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Show .. ;r 4 nt'&r .M. t 4'i'r " fie ,. V i ft- - Interior views of new Temple Square Hotel, showing furnishings from Dinwoodey's. Vfc tZEL CONGRATULATIONS will ke Vw HMrl T(rle Mn. IwMH aa Ikt ZXJ?2ZJrz.m2.7Z we e a.a.1 aaaalar kwielrlee nn mt Wrat 77. .'7. Trm- - .7. la Aarrln. ik, bednawa are InrnUbH with (he want npetn-d- a te gtari fnml- Hb ntrrHc aehemea. Aw IpriM BMUfffMt Hat rUr IMaw are paed. aaanring the guateat aleeplng eaafart. Irfan H mm4 Taattoa are Bade akahia af ahpdt thrwfhwt rttlw tr TO THE NEW Tfc Centralized Radio the most TEMPLE SQUARE te Inter-Mounta- in MANAGEMENT Every room equipped. No ' " '' All ImUIwi ,fc" fnnltnrr la Ike laaacr rr I"rJ tel. ad Kelrlutar Faraitare hp the N. Dtpwaadejr ratahllahaieat. Makes up-to-da- HOTEL Tfc rmmm ' earl " .tlrM-tlo-- Rltdrlf KefHgmtlM was applied Caapanj, lUh'a aldeat piercutlie ttEn Hotel Temple Square Hostelry in America interference; fine, room-to-roo- m aundl ara all HepUerf with haapaat, TEMPLE SQUARE HOTEL dear signals. is the 1215 CONTINENTAL SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH BANK BUILDING CONGRATULATIONS Z. C. M. I. YELLOW CAB CO. RESPONSIBLE TAXICAB SERVICE. Phone Wasatch r J n 1 from TEMPLE SQUARE HOTEL Salt Lake Transportation Co. Baggage Transfer Scenic Motor Trips. Phone Wasatch Sightseeing BffA wOt 266 121 SO. MAIN, SALT LAKE. Modem Architecture Enhanced by a Modem Claude NEON Display Is the Keynote of Salt Lakes Newest Hostelry flaos Seal?' IPflaG world-famou- s Lecttei? RADIO SALES AND ENGINEERING CORPORATION and part of the structural steel of which this beautiful building Is composed, were furnished by ipSaifla for the new Let us modernize your apartment, school, hotel, or hospital. We are experts in Cent rail ized Radio installations. The beautiful Persian Carpet in the lobby, as well as all the Rags, Draperies, Curtains and Linens 2 couanCG admitting daylight to the new Temple Square Hotel, was furnished and set by i i ? 0 flOGO PoUGBtt Individuality is the essence of Neon advertising (Sonini0OGnTr . We will design a display to meet your individual requirements SALT LAKE CITY - tf ! ft Electrical Products Corporation of Utah and the charm of the interior finish is due to the extensive use of Ben-net- ts Property Life Insurance Paints, Enamels and Varnishes. i r j ukll.,lgl. 4 ? J 4 t . -- -- - W t V r fV'V' z ft m! Was. 2833 1046 South Main. V W " A ui i if |