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Show MW4 S i 4 m A Daily Thought No one can be THE DESERET JVEWS b Delivered great without faith in For Only wbat he is doing. POUNDED Dally 1850 LAKE SALT Woods Cross CITY IMIlSGilPEE Stockman Dies FRIDAY JANUARY UTAH 3 Iff FOR THEFT 15 Your Bom Week. EIGHTIETH 1930 . U. line CoacfclRUUHG Oil BOYS HEIDB. lo HE year Will Manage New Hostelry 'IS ESCAPE EXPECTED Philhrnnk Wylio (Thil) Jack-I son. 34, line coach under Ott ncy at the B. T U. the past two years, and all western tackle In I E IS FII1ED Interior Secretary An nouncea He Will Ask Bids on Boulder Elec tricity Immediately. California Youths feu to Charge According to Officers. $10 1914. died denly in Lake from Second Defendant Required to Give Bond Of $2,350 For Three Charge Over Accident Argument on City Ordinance Slated For Saturday. sud- Balt Thursday tmrapUca-tlon- s following Commissioner . Violate an operation for tonsUltis. Three California youths charged The fire escape controversy beLaw Out of Fear From he tween the city am) u. Urge group Red. as with having transported a stolen was known be- of apartment house and hotel owncar from their homo 1st Ban Diego Taxpayers Society Defore coming to ers wilt reach a decision Into Utah In violation of the Dyer Utah, played on Saturday probably when final arguments on State Solon. clare the act, have feen arrested at 8L University seven complaints are scheduled to of footChicago ho re heard befors District George, according to advices Judge in William H, Bra me ball team WASHINGTON'. Jan. (AP) on two cavs both In- reived Friday In Balt Lake by deIn A crisis has arison in the matter Hearings After had the started city of from Justice officials, Wilbur said partment Secretary today 1916. ai welt as of awarding old age pensions in the criminal branch of, volving automobile accidents in Sheriff WUUam Brooks. tnat he would negotlato contracts west- the all Salt Lak county, it was declared being court to of enforce orders 17 which persons were critically incity The boys, Douglas Reed. 5 ern tackle, he the fire lor the sale of power lo be genchief and building inspect-o- r nday by Representative Chris were hMd Friday in the po- Hugh Cottrell, 16. and Harold jured. honorreceived author of the old aga made tinder the present ordinerated at Boulder dam as soon lice court before tVy Judge James Smith. 18. were apprehended while able mention on ance, equity suits were I'CMUon law. filed in the to steal some gasoline after February 1 as possible, re A. fitiimp, one found guilty attempting tho The commissioners county district court seeking to enjoin the town. According to exgar diet of the outcome ot the and fined $19 and the other beirg in the Utah team. Representative Greenhagen on the theory that the ordinconference between gov rnors of held on three charges, upon which Sheriff Brooks they h&v e confessed 1921 to city over in earnest the to came Utah Ho ance orprotest oC plain. is unconstitutional. This violation. bonds totalling $2,350 have been to the Dyer act California. Arizona and Nevada the th at blast furnace of sions. pe department dinance, it is contended, makes it Sal' tak charge of the ERNEST C. ROShITEK. Harry Gaytor, which wiH t held al 1'hotn.x, author of the law and numerous placed. he Columbia Steel mills near posable for the city inspector and L A. Chiding.-- , tachtr m the Lake boy who pleaded guilty to s Urovc have dv h was part-ti- the building inspector, Arii, on Junuaiy 29. That taxpayers, tentatively CHARLES W. H ATCH. year to in a act violation prescribe charged d East high Dec. 4 Dyer cided upon a budget of $49,099 for hol. Lpper I'dHii Hia.e also hate enroach of the Y frosh squd a different rule for every bouse Charles William Half h. general on a charge of driving his automo- grand jury indictment, was sen the an amount tered tne controversy. uetnaitding 1910, year not Funeral have barely arrangements house same and for the from year Cross Mock bile through a stop sign at Sev- tenred to five years in the indus- ieen made. sufficient to pension 459 pensionthat the rale to b. tbaiged for manager of the Woods to ear. at Ogden Friday for over twenty-fiv- e ers at from 414 to 412 eacli enth Last and Tweniv-firs- t South trial school power be raised in ord r t.at the company Alonzo D assistant Watson, States Tillman city Judge and known well a Church streets when his car struck Carl per month. tevtnue would be in excess of the )tars said he believes the ordinJohnson. his worker died 158 son at residence of 11, Patrolman "There are now, Dec Buckwav, 429 amount to be pa d back to the fed- Third ance itself Will stand up, but he was paroled to Capta n Gaylor Mrs. of G. bean disease was avenue, and J. the department estiBurkwa, applicants, eral treasury will seek to havo the equity suite of .Secretary Wilbur Thursday. in charge Henry Taggart, agent found and mates that before the close of guilty paid bis $10 fine thrown out of court on the theorv recently wrote to the upper basin In the accident the boy suffered the Salt Lake office. United State 1930 there will be about 799 apMr. Hatch was born in Wood states that the rate proposed was secret service, sometime ago. Capthat they are attempts without seven-inc- h a skull fracture and Oct. 1867 Cross. and IS, from plicants who meet all the requireas high as could be charged unto owncost the house tain had the apartment Taggart brought boy to e from ments for the bis reports youth was active in ecclestas according pension, ers to avoid the penalties of a law ices it was desu ed to bankrupt early and that the number of peLsions lie and civic affairs. He performed home, 1104 HackUy place, one before the court for sentence Frithe bujem of power. had violated. he learned when already Gayler day will be stabilised at 59. two missions to Rngland. The first side of the lad face i still If the owners wish to contest Public Invited to View D. T. recently participated In a pett Two wiiieSt The conclusions reached at the in 1896 and 1897 and the last in These figures mean said Mr. and M E Hill, testified, burglary and had broke serera Crime of SerioUS Nature the law now, he declared, they conference of governors will be 1519 to 1921. during which time Greenhagen, Thai. 290 qualified in he a if the windows school bond must, convicted, j put up saw grade the car run through the South. applicants will not receive penBuilding sent to him, 8ecietary Wilbur'said, ha was president of the Birming- they appeal from the convictions sions in 1930, though they may be For the past two Intersection without stopping andjon or brforc Febiliary 1. The in- ham confrrem-eShow Slight Decrease and on straight law suits. West Temple Streets just as needy, just as worthy, just years he has been an ordinance saw the boy struck and buried toj terior department will immediatebut the as d. VT much entitled to the pension, Judge Mump ground, Over 192$. ly draw ibe contracts for the sale worker in the Salt Lake Temple. di.l not appear to he an iiNOIXlUiCCS LtlOSCtl ss those who applied earlier U)d wife Caroline J. Hatch, who the be ox power. Dec. 1929. fore aggravated one and could see j hint, also filled a mission Iheir s.gning will clear the wa survives Hoof new Offpbl the than! no fine reason opening more a All of 1930 in why that and a for the interior department liaT with him to Ergiand, being the tel Temple Squir, corner of South number that apptjr be imposed! The annual report cf Secretary applied in 192s will to ak Congress for so appropria- first president and organizer of a $10 shouldthe de- driv. F. H be denied three of the The West Pnmarv indicate police in and Facing association charges, the British ntngcr figures which streets, TmpU on work the tion t' begin actual The list of candidates for off.- - payment deiettivc bureau for th of a mill is also surviv- ing while drunk, hit and run, and mission. Mr. a built at a cot of $500,i00. ha that a tax of Colorado river project. This wil' ed A wil! be required, but will be amp), January Good Tlm-- s Jubl- - been a son Charles Victory; and speeding. Arthur C. Elswood, 25, cers to be robed on t the an- - ,'ar ,,:s fhos a total of 1 58 for begin in the summer unless the the by erJaw. at 4, was 72 to II street whoe name baturda. pay all legitimate claims for jrr,iU'' ,0 major and minor lee," planned to clrcuiment anj 3 following brothers ard sisters. question Is liken ro court. Marv Mann. ft. P. Hatch, Thomas roneously sivn as Ellsworth, en- nual pm. when the uo'i- invited 193u and for years to come. -- a 'har1 ,dra Becretaiy Wilbur .aid that he Hatch and Mrs. Lillie Eldredge. "It tered a pla of not guilty to each of the to new tiir inspect and at Utah seems that hirelings was Ter P maintam hopeful of complete of Woods Cross. John X. Hatch charge, and th ca was tentativel- drar SC,hh'1 W.Jir.n,1':iyt inee..Uoo, ere conduit j by!maclffst !,8rf Taxpayers association have tend a speciil progiam if music threatened up by i mental the rfgrecment a: the Phoenix con and Mre Ada Parkin of T-with commissioners of the y ct for trial Jan. IB. equilibrium i,rea pan ,hop and that thre pos- Klswood is accused of striking ating committee at Its session FriWilliam Hauli of Klgbv rifa of tolen popert amounted public, in lino with President and entertainment winch wi.l be alt sorts of evils in rase they pennoon Comat the Chamber of day sion s.btlitv bo will bo pi snt at the gel. more of the Orvis 'Hoovers announced national atn- pruv.ded from 3 until 9 p.nt. Ern Fullmer. any aged and In Idaho. Mrs. All' Duerdn also of and running over 5, The names were not made to Th . eat C Hossiter, mmagj-- , announc- firm than have already been Idaho and Profmda Hogan of 9. son of Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Full- - merce. indicates that rob-- 1 Pa?n of a similar nature. vvj! mf'e.mg. rtpcrl awarded. The actual payment for w ts ai Pros and Komatne Parkin mer, 924 west North Temple street putme. us h.ghest peak in Ptnsored during the month b ed pridaj. The whole qupfction has thei New Years daj. fracturing Lake. Offierrs of the Zion s fcyvuriUe each adult in 8alt Lake county, Juiv. Vuie prowli in September KKO Drphpunt officials, facing the interior department ofBalt of a mil! shall be have to will Elswood Funeral he said with services is he'd of skull chamber was ng in owners bo's junior of the new if since the enactment of Boulder during ion) corporation, iirtny months.greater -. '8! a levied, will be about 8 cents "ar1 thalwl Sunday at disregarded cries of other In the winter January merte members. It was announced build ng. made an inspection of H month. .lam legislation a ago. Actual is sum That the each that o clock. and to have dashed away from the; there wre 200 arrest, more than Friday. Thursday, and Friday a group of adult would work in the construction of th towards C. lopar west keeping of of J. scene, In anv Airport! other month. the Quinn, manager running prominent public officials includdam has been held up pending an where ho was apprehended. It was Crimes committed h rc during cal Orpb-utheatre, announced ing Governor George Dsrn and all the people past 45 and incaagreement in the Colorado river claimed he was badly intoxicated the plan to devote the facili- Mayor John F. Bowman, and aem-ber- s pacitated to earn. It would not o that a ear. of are the nature, seiitus commission between Arizona and A garage at Eighth South and classified as at the time. j broadof Salt Lakes various service felt by the average taxpayer. It is follow: Murder, 5. ties of the theatre. Its California regarding the distribuonly blg business" that is fightIn the speeding case Judge James! Thirteenth East street was un-- as against 4 for the previous year; casting time and Us other clubs, were shown through the ing tion of power to bo gereraled. the modest pension payments fixed bond of for a $58; contact of is with the public, Stump spon- building. homicide, 1, as against 4 in 1928, of per month to vetera no whe drhlne h.lp drunk. IJ0. nnd burglary, safes, 4. the same as in sored nationally in the RKO Manager Koesiter announced pioneered and helped to bvtld thin the hit and run charge. which plans to turn over its fhat a banquet honoring local bo- commonwealth', 1928; store burglary 324 as against who are new 333 in 1928; bouse, HI as against national broadcasting time to baetc. diowii. he peopla broken c.r rien 541 ar.nr,mn," WK,rC b;lnS.n IOta j from the as the se the arson. well tors be win at held Ho 2, the before; V year president's campaign, Tcm. ptrao aby J. A. Wheeler bond rf the movement Iocallypift Square Thursday, Jan. 9, com jjia to say about it 13. lM other isautt. weapon. support moonconfiscated load of r.lMd Wav t... In every city where there is 18, embezzle ulU, 34. bunco. Qicncing it 7 pm. JTA shine whiskey. Officer Will Invest! gs.TW n consciousness since the -17. mrnt. The hotel, ah ch coot tins 20ft petit larceny, 80U, member theatre j Later returned and arrested they President Heber J. Grant was opdent rooms complete with Friday morning ho nowt r or grand larceny, 43. missing pera man who gave his name as A. T sons. os h on in St. Mark's erated pit flan 44, bath aud wired for radio, is the 13; for Piezo puree pickpockets, Friday morning Davis was carrying hfti con- Davis. for fracture and 19. suia snatcher. depressed modern the 158, most in robbery, two west, will dedicate Ion kegs from the garage but the Calif, where he dition was reported critical. popular-pricecides, 24; 13, and: hotel." acshoplifters, kegs wers empty. Wheeler is be-- l criminal chapels, Sunday. 30. assaults Utah officials assumed an ac to Manager Rosi:r. Mr. cording ing held but Davi was released. The president who wan accomUosailer will aasiel in the nirage- - t.ve role as mediators of the difDuring the year Lieutenant D panied by h h wife, will be to. H. Clayton was promoted to chief ad as host? of the ferences W'hlch have arisen between at San Diego bv President Jifph rvlm-tu The plan for the silver anBi itrnnt and of detective, with Captain Riley, he decjared the state fsh and game departClayton Blank, of the W. McMurrin of the California of. and M. BeckMead as in banquet voraary meeting second were Athton and Be rank. Architects authorities ment and Wyoming nee department nl be ass.gnej association! McKean Manufactures and Utah was tne Howard when an, Bron I). Anderson assistant to the traffic President Grant will re.urn toj aepaitmeni as rat and J. Arthur Jan. 8, at th Hotel Utah werej contractor. The hotM wui be open- attorney y al Investigator, or inspector ot ac- - The county commission Frida) Lake in about a wek. a and game commisto announce-- , outlined at a meting of the board; ed ffr huinea Mondav. Jan. $. Mecham. jcidems, according consultation after agreed Evanston Friday. left for sioner E. In a collision Thursday afternoon Burbidgt off lee-- from Fort Douglas to write jmeiit of Chief Joseph Friday noon at the Chamber of at Navajo and west Fifth South Departure of the two official Cominf rre followed further conference ben The busmens of the annual Srivn Kfnk dJ'y ,u in - rnf7rminrth7'7.rreU,;h - taon be,?eenu'2.raoh!l Ttween game wardens and Judge wil begin vith & luncheon An automobile race have on said lo ?ral1 ,n4 varwriht a.cid.m rei.un.d to the depart-- , omob J 15 at the Hotel Utah A. been smarted George P. Parker, attorney general, 'at J,ra of ?a,g tycajJUC at mtmbrn omn.d b, Thursday ntghl Oliover the facts on which a kidnapForbes. 1354 Roberta oi t1. G. ment, to make a record E ghteenth 8ou h and Main streets j which the addrega of welcome will military establishment will ver Olsen, 84, of 57 west Fifth between ncas v hated. N given b .l ping Large Is brought by Wo and R. W Morgan, time, place, tondn.on John 8'cretary of Slatre-Allen. 22. and Des- M.Iton Ljnn South reIF brakes suffered Confession fxa.mnu concussion Committee street, to litm. the robbery Welling. prosecutors against R. St ming I two fed.ra! prohlltilion a.nt, who, ur?nnnt,. 19. mond '.'- .-I Jensen It Th of ended arton appear. Murray of the brain and cuts on the head "V"ln't;kiewth7 prmulj cently of the house at 414 Pugslcy Terry. deput game warden. port will b e followed by the prln-un- at ran Police accordaccretanMr- - bfor and ,hc to pars th- - last - iUl as rvice headquartets W-m thc and hand, and Lillis June Cartto be given by W. ; mj,dpSi (he facts, Terry arreted a Wyoming youth who ctpal address to were Latrell! Patrolman court Joe James made iw by ing j dor the new law issue liconat pla.M ned Dastrup rota will bo on on Ha suffered wilt cuts rrcord. 4, the local wright, talk .on animation, aajto kept attorney. Ray. charge of Illegal shooting of those who claim exemption In left hand and cheek. Both were acted as referee, and W. H. Clark, on force at least tem-- i it is believed that bj this mcth- -' the Salt "What Utah loduatries Mean and M. H Stevens rnday. nc-- 1 grouse In what he believed to bo r, the race was a tie. toJLJUct of Detectives David Ftah taken to the emergency hospital Utah- cording porarlly. German E. Ellsworth, ad- 0d a more accurate check can bej3 Lake county from taxes on tp territory. it is alleged the youths drove and then Co their homes auiiouncrd Friday af uisi on sccideuia and the--r tomobits. Te banquet at 7 pm. will be The two men were arrested by. Sometime later Terry was charg- When a motor driven band car In excess of 59 miles an hour, and presided over by O. B. Berrien, ter he had received authorization causes, will cause drivers to be M t the district attorney by both In booked were on D for speeding the Western Pacific railway Patrolman E, Williams and C from headquarters in Washington, more careful, and will go a Ion retiring president. with kidnapping. an and entered court nuaD. , to retaiu the men. P. automobile J. driven Friday at When in police traffic they searched by way Carlborg. minimiz.ng E. Stevenson, 2851 U10 police station they were wear- Chadwick not guilty pleas and the caaee set haps. In some ot ths stolen street, collided Thursday afternoon for trial Monday, Jan. C. Young ASK clothes , ySlUjUUv,, Cleaners Are Sought at the Tenth West street crossing. Jensen was represented by Mrs. Charges of burglary were charged Bill resida laborer B. entered Andrus, 3$, B. the who them Chief to against Meyers, plea according For Embezzlement H. J. Plumhof, general manager ing at 52$ 12 west Second South and who la scheduled to try the Clayton. of the Oregon Short Line rail- street, suffered minor cuts and cssse. Each defendant was released Two persons known as John Doe road. and D. 8. 8pencer. general bruises. He was treated by a rail- on a $50 bond Resulting from a fatal Goold and Jane Doe Smith, alleged road physician and sent automobile accident at ; of the Union Pa- to hiscompany agent passenger partners in the West Point Cleanhome. est cific South streets 324 Stale and Forty-Fift- h 13, Paul McNeils, tem. will represent the ing company, are wanted on an last October at 7, James N. and attendant South street, Eighth 8alt lake offices at the dedication! 2 embezzlement charge. 2 3 of the new $175,000 railroad staNellie D Pickle, parents of Melba Hansen Service the station, Annte The cemptatttt signed by was herd tion at Shoshone. Idaho. January Pickle, killed, filed suit In the disWatson. 145 Third East street, set east Ninth South street, two The cast of W. A. Hielsman. trict court Friday for damages of poor- 10, it was announced Friday. J. Thursday evening by forth the complaining witness gave up dresser ooo no one armed with bandits, nvanaL. ly assistant traffic Amos, coat the Peer- to tge cleaned a J -- Gov. month OGDEV. ruSTjand the station robbed ,.r of the .yent, and Harry God Melvin Petty. Gordon Moyes ihj and a silk dress which have never aot revolver le Coal w.th bed 31 9 a ed of H. officials for company normal a and wth Drn degrees, Madlll are defendants. Mayes Glenn George $34.51. win yeneral freight agent, who been returned. - The commission McNeils said he was alone at originally precipitation for the month check was continued by Judge N- - was drf'lng an automobile owned to be there, will The anpual Americanization the state building planned state Industrial a to Oratorical content the visit the time, and that while one of h unaMe to attend on account of open to all chil- made Petty and this car wri in col Wa,.,fn,.l.nCh under, !h; deflcten-- , Ph CLERK NAMED. Friday morning but lor by the robbers held a gun on him. the Idaho Wool Growers associa- dren of foreign born parent, un- school Friday to go over the buildltsion with a car driven by M.idiU 1. to S 9 Inches, the a time It appeared that the court 0 in the center of the street. cr Oct. of institution preneeds that (9. J. Boss was appointed deputy the other took the money ' from tion annual since of der held ing will H b year be to at age, held meeting some clerk of city courts Friday by th the cash register. report indicates. The weather will rath would bo ventl on two Melba Pickle, IS. was a passenger Idaho Falls the same day. It was February 22. at the chamber of paratory to submitting for amendment of continue generally fair Friday emplovea of th company. citv commission. He succeeds C. O commerce. It wa decided at the in a third car. driven by Leo Mof-tee- n. barned Fridav. a repriJudge Jensen night and Saturday according to Cowley who has resigned to aecp? R. A. Pierce, general superin- meeting of the Americanization the building law to th next legiswhich struck ths first twe mand to R- H. Coggers And E L T the forecast. a position In Washington, D. C. tendent and B. H. Prater, chief committee' of th chamber, epon-ao- lature. girl waa thrown from the car on Baker. the fined $1 and sovemof earh Aceompanymg w!tnsg of the contet and killed. engineer, will be m attendance If I B. Porter of the for contempt In deUjlng the case conditions permit. The eubjct will be on Geonr the trip are 10 minute building commission and R. K. through being tardy. Waataington and th manuscripts Brown, Later It appeared that both witnesengineer for the commiswill be limited to from 80 to sion. ses had consulted a watch carried 1.6G0 word. According Captain W. C. Asrerton. federal (9 Morrrr. sesat The last its legislature by one which was 19 minutes slow. of th Xmh corpa D. C Hunt, chairman of th com- sion authorized the building comThe judge gave them eac back area, with headquarters In San CASH AND CARRY mittee. to $50. 09 adminismission erect a Lake theft In bo Salt will paid to the clerk. Francisco, The purpose of the contest for tration building and hospital at the Monday to confer with member will b awarded. Ip to industrial school which Prices Th prise of needs Special Saturday assoof the local Federal Ruslneaa stimulate interest in American the institution have been found to on Compensation Awarded ciation, an oryanlzatlon made up W 'deals by aliens through their be for either s gymnasium or for " offer sons of the rery children. of representatives of the various For Death by Train a a to make possible building Mak-cr-LCOST a federal departments bere. MOST HEAT LEAST best farm properties in Egg Mash greater oeggregatlon of the girls Mr. Asserton will be feted at a m and was allowed by th Utah Compensation and Idaho on real atboys. luncheon Monday by the aasoda-lioBaileys Hen Scratch TRY NUT COAL FOR Stage Line Permit Industrial commission Friday to th it was announced Friday by tractive terms. Feed Transfer Allowed City Donates $700 Dr. F. E. Murray, president of the mother of Earl J. McTague, who Drop ns a tine Tor full delocal organization. Wheat, Corn, Oats, Bran was killed April 9, 1929 when he To Messiah Expense The public utilities commission tails. was struck by a passenger train Swifts Meat Scraps Friday approved the transfs of An appropriation of $799 was ot ihe Los Angeles A Salt Lake the stage operating rights held voted by the Fish Meal Cotton Seed railroad near Stockton. The mother city commission Fribetween! by the Pioneer Stages is to receive $2,149 In monthly cover costs of the Cake, Barley, Rye Salt Lake and 8t George and be- day to help on New of $30 each, payable by the of Year's day tween Cedar City and SL George to presentation Salt Flour Coarse railroad. The Messiah. the Pickwick Stages The Salt Lake Oratorio society Cmtutio Ross. Is facing a charge Potatoes Sweet Spanish solicited the contribution from the of persistent violation of (be Onions Carrots city. Gov. Allen Burglar Jimmies Window Secy. Lamont, law In tbs city courts, as a result of a raid Friday mornAnd Cuts Phone Wire To be Air Over Heard Four Conventions Cone early and .save e squad, ing by the police -North. west Third US at Wheu Mrs. B. M. Bl&ckhurst. SS0 money." Secretary of Commerce Robert . Sought For City . .The officers report they found a P. Lanost tnd Governor Frank east South Tempi, street returns') Find not. why Cbo Maying In fho B. Allen of Massachusetts will be A concentrated driy, to obtain large cache of liquor on the prop-ortpreferred wnnkor everywhere, ,4 to her bom, Thursday night, the PHORB Real Estate Department. the principal speakers when KDYL (our conventions for Salt- Lake for n trial Maytag wanfclaA was surprised to fnd (bat a rear If it 4aenat arU Itwll. and stations of ibe Columbia during lilt- - was outlined b, the Beneficial window had been Jimmied open H. Broadcasting By stem broadcast, th chamber of commereo convention Public WetnM 000 St E. gad Sa, totaling subscriptions and the telephone wires cut. proceedings 4f tbs Boston Census rommiuee. at da-- meeting FritSJ5 were ralasj to enahla need, Cow ronfetvAC j It Ji believed the, burglar befrom Boston, day noon at th chamber, accorddirectly W C.'a to- attend the reunion dinWere! West 49 Sooth Mila St. came frightened before they could Mass, beginning at 11:14 o'clock ing is Free Bancroft, chairman of ner In London over which the US So. 9oo At. Wpo. I9S ransack tha rooms. Saturday afternoon, 4, Prince of Wales preaided recently. the committee- 1914-151- proee-cutio- 1 1 m arr-su- Report lists 1,588 Arrests In 1929 old-ag- para-Ijze- Har-nrgt- at . Salt Lake to Have 'Good Times Jubilee For Scout Election Hth two-tent- u'couVlfjtnUBn. 11 o re wa-f- i $' v f beenjd,i two-tent- ;r h- ; j President Grant r1a Special Inspector Of Crashes Named Leaves For Coast "Ut forj.J,,. ll ll Dry Agents Retained Whsi-wTlV- Utah Game Officials Factory Owners Plan Jan. 8 Banquet' Autos From Fort to Three Injured Exempt From Tax In Auto Mishaps Auto Race Leads Youths to Court; Desoite Test Failure firri-cla- Ev-th- c Suspects Admit House Burglary 1 strt, ac nc-fail.- - Leave For Evanston e, d - Fa-r- if bfpr,; as-j- as 10-g- pec-Sa- lt fit c,i-cu- 't, J I 1 d - t j I time-keepe- I Manager to Attend Station Dedication C-- Eantn - rtTCllu Bandits Tiold Up Service Station tfllWWl ' For Death of Girl Oratory Contest Set For February 22 Gov. Dem Reviews Building Program -. three-corner- Slow Watch Saves ed From Reprimand I Jnin U. S. Co-ordinat- - or nud ' Here to Confer BAILEYS a TON CASH 72S Furnace, Range, Heater tal-lWasatcb Do You , Want A Farm? Alleged Bootlegger Faces Heavy Charge 520 7 There Are Now 1,500,000 Maytag Owner antt-vie- Bdby&ScasCo, - life ba. . j MladM xv fasti The Maytag Shop T il |