Show 1 THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE MONDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER 25 1933 Girl Presents SCHOOL LOANS HULL STUDIES Moonlight Fete Gold Nugget as To Unveil Store RULING ISSUED HEAVY SCHOOL Pay for Tuition BRITISH DEBT At Historic Site BOND PAYMENT BEFORE MEET from this spring His letter to Mr -Humpherys continues?'"'"''' "The Snyder spring was completely 'inclosed end about 12:30 p m when the outflow appeared to have reached s settled condition we’meas-ureFor all 043 of a second-foo- t practical purposes I should call the at the time Officials of the University of Overflow from that spring half a second-foo- t Utah were confronted it was STUDY-SHOWout to the “In AH Revenues Snyder spring S Count in learned Sunday by a young wogetting man who told them she was very one crosses th overflow from one or desirous of attending school this more of the Smaller springs of the Vanguard Troop Erects Deciding Limit Says same type From our experience with winteri" She had no money to Old Modfumenf at pay Jobber tuition but she proGeneral spring that we measured we DisShows on Plea Audit Annual Attorney Measurements Drsprove Re-- - the duced a gold nugget about the IIearing timated this overflow to amount to Fort Fremont of acorn an size not more than 03 of a second-foo- t Revision to Open trict Sinking Fund The nugget was sent to the ports of Large SupPlans of Utah school districts to "It had also been rumored that an school' of where metallurgy Sarato close the works of were the take there October 5 public advantage springs Totaling $7000 ply of Water Moonlight unveiling services for the provisions of the recovery art which assay proved it was worth toga beach resort that flowed 13 or 20 about $25 second-fee- t Fremont monument west of Ogden provides a fund of $3300000000 for There are several warm The nugget probably will be with a couple of hundred WASHINGTON Sept 24 UP)— SecDuchesne county school district will be held Tuesday October 3 at such works are reflected in various Spring long known Ip exist In the springsof the beach accepted as a substantial payment to Joseph Chez line near the re- finds®5 ftself fa'ced with bonds due in 7:30 yards m it was announced Sunday Hull is making a special study woman’s tuition p retary the bottom of Utah lake and sometimes sort and in the area now coyered with the amount' of $8500 upon young attorney general of Utah February 1 1934 of the British war debts in preparasaid to yield as much as 100 seconds rushes The flow from two of 'the and $25000 due March 1 1934 not to by John D Giles secretary of the In an official opinion Mr Chez the officials said tion for hearing the British plea for feet of water in some 'instances ac- larger dhes collects In one ehannel mention $71500 due December 31 Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks’ advises W Karl Hopkins that In estimating the amount of a loan which a revision which President Roosevelt t tually produce possibly ohe or two and this flow was measured with a 1936 According to a report of an association board school 2:30 m The annual audit by W Z Terry & Co district second-fee- t may negotiate p all told it is found by A current meter about Vanguards of troopTIo 216 of the will open October 5 B Purton district engineer for the discharge was 36 second-fee- t ot Ogden now on file with State Au- Ogden Twelfth L D S ward are without submitting the matter to the He intends this week to go deeply take of the it electorate district may United States geological survey with It appears to be rather doubtful ditor Juilus C Andersen the district now at work building the monument into the debt situation one purpose account into revenue district's the viswhether the seeDage andspring in- has sinking fund investments in the which will be 16 feet in height and headquarters in Salt Lake of which will be to determine what Mr ible from Ogden and most parts of the from the state district school fund and Purton knows because he flow to the lake amounts to any con 5'mount of $7000 government official will handle the as as sources well raised that similar mountainsf and measured them siderable quantity in any particular During the year the sinking fundsurrounding valley negotiations for the United States the district levy at the of is by on were Little made measurements the location The small area It may be that the total cash received was $243276 from a taxiThe sumrpit Mr Roosevelt has repeatedly made The school constitution prevents Shore 11 near lake the H at the northwest levy of 15 milies and $15750 fromjwjitain reduestrof-quantity at this time Hurpphgry' it clear that all final decisions will be districts counties and municipalities a The cobblestone monument close of and is who to amount not of the lake does study comer making engineer interest on the ‘bonds it holds' This made by him personally but it will from incurring a debt "in excess of of Utah lake in connection with the more than 15 or 20 second-fee- t amount was turned over to the gen- tufa bearing bronze plaque No 32 of the taxes not be possible for the president or the for This counpresent year” mark will In association situation trails the water the case be the “If should this present jhis perhaps eral fund of the district “as part bay Hull to attend all the hearings Utah suthe - has been construed Made by FreC of the lake of John in the from the is watered site is area which most that the camp Granting ty Ruling productive ment” says the report "of $492939 To Review Pleas preme court Mr Chez finds to the and with the adjudication suit in re- around Provo bay where Spring used during the year 1931-3from the naont party September 5 1943 effect that the word "taxes” as used Grade td’Build Permit In his study the secretary of state gard to water rights on the lake pend- creek alone contributes probably 15 general fund for the purchase and re Site f Fort in the section from the constitution is expected to make a thorough resecond-fee- t or more ing In the Third district court tirement of bonds of the school disThe Fremont party on a United "mean all potential revenues for the view of pleas for revision presented Crossing Aided by Wind trict” Admitted States topographical survey expedi- current year from any source® Seepage last December and the notes exit tion came the Bear river under Mr Purton also has been officially The Davis county school district dpwn There Is probably more or less The school district authorities in changed last June when Great Britfrom the preparsuba report and keenly interested in the same board of education which also is If the guidance of Kit Garson and built seepage all around the lake with a appears has of it made only a token payment of or ain estiany part for the public their year budget for small fort at the strategic point minimum along the front end of West ing making application for Joans of fedject on the instalment of $10000000 more at of to a $27000 their mated location the receipts proposed measto further explorations ' He made several attempts eral funds asked practically the same objection mountain The maximum would nat due then to be actual than the proved receipts A whole vast the wilderness but Mr ure the springs unsuccessfully plateau question as did Hopkins and state highway it must take its troubles Raymond Moley former assistant urally be expected along the east Side Mexiunder Amended then the to was to was able not care borrow to some other tribunal than the public added that it did last Thursday nominally Budget complete of the lake where the continguous of state assisted Mr Roose"The budget” comments the report can government although the English under the privileges the work he tells Mr Humpherys area are pretty generally irrigated Granger utilities commission that body holds secretary in the international velt last spring 7 1833 conof in Fur June act in a letter Saturday which session Hudson climatic the and trappers company and the topography Bay prospecial part"“vas adopted but his recent reA stiL northwest breeze for sev- ditions are more favorable for the This was amended June 6 1933 (when were vying for influence with In- vides that revenues from public in deciding that the commission may debt conversations makes it necessary to name eral hours had taken the surface wa- production of ground water” the school year was about over) to the trepid American trappers including works constructed from a loan might build a grade crossing over the Ore- tirement official to carry on the vast ter of the lake— now much diminMr Humpherys is of the opinion extent of making adjustments within among their number Jim Bridger be used to pay off the indebtedness gon ShortPLjne railway on its new another amount of detail work R Walton without obligating the general fund ished in size— away from the spring that the reported large flows from the groups and the transfer of $113750 and Carson named last week to area which is near the Saratoga Snyder snd some other springs may from the budget for instruction to the A key step In the acquiring of the of a city or county Mr Chez pointed secondary highway leading westerly Moore who washas not had any time succeed Moley The to- western empire was taken by the out that the Granger act docs not in- from Kaysville springs on the shore By arrange- be due underground connec- budget for general control Some protests were entered to the to familiarize himself with the debt ment with Martin Rasmussen presi- tion between various parts of the lake tals for the other groups rejnained United States government apparently clude school districts proposed plan when the road com- situation and it is not thought likely when due to the influence of Senator dent of the Utah & Salt Lake Canal As the wind may pile the shallow unchanged Constitutional Bar mission made application for the new that he will be asked to undertake "The board found it necessary to Thomas H Benton of Missouri Frecompany a force of men was sent waters over one of the areas at the Under the emergency public works over to throw up a mud dike around end of such a connection the water cut the budget expenditures to some mont’s father-in-lathe expedition act of the special session a different crossing before the utilities commis- the work Britons Experted sions Says the latter body in its deFremont This was accomplished by was sent west brought enactment from the Granger act Snydef spring the largest in the would of course flow In quantity degree cision: chief ecoSir Frederick Leith-Rosfrom the other end Some official re- shortening the school year and other- back reports particularly valuable in group Mr Chez points out "The “The to wheth- nomic adviser to the British govern question is raised as Mr Purton with Leonard Tanner ports estimate much greater volumes wise reducing the expenditures of the arousing interest in the west and giv- school district may borrow money er the highway was at all necessary ment who will direct the negotiations representing W D Beers city engl of water from the Snyder and adja- district The costs for the year 1932-3- ing an idea of its possibilities for col- from the United States or the fed- to subserve the needs and convenience for the British §ir Ronald Lindsay neer of Salt Lakb made the necessary cent springs than that found by Mr were reduced below the costs for onization of pub- of the eral administrator emergency 1931-3traveling public The question British ambassador to Washington in all groups excepting gen observations to determine the floiaPurton’ actually to be the case Furnished Map lic works or any other agency desig- was also in the hearing as to and T K Bewley British treasury raised eral control” "Tha Pathfinder” also furnished an nated by the president of the United The repprt shows that ini the process authentic map of the region from the States pursuant to the provisions of what effect the establishment of the expert are expected by the British 1 of budget reducing the salaries of highway might have upon the private embassy to arrive from England by Mississippi river to the Great- Salt title 2 of the N R A or in accordance male teachers were reduced in the lake His report aroused a furor of with any otfep act of congress and property of individual buddings of October 3 certain citizens The payment due'from Great Brit aggregate from approximately $32000 comment and the government edition may execute and deliver notes bonds ain on next December 15 totals $117- Beyond Jurisdiction indebtedness of or exhaustpaid the preceding school year to evidences other 10000 was of quickly copies " m765 “Sufch matters are beyond the Jurispaid last year and for women ed 'the great demand being filled by for money so borrowed D uring his campaign last fall Mr teachera-fco$35000 to $25000 in the private printers who soon circulated ‘There is no question about the au diction of the public utilities com mis-The same "period to ennctttns5ioirT6gecidfe superintendent’s dUp!jjat£i Aswe interpret thep In Every Color and Hne for You- - to Buy and tbariiyof salary and expenses were reduced At any rate Mr Giles pointed out legislation and there is no question statute the only duty imposed on the alteration or reduction of intergovUe— Yonr$elf ernmental debts in exchanges for confrorhj$2500 plus to $2400 plus Brigham Young and other leaders of that it supersedes a previous state public utilities commission in this case cessions which' would benefit AmeriIncreased Own Pay Yori Need Not Be an Expert to Use thwA D: S church meeting in the statute But there is a constitutional is that of determining and ‘prescrib- can the ing the manner including the par-- ' agriculture and industry Any Upon However in the same period the Nauvoo temple in January J846 de- restriction or limitation board members increased their ovyn termining their destination in "Uppec amount that the school district may ticular point of the crossing and the agreements he may make are" howC O D Orders Filled to congre6iona TABLES TO TOYS-Every-- thing apterms of installation operation main- ever subject salaries and expenses from $1250 to California” as tier Rocky mountain borrow" ' Promptly— The opinion then cites and inter- tenance use and protection of the proval district was then called studied Frehome rewithin $268750 your Call Wasatch 9768 for involved” It is also shown Jn the report that mont's reports and maps assiduously prets the section of the constitution crossing " sponds to the magic of The responsibility of locating and Representative to Call the state of Utah- - as a whole is con- and may have decided to settle in Salt covered also in the opinion given to " establishing the place for the highway tributing mdre than $2 in taxes for Lake valley due to Fremont's report Mr Hopkins The problems presented to the at- involved devolves upon and belongs each $1 paid'by the taxpayers of DuIsland Bears Name their local torney general were investigated by wholly to other public authorities It chesne county through SPECIAL Walls and wood trim made Fremont island not far from the Grover A Giles assistant attorney should be so understood school district tax The total of conby the patexwas named from the campsite ties to this proceeding” bright and clean—so easily general tributions faun the state'war$69-8514ONE WEEK ONLY exof members whose party while in current taxes front plorer with Decide Expense We will in their the school district levy the county plored it in course of a voyage The commission was rubber boat termed provides that the ear— them'it Na furnish By your treasurer collected and forwarded is made toot-de- r state shall bear the cost of installing island due to the abEnamel tnd F" $2270382 to tohlch was added Disappointment only this particular grade crossing with ot luxuriant vegetation which another $810097 from tax sale re- sence had General Rules do the your auStandard warning - signals cattle Attorney anticipated they of the The estimate — budget demptions do can tomobile it ONLY work— that fences the and you (Jnarcts of Smith railway Albert George president district tax levy revenue was $58800 the Utah Pioneer Trails and Tax Applies to Pub All upper classmen of the Univer- shall maintain the signals cattle yourself Of the state’s contributions $330202 of Utah will register for classes guards and fences and the rails and of master sity be was from land interest and rental Demoil stratum In Our Retail Store of this Wonderful See lie Purchases Registration will be held the road commission the approaches Monday COME IN FOR YOUR FREE fund and the semainder was from di- ceremonies- at the unveiling services COLOR CHART Freshmen students who have to the crossing all rect taxes paid by the ratepayers all while representatives of the associa-tto- not day and of the Twelfth ward will give completed their registration which over 'the state plus a little from the UTAH COMPANY FOOTBALL PLAYER HURT” The state must pay the federal was held Friday and Saturday will addresses income taxes Monument No 31 marking the complete their tasks Crosby Severson 16 of 1017 process tax on flour it purchases for Henry IS A 100 UTAH INSTITUTION— OWNED AND OPERATED BT Disbursements Cut All students who have not complet- Hudson avenue was taken to the Salt state institutions says an opinion givroute of the Donner party and loUTAH FEOPLB— WIAKE NOT AFFILIATED WITH ANY The total Instructional costs of the cated about 35 miles west of Grants- - ed 90 hours of “C” average work or Lake general hospital Sunday for en Saturday by the attorney general’s CHAIN OF STORES district were about $10000 less than ville Is now being designed by John who are unmatriculated students will treatment for a broken leg received office fpr the benefit of E R Miles the state's contribution He is the executive 'secretary of the board of W Clark of Grantsville high school register with the lower division under while playing football The district received a little more and after its construction by the Dr Leroy E Cowles dean of the son of James apd Dagmar Severson supplies and purchase The Finest Enamel Home tJse AU other students than $2000 for the education ot school school will be unveiled probably Oc- lower division Attorney General Joseph Chez is a member of the board of supplies with their respective other districts and a tober 14 Mr Giles sah from children will d L D S OBSERVE DATE register NU-ENAMEschools it was announced by E J little more than $1000 for the educaL Sunday evening L D S ward sac- and the opinion is signed for him by The conservation rament meetings commemorated the John D Rice assistant attorney gention of Indian school children AND OFFICE BROADWAY department of Norton recorder Total disbursements of the school New York state in 1931 issued Regular instruction In all ' classes delivery according to L D S belief eral JJ WEST li- will begin Tuesday morning The last of the gold plates from which the The state’s purchase for the Utah cut district than more from and were hunting fishing trapping 4TH SOUTH $139000 for the preceding school year censes not Including 75040 special date for registration in any class has Book of Mormon was translated to state hospital amounted to $7609 and the process tax to $1939 plus a cotbeen set for October 9 to less than 106000 last school year deer licenses Joseph Smith September- 22 1827- ton process tax of 38 cents The question proved to be a complex one and the opinion cites various decisions of the supreme court of the United States relative to the powers of state to tax agencies of the federal government and vice versa Explains Decision “The test as I see it” says the opinion “is as to whether the purchase of flour for the Utah state hospital where the processor of the flour who sells 'the flour to the state is charged a process tax thereby im pairs the operation of the state agency “I do not believe that the tax paid the United States government on flour sold to the state for its agencies ts such an interference with the state agencies as to fall within the rule aMK£ laid down by the supreme court of the United States Admits Cost Increase m c £ “Ot course if a tax’ is levied on : the flour purchased for an agency of the state the cost of the product becomes higher and the budgeted amount allotted to that agency of the state will not purchase as much of a t s f w that product and perhaps when the $ vOv A ' s' A $ ' AIVN rv v saV " NvV ' £ ’'Vs x O ' " i i ' sVA y Wv''S4 A budget is exhausted there will be no more money to run the institution: but I cannot conceive that the United States supreme court would say that that reason would entitle the processor of the flour to escape payment of! the tax on sales made to that state agency any more than the operator of a dredge for the United States government could escape the taxes on his equipment In both- - cases the cost to the state or federal agencies is Increased because of the tax “I therefore conclude that the state Is not being interfered with in remote-contr- ol the operation of its agencies to the extent laid down by the cases above quoted as being necessary before the courts will enjoin the collection of COUNTYFACES LAKE SPRINGS YIELD LITTLE Which for ? Towel Is Ias problerfis-i-presente- Utilities Board Denies Power to Fix Hoad Route ‘ -- ' ti YOURS i ? 2 0 O of-th- e ' to-so- ' ' Vr 1 s S & 2 $29-00- 0 m 1 L STATE TO PAY L PROCESS LEVY 8 L Nil-Ena- Classes at ‘IP Start Tuesday iul ociatlonT'wlll No 1 towel has been five times at home in ordinary city water with a good grade of soap THIS the' grayish cast pjote It doesn’t look clean "and snow-whi- as It te did when new n ISU-EIIAU- EL -- -- for S The gray Is simply deposits of soap and dirt remaining in the towel which hard water cannot remove no matter how many times you wash or rinse it - V 657-8- - - T tmu vriesi:E© mss M X V 'V S'- 01 V OH fi? i"' © 0wy X1' m A As Vfc s m KOTO m v t T Ns s 'A sX ‘"y sign of a happy winter! winter— and then decide if you fJpHE if you you just say want to have it always You the word! Our offer is simple needn’t start paying until you but we urge start using it Wll install a modern Natural Gas heating you to have it installed now and unit in your furnace for a trial be ready for the first storm rental at as little as $150 a headed this way It won’t be month— 5c a day Use it all long! '"A t QJTOiDfl ‘I DAY ®A§ & C0CSE £© OGDEN CAS CO V WASATCH CAS CO No 2 and JOTE how clean white this towel is It too was washed five times — but in pure rain-so- ft water at the Troy i Each time it received three suds baths and was rinsed five different times The Troy uses five times the amount of water per pound of clothes that the tax” the average housewife LDS Missionaries uses Honored Sunday Honoring Mr land Mrs T Edgar farewell testimonial wsu held Lyon in the Ensign ward chapel Sunday evening The couple will leave soon for the Netherlands mission of the L D S church Mr Lyon to become its president and Mrs Lyon to engage in Relief society work The program included: Prayer singing of "Israel Israel God Is Calling” “The Time Is Far Spent” and “O Jesus the Giver” by the congre- gation remarks Henry J HaltOh Mr and Mrs Lyon Willard R Smith and Bishop Gordon T Hyde solo "Joseph the Seer” William H Russell bass solo “Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep" John Aird violin selection Professor William C Clive benedic-- l Send a trial bundle to the Troy— and be convinced of the difference laundry HYLAND 190 4 |