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Show 1 Luxurious Mat in Eav Cable Stitch V ifA Behind. 'STibE-SCRE- I ie. IS Jib, t O'. r.dj co-;.- di 1 in Mitt u.r u , iym . 1. ar V'-- l 1 i w u Dy ;v. ZS- n -- ; t " - - O T : Earrings. di-s- : I , - S'S! 4 p 12 tb 'd.l! )j i J U i iv i 0 . S" Coaa faaey LiL CONGRESSMEN Oil TO PHILIPPINES . , , Seven senators and representatives left Washington airport for a tour during which they expect to e participate in the celebration at Manila marking independence. Left to right: Gen. II. L. George; Rep. Karl Eefompte R.. la. I; Rep. J. W. Robinson, (I)., llahl; ernon Moore, secretary, Filipino rehabilitation commission; Sen. Hugh Butler, R Nebr.l; Rep. rffd Crawford, R., Mich. I; J. Weldon Jones, President Trumans representative; Sen. Allen Ellen-der- , (I)., La.); Rep. George Miller, (D., Calif.); Sen. Owen Brewster (It., Maine); and Brig. Gen. Carlos Romulo, resident commissioner of the Philippines. round-the-worl- tnoit Phil-sppm- Hera fe. DIETRICH MARLENE ffet it She arrives here France some time between to July 25 and August 1, according fre presc nt schedule, after making Golden Ear-rug- s i picture in France. a is picturization of the new novel by Yolanda Foldes. is the Vettf can offtr. they from h( OVR aptr, - 1 I , pie-.sui- e Edward asssa a I ural und srp No cn Dvorak, who plays opposite Ann the accredited foreign George Sanders in Bel Ami, is an Loew-Lewi- n correspondent for the London Daily Dustrated. Rounding out her experience, she's playing a newspaper man's wife in the picture. told that Rickey Jordan, hails from New Orleans, is the IVeTe who singing discovery of the year. Hell make his picture debut in RKOs Beat the Band, supporting Franc- es Langford and Gene A Philip Terry, with Edwards and Krupa, Ralph Clayworth. June weather report guaranteed high waves and huge seas Davis and her film crew when Bette went to LaA Stolen pina Beach for scenes in Life, of which shes producer as well as star. After three breezeless days, they returned to Warner Bros. studio and did the storm sciences on huge stage 21, where an ersatz ocean. Then Bette went to Laguna for a rest and it stormed for three days! . .v. fire that blazed in four slips of the This air view shows tons of water being pumped into the St. George ferry terminal on Staten island. A number of persons were trapped in the buildings. Nine alarms quickly sounded, summoning every piece of apparatus available and three fireboats. ygi&ffc.w.rf ,V ' oil-fe- d xr x ssMy a John Wayne did something differewhen he transplanted the company of The Angel and the Out-a- w to Sedona, Ariz., by plane. There were 150 of and after them, fi'e weeks on location flew they and hearty. Gail Rusin the picture with ayne, who is also producing it. Baynes probably started something, look for other Holly woodites to follow suit. sel is At Republic theyre testing young ?era singers to find a girl to play Russian operetta at that opposite Nelson Eddy in River, the Rudolph Friml nich is his first picture studio The be a good Autry's at work at Republ- ic on his first film since he was from the army air corps. Sioux City Sue, and will feature music of the Cass County Boys, 'no have been heard with on Dls a'r shows. him. Autry Lynne Roberts plays Prof( or Quiz, having at least serviceman on his Thursday ojght air show, makes sure that a I gets a chance to win that $500. t ast once a week he stages his atrious battle of wits at a veter-eo- s hi pital. The winner of that snow is brought to the ABC studios, nd automatically advanced to the nai rr uid when the regular show is broach ast. one ... The Cleveland Indians baseball team was INDIANS SELL OUT of an of negotiations and offers. Acceptance Alva sold after almost a week was made by associates his and of Veeck Chicago Bill offer by of the Indians, for his former stockho ders. Photo Bradlev, Bradley and now shows,' left to right, Joseph Hostetler, attorney fornew vice president Grabiner, combine; new Harry the for secretary club. of the new Bill president Veeck, and treasurer, and OWNER OF CROWN JEWELS . . . Von A photo of the Countess Hesse, princess of Prussia, as she looked in the days when Hitler and Goering were entertained at her Kronberg castle. It was from this castle that the jewels were stolen. Hesse-Darm-sta- E5fT2 Theies been extensive celebrat-- g an,( ng Buddy Clarks fans since e s out of the army and on the air as siry.ng star and emcee of The ontirrcd Hour. Movie fans him in Seven Days oae and Wake and Up Live; raa.o hsteners recall him on Mu-pAmerica, as star of The Hit for three years, and for PP' r.r.ces with Ben Bernie, Fred-'- e and Benny Goodman. ir aI ENDS TOiNIGOT In many towns by how well ci'i mutate Tom Breneman in doing erm ()j Breakfast in Hollywood . y childhood ambitions "i Here an 01 ,ator ur,d athlete so he tln 't" lln"rU'r"ch on Brown university's ian t ' I'tuad and became a licensed pilot. nce Republics Wild Bill Elliott su,t(hed to dramatic starring rat i 'hopped the "Wild.'. . . OaU v as arranged with 'm lf I t)"U tn '"'e . play a new symphony ar-nt "f Lore's Holiday for Strings," h orig nnj theme of his CBS show, f rl al lull Hollywood Bowd on 1(1 v, is measured Leo-Oa- a Bur- ton being the lone Republican left. The best politics, indeed, might Tm rug cotton or old Mocking for tht have called for a Republican to re- rimahle knitted rug Pattern 724 ht direction for U and for a matching cat place a Republican, as an appear- cover. ance of one party unanimity makes Due to an unusually large demand aad the court look somewhat like a Rus- current condition, slightly more time ta In tilling orders for a few o tht It required sian election in this respect. most popular pattern numbers. weakens the judicial front of the Send jour order to: court, by increasing its political onesidedness, and thus delays the purSewtnf Circle Needlecraft Dept. Box 3217 8ai Kranrlsro I, Calif. pose of unity or stability of law Enclose 20 cents for Pattern. which Mr. Truman apparently is No.. striving for. FINANCIAL POLICY PERILED Name. But he weakened himself more, Address. by this effort to furnish the court atAn for reformation. leadership tack upon his treasury department is being conducted by former TreasQuite ury Secretary Morgenthau. evidently the associates of Mr. Morgenthau are attempting to break Truman policy in the department, which is of utmost importance in the presence of inflationary threats. Mr. Snyder has not previously sought to distinguish himself by Cet O'Sullivan SOUS as well as standing up against attack. As the Heels next time you have your i, first Truman appointee from a and Snyder is loyal, sincere shoes repaired. earnest friend, but in the reconversion his economic leadership has MORE MILEAGE not been especially clear. What is WITH GREATER needed in treasury is someone of know-hoof with the experience comfort: politics, economics and finance, to stand against inflation. Now Mr. Truman no doubt figured he would send his best available experienced man (next to State Secretary Byrnes) upstairs to try to straighten out the court, and run the treasury himself through an old friend but what he may have done is to open up the financial policies which were being rather carefully established, to new pressures and possibilities of change. What to do about it? Dont ask me. The above is only a report of the factors, difficult to explain precisely, which have animated the senates reluctance to confirm the Buy U. S. Savings Bonds! hasty step. Chairman McCarran of the senate judiciary committee im- ' mediately announced consideration of appointments would follow the usual course and be held over a week in order to give interested witnesses due notice and opportunity to be heard. Certainly the senate will hardly choose to let the appointments slip through without any analysis of the deeper and greater UndTorm Penpiration Odor) behind the policy possibilities By at least going into change. them, knowing them and considering them, the Democratic leaders of the legislative branch will be able to raise some bulwark representing their own viewpoint, and prepare their own pressure for future use. MIDWEST WELL FED, PROSPEROUS DEODORRnT CRER01 While the East hears so much of, and pays such great attention to the linl stiff ol stickyl Soft I CIO, the Midwest numerically, pogprends like face cream. is actually soothingl Use right litically and economically is still the after shaving will not irritate. small town village of the dirt farmis the has light, pleasant scent.Noslckly er, whose first concern smell to cling o fingers or clothing. of amount moisture distributed will not spoil delicate fabric. through this area by unprecedented rains. He is watching the clouds Yet tests in the tropics made by nurse for corn growong weather, and has prove that Yodora protects under tryseen his son come back from the ing condinons. In tubet or art, 10c, 25c. (50c Conn. AtcX.uofl Robbins, Inc war. What State Secretary Byrnes is doing in Paris or the CIO in Detroit is of only incidental concern to him. He wants to raise food for man and beast, and get his help back. TOMORROW AIRIOHT Lependabl The food situation is easy in ChiWisharder but through up cago, LAXATIVE r.ruo. .i o. . .. .i.ic.l consin and down into central Illinois. more In those latter two places it is You stand in line like the East GET A 25' BOX for nearly everything, excepting in the smaller towns, and when you get up to the counter you will more than likely find it gone, and you will take what they have or let it go. In Chicago they still have cornfed rrastbeef, and occasionally a steak which is net likely to he cornfed There the hotels are crowded, and s, aKo ar tr.e trains, which are nearer on t me than during the war. P.O. away! Its opposite Democratic, Justice EASY to ill) cable stitch. make this rug so luxet inexpi nsivc. Use it urious either in the bedroom or the bathroom. Why not A Dab a Day keeps girl must photogenic, singer and a good actress. K Gene to I ITS Mis-soui- X nt back, hale denly, within 24 hours apparel tiy, he decided to name one of the best men from his own cabinet, Mr Vinson, und push his old friend fiom Missouri, Mr Snyder, into the trios, ury (ost thus lift vacant Why he stopped searching for judicial talent has not been made clear. He could have afforded to appoint a nonpartisan or even a Republican as chief justice. The court was already 7 G. Robinson began work by simulating Trespassing Then she wearing of a wooden leg. jj need for pretense vanished; he collided with a tool chest in his own garage, and the right knee had to be encased in a stiff surgeons boot. or:aP TOt i. a 01 nil e g j:i ll I , TO CO l ItT WI'XhFNS IMI1Y IOI ICY U WIING H'N So .no I.u.vi .iln'Ut t'n- Viiimiii Si mIi r i!t .it f tep id j el ntvii'1 - w! .1 THu't.'l r I. mi, lui( ,t sy n i toms of Mtundncs iii',,.d it Mi i .it i un. .in .id 1011 mg foi t o host ,iv ,nl.illo leg.il ii .n i in the juiiu i. try to sti.iighten i ,,t the lomplite (.niv,!e in the Snpiemp He emh.iiktii uh'i this ooint e to ioul-ot in the di .i t h nf RepnMuMn Chief Ju.-tnStone th.it he elevate one of the sitting just u es, all of whom are involved in f.u lions in the .strife wliieli has confused couit decisions. He hud plenty of time as the court is finishing now until fall. Then sud1 i "ieadt, i, Nrwi iin j : e tia !D ceiii or IM SHUT fJu at i Wi P i lis :o r "frij PaULMaLLON J Hrlr I -- retail 255 THEi i'tV .(: ' i..g such a really swell.n servicemen durhe deserves the best , the wur Pert !Jen Jail Leisen will S 'enVf't I - Union. Nwppcr ft.trd or VALE gjr tlltGlMA .fARLHNK DIETRICHS postwar American J.m ,s p 'i Vt to be something Xcuil; r .t r a mounts giving Milland as her ver Rav w -- :d CT the history ... The fastest airmail deliveryjet inpropelled plane was accomplished when a of fhSed P-8- 0 States D. C., chpnectadv N. Y., and arrived in Washington, hand-imai is carrying Miss., of Ciarksdale, 49 lmmutes. Cap Robert Bairdi pilot, secre assistant from w stuart Symington, The W tary of war'for air, to Vincent Burke, postmaster at ashington. hour an miles 580 of plane reached a top speed n CONGRATULATIONS . . . SuperHer-seintendent of schools, ierling Johnson Jr., presents Gus North Hollywood (Calif.) high school graduate, his diploma, as the youth, paralyzed from waist down, reclines on a stretcher. |