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Show Special Election for Logan City Board of Education Says City Must Have New School Buildings at Once. The necessity of new buildings and equipment for the school children of Logan Is so imperative that the Hoard of Education last Friday evening decided de-cided to hold an election on April 27 for the purpose of ascertaining whether wheth-er the people will consent to a-levy of a tax for building purposes. The Board says that more and better room MUST be -had If the children of school age aro to be taken care of. - No definite plans as to the size or location of buildings has been arrived at but It Is felt that a two and one-halt one-halt mill tax for 1007 and a two mill tax for 1003 will provide money sufficient suffi-cient to relieve the present stress in " the proper way hence this appeal to the people. The State Health Inspector Inspec-tor has already published In Salt Lake papers artlales reflecting very discred itably on school conditions In Logan, and the Hoard of Kducatlon hopes I he people will be able to sec the necessity that confronts the city. A numbtr of the teachers were offered of-fered positions at the salary paid them for tho years 1000 1007. The conditions condi-tions of the school tlnanccs doesn't permit of a raise. On June 17 bids for supplying tho city schools with ,"i,000 text books for use during the coming live years will bo opened. Several text books may be changed. Supt. Cardon urges parents to keep their children In school until the end of the school term. Certltlcates of promotion will not be granted students stu-dents who leave school now Lawns at the Benson and Woodruff have been given to the children for use as play-grounds. |