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Show Mantua Hall Is Reception Setting The Mantua LDS ward recre- ation hall was the setting for the wedding reception of Miss Margie Ann Keller and Ashton A. Beckstead, November 17. The 'bride is .the daughter of Mrs. Lioyd Keller, Mantua and the late Lloyd Keller. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hefy A. Beckstead, Preston, Idaho. For her wedding and reception, the new Mrs. Beckstead chose a gown of traditional White satin overlaid with lace. The creation was princess sityle, floor length with a Queen Victoria collar accented with seed pearls. Her seed pearl and sea quin encrusted crown held fingertip veil of brides illusion. She carried a bouquet of pink carnations surrounding a single orchid. the following Immediately Logan temple vows, parents of the bridegroom entertained at the Bluebird in Logan. President J. Hyrum Bell officiated in the temple with imme-dial,members attendfamily ' ing, Unique Color Scheme For the reception the receiving line stood .before .the candelabra arrangement. Pink, beige and brown was the color scheme for the reception. AH attendants were gowned In Identically designed princess style ballerina length gowns. The necklines and sleevelines were r scalloped. Each attendant wore a rhinestone necklace and earrings. Mrs. Kidd (Geraldine Keller) e . Glen's Rexall Drug k Boys and Girls Contest O 2ND WEEK - 'OFFICIAL STANDINGS BOYS 1. Robert Boyce 2. Bobby Sanford 3. Steven Nelson 4. Stevie J. Smith 5. Gilbert V. Miller 6. Richard Forsgren 7. Douglas Knudsen ' GIRLS 4 1. Carol Ann Korth 2. Kathy Claybaugh 3. Sheila Nelson 4. Pauline Adkins 5. LeAnn Ruder 6. Janice Peters ' 7. Gwen Holmgren DONT BE DISCOURAGED IF YOU ARENT LISTED theres still plenty of time left to get your votes in! FREE PARKING and plenty of it at Glens Drug. Drive in behind our new store and use the modern rear entrance. Its for your convenience. Grover in beige stood as matron of honor for her sister Miss Shirley Walker, Miss Pat Nebe-ke- r and Miss Joyce Jeppsen All carried were bridesmaids. Identical pink and white carnation nosegays. Flower girl duties were performed by Alhson Beckstead, sister of the bridegroom; Valerie Lora Lee Andersen Andersen, and Ora Lee Nelson. They wore pink dresses and carried miniature nosegays. For the wedding and reception Mrs Keller wore a grey gown and Mrs. Beckstead navy blue. They pinned corsages of pink and white carnations at their shoulders. of Roger Beckstead, brother the bridegroom, was best man. Men in the wedding party wore white carnation corsages. Admired Cake The man guests who called to extend best wishes during the evening admired the beautiful three tiered wedding cake displayed upon a white linen cloth. The cake was enhanced with swans, pink rosebuds and pale green leaves and topped with wedding bells. Hostess for the evening was Mrs. Janet Johnson. Mrs. Mar-genIsaacson was at the guest book and Chester Rasmussen, master of ceremonies. Dainty refreshments were served under the direction of Mrs. Rita Nc! ;o,:, Trs. Chesta Sorensen, Miss Wilma Larsen and Miss Renee Larsen, by Miss Darlene Hailing, Miss Linda Jepp-son- , Muss Virginia Beckstead and Miss Carolyn Larsen. Mrs. LuAne Keller, Mrs. Roger Beckstead and Mrs. Grant Moser were Jn charge of the gifts, Gift bearers were: Shirley Rasmussen, Alalne and Carolyn j Hailing and Bruce Grover. Heard during program time were vocal solos by Clyde Armstrong accompanied by Mrs. Armstrong; trio number by Mrs. Dorothy Jeppson, Mrs. Marlene Nelson and Mrs. Carol Hansen accompanied by Miss Jeanette Rasmussen; violin duet by Lillis Jeppsen and Gary Jeppsen also accompanied by Miss Rasmussen. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Nelson accompanied by Mrs. Ruth Johnson sang a duet. was Lovely organ music played Iby Miss Rasmussen dur ing the entire reception. Immediately following the re caption, Mrs. Beckstead donned a black wool dress with avaca do accessories for honeymoon travel to Las Vegas, Boulder Dam and Arizona. They will reside In Preston. Prior to the wedding, Miss Keller was gueSt of honor at a personal shower given by Miss Shirley Walker at the home of Mrs. Earl Sheffield. and Relatives, friends presented the feted Miss with many lovely gifts. " Card Oi Thanks cannot express the gratitude and appreciation we feel toward those who, by their kindness and generous , assistance, helped lighten our burden of sorrow at the time of the death of our husband and father, Wm. E. Rockwood. May Gods blessing rest with those who came to our assistance in any Words s ' way. The Rockwood Family. ive More taste More flavor More bouquet give Gknmote KENTUCKY . STRAIGHT - WHISKEY I? I ' , ! "Mormons In Hawaii" was the lesson presented by Miss Ignore Romer at November meeting of the Deseret Camp Daughters of Utah Pioneers. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Esther Jensen r f BOURBON California Vacation Is Deseret Lesson k I Mr. and Mrs. Tolman Burke and' daughter Gayle, of Honey-ville- , accompanied by Mrs. Burke's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Seager of Salt Lake City, have recently returned from a s vacation, trip pleasant to California and Arizona? two-week- with Captain Elsie Christensen presiding and Second Vice Captain Edna Farrell conducting. 'Our. Mountain Home So Dear was the opening song followed by prayer by Mrs. Maggie Four good cheer visits were reported prior to the business session. A sketch of the life of Joseph Yates was given by Mrs. Erma Peters, fallowed iby the interesting lesson by Miss Romer. The group attending sang Count Your Blessings" and Mrs. Leona Bunderson offered the benediction. Refreshments were served by Mrsi. Geneva Wright, Mrs. Maggie Lee and Mrs. Amy Phillips. David O. Andersens Back From Arizona Mr. and Mrs. David O. Andersen have returned from a pleasant Thanksgiving Day holiday In Arizona. They joined Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Andersen and son and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Huish and four sons at Pima; Arizona for dinner. Mrs. Thanksgiving HuiSh is the former Karma Andersen. . Upon their return they learned that their son, Dwayne N. had been named bishop of the newly divided LDS ward in Con cord, California. The new chapel has Just been dedicated In Concord. of Owen Cook, Mrs. Alice R. Rich and husband to Ellen Rich Cook, was named bishop of the other ward. Both wardsf meet in the same chapel. , Another bit of pleasant Infer mation was received via mail telling of the appointment of Elder Paul Andersen as Kona District president of the island of Hawaii. Paul has been serving as an LDS missionary for 18 months. H v. , brifar&i , i ifrfri h. )i S yf 1 ' fK raff ifrntT i" j1 - I &? - ' jl "Tl M twnntug-triif- MANTUA RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs. Ashton A. Beck-stewere honored at a wedding reception November 17 in the Mantua LDS ward recreation hall following their marriage in the Logan LDS temple earlier in the day. Mrs. Beckstead is the former Margie Ann Keller, daughter of Mrs. Lloyd Keller, Mantua and the late Lloyd Keller. Mr. Becksteads parents are Mr. and Mrs. Hefy A. Beckstead, Preston, Idaho. ad son-in-la- Family Members Present Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Grover With Golden Wedding Vacation Trip of Thanksgiving Highlight Dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Grover last Thursday was the presentation of a golden wedding vacation trip to Hawaii for Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Grover. The eight sons and daughters of the Grovers presented their parents with plane reservations for Honolulu, Hawaii, complete with a two weeks reservation at Hotel Moana, They plan to leave for their second honeymoon February 4.- Attending the dinner party at the Grover home at 413 South Main were Mr. and Mrs. F. Dean Parry and family; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde S. Huffman and family, all of Salt Lake City; Mr. .and Mrs. E. H. Jensen and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Grover and family. all of Brigham City. Kindergarten Club Sets Xmas Party All Kindergarten club mem- bers are reminded that the annual Christmas party will be held Thursday afternoon, Dec 8, at the War Memorial .home beginning at 4 p. m. The entire meeting time will he devoted to party fun and 50 cent gifts will be exchanged. is general Mrs. Elmo Lish Chairman with Mrs. E. M. Jensen as refreshment chairman, and Mrs. Dean Freeman, decorations chairman. Members are urged to note the change in date from first Thursday in the month until second Thursday in the month. Large Group Attends Beehive DUP Meeting Twenty four members and Card of Thanks We want to express our ap At Los Angeles, they visited with Mrs. Burkes sister, Mrs, H. At El C. Denton and family. Centro, Calif., they visited with their son, Staff Sergeant Reed Burke, serving with the Armed Services there. 'ir? Lee. e GLtEN S Liii IfWWf w K Burkes Return From 'Mormons In Hawaii' to The group then traveled Mesa, Ariz., where they were house-gueslof Mr. and Mrs. W. s Seager and family, a brother to Mrs. Burke. While in they spent time with Mr. and Mrs. John Grant at Phoenix, former residents of Honeyville and Brigham City. K. Ari-on- Willard PTA Completes Work T o wards Awatds FETED BY FAMILY Mr. and Mrs. Israel L. Glenn were honored on the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary Sunday at their home at 613 South Main. x Mrs. Orville Gray, president of the Willard school PTA, today has announced that award been received by the Willard organization for the - magazine subdrive for PTA magazine subscripscriptions. Twenty-fivtions have been received. GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY Family Members Join With Mr. And Mrs. I. L. Glenn on Sunday The family of Mr. and Mrs. Israel L. Glenn met Sunday, November 27, to celebrate the golden anniversary of their parents at their home at 613 South Main, Brigham City. Mrs. Glenn were (Mr. and married November 29, 1905, in the Logan LDS temple. They are the parents of eight 2 Elder NEWS Box e Brigham City. Utah Wednesday, November 30. 1955 The Willard Children, two deceased. Children Include: Mrs. Gaylord L. Bountiful;. Taylor, Merrill ..Beautiful Holiday Decanter (at same price as ap- applied toward the standard achievement award. was Back to School Night held with tihe summary evening and four Both were born and reared in How to Better Our Schools. Cache Yaey then moved to Adding to the long list of PTA Willard in 1920 and since 1928 accomplishments this year is have made thelir home in Brig- the .application for the school ham City. lunch project award. weekly newspaper established in 1896, pub lished every Wednesday and entered as Sectn ond Class Matter at the post office Brigham City, Utah, undv the act of March A 8, y outre invited 1879. Subscrpition rate $3.00 per year, payable in advance; in combination With the Box Elder Journal, (published Fridays) $5.00 per year; $2.b0 for 6 months; single copy 10 cents. guests met for regular Novem iber meeting of the Beehive DUP, Friday evening, November 25, preciation and thanks to every Audit Bureau of Circulations, Utah at ,the home of , M!rs. Virgie one who came to our assistance MemberPress Association, National Editorial during the illness and death of State Harding. Association and United Press, Advertising our beloved wife and mother. Utah State Press Association, Representative; Whitaker Melva pre Captain Salt Lake City, Utah, W. Thomas Collings sided and conducted. and Family. Chas, W. CJaybaugh, Publisher Count: Your Blessings was Verl Rich OBrien, Advertising Manager with opening song prayer :,rby Mrs. Etta Gilbert, Following the presentation of 1 Mormons in Hawaii by Mrs, Fannie Christensen, Mrs. Christensen read a beautiful poem, Gods Garden. Betty Rae Olsen and Arena Lou Harding entertained with a vocal duet, Till We Meet Again, with Miiss Olsen at the piano. A sketch of the life of Eliza beth Jane Harding Zundel was given by Mrs. Harding. Anyone con moke 16 was set as (December full-col- or Christmas party evening with movies gifts to be exchanged. with Captain Whitaker then read a DisSt of serving committees . to serve for the coming year. New members voted into the camp during the meeting in eluded: Miss Violet Berehtold There only one timple setting to make, and a built-i- n guide Xlrs. Norma Eastley and Mrs. tells how. You get snapshot film economy, too, with this . Lola Winters. movie maker. With f2.7 lens, only $37.50, ine. Fed. Tax. was the Long, Long Ago Stop in now and let us show you. closing song with prayer by Mrs, Rose Petersen. Mrs. Harding, Miss Harding and Mrs. Neola Armstrong serv ed refreshments. to the 8th ... ANNUAL UTAH ENJOY THIS CHRISTMAS QTD0 and annual convention of the Utah Turkey Federation DECEMBER Kodaks BROWNIE MOVIE CAMERA Ij, . t , COMPTONS ART & MUSIC CO. Attend the convention of the Utah Turkey Federation, Take on active part in the organization Ihof helps to sell your turkeys For details on the show or convention, writer UTAH t Devi TURKEY Canon. S j. to Won FEDERATION Jiotn , , Practical Gifty - Inexpensive Brunch Coats - Dusters - A i Tremendous Assortment of Patterns - Colors - Materials Nylon Corduroy - Polished Cotton ' All Flannels Washable And Need NO Ironing! Make your selection now while sizes, styles and patterns are complete. PRICED AT ONLY A Small Deposit Will Hold Any Lay-Awa- y 9 and 10 Uotel Ben, Lomond , Ogden regular bottle) Until Christmas! Its the same wonderful Clenmore that also sold t in the regular bottle. has The discussion group 66, which included the study courses Understanding Our Schools, has been completed and will be Glenn, Harper ward; Mrs. Shirley Wight, Brigham City; Mrs. Charles Damron, Salt Lake City; Mrs. Vernon Stokes and Earl Glenn, both of Brigham City. They have 25 grandchildren 86 PROOF in the group award plied for membership following the securing of 75 perTheir cent of the homes as PTA members. FORSGRENS CLENMORE DISTILLERIES COMPANY, tou.sviu... ksntuckv '"Where Perfection of Product is Tradition I Cat., lajea, IMS |