Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE MONDA Y MORNINa WOMAN Heiress Kidnap RIDER NOTED Plotters Face Federal Charge FiM’ Rays Change k CRUSHED TO --VISITS IN SL Motion Into SEPTEMBER 25 1933 STORM LASHES LIVERIGHT DIES Crews Rescue Trapped Miners MEXICO COAST MEET ENVOYS OF PNEUMONIA HAZLETON Pa Sept — JEWS TO NAME Solid Matter 24 UP) After working in relays for eight hours '“rescue crews last night sucNEW YORK Sept 24-- The ceeded in removing three men who Lindbergh law AmerShut Off After Will and World Altitude Attend Producer of Publisher Holder were entombed in a mine of the Tampico Delegate ica's bitter medicine for kidnapQlen Alden Coal company six miles ers will be invoked In the proseWind World Congress Record Autogiro to Reporting 75-MiOpponent of Literary South of Hazleton cution of the Yonkers hospital men The Edward i£ozlotkl Joseph ' nurse snd her sweetheart whose Texas Believed Safe Give Lecture Serie Tragedy End Bonneville Next Year Censorship Passes Sentwany and George Christina were scheme to fatten on the wealth of trapped in a gangway yesterday morna Morgan partner’s kinfolk went Rodeo as Horse Fall ing by the collapse of a pillar agley (Hr AiMiltltS rm) NEW YORK Sept 24 IP)—' The naNEW YORK Sept 24 Early reports listed four men Declaring flying to be far safer than A fedwarrant new under the Exhibition During tional executive committee of the B Ltverigitf publisher and vigorous trapped but colliery officials stated A tropical hurricane inoved inland at any time since its advent Captain eral antikidnaping statute one of William votAmerican Jewish congress today T Campbell 37 noted flier opponent of literary censorship died 'only three had been caught from the Gulf of Mexico Sunday the first to be issued in New York ter ed to set in motion immediately ma- today at hi home of pneumonia "He in an abanand holder of the world altitude recRescued from a cave-ithe Mexican coastline After state was prepared by United striking scientists of Latest the IDAHO FALLS Idaho — Tragedy reports recin 49 to national elections in hold hit doned mine near Tamaqua ChaTle ord for autogiros arrived wts years old chinery winds of 75 miles an hour factual Slates reporting dwell District upon George Attorney a principally theatrito for a Derr 30 the United 28 States also known ord breaking machine Sunday evening ended the and Harold Applegate delegates t Llverlght rodeo held here was suddenly shut oft from ZMedalie’s office for submisTampico observations phoby founsupported scheduled was the cal world will He the and critic hostwo Jewish weeks’ a for were in congress a Coaldale give stay producer recovering Thursday Friday and Saturday in sion when Virginia De Palma 23 outside communication tographs to be held in March 1934 der of the lectures before schools clubs and company pital today from shock snd exposure Texas was not believed In danger conjunction with the Bonneville counand James Medley 23 are arRadium rays whirling through The reached was decision after the theatriProvo venture Lake into Salt in bodies other and prescrews removed Rescue Liverightja Applegate as the center of the disturbance was ty fair when Mrs Marie Gibson of raigned in Yonkers justice court at incalculable speed are of space of the a situation cal "The and’ entation field Firebrand" men report almost the after KaysvUle Ogden produced immediately Havre Mont died at a local hospital tomorrow converted into electrical par"Ham- were trapped yesterday Derr was charted south of Tampico The weather bureau radio commuaffecting Jews in Germany by Dr in 1924 and the where she was taken after being From Tegucigalpa came reports of A state charge of attempted extides it was explained Whan the Stephen A Wise honorary president let 1925 "Ah in directional the beam nication Modern Dress” the liberated six hours later uj crushed under a falling horse Sattortion will be waived in favor transformation continuing rains and widespread u completed of the American Jewish congress American Tragedy" was his next at and the "cream of the pilots autogiro floods which caused extensive damage urday night of the government's charge Dr Wise said the situation in Ger- tempt in 1927 followed by “Dracula” practically no motion is left of the world particularly in western Mrs Gibson was entered on the proto fruit crops in Honduras United Prison terms of 20 years may The experiments take advanand its repercussions of world and The Dagger and the Rose ” classed were mountain divisions” many Car Sell by to Attempt gram for an exhibition broncho ride Fruit company plantations were inunbe meted to the plotters if they tage of the newly discovered posare the "gravest m history’ as major advances He was president of the Stonelea Jewry Captain Campbell as a feature of the eloping dated and the town Of Progreso was-inight She confirm their confessions by in flying since the first ascent by the itron or positive electron Both and called for international action Players the Authors’ Royalties comArrest Theft as fatally crushed when he horse Brings and negative electrons danger of being wiped out to pleading guilty or are convicted the positive 1924 situation led a in brothers change and mission fight against Wright the famous bucker "Kiss” fell heavily In the republic of Salvador west of threatening the life of the newto achieve the de- are of necessary The he on comfort Books bill” Ford’ “Clean to pressure Justice the opinion public Autogiros owing Shortly after leaving the chute sirtd end the reports said ly marrifd Mrs John K Doughersaid constitutes a hop of defense the ground it called for a too strict Charged with having stolen In Chi- of Honduras riven were diverted peculiar to their flight the sense of Eye witnesses disagreed as the the cago an automobile belonging to i from their beds by the fury of the Each flying ray ia charget ty niece of Russell O Lefflng-wel-l security which they impart during the Jewish people but the most censorship for cause of the accident although inBoston resident Charles Miller 28 storms two oppositely charged electron formidable “which the Liveright’s marilage to hi partner In the great Morgan high winds and their slowness of deweapon first These electrons science believe vestigation showed Mrs Gibson holdmasses can and must wield is that wife Luclle Elsas ended In divorce of Denver was arrested in Salt Lake Hundreds were homeless and railbanking firm knd ascent are scent of sigquickness er of several rodeo championships are the essence of all matter — the of boycott— boycott of German in 1928 Mrs Liverlght receiving cus- Sunday afternoon and was ordered road traffic paralyzed on the island The nurse and her nal contributions to private aviation was riding with "hobbled stirrups” at held for Investigation by United of Trinidad basic substance of Creation station sweetheart have he said The publisher goods” tody of the children the time admitted terrorizing the Dr Wise said all avenues of eco- married Elsie Bartlett Porter sctreis States authorities BROWNSVILLE' Texas of Travel Speed Sept 34 UP) Deputy Sheriff D H Higginbotham Accounts Differ and her parents Mr nomic livelihood ara being closed to in 1931 Miss Porter was a former arrested The Pan American Airways office th latter atMiller “Speed Of travel is another means when and Mrs Franklin-Some Witnesses declared the woBatcheller that and Jews “one the jn Germany wife of Joseph Schlldkra’ut actor ved report late today that to sell an automobile to Carl for five weeks with a demand for by which the aviators now clrcunv man had completed her ride and hope of succor rests in emigration” They were separated April 20 1932 tempted 2348 South State atreet the center of tropical hurricane was Perryman While the executive committee of Mutilation of the girl vents danger” Captain Campbell was being taken from the horse by $10000 their after pomted out With radio commumca was threatened Perryman asked Deputy Sheriff moving inland near Tampico Mexithe pick up riders when her mount the American Jewish congress was Liveright recently hadmarriage begun writ- Higginbotham to check the title on co The barometer at Tampico haa 25 members of the “We wanted the rhoney to run tion and weather advices it is now pos in abci session began an additional spurt of "suna "The volume entitled tentatively ing sible to run around dangerous storms dropped to 291 American Fe ilon for Defense of Turbulent Years” in which he had the car away from Jimmy’s wife and go fishing” and crashed into one of the Weather bureau reports here inhe said It was discovered that the car be r et in Yonkers at the planned to set down some of the dra Jewish pick-umounts Others insisted that to South America” Miss De Rights Brownsville was in no danger — of dicated York The New flier Boston left to Nelson A Carl Thursday longing disof Palma said in her cell Samuel Untermyer and home "We Mrs Gibson "pulled” the horse from malic highlights of his life a repetition of the disastrous to Salt of last and In stolen flew across June been had having country Chicago The were cussed the a rearing jump boycott meeting was getting desperate— we had Lake to initiate a series of lectures in Miller allegedly used the name of hurricane here several Weeks ago to have it” executive J David Stern publisher She was taken from the field dicoast west The the this fall He wilt next go of northern Mexico from Nelson In attempting- to sell the car Defend Levies of the Philadelphia Record and Dr Former S L Resident rectly to a hospital where she died a point 200 miles south of Brownsville to Spokane Wash and other points Untermyer Abba Silver of Cleveland were among r shout five hours later without reon southward to Tuxpara was dewest Incomes those who attended the meeting oil Dies at Canada Home Generosity gaining consciousness scribed as being lashed by the hurActress Captain Campbell has visited 32 Aside from the fatal accident the ricane cities during the past 18 months and Hit Proposed Move rodeo was carried through without Anti-Crim- e lectured to 350000 students located Two Edward H Rippeto of Boundary Court in Land mishap Exceptional riding roping m 28 states Falls B C who resided in Salt Lake and was featured by for many years died in the former (Salt Lake a Evolotlon of Flying irlbint Servlee) Women Will Try to Break NEW YORK Sept 24 UP) — Samuel the management of the show and city on September 11 according to NEW YORK Sept 24—The famed the contestants lawyer and prominent “My aim" he said “is to discuss the Untermyer many of whom word received here by his sister Mrs Refueling Flight Record traveled several hundreds of miles evolution of flying from Greek myth economic adviser to the city adminis generosity of Mane Dressier the vetKathryn Rippeto Price 131 D street eran actress landed a man and woman Utah law enforcement officers and ology down to perform after contesting during the ealy experi- tration criticised sharply today the through CHICAGO Sept 24 UP)— National He had been in ill health for aeveral in west aide the afternoon at the Tremonton Utah prosecuting attorneys under the aus- mental period through the "first suc- stock exchange’s proposed move to Commander Louis police court today on NEW A Johnsop of the months YORK Sept 24 £$—'Viola of soliciting funds without show proved to be especially tena- pices of the Utah Peace Officers’ as- cessful flights the war period com- New Jersey at a time when the world's American charges 1 was born May Mr Rippeto who and hts executive of Legion will sociation Lake Salt Gentry Brooklyn and Mai Sanfor bankJn to the is in gather mercial aviation the theory of flight “richest city” cious in their riding and general rodeo “pawn staff of (15 arrived here tonight to 1868 attended the former St Mark’s permission the first annual anticrime conference and ” Miss Dressier gave a check for $100 son of Hartford Conn announced toers ” work autogiros He set in for the national Like Salt seminary up headquarters 5 Herman L Bauer Edith Douglas 28 of Brooklyn day they would attempt to break tha His schedule will include the folWinners of Prises Untermyer defended levies on Stock Sctober convention which begins next moved to Canada soma years ago to' of eight days and four announced Sunday upon the letter’s statement that the women’s record the Brigham Young transfers and brokers’ incomes pro- legion lowing Monday ' Winners of the cash prizes of the was with tha he connected where endurance flight hour for The purpose of the conference will Sunday refueling deEast "The used to was be which by money jnembeTS Provo exchange high school testing included Willie Edmo be to discuss methods of combating university the said he expected a rec- mining industry They said they would taka off from Side Free Kitchen" it is charged Farrar junior Jugh school Tuesday cided on the move aerbss the' river ordJohnson Fort Hall Ferme Hubbard Jackson the criminal element Mr Bauer is also He abrothar survived of from attendance by Bennett said airport on October 7 Miss Douglas turned over tha check Floyd club luncheon Granite high He said tha taxes affected "gamblers all sections of the legionnaires Wyo and Gleir Yearsley Mud Lake HuglfT Rippeto who recently was to Edward Forester 84 of Manhattan or as soon thereafter as the weather country The morning session will be devot- Rotary are who and schools Wells unwilling and L seventh Twenty broncho riding Tommy Cavanaugh ed to sectional meetings of the vari' Indicating that he hoped it Is pos- appointed head of the United States Both were arrested by detectives in- Is favorable D S wards Wednesday chamber of to “aid the city" in supporting sible for President Roosevelt to attend mint in New Orleans The women’i refueling endurance Ppcatello Harry Hunt Pocatello and ous departments for round table dis- commerce' their supposed charity vestigating Adverthe with) together Lee Edmo Fort Hall calf roping cussion Topics in this session will connections and they were held In record Is held by Francis Marsallls “These speculators and 'their opera- the convention Johnson said “The tising club and Utah Manufacturers' Harry Hart Pocatello Joe Com- - include all forms of policing devel- - association president has been assured that if he ball each Jor hearing Thursday and Louise Thadtn $500 Thursschool high Cyprus merihl Blackfoot and Hugh JohnFormer Army Engineer w caiieg'l w SALT LAKE WOMAN ROBBED son Roberts vention police judicial practice and Davis greatest reception from the legion high school Friday Exchange them is a reason for not outlawing ever given a chief executive " in Mrs Gibson a feature rider of the suggested improvements of each Dies Chief Christina Glezon 2713 South State Capital Chinese Russian Charge club luncheon University of Utah gen- their business as pure gambling But show had won the world 'championNational Adjutant Frank E Samuel A general assembly has been called street waa held up and robbed by If so they are a necessary evil eral Memorial assembly Judge high at women Madison riders the ship for for the afternoon session following a school October 3 WASHINGTON Sept 24 (—Ma- With Delaying Rail Parley three men Monday at 1230 a m The "The threat of the stock exchange was in Johnson’s party L D S men flourished guns and took an ufe Square Garden rodeos In New York luncheon and a speech by B F Grant ward October 4 LWandamere jor General William Murray Black D S college Oc- to move out of this state which it is for 1927 1929 and 1931 and also was Mr Grant will speak oh morale and former chief of army engineers died MOSCOW reported amount of money from her tober 5 Si Mary-ofth- e Wasatch and apparently about to carry into effect 24 Sept winner at the Cheyenne Wyo Fron- spirit of police workers Self and from a cash register at the of pneumonia today at Walter Reed Westminster college: October 6 Jor- If the lew becomes effective taxing Jobless Man Kills of theU S S R today purse The thieves drove official organ tier Days show sin 1927 She was an of have afternoon the north in an Speakers place hospital dan 'high school Murray high school the gross Incomes of the business of Manchurian tho delegation western charged and of been selected Whitaker Mose the in Friend Shot experienced prominent Its members for the brief period of Struggle Black was 78 He graduated fromIn participating in negotiations at’Tokyo open automobile police were told and a gathering of boy scout on will talk police department patrol rodeoperformer the West Point Military academy fiva months as a contribution Upward on the Chinese Eastern railway with Mrs Gibson was born August 18 work Waide M Condon newspaper (urnish'ng food and thelter to the BufHILLSBOROUGH’ Cal Sept 24 1877 in order to prepare 1894 in Montana She had been a man will speak of newspaper responHe served as chief army engineer procrastinating md unemployed presents fering in a WP)— After for a forcible seizure of tha property wpundlng companion resident of Havre since 1913 1898 In sibility in law enforcement and Dr Original Trilby Player also He to the entire country a new and grave a struggle over a gun Claude Gibson In the Philippines Tha article asserted reliable InforSurviving are her husband Thomas A Ladrue Jensen of the University with distinction In Cuba un- mation was in the hands of tha Soviet ON STAGS AND SCREEN Die at England Horae problem and object lesson in insubo- 43 unemployed shot and killed him- served Gibson and two sons Lucian A and of Utah on suggested Improvements Wood Leonard der General Major rdinate evasion and defiance of law- self in the chauffeur's quarters on the On the it tee function end gdvernment Indicating selture would ORPHEUM— William Gibson all of Havre in law enforcement 1903 Marco allow with Benny Rots muter observa1901 he did From until ful authority estate of W H Crocker San Francisco — be aceompllahed by the arrest of Soo f oeremoniei with Maxine Stop Frank Evening entertainment has been ar- (Salt Lake Tribune gervlef) zone canal Panama tion the workJn "In my opinion it would be a most banker here today police said n railroad willock and the Mtllno and of and Company viet the employes "Ooofli-Toranged by Thomas W Dee LONDON Sept 24 — Dorothea unfortunate step for the exchange and Charles Isley 25 the wounded 'Black was appointed chief of anNew"i Randall Bla- of a Manchurian assistant “ ters Insouthern appointment SunktM Baautlei iroonarn 1916 On Baird the original Trilby" in Sir its members 7 March October lneers man and Gibson were guests of the the Soviet ad- On tha screen "Golden Harriet ' with Herbert Tree’s first production of the 19W he was elevated to the rank manager superseding It sets a dangerous precedent in latter's niece Mrs Charles Newman Richard Arlon Cheater Norris Otnevievo ministrator Tobin of major general famous play in 1895 died at Broad these days of unrest the effect wife of Crocker's’ chauffeur Isley ON TBS AUDIBLE RCREEN stairs Kent today at the age of 60 of which will not be lost on the suf- said Gibspn had been despondent beWilliam Haig Thompson’s CAPITOL— Ed wird O Rohlnaon end Kay Old playgoers here still remember fering masses ” cause of inability to obtain employIn "I Loved a Woman?' with Francis Into her triumph as Trilby and recall the Stratosphere Professor Benjamin F Cummings Tobln 1 Farrell MacDonald ment Isley said he attempted to Flight Niece Takes Own Life PARAMOUNT— Claudettt Oolbtrl In "Torch of Brighap Young university at was Gibson U EL PASO Texas Sept 24 UP)— beauty of her musical voice and the the gun prevent reaching Anote AVifl Slneer Ricardo with Russians Called Off by Provo was elected president of the Three Hindus and a Mexican were charm and intelligence she brought to Mannara and in the struggle it was discharged Lode Robert! 24 H UP)— VICTORY— Randolph Scott LITTLE ROCK Ark Sept Bather RU him in the scalp Cummings family organization at a held in county jail here tonight for many roles She was married to wounding ton Jn Zana Orel's "To tha Loat Man I MOSCOW Sept 24 UP)— The Red Mrs John R Fordyce 23 died here alao reunion held Saturday evening in questioning in connection with the B Irving the son of Sir Henry Irv“The Eleventh Commandment" with of sending three men today from a bullet wound which poMarian Marsh and Theodora Von Elti the L D S Eleventh ward recreation slaying Saturday night of Frank ing and went touring with her father army's project Former Herriot with Noel Cowartf s "Cavtleede RIALTO— an as stratofor was Into Ellen the lice said on an exploratory trip hail of descendants of James and Singh 45 Hindu farmer of El Paso understudy Diana Wynyard Clive Brook Harbor Terry She was the original Mrs Darwas called off for today after She was a niece of former Mayor Mudin Susannah Willard Cummings exiles county O'Conner Una Uraule sphere Jean Confined With Illne repeated attempts from dawn until William Hale Thompson of Chicago Frank Lawton UNIONTOWN Pa Sept 24 UP)— from Nauvoo who perished on their Smgh was shot four times with an ling in “Peter Pan” and played imporMarlon Davits In "Fes o’ My Heart" Soft music from guitars and bands of noon failed to lift their balloon Into and her husband is a son of Colonel OEM— westward way in the late winter of automatic pistol as he lay on his bed tant Shakespearean parts with Onslow Btevine Juliette Compton strolling troubadors tonight helped LYONS France Sept 24 UP)— For- the air John R Fordyce 1847 Marlow L- - Cummings Sr re- attempting to put his Farrell MacDonald engineer of Hot STATS— Ruth Chattarton In "Lily Turnar” enliven the spirits of pickets maintain- mer Premier Edouard Herriot was ill The silver-blu- e "U S S R"— Boast- Springs Ark tires as president of the association daughter to sleep Sheriff Chris P with Gaorta Branti alia Slim Sommer-viling acampfire vigil at entrances to at his home today Physicians re- ed to be the largest In the world New Bishop Celebrates Mis Clyde Cummings of Salt Lake Fox reported Returning from a party with a group and ZaSu Pitta in “Out all Njaht" southwestern Pennsylvania’s bitumi- ported his condition had become worse could not to want the STAR— Nonna Shearer and Clark Oaate in he of said seven friends was named vice president and Frank The shots were fired through Fordyce height during gain "Stranaa interlude”) alao CHve Brook in nous coal mines His First Public Mas Brief his- Singh’s bedroom window by an ex His temperature was 102 trials presumably because engineers kitchen to prepare a lunch Hearing Earl of Logan secretary overnight “Sherlock Holmea?' with Miriam Jordan "They shall not paas until Frick degrees In miscalculated the amount of hydrogen a shot he ran to his wife’s bedroom MARLO (Suaarhoute)— Irene Dunn torical sketches of immediate and pert shot Sheriff Fox said Two of Secret of Madame Blanehe" with signs'” was the watchword passed on His condition was not regarded as needed to elevate the heavy gondola and found her lying on the floor a “Th more remote ancestors were given to- the bullets passed within a couple of uonel AtwllL Fhilllpi Holmes 24 (UP)-T- he to the tjao Fay Mass MILFORD meetSept two from mass pickets grave but doctors ordered him to re- which never got more than 20 feet bullet wound in her temple Beside th gether with music and readings A inches of the child fray and Ralph Bellamy In "Bek Rt Rev Gerald Shaughnessy attended by represen- main in bed for at least a week Sea " her was a small caliber target pistol from the ground delightful repast was enjoyed said they be- newly consecrated bishop of Seattle ings Saturday Sheriff’s deputies of more 30000 the tatives miners than The assembly numbered nearly 100 lieved the slaying was a grudge mur- Wish celebrated his first public pon who quit work September 13 and represented three branches of der They were told that Singh re- tifical mass today at St Mary’s recognition of the union and the family—namely the descendants cently had had trouble with his Hindu church of his home VICTORY parish PARAMOUNT CAPITOL code by all operators through James Willard Cummings neighbors to In his sermon he paid tribute Officials of the H C Frick Coke I Benjamin Franklin Cummings andYears Soon in Hit were who Season Pictures his The Mott Brilliant Begins parents of Announcecompany insisted that they still are Fannv Cummings Earl A procession of honor ac- undecided en what course to Fire Doe present pursue "Re an annual affair companied him from the rectory to although reiterating they will "obey Damage Menace Town the little church the law" They gave no indication they will accept the union VISALIA Cal Sept 24 (UP)— One Hurt One Killed Antelope are found chiefly In YelDamage estimated at $25000 was done lowstone park where they number today by a fire that for six hours When Plane Crashes about 650 i threatened Visalia’s business district E THE GREATEST NOWJ Thousands of PromiThe Visalia and Fresno fire depart" Lake Salt nent tySvESCANMlOFTKEME!! 7 R of a 24 blaze after ments controlled the UP)— Welling Man WINNIPEG Sept Appointment Ray— 27 of Smithfleld as principal battle Stanley Mclnnerny of Winnipeg was th of —The itory of an in formerIdaho a in hotel room The fire started seminary “It’ Marvelousl” killed and Archie McDougall oMhe Rigby Half the block was ly of Pembina N D was seriously inL D S church was announced Sun- the Holt block jpaulon destroyed erashfni all barriers! jured in a plane crash in a field near Mr Roskelley a graduate of the Firemen used ladders to rescue sev- Sanford Man today MeDougall was defying all eonen-tloneral tenants of upstairs apartments brought to a hospital here ' Brigham Young university and who also obtained his master of arts de- Earl Evart was slightly injured when Engine trouble threw the plane Into If Feature 1:07 1:20 8:31 gree frt the Utah State Agricultural he jumped two stories to the side- a splnt at 2000 feet and it landed in a 7:42 0:53 The plane piloted by Mcpasture college succeeds Thomas Edgar Lyon walk IT lH who is to head a mission for the Dougall Was wrecked Mickey Mouse Cartoon church in Holland Former Navy Secretary Mr Roskelley was a teacher In Cache county in 1928 and 1927 also Hoover Pays from serving as a substituteU teacher C He A S RICARDO C0RTI1 1933 the at 1930 to HINSDALE 111 Sept 24 (UP)— misRAVID MAfintBl served in the German-Austrlaa was Former President Hoover who IY0A R0 MAT I sion of the church from May 1927 to week end LR0Y of Alexander Legge guest 1930 He was mission superFebruary of the farm board under the formerly Mutual of the Improvement intendent Rhythm Republican president today received a association and the Sunday school visit Music Beauty Brilliance! from Curtis D Wllor Actual' UilUOCKtCftRSOn tw He has held many church offices in comm Wilbur wa secretary of the navy tMHtKMMin Benson stake vbijng his son who lives in River Fraiik Meuno Any ConAwrv Ilitch-IIikin- g Artist Off Forest near by DEATHAT FAIR (Salt Lake Trifcme-Chtaar- Triban Service) a Cal PASADENA Sept )— The newest miracle of radium may give man his first view of the creation1 of matter scientists of the California Institute of Technology reported today Experiments at the institute and byresearchers in Cambridge England indicate that through the medium of the “wonder element” pure motion apparently has been changed into solid mat- for le (AV-Horac- e n three-nigh- - much-diictlsse- ’ - dark-haire- e STOCK MAMET five-mont- SHIFT FLAYED p Broker’ State Officers of Plan g Meeting in Legion Leaders S L Reach Meet City Trlbona-Chleaa- hlght-rode- room-trader- unem-plove- Wr g MV-Izve- itla At the Theaters Trlbvne-Cblcas- o Car-io- m Cummings Family Texas Hindu Shot Enjoys Reunion Four Men Held Strike Pickets Enjoy Guitars Premier d J la L MARCUS THEATRES $25000 Rigby Seminary Principal Named aramotm C Cltl-ze- m Ros-kelle- y All Newspaper Critics Agree This Is the Best Show in Town! Uni fe kr s! 0 EM SIM VisWo coming n -r ANACORTES Wash Sept 24 UP)— Lawrence Kronquist a young artist wi'h a well trained "hitch hiker’s thumb’’ ia off for the Century of Chicago As on Progress exposition at he’s taking hi other similaY treks sketching materials along If it’s a meal Kronquist wants he 'drops into a restaurant and bargains with the cook or cashier to draw his for food The same picture in exchange hopes to applies for rooms and he each state sketch the governors of route the along France May Abrogate 1927 Commercial Treaty Abrogation of PARIS Sept trade treaty of the which is the basis of French 1927 commercial relations with other countries was reported under consideration by the government today The treaty is considered unsatisfactory In view of current conditions and haa been a subject of discussion since the regime of formerPremier Edouard 24 (P)— Franco-Germa- Hamel n ISnMOMY'- - RflnofliiSisTtK On JTrek to World Fair JACK SunxisT PASSEY SVMli Beams Worn Show- nihntj featai Famous White City Band Great Entertainment vs SB DIUGCnOSPY - £tor JACK OAKIE M r yfr JUDITH HAMV c A GlESjEI GIVING FREE Dancing Lessons BEGINNING OCTOBER LILYAN TASHMAN mNED SPARKS Paramount fcfera m 15£ Gents 20£ RAMONROS RE!N IKE ITS 6ALLAGRIR il!!lili!i:m(lfH!IH!'l!'nHTITyilll TONIGHT Ladies ALLEN 2— BIG FEATURES— RUTH t 2 CHATTERTQII Asilatant Lady Inatructora Choirn From Patrom In "LILY TURNER" This Week ALSO M OUT ALL HIGHT” SLIM SUMMERVILLE ZASU PITTS ' Hurry! HURRY! HUEBYI ENDS TONIGHT t The Entire Family Be Should It PEG O’ MY HEART’ With NiriiR DiyIm Tomorrow f LAST DAT- -T TO U P M IRENE DUNNE IB “Tint SECRET OF MADAME BLANCHE” — And— NOTICE CLARK NORMA BHEAREB GABLE — In— -- AND MclonH “MADE ON CLIVE BROOK — In— — In— Laurel A Hardy Mickey Mickey BROAD “BELOW THE SEA” Farrell WAY” Underwater Scenes In Multicolor the uae of thin name (Signed) FANNIE O EVANS “Strange Interlude” RALPH BELLAMY— FAY WRAY Onflltw flttvens Fannie O traits being ensMed In the business of serving food and dolns restaurant business haa adopted for her usa th trad name "Weaajro Inn" and baa applied to th secretary of stato for Sljerlock Holmes” There is Just one place where those going in and those going out of business can meet to mutual advantage and that place is The Tribune-TelegraWant Columns |