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Show V3 y. Manufrand Dealer in u h ( rf?x 7. ; f . 5 ' fi H kviiigjiifit frecdi ved ow f .r J TURB FURiNt O i i r . - ..-tn- nr v m v? v a nrii S rTi - i i I i! . - r AiSaiftKNKitAii' ,! 1 ?" ' - i I I. i (.'! n":i 'JJdDDB CABPEMTEB AND BUILDER. t 1 A. S. THOMPSON, ft 1 J UTAH. ?v SILVER REEF, n.Willtake pleasure in makingpTokssionaj visits lo Washington. St.ileorgornysett Chftrges ex meut adjacent to Mlver Reef. a no ray jfcjL jyj-atreinel.v moderate, - and If ybuMWrdT JjSL e bene fitted.J ' :i write and toll symptoms, jjt "- . i .w? . t . f ! 5 '' i vS! ' . ... . IPf : s We are now prepared to exeo " all kimU'of . wayr . fflf ft ACCOUCHEUR. . A AND SURGEON A t f 2nd North Street. 3t. eorge. Given A 'li ' ! i- J $ . PHYSICIAN, v ; OCTAVE' 100 Other Musical Gifts intin naira fine Vnef Figure OrgamyiitfAc. ireful and elegantly .7M) 3 iocos Popular Sheet Music. A 100 100 -- BeantifulDil CHrMnbs.rr luoo As premiums'' with Grant 'Musical advert1. A?J to all who subscribe before Jan. iser, Send 7) cents and get one, of the above by return mail. Address,;". : Wm.ORANT. American Pork, Utah. A-t-- TUB NIN(i. WITH Neatness fe : : SCHOLL-SAWINi- r, GRAIN CHOPPING &; ' H . - a cheap as can bdv olitai P . in the East! l8 ' . Done to order on short notice by - warren hardy. Workshop on road to Washington; ? J SCHOFIELD'S 3 ) For Costiveness, Sick Headache, Low Spirits,Loss of Memory, Diwiness, Yellow Skin, Dyspepsia. Fluttering 2Tiat the heart Liver Comt per box. Address, plaint, Ac. Price cents r S W A Schofields1" ertern gency Cuuncil lililrts lowufc - a t( |