ami ts' afteripi Tiuili!', will I t' rlre l".l. dcen. t? with tr.e markrl. TJ.! A tb-ca- lc - n. I tb d-- - 3 pnur.iU pourxla Fag-- o J Of t""trv fill lire rf bMj are! and SM. a.?frr: lm;rtl Trl'.a. kr i hre rr -- f..fo, V.y I'af r V' k.-m-- ft rf - r;-v..r- . a- - : 1 .'.. V r r'f-:t- lti:7 Th 4 !; ree!rt to nhow thai V-- e ia ta-t!rr- er g Jlmltr's HiSh J. FISCHER. hast si:rnn ti:i.j.imm; :r r-- rr-4.- tre,i-;- Reliable Cash Grocery ROBT. t -- per V'r. SOMEBODY In r r.al!r ...... 'i. irrant. ....fc-- hiriUVrf ar.d l'uiMr bar1war. CHAS O. KING. r.n ert - I:cv Specials For the Week 3 3 a;- jo-- e en 1L r f'ui. a- ? cCi t tU. ti Patent Flour 8 t ( At Ji.f for.' a. tl t . ft rir.TT - la... LI.1 C - m-- m frr-- . ITY. t ML WW i i V f 4 . c I t -? DRUG CO., !AI.T l.A K i: !! - e V.rrr King Hardware if K l a has frarr. THK- - - frr th a GODBE-Pin- S Li i l SS-- cor. main GUARANTEED EGGS I hv Jut r!of-a Sn me .t' ij funor(ri rir Harh frehjltr i;arr;e,J. et. It date f tj. tarlre te laid, thua abj;ut-aur!njc 'UmQTad From the limb of ,Huriel, Xauarh, a Pa- - mlr J e? v e-- . y 't !;fT" 5 f1 a- h-;r- luv'.'t'i ;! !iiv.:r7 t r.rh ?rir lb j r.t f a tb tM. fytr', ar INt POUI1C No - ?- --, Trouble ja:i -- t- it.r- Hr.iNECKE & r.l ef c am Ja a few rrpsra, 1 ,. The rlaatrr of far rail GUT FLOWERS nr lloral P" cr jtiv. lit . 2 t:t,e of ltan a ".rrprie rr lr e rr&VcS. tb f !. fur t rioea ..ra n1 i?: Wc do house painting and interior tlccoratin American Wall Paper Co. j 6 H. Tliird South St. i rmrrmx; CURE IS. COMPLETE I ar. 1 o sr (3,o '.;. t: will b I4ouf to Hvoid All ; i SALT LAKE GIRL'S Cast Wllr&oea t : -- a CommerrfaJ Block. Fred A. HaJe. architect. o',Tn--Commercial block. Salt Lke City. Baseball 8ucay, 1:30. Calder'a. theertry ny j4 k jr In ard t V a'.'A'. for the 't3rthJ a Itarvv r TY A I. t M k Co. jt tks It C..rr It i are. of f Y v. M c rriewCi. ;it The Experience Will Be Dear Thre !:tr Tir.try Shrlvct wh it's S '. r MAIZEM NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Tel-pho- r.e :i f "The Kvenlng Telgram a for the People." is the way that Tapr big sign reada at No. 149 West Temple street. N Sheap or i ?... j. v.. ?nirLnn. I !g . La it lit iwuth. : r, The Piano M :w 5p:;;al I de-si- I ar. . rfl:'lC a a;ia! we-JJlr.j- T'-r.- ; Tr ST. AtAirs' a $ Sterling Silverware a Remarkable Success. I:h. I 21- - Watcbes Jcvc!rv Our June Display of ; - rt at io LICflTENSTEIN ; -- 111 f Fire. Via R. O. W. Rj Near Twin Falls, Idaho, on the Snake 1st, under the Carey act. and river, July Morgan of the British will be made at Shoshone, H J. Baring of the Bank of army Filings with their wives and a large staffEngland, Idaho, and for the benefit of settlers, of serthe Oregon Short Line will hell tickets vants, left this city last nijcht for Yellowhr stone park. Thirty-tw- o were necto that point on June 24th and 2?th at trunks essary to carry their baggage. The party half rates; good returning for ten days. At present Muriel Is able tn walk is touring the world and came from New ab'.v.t the reuse and yard and is aa liveCity Ticket Office, 201 Main St. York in a special car. ly as her companions. All cars mrne to full stop at Calder'i, Woman Can Change Her Mind. the Money-bac- k Fireworks. reirt. By order of the See the Japanese. Daylight Judge Lewis yesterday afternoon gave a Man on iielghn St. Calder", Sunday, 6p. m. World Touriats Visit City. MaJ. IF- Will Be Thrown Open for Settlement a BOSTON AND RETURN Saratoga Springs, N. T., and Return. Via Oregon Short Un for meeting of the Imperial Council. Noble of Mystlo Shrine. Tickets on aa'.e July SrJ and 4th, good for return until July llth. City Ticket Office. 201 Main St. no-a- YOU TALKED HAVE WITH THE MAN WITH THE RATE CARD? Diamond j Importers!; j Mvn oirid. 'cn or TJ- 221 Have jou ffti new T m; St.? ; -- lre!o-;- L! Til"crm' . Kv right. - k s!' Ftah 60.50. In leper,. let. t Iain n b'.g sign. I'lah 259 c!t ! r.r- t i for rouble tatlUle-i m l?.!s tlt V!r 'f US aWaS r' t Ibe -rf,-r I Chinaman Will Face Judge. John Hong, fin almond-eye- d native of The organ recital given by Prof. was attended afternoon the Orient, held on a charge of lt yesterday usual. Th pro- with a deadly weapon, appears bfor by a larger crowd than showed the fine quality of the Judge Morse gramme next morning. vox hurt-anstops. The tenor effect Is a The testimony will Monday be taken In court voice. human woodef ful imitation of the through an interpreter. Head. for Gordon School. The board of trustee of the Gordon BOSTON AND RETURN afternoon unanimouslyit a4tray ystefJav elected the Rev. B. M. Hogan to the Ion of principal of the institution. The Rev. Hogan will take c&arge of the academHalf Fare Via R. O. W. Ry. y-work immediately. Selling dates June 23rd and 24th. Foiled. Attempted Arson Is SALT PALACE. A "barn in the rear of Buckle's tailoring establishment, on Main street, narrowly burning last night. Waste paper fseaped Popular Prices. "and small boards had been piled against 50c. it and Ignited. Mr. Buckle discovered and Theater, 2Zc and extinguished the blaze at its Inception. Bicycle races. 23c. and Palace of Illusions, 10c, Including admission to the grounds. Missing Japanese Is Found. r Dancing. 23c per couple. Charity Kakela. a Japanese restaurant-keepewho left Salt Lake June 14th. owSunday night, sacred concerts 10c, Ining numerous bills to merchants of this cluding admission to grounds. city, was arrested last night in Ogden. A warrant for hla arrest will be sworn to 60.0O0 ACRES OF LAND today by some of the merchants he Is - a And three readers to every family, that's over 13,000 readers in the city. They represent the most progressive element: They'll be Interested in your business if you tell it in a business like way. This space is sufficient to get you started y.ray- aoeswHga I r--. ry y, . 1, :.'K' C'lhrr The Kver.lrr Telegram b!!ev n advertising. Look up West Tempi street, as you come out of the postof. flee, and you will sea The Telegram s The Hbi. fa Walk0.ver Shoe Store Our Be:utatlcn d as-au- Alone fljSTAR to July 3rd. Ctxiit lffiri T11 r irr.Uf r One Pare Pica J2.O0, Via R. O. W. X com-poundo- u It-- .".f-j.i- t BOSTON AND RETURN fth tut Ck s, tn g. rj-'- .- Shiplcr's Ee'.llr.g date June TVs Tat 13il Ho. Potof3o. Upp. Il'lt-- d Ii et AtTHfk.t! ,'.! t the f!iit utlon of the requests bids for tlf brickwork, stonework and excavation required In th consiruvlion of tbrir building cn St.it street. K i h bll to b tt ad for the er.th- - work aI oe Tnentlond. t be mid on the blank form furr.ih-d- . and to be ai.Pd by a ertij'.ed he. k for SV.n). payable tu the Utah Independent Teiephvue company, forfeitable prm le.i th r..n traitor making s.ill bid falls to er.tr Mlttie Arraer Wants Divorce. Into contrart nr.d to furnish SMtlsf.t-tor- y Mlttle Artner today filed divorce proc t tp;.-dbonds shoul-- 1.1s LU ! ceedings against I on Artner. Th couThe right Is rrseried to reject ar, y or ple were married nt Crorn River, Wyo., all bid. The plans and specifications, on May 31, PInlr.tlft allges that blank forma and instructions will b Fince September 1. 1M Annr has ready on or about Jun 2"th. and may failed to support her. be seen at the company's o:Tkts or at the office of architect See the Japanese Daylight Fireworks. THI T'TAH their INDKITNDKNT TELH- Calder's, Sunday, 6 p. m. 1'IIONE CO., Main atreet, la the !irg-fr- t oldest Savings Bank In Utah. Sinceami its crganlratlon more than 82.000 savings accounts have been opened. We pay per cent Interest per annuam, on any amount from 51 to Start an account JOSEPH p. SMITH, President. GEORGE M. CANNON. CambJax- No. Organ Recital Pleased Many.' Mc-Clell- In Salt Lake fty t - am-bjum- Andrew Thre m iu:li. undtrtaker and Waet ln fir f irr. -- 1 frr- , J.-fia- June 20th to July 3rd. Via th Oregon Short Line. The vry low rate of will be made t, Ik- ton and return for the Annual Mating of the National Ivducationa nutftclatlor July 6th lo 10th. Tlcktls w i;i !, jiod for icturn ur.tll Sjtfmber 1st. Purlieu. Urs furnished by Sbort Line igr,is. PUNKRAL DiaiCTOR, rt. e. ANT KIND OB u - 1 1 BOSTON EXCURSIONS, Po-cate- llo 1 - n told you about a week or two since have caught on Immensely. Many of our patrons have availed themselves of the opportunity offered to secure something new, artistic and serviceable. The w ay to appreciate these goods is to see those in other stocks first. Ask to see our display of pear! and silver -trlrnmi That Another bunh r.f th who j Hftl- tplr.l e- n bam J'ltx' t.. u trial t V.t i tf-rii..st:r. MUn street. 54 $3.qq, now PUNISHED BY COURT -- . Regular Prices from Si. 50 to GREEK RIOTERS ARE M rtes Re- erul High-Gra- 1 u Ma-tlone- af-terr.t- -n ti - l Less Than Cost ti'.kt - b- Slippers at corporation. Secretary Hammond Immediately wrote the cxmpany that It u!l 2i cnta per ! aharra to f.'.o ibe a tides, or I'.iU In all. The headquarter of the cornrary ar at CSncir.nwtt. ti., anl when the bill J received there, much mrprue !;i doubtlfsa t" rr.ar.lfe.v. TT.e (.pjret f the corpctratln I to Onrji.p r r. rat clJr :a lu t.'tah. Ar'.i. rd Nevada. A branch cfflce w:j e? !;he ;n this city. Sre that jour tranfer rra!t Cl ter'a. -- 500 House Mens stock .of entire . heeta of th envelopes. linen or bond cmbod with jour bu Ir.ess. You can't afford ordln.irv t rlr.t Ing. It ln- - not give your buln,fs the proper standing, flood embor-the of A letter nnd c reate a lasting dignity on the re Impression reiver. I create good stationery for business. nnd private rorrsponK'tir. I am making the price to start you uMr.g e-- Those ftn(.r i Julj 4th we will sell oor Until r th-$- y ?7.50 PER'IOOO. vW--proi- de lr.ri Jmln 500 i. II U evident tbt alt r m to lta wlnhlr.g Wentern prvirty da rot kr.aw tl.e tod of f.lir.g fttUc'.i rvf This was '.pn'.r.trate4 when Sert-tarof Mate Hammond received roftlrUa of lr.t orj ra linn C.c.3 i of the ArlJKir.A tr,k n and Copper Mlr.en remi-arsTIts capitalization If jlafied at !;.!.' O. The sum of 12 m tm r,t cj.eck the promoter of fh cmr tyry to j byy the expenaea of Cllrg lu of in- - r.l 1 Corporation Filing" Articles Here Fails to Send the Fees. - ceived From Officials of Salt Lake Route. Councilman "Will Now Treat. KNICKERBOCKER, g Tri- I'j'a 27, r DOZEN NEW LABORERS COMPANIES ADDED TO CHAIN GANG MUST PAY TELEPHONE NUMBlsxtSL JfNH FATCUPXY nVLXINfl, t--: |