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Show iTni wf iift rnkr- - - i. j TJ-- ? &. Vi-.-- y? jJAi ,rir bV v ' . -- Builders Union. V C. ' t t ", M. P. ROMNEY, . SITPT. ,, A r prepared to furnish PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, billsofmatekial, t' negro preacher hi the nail on the head w lien lie discoursed thusly; De man or. woman, sinner 0&S fSbastian, whocant wjsit ,de; theatre Widbut fbelin1.. wicked dber it, or widout bein injerd by it, had better. Jiang, up on a .pole .Tongside o' drideapples. kase he in tgood for nuffin else. De man who emag-iiiedat de I.awd)ut,hiraon earth to carry a face.ljke Dutch cheese an - s H V . And r.li other information in regard to the erection of all kinds of building. (laving under steady employ a good corps of Builders and Cabinet Makers, we are prepared . to erect Stores Dwelllh s Ac., and also to duce all kinds of . A shut hisselffcUp iKe.an byster;haa no bizress to turn rduhau tell odder bp.wfhappy on Die shortest notice. ' 1 jt , 1 i . . . . 1' Constantly on hand. y.. A. J. MACDONALD. hk'll.KK IX I I Uhoice Wines ; I T, ,Vy i. heab-kinv be canid to extremes de same as lots ob oder tins, but when L fine a man who turns away frum a squftr, li brifcst nice whar de boss boss am gwine to winy I sot him down fbr a chap dat serves deLawd on Sunday an' cheats de grocer an' de butcher tie balance ob de week.,, : r ' angelswin MtoJiQSs racin', fru pro- ' -- Tfdlfes V7 ' Y' ' . . E. Johnson. Job Printer, St. George. Utah. Office. St: GEORGE, UTAll. - i..? r?,TUe old fit ' y AiO advertising medium having a general circulation 'throughout Washington County being distributed gratuitously. Terms rent'on application. - Depot: First North StNear Post ! lTA II MIDDLETON . H. Vetercnn .1 P.roj have just I'lilil a uniform edition of all flu new, 1881. NEW; YEARS CARDS 1881. works complete and written by Mrs E. D. R. X. South worth in 43 volumes: Beautiful Snow, a now illustrates . Y?our name and a neat design, for edition bound in snow cloth: My Hero, acanti New Year, either comic or senfci- - voting love story by Mrs. Forrester: The Trial Kaissa, and the Princess Oghemf bv Mariano mental printed on 30 fine tinted of Henry Ureville: Camille, hy Alexander Dmnn and Made Ity Mrs. E. I). K. X. South worth ...cards, for only 25 cents at this office. ThoySell have in press for immediate publication 1 Xenies Inheritance, by Iieury Gieville: lie I In h The new Enamel Paint lor sale it V hiteheads is a splendid article very eonveniept ami require no nixing Weve tried it and speak jositivelv. Tall ami see. A. a love story by Octave Fen I let: Yidocii, th Fteneh Detersive, an autobiography with rot traits and engravings: Madame Rnvnry t,v (in tave Flaubert: Sabine's Falsehood ftoin thi Kevneiles 'eux Monde : The Black Venus b Adolphe Belot: and La Curee, by Emile Zola. a?" We will take pleasure in ordering lb our friend, any ofthe publication of IVernr Bros., at. advertised price. Vc J. Macdonald makes a BOSS SICKLE 8RIH0E8. TT ' 'Wills, fcards, Tickets. Invitations) Orders, Receipts, Due bills, Rewards of merit I etal RlankH'atid all kinds of Job Printing done at this iifle. If H- - f.l K ( IMPROVED of Bottled Wines. Simple, Light and Strong f - No complicated Gearing. One man can, do the work of two. ami , turn out a better job. Thewinnei of First Preminm wherever exhibited. Send forllliiatratcdCirculai aud Special Discounts to Powell k Uoiglit, Wmkepu, 111 |