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Show I Superior Truss Service. I g Those needing trusses should remember that our stock and K h facilities arc unusual. QJ n Wo carry every style that jnay be desired or need, d to th any ru ft case, making a specialty of the famous U W White line n ru 1'rlvacy and undisturbed attention to lilting is limit-d by our j Special Fitting Room. V W 3 You arc sure of finding the truss jou need, of being lilted (n K properly and you have our guarantee of perfect satisfaction. j IJVo carry crutches and an adequate line of elastic, siocklnps, p adomlnal belts, etc. Special clastic goods ordered specially when H required and made according to careful measurements uj RITER BROS DRUG CO., 1 No. 33 North Main St., LOGAN, UTAH K ja5H5E5a5HHH5HSH5HSH5H5H5a5H5H5H5a5H5H5H5H5H5H5H5gl ft. . ft ft . I ($r (famvixntn $ i I I ft ft ft M ft ik rill1 4 MIHIH lllllllll b , 1 1 Ate SRli).MHlillililli1llJll & ft i . , Aft JTyHIS label is In every Burrojap "Korrect & '. J Shape" Shoe, and stands as &. Ruar&n- !, ' " tee that the Burrojap Vamp wUl not Y j! brean, througH before the first solo Is worn out. ft J' In the event of a. Burrojap Shoe wear- $fe Tj, lng contrary to this guarantee, the retailer 3E tj from whom those shoes were purchased Is H? S authorized to replace them with a new pair $& PACKARD CQ. FIELD &k .,. Brocnton. Mass. If. ft ft H I 1 $ For sale by Andreas Peterson. S 4& ft Thatcher Opera House, Tuesday, April 23 1 Charles B. Harford i 5 accompanied by MARIE DROFNAH 5 2 prentlng Shakespeare's Greatest Historical Drama I JULIUS CAESAR I : 40 - PEOPLE - 40 : and a CARLOAD of Special Scenery. Stage Settings Showing The Grand Square In Rome. The Roman Senate. The Conspiracy In Brutus' Garden. The Great Quarrel Scene In tho Tent of Hru- J tusTho Plains of Phllllppl. J S PRICES - - - $1.50, $1.00, 75c. and 5OC J J Note. Mr. Hanfoid will appear as "Marc Antony," the tole he carried when with ISooth & Barrett Scat Sale on Moneay, 22nd. THE NEW Oxfords are here in ever kind and leather that you may call for and in styles to fit every member in the family at "HUB" Prices. For Men $1.95 to $5.00 For Ladies $1.15 to $3.50 For Boys $1.50 to $2.95 For Girls 95c to $1.95 For Babies 50c to $1.25 You'd better see them before you buy. Opposite the Tabernacle. THE ONE PRICE STORE tm ifl IYour Success cfe rWttl B H pends Some on f S I your appearance. W 4 H So Get One A 1 of those i .- I SMART, NEAT-Fiitiug Hll'Bf 9 O a. -- um'lV' IS otwts H4SP m made in Chicago by KI&I S H FRIEND BROS.; and a iMwH If M LONGLEYHat .... ftlPff I II For Sale by ifl 'ff I M E.R. Miles Jr l 1 B OIVII I liriClLlJl Ul rricnj llruHirr'rtithinK Company M MiMiMPa,B;7gW6crraKgwiiiiiWHiIFl))liii i , ,,, , , , , , mjT IH A Treat. to the loycrof good whiskey is a drink from a demijohn of our Paul Jones or Shcrbrook, sold In bottles, too by the quart, by tho gallon, by tho case. You'll travel miles and miles before you'll llnd Its equal at anywhere near our price. Welcome to taste before you buy. J. R. EDWARDS The Most Import- il ant Item. H of the llrst meal of tho day Is coffee. '.H Are jou getting the best In tho mar- 'jH ket for tlit mono) V If you are, read M no further; If you are not, get a sample pound here and then buy as jou like, H where you like, but our Chase &Sand- H born coffee at 40 cents the pound is a H great favorite with our patrons. tl C. V. MERC. CO. H The Only 1 Method I in buying Pianos and Organs is to buy them on the H Merit of the INSTRUMENT, not on the strength of W aristocratic connections of the firm or the statement that H some school in Chicago or St. Louis put in an or- H der for a certain number of a certain kind. JM A prospective purchaser should go to a music M house making a specialty of Pianos and Organs rather M than sewing machines or fishing poles, and there in- H Ispect the stock on hand. Examine the instruments H carefully, note the workmanship, listen to the tone, H get the opinion of an unbiased musical friend in whom you have confidence, and then buy what you want. H Don't let anyone convince you there is only one iH make of instrument worth while. This company has !H on hand a large stock of varied makes, all good, and at -M prices that will interest you. Come in and let us I H show us our instruments and quote you terms. I B Hobbs Music Co. I I North Main, Logan, Utah. I M SHEET MUSIC arriving daily. Every late thing di- I fl rect from publisher as it comes from the press. I Hj " -rll |