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Show , 8 40lli Anniversary Commemorated By Daughters of Utah Pioneers. National Guests Here; Past Presidents Feted New Officers Elected NEW DUP OFFICERS Taking over duties for Box Elder County Company Daughters of Utah Pioneers in the 40th annual convention held Saturday, November 26, were: (front row left to right) Mrs. Jennie Carlson, Mrs. Jennie L. Jones, and Mrs. Cora Olsen. r (Back row, left to right) Mrs. Maude Andersen, Mrs. Juanita Whitaker, Mrs. LaVeme Romer, Mrs. Charlotta Johnson, Mrs. Hazel Norton and Mrs. Rose Nelson. r Brigham Native Dies in Salt ; Lake Hospital ' Charles Lorenzo Nelsen, 73, of Salt Lake City, died Thursday evening In a Salt Lake hospital after a short Illness, He was born Oct. 24, 1882, in Brigham City, a son of Nels J .'and Lucina Rasmussen Nelsen. Re was reared and educated in .Brigham City, and was a member of the LDS church. He married Gilda H. Nordstrom on Oct 30, 1906, in Salt Lake City,. She died Feb. 8, 1949 He married Myrtle Carson In October of 1951 in Salt Lake City. He was a retired employee of it- - ry, Brigham City; Mrs. S. W. Rose and Mrs. W. C. Keysor, Salt Lake City; six grandchil- Boy Is Salt Lake City Gay dren; a step daughter, Kearn, Salt Lake City; and the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. Olivit Parkinson, Salt Lake City; Mrs. Delores Mathews, Perry; Mrs Myrtle McCormick, Ogden; Clarence R Nelsen and Norman R Nelsen of Brigham Ward Organist Funeral services were conducted by Larkun Mortuary in Salt Lake City, Monday morning, Nov. 28, at the mortuary. Following opening and Bishop Boy Baby Brings Doctor Biggest Check ' prayer by A. E. Abraham Joseph-so- a former Willard resident, has been assigned the responsible position of ward and choir or ganist of the Wilford ward in Salt Lake City. The talented youth is John Gull, son of Lavern Gull, and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Zundell of Willard. City. talks were given boy, son of A PALMYRA, Ind (UP) Mr. and Mrs. Wilson When Heuser were expecting their baby, they beit Dr J. M Johnson double or nothing it would be a girl. In eight years of practice, Dr. Johnson has delivered 700 babies, two thirds of them boys. When their son arrived, the Heusers gave Dr. Johnson a foot check painted on plywood. It took two men to carry the check to the bank, and Dr. Johnson had to Indorse it with a paint brush. n Amos Jackson, who also conducted the final rites. Musical numlbers Included two vocal solos by Alvin Keddiing-ton- , and Beyond the Sunset Going Home; and a vocal the Union Pacific Railroad com- number, "In the Garden by pany and had been an elevator Daniel Nelson, a nephew of the in deceased. operator in the Felt building Salt Lake City. , Interment was in (he Brigh'am i He ds survived by his widow; City cemetery. three daughters, Mrs. L. A. Per 6 Representatives from all 16 Daughters of Utah Pioneers camps in Box Elder county were last Saturday, in attendance Nov. 26, at the 40lh anniversary convention. Special guests included all past presidents of the county company and national officers of the Daughters of Utah Pioneer society. New officers for the ensuing two years were elected with the following to serve: Mrs. Jenmie L. Jones, by acclamation as county captain; Mrs. Jennie Carlson, first vice captain; Mrs. Cora Olsen, second vice captain; Mrs. Marjorie Mrs. AnStenquLst, secretary; drea Huggins, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Maud Andersen, chaplain; Mrs. Hazel Norton, historian; Mrs. Irene Shuman, chorister; Mrs. Juanita Whitaker, custodian of relics; Mrs. Rose Nelson, registrar and Mrs. LaVern Homer as parliamentarian. Holdovers incflude Mrs. LaVerda Lee as treasurer and Mrs. Charlotte Jdhr.sen as organist. Those whose term of office expired include , Mrs. Jennie L. Jones, Mrs. May D. Smith, Mrs. Jennie Carlson, Mrs. Violet Tin-geMrs. Verda Marble, Mrs LaVerda Lee, Mrs. LaVern Homer, Mrs. Janie Woods, Mrs. Sarah Siggard, Mrs. Marjorie Stenquist, Mrs. Mary Andersen, Mrs. Charlotte Johnson, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Hael Norton. Mrs. Martha Pierce serves as honorary custodian of relics. -- a Medical Examiners Law Is to Be Subject for Legislative Meeting of Utah, will take the negative Members and Others! side of the question. Dr. Call, pathologist and MD Invited to Hear r of the Utah Valley hospital in Debate This Evening Provo, will take the affirmative point of view. The proposed medical examThe program Is under the diiners law is to be the subject rection of Mrs. C. B. Stratford. Mrs. R. M. Kaiser, president of discussed by Harold B. Felt and Dr. Richard A. Call, this eve- the council, today invited anyning, Wednesday, November 30, one interested in the vital subat 8 p m. during regular meet- ject to attend the meeting. ings of the 'Box Elder County car Womens Legislative Counoil Row is that second-hanMr. Felt, local funeral direc- you bought? tor and past president of the Ive just realized how hard Funeral Directors of the State it Is to drive a bargain. H TRECHRON ELECTRIC CLOCK ' 1955 The answers to everyday insurance problems By Dee Johnson QUESTION: My car was damaged through no fault of mine. at both morning and afternoon sessions. Attending wiith her were two national officers, Mrs. Warner and Mrs. Hillam. Remarks were made by both. During Mrs. Carters talk she gave camp instructions and answered questions from the question box. Lovely corsages were presented to national officers and to the following pa.rt presidents of the county organization: Mrs. Ida K. Lee, Mrs. Sarah E. Mrs. May Tyson, Mrs. Melissa Petersen, Mrs. Oneta Thome, Mrs. Clara Hall and Mrs. Jennie L. Jones. Mrs. Martha Pierce, honorary custodian of relics, was also surprised with a corsage. Luncheon was served at noon under the direction of Mrs. Jennie Carlson and Mrs. Seretta Smith Following the afternoon session the birthday cake was cut and served. Another of the highlights during the afternoon was the announcement that Mrs. Emma M. Loveland, 34 North Second West, was the winner of the silk quilt. The chapel and recreation hall were both adorned with lovely flowers for the occasion. d Everyone On Your Christmas List Will Love A New Brigham City. Utah Wednesday, November 30, Music during the morning session was furnished by the Oak camp and Fort Brigham camp choruses with a vocal duet by Irene and Bruce Stenquist. In the afternoon session the Golden Glow camp trio from Portage sang and a chorus composed of Tremonton and Bear River camps honored Mrs. Kate S Carter with an original song dedicated to her, composed by Mrs. Dora Brough. Mrs. Kate B. Carter spoke Elder NEWS Box I have Liability Coverage only. Should my insurance Company make the other party pay for repairing my car? ANSWER: Not usually but your agent can probably give you some help along these lines. NEW BUSINESSMAN Max E. Rees is the new manager of the Rees Studio and Allen Photo Supply, located in a portion of the remodeled building at 19 North Main, formerly occupied by Earls Food Fare. Manager of the new business Allen Photo, If youll address your own Insurance questions to this office, well try to give you the correct answers and there will be no charge or obligation of establishment is Max E. Rees, formerly of Garland where he operated a studio for eight years before moving to Cedar City. Mr. Rees, a World War II veteran of the Air Force, his wife and two sons, Ronald, age 4, and Larry, age 2, live at 661 South Second West. Rees Studio Hold Opening Seven prizes of photographic equipment ere awaiting winners who attended the grand opening of the Rees Studio and Allen Photo Supply store at 19 North Main, If was announced this week by Max E. Rees, manager. Prize winners include Mrs. Earl V. Hansen, 120 South Third West, who won the Bell and Howell slide projector; Dr. Lee M. Wight, 428 North Fifth West, an Iloca 35 mm. camera and case; Grant Cummings, 46 North Thud West, an Anscofiex camera outfit; M. J. Funk, 22 West Second North, a Keystone movie 315 Packer, splicer; Richard North First West, a Hawkeye camera outfit; Clair Anderson, Bear River City, an Empire tripod; and Gloria H Jensen, 117 East Fifth North, a table slide viewer. The prizes were awarded as a part of the grand opening of the firm which opened here recently in the remodeled quarters located at the north side of the building formerly occupied by Earls Food Fare. any kind, JOHNSON H. DEE Phone "19 134 So. Main AdverHtemenl From where I sit ... Joe Marsh Easy Coins A Quick Profit Easys money plus ten cents Hear about Easy Roberts last Friday? 1 helped him count his money both before and after so believe me, the storys true. Easy was on the way to the bank to deposit his cookie jar savings exactly $24.95 in nickels, dimes and quarters. He had them in a paper bag and as we crossed Main Street the bottom fell out. Money went flying. Passers-b- y pitched in to help recover the coins. Later on when Easy counted up, he had $25.05. The search party someone else had lost! From where I sit, I wouldnt want to try this Easy way to make money. Usually, it takes time for a bank roll to grow . . . just as it takes time for a friendship to grow. But by respecting a neighbors-right- s including his right to drink coffee, tea, beer or buttermilk, whichever and whenever he chooses its wonderful the solid friendship you can build. i You can bank on that. 1 -- : had turned up all of ' Copyright, 1955, United States Breuers Foundation CHRISTMAS GIFTS FROM erek whalwarrt for Christmas.. NOW FOR CHRISTMAS LAY-AWA- Y "CUSTOM STYLED" 21" TV SET. PHILCO General Electric Telechron - A perfect Christmas gift to add beauty to any home. only $29.95 General Complete with FING- lrc n WALL CLOCK ER TIP TUNING. No groping. Custom led mahogany finished ' TV CLOCK cabinet. Gift special for the family. Attractive color and design. Electric TV CLOCK BOUDOIR AT A NEW LOW PRICE! 70 $9.98 Unique design makes this clock an ideal gift. THREE-WA- WE NAVE MOVED! 1? That's across the street and south of our old store VALUES GIFTS SPECIALS! PORTABLE H J Mk IF FOR BROTHER We are now located in the former Bakery Building 70 SOUTH MAIN Y Mahogany RADIO $14.95 OPENING CELEBRATION Rich-voice- clock 'V WATCH FOR OUR BIG An accurate musical waker-uppe- r for Sis. Smart pearl black cabinet. d radio reception. $20 down $2.50 week FAMILY This graceful wall clock combines precision workmanship with an attractive design. VISIT OUR NEW STORE CLOCK - RADIO 317995 v TELECHRON WALL PRIZES sty- Clock-Radi- o Rugged Philco Sportster in genuine top grain cowhide case. Plays on AC, DC and batteries, only $1.25 wk. Perfect for clock with buzzer I WIFE SISTER hogany. ma- ' ' 1 Powertone RADIO SWEETH EART For Brother or Sister MOTHER light, easy to for only $51.00 DOWN $5.00 MONTH LAY-AWA- Y a r m. Superb adio. Solid NEW DAUGHTER of- fice, bedroom or den. Automatic JModcra blood chcit with tclMiftint trait. Moth protect) fuarini. The Perfect Gift For - anywhere the house and NOW enjoy. a $1.00 deposit will hold for Xmas delivery! Phonograph record fun. Plug in and play all 3 Real speeds. Perfect for college, only $1.25 wk. ,7033 CLYDE B. STRATFORD Manager |