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Show VTciicriiy, Juns Wp Tinus'tfers 11, 1837 Ccr3 Ct tmc!. For Sals. Page 9 Nephi, Utah Legal Notices Legal Notices... Notices... For Rant. mmSmSSmSSSmSSSSSSSSSSSSSSmSSSm 1990THUMCCRC5RD 23 - 2y,T V. CAR LS- - WIH 1994 GRAND MARQUEE Mlabta 623(97. Cal or 623-151- 623-042- 623-020- 3. or 0 be 623-415- 3 24Pd 6 For 6900. Cal Garrett Honda A Polaris, 6234)823 or sea US at 563 North Main, Nephi NEPHI APARTMENT-- 3 bedrooms, 2 bath duplex. $550 par month plua $500 de7. pool. No smoking, no pats. Cal 23 - 264B il motors, engines. 14-15- 23Pd STEEL BUILDINGS SALE:- - 30x40x10, $4,527; 40x60x14, $8,257; 50x75x14. $11,666; 50x100x16, $15,949; 60x100x16, $18,614. bufidinge, 30x160, 32 units, $13,944. Free brochures. Sentinel Buildings. Extension 79. (ucan) 224-290- NEWLY REMODELED HOME IN LEVAN- - If interested Mini-stora- 10 FT CAMPER- - 2 now Jocks, sol con-trintti BRMMtt nfffcMmktf aftnut. VWVw) OTIr $900.00. Col 623-4942SPd ir DtSH NETWORK SATELLITE SYSTEM, $169.96- - 83 channels, Disney, NWcsiodson, sports, etc. Programming as low os $15 per month. Groat lor RV or homo. Computer and Electronics, 42 -South Main, Nsphi. 16 BB A-- 1. STEEL BUILDING DEALERSHIP AVAILABLE- In opanmaricaL Dealer buy factory direct High profif potential, sales or construction. (303) 7564135. Ext s Osar-snc- 24Pd and ALL STEEL BUILDINGS- - Arch No straightweX. (303) 781-525- 6 otter dsnisdi 8 AV0N-Gre- For Your Starter Nephi show you how for as low as $49.00 how to make your satellite TV, Dish or DSS, portable. Enjoy I in your trailer or cabin. Slop by today for al the 23- - 17BB details. nvnvnii, iiMsfiOon ncmovi, i torn unm, ioo Stabfiity Assigned Equipment Conaia- -' (eoe-mtent Milas FRIENDLY TOYS A GIFTS- - has bnmaifi-at- o openings in your ares Number One in Party plan: Toys gifts Christmas home decor. Free catalog and it 4ur motion. (ucan) 23PO 23Pd MACHWE OPERATOR- - Immorfiale opening in boeutlul Si Georgs UT.Tho ideal carxfidate wi have one year experience on the Mueler Martini 227 inserter, ex- Real Estate.. ng Approximately 100 head of Quarter ineuln) Did you know madkare (or Insurance) covers Moat Supples? Save money cal 1600-748-- DiABEDCSt-(usin-g 1 Guaranteed No H.M.O. Members. Manlion 662 UberiyMedkal-SaSalactio- n 2310 (ucan) FOLK ART RETALERS-Bu- y dkect from our Mountain Pina Company. Cal and ask hr our free catat. log. We sal the beat, straight from 100 satisfaction guaranteed. overruns . s downpayment banks demand. Complete construction 6 permanent Unarming I qualified. DoGeorge Home Afi ones (ucan) 23PO to 2 acre buikfing lot in WANT TO BUY-after 7 Mona ares Cal (801) ICiSavs hundtedS Bring your buck hr bast deal Dofivery available. At R. C. W3e 3rd West 2300 South SLC. ft C WBoy Financing June 13th 0 pm. Juno 14tfi 9 h 6 p.m. National Security Smfth Wesson aaha. 600 23 - 239BB 12-1- 544-382- 9. LARGE HEAT KING WOOD Cal SOL ATJCDtATELY-- 544-049- 5 2 buttings. 33x39 and 50x14. (mwt) Yard Sales... arch style paperwork, and having good people skfife. Closing date to June 25to If you 1 are Interested, cal and ask 462-242- for David. Central Utah Courwafing Center Is an equal opportunity employer, and wfil not dtocriminaie on the basis of ags racs rafigion, or gender. 23 241 4BB PAGERS PLUS IS EXPANDING-- Were looking for InloNgenL outgoing people who have good leadership quafiiitea to help manege our explosive growth in 012766936 1600-330-711-6 23PD YARD SALE.- - Saturday, June 14th. 8 sm. to 2 pm. 340 E 500 N, Nephi Clothes toys tots of good MULTI-FAMIL- Y PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AO IN NOT 1. NOT 2. CUT 46 NEWSPAPERS THROUGHOUT UTAH.- - One placemen, one payment puts you into foe UUh GaecSsd Advertising NotwortT. Reach over 412.CC9 Utahns tor only $123.08 tor too first twenty Ive words $3X9 for eSanol words Cal toe The ter farther Times News at 0X1 30Pd p.m. 0. 231d 823-102- 2. MUST STOVE-$300.0- 23PD 6:30. (ucan) MANAGER NEEDED- - Central Utah Coun-aeln- g Center is baking for an indMdual or CMpfe to be an apartment manager In Nephi OusBflrations needed toflttls being able to perform minor toefifty repairs maintain a minimum amount of OWN FOR THE PRICE OF RENTINGI-Buil- d your home NOW, without the SALE-Dam- close-out- carxfi-datesw- 23PD MONTANA LAKE VIEWSI- - 20 Enjoy spectacular take, mtn 6 Hauser Lake views from this level building site w good southern exposure! Mostly open w scattered trees & access to 1500 AC of pubfic lands U G utils, she evaluation, excellent terms Won't last cal now 2Md GUN SAFES TRUCK LOAD perience with counterstackero, be mechanically minded, and flexible. Depending upon experience. starting 20,000 year plus very pwB be about oompNivi nmm wo ostom omm B plans Qualfied and Interacted aubmfta roaumotoThe Spec-buco Woe Anderson, 275 E. SL George Btvd. St Georgs UT 64770. Raeumee may be taxed to Wes' Atten-fio- n at (ucan) 23PD IDAHO RANCH SALE 240 AC-- $79,900-HELL- S CANYON AREA. Spectacular min properly w1 open meadows, Umbered draws and croaks. Mnsto Snake 6 Salmon Rivers Excafiont fishing, tone of wfidfifo. Perfect outdoor recreational retreat Financing. Cal 2066394501. (ucan) needed tor PRESS OPERATOR-Operato- r Goes Suburban Newspaper Press. Muet have 4 color web experience Cal Fcr Beat.. Davie County Cforfc 23Pd stuff. C Fryer, IPO tears Cel NURSE salary: Ftos EQUIPMENT- - Lawnmowers generators water pumps boat 23PO (nan) RN3, LPN3, CNAS-- 1 year experience. Ftedfato hours, (rival Danm Too WY0LX..3 GARDEN AT 65. M--f, CONTXCTION OF Tol 2VPD 1688-676-234- (ucan) you Ike to earn up to $6080.00 per month pert time giving our companies products away. 2TPO Cel 1630422-345- 7 (ueen) SALES ALARMS-Woul- d WRITERS. EDITORS NEEDED FOR FAST GROWING TWICE WEEKLY COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER- - Must N T n skBs heipluL Send reputer sume end writing samples to Davie 5C0W., BouCouny CT nce UT $..19. AEsnGonJudyJenosn- d-- 8 er-13- Wo'ro expending our staff O' ' Oki . r Oljcvcilcbh pccllion sofier-finance- d r fv ) rvpp o Free... THREE GOLDEN LAB AND GOLDEN RECEIVER MIXED PUPS- - Free to good horns BeaufiM dogs Female and male. Cal leave message. 623-460- 23Pd Business Oppor.. r- d21 V ta ri-e-o crczzzZz, t.lcnCyl tten to claims the Personal Representative's attorney of record, MMon T. Harmon at the following address:36 South Main Street Nephi, Utah ; or (3) file their written claims with toe Clerk of toe District Court in Juab County; or otherwise present their respective toere claims as required by Utah taw within three months after the date of the first publication oflhis notice or bo forever barred. Dale of first publication June 4, 1997. MltonT. Harmon for Personal Representative Attorney 36 South Main Street Nephi. Utah 84648 2 The Six County Association of Government is accepting written applications and budgets for 6 SS8G funds, to be by June 20, 1997, to the Human Resources Office, P. O. Box 820, Richfield, UT 84701. Furring can be used by Service Providers lor social service to clients on a reimbursement for service basis. Contact the AgingHuman Resources office, 250 N Main, Sevier County Court2 tor house, Richfield, UT 64701. more details. y SSBG funds are designated local and wB be allocated by the Six County AOG Board based on appfications received to a competitive process. SSBG furring requires a 13 cash local match. 22 23 Bill FY-9- sub-mftt- 896-922- dtecre-tionar- PUBLIC NOTICE CREDIT TO GET A START IN UFE?-We- l, This ie Yxrr Chance of a Lifetime to WM a 20 War OM. $300,000.00. Wei Estabfiahed A Respected Home Elec- tronics A Furniture Ratal Business Complete With Inventory A Equipment Mb) Investment For Further Detals cal 23PO (ucan Legal Notices... NOTICE TO WATER USERS The State Engineer received the blowing Appficationfs) to Appropriate Yeter in Juab County (Locations in SLBAM). Peraons objecting to an epplcetion muet Me a Protest elating the reasons tor toe protest 1b have a hearing before toe Stale Engineer, persons must request e hearing to toe Protest Protest must be Med to duplcato with the State Engineer, 1636 West North Temple, Sol Lake City Utah 641 16. (8016387240) on or before JULY 1, 1997.. (PROTESTS MUST BE LEGIBLE WITH A RETURN ADDRESS). These are informal proceedings as per Rule R6556-- 2 of toe Division of Water Rights. (LEGEND: Point(s) of Diversion POO; Place of Use POLt Nature of Use - USE) 19-6(a70911): William A. Alder OUAMTYi 641.12 SC-- 6 SOURCE: 16 in. wel 100 6 to 500 6 deep. POO: (1) N 100 E $30 from SW Cor. Sec 26 T1 16 R17WL (12 mloe North of Troul Creek) ICE: Irrigation from Apr 1 to Oct 31, total acreage 160.00 ace: Stodnwlering: 40 head of POU: S 12 SW 14, NE 14 SW 14 Sec 28 NE 14 NW 14 Sect 36 T118 k. R17WL Robert L Morgan, P.E. State Engineer Published In Nephi Times-New- e on JUNE 4 6 11. 1997. PUSLICKSTICZ A special meeting of die Nephi City Cound wB be held al 6:39 pm. on Mon-dq- r Juno23, 1S97 at cfcy hal to consider toe adoption of foe revised budgets tor fiscal year 199867 and toe budgets tor 22-23- 193766 22-23- NCT9C2 The Levan Town Council wifi hold a public hearing on Friday. June 20, 1997 al 6:00 p.m. to take comments on the 1 997 1998 Levan Town Budget at the Levan Town Hal. 22 - 24 Bill -- PUBLIC NOTICE The Levan Town Council wil meet to a spade) meeting bn Friday. June 20, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. at the Levan Town Hail to adopt toe 1997 1998 Town BudgeL22 - A special meeting of Cound Coneultonts CAU rcr, ZZZ- - UJ--e Ins 7T"y kjng quotes for Jenlto- rtJ CUx-r- ; tzrvwe Contract Ptoeeo f r "i. CJ buT I Can 23.CC9enuere Lucan at HAS VGUR UTS CECN AFFECTED BY i CXy Mon-Jtm- e 26 1997 at c9y hel to consider toe sMxSan of toe revised budgsti tor fie-199367 and toe budgets tor d pr r.aJSKS72 toot (1361.23 toe Nephi ed be hs3 el 830 pm on KhiCSywShoMpuHc hearing el 7.39 pm. an Friy, June 23 at cy hel. The pxzae ton-tati- Juab School el toe hearing Ie to receive pub- - District Tracy DOIoon 23 - 24 BB Business Administrator NOTICE OFTRUSTEES SALE The following described property vrifi be r sold st pubfic auction to the highest on the 8th day of July, 1997 at 11.60 A.M. at the front steps to the Juab County Center at 160 North Main, Nephi Utah, by JUAB TTTIE& ABSTRACT COMPANY, as Trustee, under toe Deed of Trust made by SHERIDAN K. OLSON and KERRI JACKMAN, as Trustors, and recorded on May 9, 1 996 as Entry Na 207007. in Book 376, Page 80, of the records of Juab County; Utah, given to secure an indebtedness in favor of ROBERT K. ANDERSEN and DONNA W. ANDERSEN, as trustees of THE FAMLY TRUST OF ROBERT K. ANDERSEN and DONNA W ANDERSEN by reason of toe breach of certain obligatione secured tooraby Notice of Deteuft was recorded on February 27. 1997, as Entry Na 209465. in Book 382. Pago 529, of too records of Juab County, Uah. Trustee wB sal at pub-i- c auction to tha highaat biddar for cash, payable in lawful money of the United States at tie time of sate, whout warranty as to title, possession or encumbrances, the foliowing described property at 645 South Main, Naphl Utah 84846 Beginning at tha Northwest corner of Lot 3, Block 13, PtatB of the Nephi Townsite Survey, thence North 895951 East 168.78 feet along the North fine of said Lot 3 to a point which is South 89S751 West 47.45 feet from the Northeast corner of Lot 6 thence South 00157 East 21 4.92 feet to the South fins of said Lot 8 thence South 895045 West 16686 tost along said South fine to too Southwest corner of said Lot 6 9ranco North 0OOT1 3 West 215.37 tost along too West Ins of said Lot 3 to the point ct beginning. for the purpose of paying obfigations secured by said Dead of Trust todudtog fees, charges and expanses of Trustee, advances, N any, under too forms of said Deed, interest thereon and toe unpaid principal of the Nolo secured by said Dead of Trust with interest thereon as in said Note and by law provided. DATED: June 4. 1997. bid-de- JUAB TITLE 6 ABSTRACT COMPANY. Trustee -- 24BB (Sitf By: PUBLIC NOTICE The Juab County Commission wB hold a pubfic hearing wB hold a pubfic hearing on Thursday June 26, 1 997 at 7:00 PM in the commission chambers. The purpose of the hearing is to receive public comment on an amendment to the Juab County Zoning Ordinance concerning Planned Unit Developments and other minor wortfing changes and corrections. Copies ct the proposed ordinance wB be available from the office of the Juab County Clerk beginning Monday Arne 16, 1997 at 6:30 AM. PUBLIC NOTICE The Juab County Commission wB hold a pubfic hearing wB hold a public hearing on Thursday June 26. 1997 at 7:30 PM m fire commission chambers. The purpose of the hearing ie to receive public comment Ihs Juab County Subdivision Ordnance. Copies of the proposed ordinance wB be avaiade from toe office ol 9te Juab County Clerk beginning Monday June 16, 1997 at 8:30 AM. PUBUC NOTICE Pursuant to toe provisions ol the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, notice is hereby given that Fox Televisions Stations Inc. is required to Ms with the Federal Communications Commission, no Inter toon June 2. 1997, an application tor the renewal of transistor station K5688, Rural Aurora end Juab County, Utah. Station KKC3 operates with peak transmitter output power of .1 kfiowatt from Deep Crook Prok. rebroadcaskng station KSTU, Channel 13. Sell Lake City, on output Chennai 56 todMUuale wishing to advise the FCC Of tods ratelng to station 656881 renewal appficelion end to vtoetoer this station has Operated In toe pubfic interest should Me comments and petitions with toe FCC no telertoan September 1, 1997. 23 - 23 B n Mary Lou Sperry. Presktont23-2PUBLIC NOTICE BB 5 A special masting of tha Mona Town Council wdi be held at 7X0 pm. on Tuesday, June 17. 1997, at toe Mona Town Office Building to taka comments end adopt the Town Budget lor fiscal year 1997-9- 6 23-2- 0 3 PUBLIC NOTICE Nephi City wB conduct s pubfic hearing on Tuesday; July 1, 1997 at city ha6 The purpose of toe hearing is to accept pubfic comment on a request from Ctarfc and Claudia Ostler to change toe zoning on part of the proparty toey own at 148 Souto and 100 East from residential (R 16) to combined use (CU). The cound wB also ct putitic cofftffufrt oft the same change being appfisd to property owned by Parkin Motor acfecant to the Ostler property. Contact Btair Painter at 1 you need assistance to attend or partidpeto In this hearing. 23 - 25 623-062- 2 B n NOTICE Central Utah Couneofing Center is so- - csptioj bids on tho Mowing woffc lom tor toe Shepherds Lodge Motto to Ncgbk 1. Remodel work: A. Manager's Apartment Ramodal foe lying room, kftchon area, hefvixwa. bedroom. New cabinets to kftchon area, mj and new carpet and Inoleum toreugauL 8 Group Kftchon Area: todudae comev tog an existing apartment into a kitchen area tnetoMng now Incteum 2. Electrical Wortc The etscblcDi wok throughout toe oomptox wB nasi to fc upgraded I needed. General contractors as wd ea contractors ere invited to Ctoetog dale is June 2C3tnccrd3C 2421 to loam more about aadt tzZ : sot up a tone to took at toe Ash tor Don. wo looomo vo I efi bids Central Utah Getcr T j-o- tp tm fx prxt PUBLIC NOTICE On Mey 22. 1997, Utah State University appSsd to toe FCC tor renewal ol fie cense to operate FU banister K2tOBl whfch ie located e km SSE of toe center el Lawen, UT on Horae Haven Moun-Wand aarree Lovwrv. UT. The translator Bp i rain on channel 210 (949 MHz) at a poarar of 10 W EGP and rabroadcasts station KUBU-Fto Logan, Utah, channel 216 91.5 MH. fodhridueb mey advise toe FCC of tacts ratoting to our renewal agpficMon and to tritefosrtoie translator has operetad in toe pubfic tots re at by long comments end psCtona wq toe Commieewn by August 22, 1$97. 23 23Efi n Cf cg3 yzzn cf c;? cr Clzx. DEANNA LUNT -- ELECTRONIC HEALTHCARE PRODUCTS- MedicalDental Bluing. Absolutely; NO personal selling required. Our "M.A.P., does it tor youl Cel tol Investment $8495. free 23PD Financing Available (ucan) FEELING REJECTED, DEPRESSED FOR LACK OF ENOUGH MONEY OR PU-3- J3 L y'jL: -J'T Ibr V.V.o end SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT (SS8G) APPLICATIONS DUE 49 OVERWEIGHT PEOPLE NEEDED TO LOSE WEIGHT- - end earn extra income. Cafi tofi free 23Pd - ,. LUNT above-entitle- Wanted. . a whose respective addresss are 357 S 200 W & 354 N 200 W, Nephi , UT, has bean appointed Personal. Represend estate. CredF tative of toe tors of the estate ere hereby notified to: (1) defiver or ma! their written claims to the Personal Representative at the address above; (2) deliver or mai their wri- (801)623-180- f) 23PD (ucan) 623-183- 3. PAYMENTS!- - Lump sums notes A cash paid for deeds of trust, notes A mortgages structured insurance settlements lottery winnings Cascade fondtog,inc. 23PD (ucan) RECEIVING in ucNini njr Not S.p. firm. Cal Ph.601-587-272- but not Nmited to dhrorcs DUI, criminal dsfonss immigration, estate planning and business formation. 26 Pd 23PD DRIVERS... SWIFT TRANSPORTATION.-No- w Hiring Drivers! Contracted Law Office ATTORNEY?-Alie- n can help with al your legal needs Represents-Bu- s, WE'RE LEADING THE WAY.-Jothe leader In miss tor the laat tour years. Earn $70,000 to $128,000 a year. Covenant Transport Experienced Drivers Owner Operator Teams Tol Graduate Stu Free dents (ucan) 23PD ao-ce- biack-a-whi- to NEED AN KX. DRIVER wed-tfin- and Paint horaoe. Soma outstandhg horses. For catalogs, contact Melvin Dalton, box 576, Monties), UT 84535. 231D (ucan) AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS ESTATE OP MILDRED The Juab School District Board of Education wifi conduct a pubfic hearing on Wednesday, June 18. 1997, at 600 PM. at the Juab School District Office to receive pubfic comment on toe revised budget tor fiscal year 1 996-97- ; and on tie budget tor fiscal year 199768 After the pubfic hearing, toe Board vril consider adoption of the revised budge! tor fiscal year 1996-97- , and on toe tentawhich tive budget tor fiscal year 1997-9- 6 wB govern toe revenues end eiqiefrituree of the District By order of the Board of Education. TAYLOR , 23PO (ucan) WEB SITES FOR THREE set-u- p MONTHS-N- o fees $25 per month thereafter. Swan pages fully interactivo web sites Cal 24 hours (801)466-4719- . 23PD (ucan) staff members and ordering supples through purchasing dept Complete application at 1475 North 200 West Monday-Ffkh8:30 sm. to 4:00 p.m. 1601-465-21- DALTON GANG ANNUAL HORSE SALE. JULY 12. 1997- - Monttcoftx Utah. Soli- -- Deceased Probate No. 963400004ES FREE CLEANING STAFF SUPERVISOR FOR INC.-Eveni- ng E CONSULTANTS, work, approx. 15 hours par wttk. Rttpontiblt for tuptorttloQ nflw 623-052- 623-189- muM-purpo- for structured settlements and deferred insurance claims J.Q. Wentworth CASHIERS NEEDED-- Part time for day or swing shift. Must be 16 Also part time graveyard shift. Must be at least 21. Good starting wags Appy In parson at Texaco. 623-052- excellent conation. $7600 6234129. Salas (ucan) Aith bufidtoge-40x3- 0 $2,996 40x50 $4,995. 50x100 $9,650. Straightwal buildings also TROYBILT TILLER- - 8 hp Briggs angina. No Reason-att- o ava labia Comas with snow plow and chains, offer dentsdl (ucan) 23PD 5 $499.00. Cal Alan at days BUILD YOUR OWN TOP QUALITY 7 or before 8 pm. evenings. 1 HOME.- - Sava toouaands. We provide Pd enclosed ahol In 2 weeks- - lootings, TWO STEEL BUILDINGS, PUBLIC LIQprecast concrete sxferiorwafia. UIDATION.- 40x26 was $4680 now root plane, schedule, how-tfinancing. $2960, 40x57 was $8918 now $5618. Energy efficient, earthquake and fire Must sell, can deliver, blueprints sals. Mxi complsts. Habltoch (ucan)23PD 23PO (ucan) WEDDING LISTS-- We have wadding lists CALL FOR BIDS- - Nephi Western Cradtty for al Nephi area waddings. $2 or $5. Union Is now taking bids on a1972 : Supply 66 winnobago traAar. 24 IL, sal contained. South Main, Nephi. Can bean aeon at 97 North 600 East g 6 MMmum bid WEDDING LISTS- - Thinking about Nephi or cal $2,000. Bids vril be accepted until June gifts? We have waddings M for $1 , $2, $5 and up Nephi Lumber Company 27, 1997. Ws reserve the right to 1005 N. Main, Nephi. or reject any bid. BB CRAFTS- many items al hand made unique gift ideea, for catalog SH $200 WEDDING LISTS-- Wo have wedffing fists for al Nephi area weddtogs. $2 or $5. Waland 232c stamps to; CPW-242-1 We also do sympthy flowers tor area nut Road. Auburn Hils, Ml 46326. funerals, fists available. Ufiiea & Lace (ucan) 2310 1 Floral, 50 South Main, Nephi, - CRAFTSMAN LAWN MOWER- at Avon Independent TAKE YOUR DISH ON THE ROAD- - Lot Computer & Electronics, 42 South Main, ALL STEEL BU6DMGS- - non-prof- it Comm. Services... Ext A89635. 23PO to Earn Money. Cal Why vices: (ucan) Pd 26Pd organiaccepted from local zations to run the food concession stand to toe bufidtog at foe fairgrounds during the Juab County Submit proposals to Fair, August the Extension office. 160 N. Main, 1 until June 20. ProposNapN, als should include description of nonprofit organization, menu, price Isl etc. 6. 23Pd ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT-- Fishing Industry Loam how workers can earn up to $2,850 ma benefits (Room A Board). Cal Alaska Mormafion Ser- 4-- STOCK RACK FOR PICKUP- - $150. Fits standard pickup Washer and dryer for sale, $100 for both. Cal raa-sons- be wB ls PUBLIC NOTICE bud- gets for fiscal year 1996-9- 7 and on the tentative budgets tor fiscal year 1997-9Copies of the tentative budgets wifi be aveileble tor pubfic inspection at the office of the city recorder. If you need any assistance to order to pertidpete to this hearing, pieeae cal Blab Painter at 6236822. 22 23 BUI ANNOUNCEMENT OP APPOMT-MEN- 623-179- commissions free merchandfee and bevel. Joan (ucan) 23PO PD a. PROPOSALS NEEDED-Proposa- Ic comment on the tentative revised KENT MAC LUNT 2-- posers; 27 Gres toot Inventors; and other superb tntsIQusst Audto Colso-tionwith lilotimo warranty and monoyhack guarantee. To loam about our odectlone and vetuatle free gits Cal (ucan) 23PD 785-060- 3. A FUN FULFILLING CAREE- R- Super-vis- a Christmas & gifts party plan from your horns No investment asm top 23PO (ucan) STEEL PIPE FOR FENCES, GATES. 6 POSTS, RAILS, .$38 ft; $.39; $.49; $1.10; $.95; $2.99. Metalmart $.69; 8 1200 E. 100 S. Lshi Cal for free stockprlca KL (ucan)23 2-- 623-245- 0 8--9. cal 24Pd Help Wonted. STEEL 16-RI- B SHEETS FOR BUILDING BARNS, SHEDS, ETC- - Factory seconds, btems,good prica, good selection. Cal for price & stock sizes. Metalmart, 1200 E 100 LeN ETC-1-51- LIVEN UP DAD'S TIRESOME OR OTHER TRAVELS?-Giv- e him wisdom of The WorfcfS 100 Grsatset Books; 1 00 GrsoisstPsopio; 50 Greatest Com- ALL STEEL BUILDINGS- - Factory 23PD DRINKING?-- For information about AA or or Abnon meetings cal 3766620. 62Pd o ieonequelopporkxCycr: cn$etr: not diecrimtoalo retiqion. or pewter. UcnggX tractors only ned r x f - Su'jca:;jD Tc- 2 ' 3. r 1 ' |