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Show - V,.- vvv -' - 'HtsliXuf K s s' rtf xy-- Bees, East High Meet Friday in First Basket Ball Game of Year s - 'A f. tH mmn For Sale Good used vacuums and up. Breitenbeker Elec- FOR SALE $10 MOTOR CO. tric. DRINK TOO MUCH? Need Some Helpl You're not alone so did wel Contact A-it's for Freel Don't wait phone 1262-- Pomegranates, S cents each; apples 5 cents lb.; banana squash, 3 cents lb. Available at Food Fare, 17 North SCOOPS WILL USED CARS , SALE Twin Taylor-Tot- ; excellent condition. $25.00. Ph. FOR GUARANTEED! 0193-J5- Used Norge conventional washer, good condition. $30.00. Mt. States Electric. Phone 410. 49 Cad. Sedan A Luxury Car 53 Olds 98 Conv. $1795 a bit dingy? Clean it with the new Blue Lustre. North Mam Furniture. FATHER'S lounge chair Power St. Brakes $695.00 FOR SALE Monarch combination stoye, water heater and Jacket. Baby car seats. Ph. Chev. or 52 Ford Both Real Nice 52 Cr S2337. $695 51 GMC Carrya11 Good Tires $350 'I Help Wanted . wanted to handle McNess Products full or to spare time. Opportunity make $40 a day. No experience McNESS Write necessary. 50 Stude. Sedan $345 Commander COMPANY. P. O. Box 14, Bay-shor- Oakland Station, e 23, Calif. SAVE $500 HELP WANTED INTERNATIONAL 7 Box APPLY IN PERSON f. FOR SALE 1953 Massey-Harri- RELIABLE REPRESEN-TATIVEneeded by the BEAR RIVER MUTUAL INS. CO. in your community for Fire, Auto,. Glass, Theft & Liability Insurance a full line of insurance service. Satisfactory commissions a good sideincome. line for added Write the Company at No. 19 West So. Temple St., Salt Lake City, Utah, today. Phone ft auger. Practically new. No reasonable offer refused. Phone Salt Lake 224174, or 14 78928. SALE FOR available at North Main. Acorn squash. Food Fare, 17 Mercury II camera, case, flash attachment Make offer. Darwin Young, 75 No. Third East FOR SALE EM3-024- See. this two bedroom brick home with full basement, and now only $11,500. Extra bedroom in basement oil furnace, electric water heater, fire place and patio, work shop and storage shed. NEAR $12 A TON SCHOOL. TOWN. . LEONARD DICKEY 1006-- Brand new Westing-houselectric Dryer. Never been used, $175.00. See at 453 ' North Fourth East e FOR SALE Hearing aid, 55 Zenith, $65.00; cost $135. uses small up to 112 volt battery. 2 months. Phone Lasts 805-M- C. B. WILLIAMS ' REAL ESTATE Phone 6 i North Main Street James H. Miller Troy M. Miller Brigham City, Utah For Real Estate Call 350J S. L. Jeppson 237R Nick Topik Phone , OX ELDER COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, Lewis S. Wight, Chairman Unfurnished apt.. Geo. H. Davis, Memiber 2 bed63 North First East Robert J. Potter, Member, rooms, $40 month. Also two Attest: other houses for rent Miller K. B. Olsen, County Clerk.Real Estate, Ph. 1040. Attractive 3 room or furnished apt Ph. 520-call 24 North First 'East FOR RENT RENT Three bedroom house. 609 South Fourth East Ph. 654-after 5 p. m. or on week ends. FOR O LEGAL NOTICES Probate and Cuardltuuhip tto tice. Consult Clerk of District Court Brigham City Utah ox respective signers lor inlonna-tion- . NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Henry Cutler, Deceased. with Creditors will present claims Co ait vouchers to the undersigned or Box on Elder Utah, County, rinne, before the 3 let day of January, A. D., 1956. H. CUTLER, VERNON 0 349-- 1259 homes. One in 3rd ward, the second in 4th ward. Only $500 down required to buy either. Two $10,000 modern homes on 3rd West. Attractive homes with 3 bedrooms. 3 bedroom home in 5th ward. Nice home with basement. Several other homes at various prices. 10 building lots'between 1st and 3rd East. Priced at $800 , per lot. Numerous Farms and Ranches for sale. Two y - Listed for er, dynaflow, good tires, clean interior with seat covers. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United States Department of the Interior ' Bureau of Land Managemennt LAND OFFICE, Salt Lake Crty, Utah, October 21, 1955. NOTICE is hereby given that Grover Pmtt Hancey, of Hyde Park, Utah, Homewho, on June 19, 1950, made stead entry. No. Salt Lake 071387, for 12 Section 24, North, E14, Township Meridian, Range 9 West, Salt Lake has filed notice of intention to make Final proof, to establish claim to the before Cleone land above described, at Smithfield, Read, Notary Public, Utah, on the 22nd day of December, 638 88 SLM, Utah, containing acraa, in exchange for all sec. 19, T 14 N . R 9 W., SLM, Utah, containing 636 72 acres. W., This notice lia for the purpose of al- lowing all persons claiming the selected land or having bona fide objec- only $895 Shouting schedule for local of hunters for the remainder the season, as taken from the Utah 1955 Waterfowl Proclamation is as follows: was unable Date about Shooting Shooting to play during the balance of Ends Begins 1 the season but because of out7:04 am. 5:01 p m. 2 7:05 a.m. 5:00 pm standing performance early In 3 the year, made the mythical 7:06 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 4 7:07 a.m. 5:00 p.m. team. 5 7:08 am. 5:00 p m Regarding his selection, the 7:09 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 6 Tribune sports department had 7 7:1Q a.m. 5:00 p.m. this to say about the selection: Dec. 8 7:11 a.m. 5:00 pm. 7:12 am. 5:00 p.m. One other backfield spot goes Dec. 9 , 7:12 a.m. 5:00 p.m. to Ross Poulson of Box Elder, a Dec. 10 7:13 aan. 5:00 p m. Dec. 11 who bull- Dec. 12 stocky 7:14 a.m. 5:00 p m. dozed the opposition without ex7:15 a.m. 5:00 p.m Dec. 13 ception until he was hurt. His Dec. 14 7:15 a.m. 5:00 pm Box the of sank hopes injury 7:16 a.m. 5:01 p m. Dec. 15 Elder, but his play before his Dec. 16 7:17 a.m. 5:01 p m. to Dec. 17 gridiron accident proved 7:18 a.m. 5:01 p.m. everyone who saw him that Dec. 18 7:18 a m. 5:02 p m Poulson was one of the greatest Dec. 19 7:19 aim. 5:02 p.m. preps thjs season. 7:19 a.m, 5:02 p m Dec. 20 d mid-seaso- all-stat- e Dec. 21 7:20 a.m. acre. last . tors, Hoover Vacuum Cleaners. North Main Furniture Co., Ph. 250. 5fti?nsai HarriAt years Goodyear Tires, Garage, Repairs. Auto 47 Olds. 245 I, Jack Morris Buick Co.' South Main. where the family likes to go! Today to Saturday SAVAGE , PASSIONS! El FORBIDDEN LOVE I IN A JUNGLE I OF FEAR1 k kV k m, Ray Milland Joan Collins Farley Granger LUfHFJI AOLER CORKfUA OTIS FAftftElL FRANCE FULLER PHILIP REED CALE ROSBINS SK INNER CLCNOA WALTER BRACKETTRE1SCH b RICHARD CHARLES FLEISCHER J fit Hit wonder STEREOPHONIC SOUND BRACKETT ' Co-H- it . NOTHING CHANGED I 1 AMERICAN THE 83-W- Of t w. W,avv Co-H- NOTHEHG LEFT OUT I V Residential, commercial and au-tomobile glass. Complete line der work. Burts Body Shop, . of General paints for inside 604 North Main, phone and out. Andersens Glass and Paints, 85 No. Main. Ph. 480. Cleaners x v it s vengeance! fARGET.for a sAs MUSEUM NATURAL HiSTORT 1 MODERN CLEANERS. Sanitone dry cleaning, fur storage. Free 86. Furnace Cleaning BRIGHAM AUTO SUPPLY CO. 40 friendly service. 495 Schedule Told WmtaVr Glass and Paint pick up and delivery. Ph. Auto Repairs 49 Chev. RHONE 272 A handy reference guide' to Brigham City's Sales and Service Institutions PHILCO Television sets, Radios, Ranges, Freezers, Refrigera- 175 Junior Basketball MkJ b CHARLES fen- 45 Chev. 30,000,000 BUSINESS DIRECTORY body and 595 lowing This Is Your Brigham City AJJTO PAINTING, 50 Ply. 5:03 p.m Pacific Ocean Signs of Deepening years, according This notice ia For the purpose of alall persona claiming the select- to Science Digest. ed land or having bona fide objecAn article toy Gerald Ames tions to such application an opportunflat-toppesubmarine ity to file their protests or other ob- said in the Land Office, Salt Lake mountains with summits ,a few jections 1955. City, Utah, together with evidence that Claimant names as witnesses: a copy of such protest or objection thousand feet beneath t!he surJack Goddendge, Ross Codderidge, has been served upon the applicant face appear to have toeeq isand Don T. Meikle, all of Smithfield, within 30 days from the date of the lands that were carried down Utah, and Dean R. Ellis, of Logan, first publication of this notice. Utah. DOUGLAS toy sinking of the ocean floor. E, HENERIQUES, ERMEST E. HOUSE. Manager. Acting Manager. If this is true, Ames said, the First publication Nov. -- 9, 1955, Auto Paint & Body 295 r.50-54- 5 z: ocean has been growing. Appliances 48 Chev. NSt 644 20 every- got thing. Radio, heat- Rest of Season tions to such application an opportunity to file their protests or other obThe schedule for the South jections in the Land Office, belt Lake Box Elder Stake Junior basketQfcty, Utah, together with evidence that a copy of such protest 'or objection ball games to be played Wedhas been served Upon the DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, within 30 days from tjie date applicant of the nesday, tonight, in the Box Elder BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT, firvt publication of this notice. High School Gym will be as folLand Office Sait Lake City, Utah. ' E. DOUCLA3 HENRIQUES, October 3 1, 1955. Notice is hereby lows: Actfng Manager. given that Ralph Taylor of Tremonton, Tlrst publication Nov. 9, IV55 Utah, on M.y 10, 1955, filed applica i 7 p.m. Perry vs. First Ward. lion Utah 015531 purfant to bee. of the laylar Grazing Act, a amendSUMMONS 8 p m. Second Ward vs. Fifth When the Greenwood Communed to select lots I, 2, 3, 4, Civil No. 7762 ity church disclosed in a brief NE4 sec 4. lots 1, 3, 4. 5. SL In the District Court, County pt Box Ward. c. 6, T. NEi!4. SE'4NW!4, EJ4SE14 news item that It had no organ, State of Eldey, Utah, 14 N, R. e W.. all sec. 30, T. 15 N. NONA J. WALTHLRS. Plaintiff. 9 p.m. Willard vs. Sixth Ward it received offers of mote than R 6 W., all of secs. 26, 32. and 36, T. 15 N, R. 9 W., SLM, Utah, contain 30 of them Mantua will bye this week. MERLIN P Defendant. for THE STATE WALTHERS, ing 2,335.94 acres in exchange UTAH Of 1HE TO lots I, 2, 3, 4, bjNV5 sec. 4, lots I, 2, NAMED ABOVE DEFENDANT. 3, 4, SJ2Ni, S'A sec. 5, T. 13 N., R You are hereby summoned and re3 9 W., all sec. 13, W( sec. 35. T quired to serve upon Omer J. Cull, N., R. II W., SjNWW, NW$NW4 Plaintiffs attorney, whose address u sec f4, T. 14 N, R. U W., SLM, Utah, 26 First Securrty Bank Building, Brigcontaining 2,044 08 acres. ham Crty, Utah, an answer the This notice i for the purpose 4f a) complaint within 20 days after toservice lowing all persons claiming the select' of this Summons upon you. If you ed land or having bona fide objec- fail so to by default will tions to such abdication an opportun- be taken do, judgment relief you for the ity to file their protests or other ob demanded against in said complaint (which jections in the Land Office, Salt Lake has been filed with the clerk of said PICK O THE PICTURES City, Utah, together with evidence that court.) ' , a copy of such protest or objection This Is an action to sever the bonds has been served upon the applicant of matrimony between the existing within 30 days from the date of the parties hereto, and WEDNESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY for the custody and first publication of this notice. of the minor children of said supjort DOUGLAS E, HENRIQUES, parties. Acting Manager. TWO BIG SHOWS Dated Nov. 4, 1955. First publication Nov. 9, 1955. . (S) OMER J. CALL, Attorney for Plaintiff, 26 First Security Bank Bldg., DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, BURLAU OF LAND Brigham City, Utah. MANAGEMENT. Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah. October 3 1, 1955. Notice is hereby Ralph Taylor of Tremonton, Shows &iven that on May 10, 1955, filed application Utah 0115532 pursuant to Sec. 8 of the Taylor Grazing Act, a amended, to aelect the Njj sec. 6, T. 14 N.( CHICAGO There are (UP) R. 9 W., SLM, SVi eec. 12, T. 14 N, R. 10 W.t SLM, Utah, containing 642 92 signs the Pacific Ocean has acres, in exchange for all see. 3, T. been 13 getting deeper during the N., R. 9 W., SLM, Utah, containing ii 30. A. D.. 1955. 1040 9 FOR RENT Estate Administrator of the of Henry Cutler, Deceased. Date of first publication November MILLER REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 63 Three room apt Adults preferred. 11 North Third West Phone U71-W- . FOR RENT $11,600. '51 BUICK Deluxe Special A one owner car Football Team . Frame home with basement $8,400. I apartment. Three year old frame home. AND INSURANCE 140 South Main . 1111. AND CHURCH Clerk-Audito- utili- ties and some furniture furnished. $35.00 per month. Marie Apts., 20 North Main. Ph. Estate REDUCED $1100 COAL DELIVERED FOR SALE 6. e For Sale - Real New Stokermatics; used oil heaters and coal stoves. Your Stokermatic dealer! 128 South Call 238-First West FOR SALE Phone 1 D16-tf-c- h apt; Tt N- FIVE room Apts. Steam heat furnished. Play yard for :hildren. Peach City Apts., 677 south Second east, Brigham, phone 723-J- . , FOR RENT This Weeks Special thats aka Frederickson will not be necessary to increase the total appropriation for tlhe General Fund as this 1956. amount can 'be obtained by reEARL CRASER Administrator. O DLE LUNO, of ducing the appropriation Attorney for Administrator.other departments within the . General Fund, as is also set ' NOTICE forth in Section of Code referred In accordance with to above. Uta'h Code Annotated, 1953, noA public hearing upon this tice is hereby given that on Friwiill be allowed on the request day, December 16th, 1955, at above mentioned day at 10:00 10:00 A. M. in the Office of the A. M., in the Commissioners at the Room in the County Commissioners County Court Courthouse, a public House: County hearing shall be allowed prior K. B. OLSEN, to the adopting of the 1956 bud County get for Box Elder County. The said proposed budget as pm DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, pared by the County Commis BUREAU LAND OF MANAGEMENT, sioners, shall be on .file with Land Office, Suit Lake City, Utah. 3 1955. Notice is hereby the County Auditor and avail- October 1, given that Ralph Taylor of 1 remonton, able for pulbilic inspection at Utah, on May 10, 1955, filed applicaUtah 015533, pursuant to Sec 8 least 3 days prior to the holding tion of the Taylor Crazing Act, As amendof said budget hearing ed, to select all of sec 18, T. 14 N R. CLEAN 2 room M Deceased. Creditors with will present claims vouchers to the undersigned at Willard, Box Elder County, Utah, oil or before the 2'Oth day of January, A. D., S . No. 90 combine . 245 Hunting Hours all-stat- Ironrite ironers. Cut ironing time in half. Ph. 410. Free demonstration HELP WANTED s 48 Stude For of $1500 00. Ross Poulson, 185 pound fullAs provided by Section Utah Code Annotated 1953, a back on the Box Elder High written request by the County school Bee football team, was Attorney for Administrator, back-fiel37 first Security Sheriff setting forth the emer- selected for an Bank Building, Brigham City, Utah. the request, 21 gency necessitating position by the Salt Lake D is now on file for public inspec- Tribune. NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the office of the County tion, Estate of Poulson, who was JENNIE DAVIb ERASER, injured Clerk. Christian C. M. Frederickson, Deceased Date of first publiuitiin November 30, A. D . 1955. Walter C Mann, Avocado FOR RENT Round oak dining table and six strong chairs, or will trade for pork meat. See at L. L. Lund, 138 South Fifth East. 52 Dodge 895 all-stat- mid-seaso- Pick Poulson For Rent or Lease FOR SALE 'all-stat- ALL-STAT- 2 Baron Woolen Mills For Sale Guaranteed On the East squad are two players who weie rated SUPERIOR DAIRY last season. One of these E Despite injur- is Phone 504 , Ohesttung, who also rated n ies received at chamfor the Leopards which kept him out of action football team this year. pionship footTheatre. for the balance of the day at the Capitol Members of the Bee squad ARTIFICIAL BREEDNG ball season, Ross Poulson, who are sure to see action are Only A.B.S. offer 100 proven O LEGAL NOTICES fullback, has been picked on Hal Reeder, Harper Peatse, RobLEGAL NOTICES team. ert Leggat, Denton BeeCher, Kent great sires; make 2 calls a the Probote and QuarCfOiuitiip noday; fresh semen every day. Trepase. Rtlph Anderson and NOTICE OF INTENTION tices Consult Clerk of District CARLYLE LARKIN Dennis Gordon, all seniors, and Court Briqham City Utah or NOTICE is hereby given of the for Informa- - intention of the Board of Locpl Technician signers respective County ti02L , Phone 1357 or 0396-RCommissioners of Box Elder NOTICE TO CREDITORS Utah, at a special meetM. frederickson County, Christian Estate of All-Sta- te ing to be held Friday, DecemLost and Found aka C. M. Frederickson, Deceased with ber 9th, 1955 to increase Creditors will present claims the Co vouchers to the undersigned at for t'he LOST Coal lork between city rinne, Utah on or before the 29th day Budget Appropriation A 1955 calendar year, of the SherD, 1956. dump and town. Finder phone of March, L. HENRY FREDERICKSON, . Reward. of the estate of iffs Department in the amount Administrator LI WILLFUL BEAUTY Joan Collins, willful beauty, is unimpressed as Ray Milland offers her champagne in his studio apartment in this scene from The Red Velvet Swing, playing Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Satur- Elder NEWS Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, November 30. 1955 No admission will toe Charged and fans are invited to see the practice game Friday afternoon, Basketball fans will have their Coach Moser announced. first opportunity to see ithe Box Elder Bees in action for fhe new season on Friday afternoon at 3:30 p. m. when they tangle wilth the East High Leopards in a practice tilt. It will be the first test for the 1955-5cage team under the coaching of Grant Moser. Last year the Bees placed second in All Completely the state tournament and are considered a strong contender Winterized for t he new season. FINE USED v- - purse in business district, containing billfold with identification papers. Phone 289-J- . LOST 2 yearling Holstein, one heifer, one steer from Mantua pastures. Branded wagon wrench on left nb. Brand probably not visible. Phone 2572382 Tremonton, collect Must be able to take dictation. Auto Shoppin? See Coppin! BUI Jensen Robert Williams, ami Reed Goldaberry, juniors. CARS A Pasteurized MILK & CREAM DELIVERED TRY IT LOST SECRETARY PICKUP fcTr-':- ' J 1171-W- ON A 1955 Practice Tilt Will Be Played at 3:30 p. m.; Fans Are Invited all-sta- te MAN or WOMAN Chev. Panel ton. Good. I Grade N16-tl-ch- g U ! pSf, 1303-- MILK . FOR SALE $895 or . Main. WINTERIZED! r Services Offered i ' - We vacuum clean all makes and Office Supplies 4l w i TYPEWRITERS, Adding Machin- es and Cash Registers rented, bought, sold and REPAIRED. The Reminder Office Services Offered sizes heating equipment. Immediate service. Phone 420. ALL KINDS of sewing done, inalso repair Clyde P. Larsen Sheet Metal cluding coats; Works. work. Phone 163 R. Call Us Today For Prompt Delivery PIIONE ONE North Main Street TECHNICOLOR , EDGAR M. QUEEN! fDGAft BUCHANAN BEEHIVE COAL & APPLIANCE 60 P'iM by Brigham City Plus News , Cartoons and Selected Shorts 7 MAIF W.KCSDR ION ChAHEY MRIF R'CHARO BARTON ETON EaRUHT MacUNE |