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Show Page 6 tEtmes-efa- Wednesday, June 11, 1897 Nephi, Utah s Juab MttJdls School has'announcs&tifiis Honor' Roll for ths 4th quarter 1996-9- 7 Juab Middle School has an- nounced the Honor Roll for the 4th quarter 1996-96th grade: Rose Aagard, Lisa Allred, Valerie Allred, Jacob Bailey, Gregory Baird, Hannah Bawden, Steven Besendorfer, Mindy Booth, Dezri Bowers, McKayla Brough, Alexandrea Carlton, Cherice Chryst, Lacy Ellison, Brian Eyre, Casey Fer--. guson,' Lacie Finch, Lyndsie Fowkes, Trevor Gadd, Laura Gould, Alyse Greenhalgh, Lind-se- e Greenhalgh, Mariah Guillory, Jeffrey Head, Tava Hodgson, Dirk Hooley, Justin Hooper, 7. , ' , Cheyenne Howarth, Rachel Hyde, Stephen Jenson, Lacey Johnson, Jamie Jones, Kristen Jones, Mandee Jones, Diana Kay, Heather Kay, Jeffrey Kay, Ashley Kendall, Natalie Knowl-toJason Lewellyn, Christina Lund, Jennifer Lynn, Christina Martinez, Maranda McPherson, Veronica Miles, Rachelle Morey, n, Karoon Morgan, TVoy Mortens-e- n, Blake Newton, Joshua New ton, Colette Olpin, Abby Paint- el. 7th grade: Marilee Allred, er, Dallas Paul, Amy Paystrup, Janelle Janice Pew, Bastian, Amberlee CartProctor, Shayla Courtney Reading, Danielle er, Cliff Childs, Jenna Coombs, Reiber, Kara Robinson, Vincent Carole Coray, Amber Cragun, Jill Rowley, Kade Royce, Kensey Dinkel, Adam Everitt, Annalisa Savage, Scott Sensibaugh, Jamie Eyre, Cody Fowkes, Sarah GibSevy, Trevor Shaw, Valorie Shep- son, Kaymie Godfrey, Jordan herd, Kara Spencer, Aaron Sper- Gould, Dustin Greenhalgh, War ry, Brock Sperry, Shane Stubbs, ren Hall, Alisse Hart, Danny Kade Tedder, Kristina West, Hess, Melba Hooley, Jonathan Megan Wisneski, Michael Wood, Hunt, Melinda Isaac, David Traci Worthington, Alisha Yates, Jackson, Russell Jackson, Nathan Jacquart, Devin Jones, Jeffrey Zirbes. Academic only: Allan Achen, McKel Jones, Megan Jones, Craig Higginson, Kami Ralphs, Ashlee Kay, Kelly Kenison, Joel West, Wesley Thompson. Rachelle Kenison, Michelle LovCitizenship only: Kolyer ell, Wesley Lynn, Byron Major, Andersen, Jennifer Bailey, Lacey Alice Malquist, Katharine MasCano, Meagan Carter, Ashley ters, Brittney Neilsen, Steven Dolan, Chelsie Griffiths, Crystal Nelson, Jana Newton, Autumn Johnson, Jessica Johnson, A1 El- Nielson, Tyrell Orme, Travis ina Kenison, Jacob Kenison, Am- Park, Daniel Paystrup, Jace ber Larson, Janelle Maxwell, Peterson, McKenzie Rice, DustRachel Mickelson, Malarie Mor- in Shaw, Ray Smalley, Keld Spergan, Brett Nielsen, Stephanie ry, Mika Sperry, Paul Sperry, Nielsen, Robert Nielson, Darin Janae Stanley, Crystal Steele, Smith, Selena Sutherland, Katie Sutherland, Justin Ware, Theresa Westfall, Whitney Wick- - Makenzie Warner, Rachelle .ft fh fh flh fh flh See us for all your advertising needs, flyers, posters, or display ads ADVERTISING WORKS FOR YOU Wilkey, Crystal Wisneski, Eric-k-a Michael Kendall, Jason Mc- Wood, Kellen Worwood, Michael Worwood, Marc Young. Academic only: Mary Bawden, Marcel Braun, Bryan Jessen, Manus, Cameron Painter, Riley Park, Alecia Stoddard, Cassie Winn. Citizenship only; Richard All-re- d, Jason Benson, Graham Bird, Heather Greenhidgh, Clayton Jacobsen, Travis Kension, Jacob Menlove, C.J. Snow. 8th grade: Brandon Allred, Devan Allred, Jennifer Allred, Kolby Andersen, Seth Bailey, Heidi Baker, Chelsea Bates, Besendorfer, Kiystle Cook, Brian Dansie, Cullen Dinkel, Jeremy Dubinsky, Kade Ence, Kelsey Hall, Leanne Hall, Rose Ja-N- Ivie, Brian Jackson, Janelle Johnson, Candace Jones, ae Kortney Parkin Airman Jonathan Martinez Kortney Parkin graduates from Jonathan Martinez graduates from SUU Basic training Stephanie Kay, Karrie Kenison, Erica Morey, Kristyn Newton, Air Force Airman Jonathan S. Trenton Nielson, Cassi Ricks, Martinez has graduated from Nicole Robinson, Amee Sanders, basic military training at Lack-lan- d Sami Shepherd, Michael SpenAir Force Base, San Antocer, Sheri Spencer, Marianne Tfexas. Steiner, Derick Stephensen, nio, the six weeks of trainDuring Stephanie Worwood, Jennifer ing, the airman studied the Air Zirbes Academic only: Ryan Banks, Force mission, organization, and Pascal Braun, Steven Brosius, customs and received special Josey Carter, Tanner Cowan, training in human relations. Elizabeth Coyne, Scot Howarth, In addition, airmen who comCody Jarrett, Kyle Lynn, Bart plete basic training earn credits Mace, Cory McEwan, Samuel toward an associate degree McKay, Mayne Mortensen, Jeff through the Community College Parkinson, Stephen Phillips, of the Air Force. Michael Stowell, Jeremy Stubbs. K. Martinez is the son of Citizenship only: Joshua Martinez of Nephi, andMary Steven Brooks, Jennifer Christopher-son- , Whitney Hansen, Tyler Sav- J. Martinez of Provo. He is a age, Lindsey Shepherd, Marlon 1994 graduate of Payson High Spencer, Hailey Stephensen, School. Amanda Sutherland. 96 South Main, Nephi 1-- We available next Tuesday at Juab High School Many times a youth will have responsibility, we are improving their hours completed by the the youths chances to have a I? AGAIN! W W!K7 Ofl0S specified date but wilLfail to hand them iq on time. tThe judges will expect a very good reason for this or extra hours will be assigned to penalize the individuals lack of responsibility. Youth Courts strictness is very easily justified when you consider what Youth Court is all about. Youth Court is not a punishment court, we do not exist to just slap an offender on the hands. Rather, Youth Court is a more successful life. This is Youth Courts prmiry aim. Iff C3 OKX r O CSMN2 C&Et ? QVC o o ebbs UC3 igm, tit DCSH Nawort bs broka Sr price luma' jote fa DCSH Nowort mm mi oy Onid, far i nidi boaoa 1 19 t fSfUh, xsscnnnN lEQiiiiin w f yov famt tech far ka m Ug cr able ad ofar adk TV The Dtsaqr M ioo ! propM t-v- iaee e . . or ele e ph fcr de cqade a oSjr oaptat jnr -- -- H, a trad if ctMe cafatfar nTfanar nas naa am Aata, ric, mr ante t pm bed DCS Mat We Do them all... Big and Small!! "Si. Wo pickup end deliver ivcsklyl S''. 1 At South 40 IFA Outfitters Every Tuesday. Just drop our shoes or boots by 12 Noon end they will d delivered the following Tuesday! d mm dtfar Qectroni 42 South Mam honk (SOI S2S4222 NBa. Utah S4S4S Chores! Q to 5 U F 10 to 2 C'b Students St Juab High School may pick up their report cards on Tuesday, June 17th. They will be available from 9 a.m. to 12 and from 1 to 4 p.m. in the coun- selors office. If a person does not show up for a job interview and does not have a good reason, they will more than likely not get the job. correctional program. We are Similarly, if Youth Court comconcerned about the youths suc- munity service hours are not in cess in life and the overall stat- by the assigned date and time ure of our community. then a penalty is at hand. By We feel that if we did not pe- being responsible, life will be nalize for irresponsibility, we much better! be repaired end fafaBMyia0Mrcfafa),C (3 d A). 1W Make Q rtrti), m d Sdoe Cfacad fa a tacndUf far pkol fe ( ' OR g- - NO ANNUM. kn MSAjeJiiu Crnputer kmokx't Tof 'r-iraiT- iSad)rfada). b" Q O BuS3 s well. Is Now Providing Shoe Repair Service To Our Area Weekly! (gd. - Lets face it If a member ofthe rodeo team is not in the bucking chute when the gate is opened, they must take a no score-n- ot only hurting themselves but their team as Cobbt 7ST Students at Juab Middle School may pick up their report cards, at the middle school, on Wednesday and Thursday, June 11 and 12, from 8 a.m.-1- 2 and from 3 p.m. as to why Youth Court is so strict feel that being responsible is a in enforcing deadlines. life skill and that by teaching C3BQ Report Cards available today at Juab Middle School Meeting Deadlines: A from Youth Court Report Cards message There has been some question would be encouraging it. also 623-052- 5 CIGN UGvlVSatl DCOG Kortney Lynn Parkin graduated from Southern Utah University of June 7, 1997, with a BS Degree in Accounting. He is the son of Roland and Annette Parkin. His grandparents are Burnett and Veda Stephensen, and the late Lynn and Maxine Parkin. He is married to Hollie Slack. They have one son, Mason. Continued from page 3 Journey Canyon, down through Provo Canyon, to Salt Creek or Nephi, reaching there on Sept. 16. 1860. Elizabeth was married the following year at the age of 19 years. Elizabeths parents didnt want her to marry in polygamy, saying she would not be happy. Elizabeth would often help William Henry with the farm work while Emma would take care of the young children get the meals. The Warners went through many trials, hardships, crop bilures, and hard times. They had a large family to take cam of and all lived and grew to nrnnhnnd and womanhood. In the fall of 1868, William Henry Warner and David Salisbury went into the Salt making business as there was a Salt spring 7 miles up the Nephi Canyon. They made 1,000 lbs per day. Salt was in such demand most all of Sanpete and Utah Counties, as well as those south, came to Nephi for their supply of salt. From St. George they came bringing wine, dried grapes and cattle to trade for their salt People from the north brought boots, shoes, and other merchandise as exchange, and from towns south, flour would be exchanged. One year the grasshoppers had taken nearly all the grain and bod was scarce. William was arrested on 8 Feb. 1833 at his residence by deputies on the charge of unlawful cohabitation. t As William had two wives, Emma, being a cripple couldnt hide, so David Salisbury was set to guard her. William Henry Warner was a Ntplii city councilman in Novem- ber 1333. He served as the mayor of Nephi from 18 Dec. 1ZZS to 3 Jan. 1333. On 13 Jc!y 1SC2, at the ecx cf 73 yt-r- e, Le waa ta tha Cmt Ecyocd, ari wu the Nepli City Ccstary in |